Witch Indeed (A Mackenzie Coven Mystery Book 2)

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Witch Indeed (A Mackenzie Coven Mystery Book 2) Page 14

by Sonia Parin

  The good witch’s guide.

  “I thought I only needed to say something for it to happen.” Clear intention, that’s what her cousin Mirabelle had said she needed to employ when she wanted something.

  “Are you still landing in the closet?” Jonathan asked.

  Lexie lifted her chin a notch. “It’s become my personal trait. A safety measure. Imagine if I transported myself into someone’s living room. I’m not going to be personally responsible for sending people into therapy. And that’s not the worst-case scenario. Anyone could start a witch-hunt. I’d be hunted down. Forced to go on the run.”

  “So now you’re landing in the closet on purpose?”

  “Of course.”

  “But that means I can’t tease you about it anymore.”

  “And your point is?”

  He grumbled under his breath. “I guess I’ll have to wait and see what you look like parading around as a monkey.”

  Lexie lifted a warning finger. “Stop changing the subject and tell me what went on between you and my mom.”

  “It’s all water under the bridge. Now, tell me what your cousins are up to. More to the point, what do they want you to do?”

  “Any chance I might get that coffee today? And while you’re at it, you might want to finally throw in an explanation of your duties as my guardian.” Luna flicked her tail and swatted her nose again.

  I want to go home.

  In a minute.

  I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home.

  Hush. Grown-ups are talking.

  “My job is to watch your back.”

  “Let me guess, but you don’t have to be nice about it?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her.

  “How did you even get the job of guardian?” she asked in the hope that he might inadvertently divulge something he’d been stalwartly withholding from her...

  “Born into it,” he said under his breath.

  And that, she knew, was as much as she would get from him. “Yes, but how does it all work. Does someone give you an assignment?”

  He gave a slow shake of his head and gestured at the empty air around him. “Someone... something decides. We’re drawn like magnets. Predestined.”

  That surprised her. “So I’m stuck with you?”


  And yet...

  Bees to honey, Lexie couldn’t help thinking.

  When he turned away to make her coffee, Lexie reached up and grabbed Luna.

  “Hey,” Luna complained.

  Lexie settled her on her lap.

  “I was comfortable on your shoulder.”

  “Pipe down,” Lexie whispered. “And stay away from the counter. You heard Jonathan. If he kicks you out, you’re on your own.”

  Luna dug her nails into Lexie’s thighs.

  “And stop that.”

  “I’m trying to find a comfortable spot. I want to go home.”

  Lexie gave her a scratch behind the ears. “I have some business to take care of first.”

  “No. No. No. You said you wouldn’t. I was there. I heard you tell your cousins you wouldn’t. You stood your ground.”

  Jonathan returned and set a mug of steaming coffee in front of her.

  “So, Mr. Guardian—”

  He put both hands up. “No.”

  “I didn’t say anything,” she chirped.

  “But you were about to and whatever it is, the answer is still no.”

  “But you’re my guardian. For life. That means you have no choice.”

  “But I can still say no.”

  Lexie pushed out a slow breath. “You’re going to make me drag you into this?”

  He crossed his arms making his broad shoulders look even broader. “And I’ll go kicking and screaming. It’s my prerogative.”

  “Okay.” Lexie drummed her fingers on the counter. “Here goes. Luna and I—”

  What? Me? No. I want to go home. Don’t include me. I’ve had enough adventure to last me a lifetime.

  The edge of Jonathan’s lip kicked up. “That’s two against one.”

  I think he heard me. That’s odd.

  It was odd. It had taken Lexie a while to get used to hearing Luna in her head... and having conversations with her. The thought of someone else eavesdropping... Ugh! She’d have to monitor her thoughts.

  “Sometimes I catch a stray thought,” he explained, “And the answer is still no.”

  “And I still hold the upper hand. Remember, I’m the High Chair of the—”

  “Incoming High Chair.”

  Yes. Until her mom decided to retire, something Lexie hoped wouldn’t happen any time soon. Still, she rather enjoyed flaunting her title any and every chance she got.

  A couple of months before, mention of the Mackenzie Coven would have had her running in the opposite direction. Now...

  She’d had a couple of close calls, but nothing that had caused permanent damage. And she’d picked up a few tricks along the way, with many more to come, she was sure of it. So now her curiosity had been engaged, and she wouldn’t mind seeing what happened next.

  Lexie lifted her chin. “Just because I share your reluctance and don’t wish to have anything to do with the coven doesn’t mean I’ll turn my back on my responsibilities.”

  “Would you care to name them?”

  “Is this a test?”

  Jonathan smiled. “You have no idea what they are.”

  No, but she had a few suspicions bubbling away. Her cousin, the High Chair of the British Isles, continued to be short on information, but everything seemed to point at some sort of covert operation dealing with...

  Lexie wasn’t exactly sure what, but so far, she’d come up against a deadly Inky Black Fog and an obsessed renegade witch. While she hoped she wouldn’t have to deal with any more miscreants anytime soon... chances were, she’d probably have to. And she’d need Jonathan’s assistance. As for her duties...

  Catherine seemed to be stuck in her own part of the world, unable... unwilling to travel and Mirabelle... well, her cousin appeared to have taken up a position of authority. Lexie supposed someone had to, which left her to pick up the slack.

  Catherine had warned her to pull up her socks. As the incoming High Chair, she needed to hone her abilities, sharpen her leadership skills and, if need be, lead by example. Lexie remembered she’d frowned at that one because her mind had conjured images of her plunging headlong into perilous situations in the hope others would follow.

  Jonathan gave her a self-satisfied smile.

  When it came to push and shove, she knew she couldn’t win the argument, so she decided on a different tactic. Mentally revving up her bulldozer, Lexie straightened and lifted her chin even higher. “The both of you need to stop grumbling right now. You,” she said pointing at Jonathan, “Hang up your apron and dust off your best suit. We’re going to the theater.”

  That’s how you break it to him nice and easy?

  Other books by Sonia Parin

  For any new releases, please check

  Sonia Parin’s Amazon Page

  or follow on BookBub

  An Evie Parker Mystery series

  House Party Murder Rap

  Murder at the Tea Party

  Murder at the Car Rally

  Murder in the Cards

  A Dear Abby Cozy Mystery series

  End of the Lane

  Be Still My Heart

  The Last Ride

  The Last Stop

  The Last Dance

  A Deadline Cozy Mystery series

  Sunny Side Up

  Snuffed Out

  All Tied Up

  The Last Bite

  Final Cut

  Sleeping With the Fishes

  A Kink in the Road

  The Merry Widow

  Dying Trade

  A Mackenzie Coven Mystery series

  Witch Inheritance

  Witch Indeed

  Witch Cast

  Witch Charm

nbsp; Witch Trials

  A Mackenzie Witch Collection: Witch Namaste, Good Witch Hunting & ‘Tis the Season to be Creepy

  Witch in Exile

  A Mackenzie Witch Collection 2: Jingle Purrs, Potion Heist and The Power of Two and a Half

  Witch Fairy Tale

  A Mackenzie Coven Mystery short

  Witch Namaste (Novella)

  Good Witch Hunting (Novella)

  ‘Tis the Season to be Creepy (Short)

  Jingle Purrs (Short)

  Potion Heist (Short)

  The Power of Two and a Half (Short)




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