A Vampires Touch

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A Vampires Touch Page 2

by Mina J. Moore


  My eyes must have bugged out of my head because Tarah was gaping at Jax. She looked at me and cocked her head to one side.


  I was fumbling for words. Part of me wanted to throw myself at him and implore he take me somewhere so we could be alone. The more rational side was mentally doing a background check on the guy.

  I watched as he grabbed his cell phone and punched a button.

  "Portman, have my car around front in five minutes. Thanks. "

  Well hell! Did he think I was that easy? Now I was pissed and wanted him to know it. Standing up I whirled on him and saw Tarah cover her mouth with her hand. She obviously recognized the glare on my face.

  Jax held up his hand. "Talk to your friend and decide what you feel comfortable with. I'll be leaving in fifteen. He stepped forward and kissed my cheek so very close to my lips. I wanted to pull his hair out. I was frustrated and turned on as hell. I felt like even though he was giving me the option, there really wasn't one. How could a sane woman refuse? Well, maybe one with half a brain and a little bit of self preservation?

  I sat back down and gazed up at Tarah. "Now what?"

  Tarah knelt down next to me. "What do you want to do? It's not every day something like that comes around. " She winked.

  "I don't know. I just met the man. And he owns this place. Can you believe it?"

  Tarah gasped. "That's even better! He's not an escort so it's not like he's doing a job. He is seriously interested. I say you go for it. Come on, Sienna. You spend all your time working at a job you hate. You've had a crappy love life. "

  I winced and she realized it a little too late.

  "Don't get me wrong. It isn't your fault, just the sleazy guys that seem to stick to you like glue lately. You deserve to have some fun. "

  I scowled at her because she was right. Life had sucked lately. My mother had married some ass top gun lawyer and moved to Europe. My father had split town the minute I was born. I didn't have any siblings or close family and life was passing me by in a rush. At thirty I had nothing to show for but a handful of bad relationships and although I had a professional career under my belt as a lawyer, the firm I was affiliated with was no better than ego maniac idiots. It was time to say "what the fuck".

  I stood up, grabbed my clutch, coat and squared my shoulders. "Will you be okay?"

  Tarah nodded and smiled. "I saw Sammy downstairs. I'll hang with him once I'm done smooching blondie over there. "

  "I love you," I whispered and hugged her tightly.

  "You need anything you call me. Keep that phone on you. I'll come and get you anywhere, anytime. Got it?"

  I squeezed her hand. "Hurry up before your dark knight leaves," she admonished.

  An escort miraculously appeared at my elbow and I nodded in the affirmative. He talked into his mic and parted the crowd, helping me get to the front. The doors opened and a kick ass red Ferrari waited by the curbside. Holy. Shit.

  I stopped and Mr. Escort almost ate it behind me. He gently urged me forward and opened the door. It looked like there would be more ass flashing. Oh well. Scooting down, because this ride was as low as you could get to the road without getting skid marks on your behind, I managed to sit on the tan leather seat with minimal exposure. When Jax reached over to strap me in, I took a deep breath, inhaling his sexy scent. His braid tickled my chest and I groaned inwardly. He took forever to click the damn thing in and I didn't breathe. I couldn't. Well, there was the issue with his cheek pressing against my. . .

  "There we go. I wouldn't want you flying around in your seat when we take off. " He grinned.

  He knew exactly what he was doing. And he was loving it! I took a much needed, deep breath and wondered where we were off to. Part of me was a bit hesitant to leave. I glanced at the safety of the club where groups clustered around the entrance. Suddenly it didn't seem so intimidating anymore. It wasn't that I was terrified Jax would strangle me and leave my body for the vultures; it was the intense effect he had on my. . . .

  "Are you ready?" he asked, watching my reaction.

  I pulled on the seatbelt, testing its hold, which had nothing to do with anything.

  "As I'll ever be. " I managed a smile.

  Jax hit the gas and boy did this car move it. We flew down the dark street, the buildings streaking by in a blur. I glanced at him through the corner of my eye. One hand on the steering and the other on the stick gave him a more than sexy vibe. Continuing to watch the road ahead, he smiled. Shit! He knew I was staring.

  "You enjoying the ride, Sienna?"

  Why oh why did that have to sound so scorching hot? Couldn't I even have a pleasant conversation without thinking about his. . . ?

  He glanced at me and I knew my face was scarlet. Could I make this any easier? I rubbed my legs trying to do something, anything to divert his attention. Well, that wasn't a very good idea because he eyes moved down.

  "Yes. This is a fantastic ride. I've never been in one of these before. "

  He nodded as if it thrilled him to pop my "Ferrari" cherry. I cringed at my thoughts. Did I have to relate everything to sex? I guess when your hormones were racing around like mine, you did. I watched him openly now, not really giving a shit if he noticed. Getting blind-sided by his allure was starting to irritate me. I wanted his head to spin. There he sat all cool and collected while I was a jumble of raging need. I opened my mouth to speak. . . .

  "I'm glad to be your first," he murmured slowing down.

  Damn it to hell! I mentally threw my hands up in defeat. I was so out of my depth here. This was not a courtroom and I was not cross examining a witness. Instead, I was strapped into a red speed demon of a car with one hell of a sexy man; one I was unsure how to respond to. So I remained silent for the next several minutes, taking in the view as we left the city limits.

  The skyline was dazzling. We parked high up overlooking the city lights across what must be water. It was the most romantic setting I had ever seen. Reaching over, he undid my seatbelt as I sat stunned.

  "Come on. I want to show you something. "

  I watched him come around and open my door. Standing on pavement, I realized this was not some random location but a residence. Off to the right was a huge two story home built in a very modern style; straight lines and huge windows made up the entire rear. It perched precariously close to the edge of a cliff, giving the illusion it was floating.

  He took my hand and moved me toward the house. I couldn't stop if my life depended on it. This place was simply spectacular. I glanced at Jax, his face was relaxed and he seemed excited. We reached the huge glass double doors. They opened and an older man was on the other side.

  "Good evening, Sir. Please do come in. I have prepared what you asked. "

  "Thanks, Coleman. "

  Jax wrapped his arm around my waist, urging me inside. This was it. I was going to enter his home, butler and all. Coleman smiled as I passed by him. He appeared delighted.

  "Ms. Forbes. It's a pleasure to have you. Please, let me take your bag?"

  I looked down at my small clutch and handed it to him. "Thank you. Nice to meet you. "

  Coleman disappeared and I was entirely on my own with Jax.

  "Would you like some wine?" He asked as he slipped my coat off my shoulders. I shivered when his fingers grazed my exposed skin.

  Did he sense my agitation? Maybe. And really, I was making it much worse than it was. Great, now I was thinking like Tarah.

  I followed him to the back of the house and my breath caught. The views were stellar from this height. Moving closer to the huge window, I wrapped my arms around my waist, holding in the nervous rumble of my stomach.

  He handed me a flute of wine, standing so close behind me I could feel his breath on my neck. I was suddenly warm and flushed. Turning, I quickly grabbed the wine he offered and took several sips. He watched the entire time, lips quirked in a sinuous smile.
/>   "Better?" he drawled.

  "Much. " I whispered, closing my eyes. The liquid burned down to my gut and settled deliciously.

  When I opened my eyes, it took a second or two for my vision to readjust to the amber gaze blazing intently at me. My flute was taken and set on a surface somewhere close, then, his arms engulfed me, one hand at my hip; the other grasping my neck. I can honestly say I have never been handled this way by any man. The passion alone was overwhelming.

  I stood very still in his embrace, luxuriating in the feel of him; his strength; the heat of his chest. My arms remained at my side, waiting to gather the courage to do something.

  "Touch me, Sienna," he begged.


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