The Dragon's Pursuit (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 7)

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The Dragon's Pursuit (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 7) Page 1

by Jessie Donovan

  The Dragon's Pursuit

  Lochguard Highland Dragons #7

  Jessie Donovan

  Mythical Lake Press, LLC


  Lochguard Highland Dragons Series

  Overall Dragon Reading Order

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Persuading the Dragon

  The Dragon’s Choice

  Author’s Note

  Also by Jessie Donovan

  About the Author


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  Books in this series:

  Lochguard Highland Dragons

  The Dragon’s Dilemma (LHD #1)

  The Dragon Guardian (LHD #2)

  The Dragon’s Heart (LHD #3)

  The Dragon Warrior (LHD #4)

  The Dragon Family (LHD #5)

  The Dragon's Discovery (LHD #6)

  The Dragon's Pursuit (LHD #7)

  The Dragon Collective / Cat & Lachlan (LHD #8 / TBD)

  The Dragon's Pursuit Synopsis

  When Dr. Layla MacFie realizes someone is stealing much-needed medical supplies, she doesn't know who to trust inside her surgery. Determined to find the culprit herself, she reaches out to Lochguard's electrician, Chase, who just happens to be the younger male who's been trying to woo her for months. But since there's no one else to help install the security cameras, she can't avoid him any longer and ends up being alone with him far more than she wants. If only the life of a dragon-shifter doctor wasn't so complicated, she would be tempted to give in and sleep with the male.

  Chase McFarland has known for the last two years, ever since the day after his twentieth birthday, that Layla is his true mate. While he tried to resist his dragon's badgering, it didn't take long for Chase to realize how amazing Layla is and that he wants to take care of and claim her for himself. His initial attempts to win her all fail, but when she asks for his help with a secret project, he decides to change tactics and prove he's a worthy male. The more time they spend together, the more Layla gives in, until he's ready to tell her the truth and face the consequences.

  As the pair dance around each other and discover each other’s secrets, they find out who the thief is and must decide what to do. Will Chase finally be able to prove he's mature enough for the much older Layla, or will she forever be chained to her work and deny what both she and her dragon crave?

  The Stonefire and Lochguard series intertwine with one another. Since so many readers ask for the overall reading order, I’ve included it with this book. (This list is as of January 2020.)

  Sacrificed to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #1)

  Seducing the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #2)

  Revealing the Dragons (Stonefire Dragons #3)

  Healed by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #4)

  Reawakening the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #5)

  The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons #1)

  Loved by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #6)

  The Dragon Guardian (Lochguard Highland Dragons #2)

  Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #7)

  The Dragon’s Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3)

  Cured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #8)

  The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons #4)

  Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #9)

  Finding the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #10 )

  Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #11)

  The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons #5)

  Winning Skyhunter (Stonefire Dragons Universe #1)

  The Dragon’s Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons #6)

  Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe #2)

  The Dragon's Pursuit (Lochguard Highland Dragons #7)

  Persuading the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #12 / May 14, 2020)

  Short stories that can be enjoyed any time after the first few books:

  Meeting the Humans (Stonefire Dragons Shorts #1)

  The Dragon Camp (Stonefire Dragons Shorts #2)

  The Dragon Play (Stonefire Dragons Shorts #3)

  Chapter One

  Dr. Layla MacFie did her best to focus on the mountain of paperwork on her desk as she waited for midnight to arrive.

  Not because she liked to work late, but rather tonight was the night Chase McFarland would stop by to help set up some secret security cameras.

  Her dragon spoke up. I say use the time to change clothes and fix our hair.

  You might want to draw Chase's eye and entice him to kiss us, but not me. The lab coat, shirt, and trousers are fine.

  Her inner beast huffed. You may try to fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. We share the same dreams. Like this one.

  Her dragon flashed images inside their brain of Chase pinning their hands above their head as he thrust deep inside her, making her moan as their bodies gleamed lightly with sweat, each of them crying out as they orgasmed at the same time.

  Layla tossed aside her pen and growled. Stop it. Chase is doing us a favor, nothing more. And no matter how many times you try to change my mind about resisting him, it won't work.

  Which makes you an idiot, and that's saying something since you can be brilliant most of the time.

  Her brows furrowed as she debated tossing her dragon inside a mental prison. Part of her dragon's behavior was Layla's fault. After all, dragons needed sex on a semi-regular basis, and it had been years since Layla had slept with any male. Mostly because of the sudden onslaught of responsibilities when she'd been promoted to Lochguard's head doctor, and she'd simply been too tired to smile or try to charm some male into bed.

  But her dragon wasn't completely innocent, either. The bloody beast seemed focused on a male they shouldn't have. Not just because he was so much younger than them, which usually meant he'd be more likely to flee when things turned difficult, but also because Layla had to find her partners outside the clan, if possible. As the clan's head doctor, she needed to keep close yet distant relations with everyone. That made it easier if she had to cut them open for surgery, or if she needed to make split-second decisions when faced with a life or death situation.

  Her dragon chimed in again. Maybe there's a reason Chase has fancied us for so long. If he's our true mate, then is that something you want to pass up?

  She blinked. It's almost unheard of for an older female to be the true mate of a much younger male. You know the instinct exists for one thing—to keep the species alive. Even if I were open to having a child—which my schedule most certainly doesn't allow—there is a much greater risk because of my age.

  We're thirty-five, not fifty. It's young enough.

  She rubbed her forehead. Did you miss the point where I said I don't want a child? There's no other doctor experienced enough to take care of Lochguard in my absence. And there would need to be someone here to help for any pregnancy I had, not to mention the ensuing recovery.

  Gregor would come back to help us if we asked.

  Gregor Innes had previously been Lochguard's head doctor. Then he'd
found his true mate in a dragon-shifter doctor from Clan Stonefire, in the South of England, and now lived there with his mate and newborn son. Layla had been—and still was—happy for her former boss. But him leaving had also left her extremely shorthanded, especially with all the pregnant mates and new bairns born in the last year or two.

  She replied to her beast, No, we can't ask him to come back. Gregor has enough to worry about, and taking a male away from his family for any period of time would be a disaster. And that's not a risk I'm willing to take.

  So instead, you'd rather just be alone, isolated, and live life as a robot?

  Now, wait a minute, dragon, that's unfair. You try to deny it, but we both love helping others. A robot wouldn't care one way or the other.

  Before her beast could respond, a familiar male voice filled her office. "You're frowning quite hard, lass. And since I'm a few minutes early, it can't be about me."

  Layla lifted her head and met Chase's dark brown gaze.

  The slight upturn of his lips and the intensity of his stare sent a rush of heat through her body, as well as a wee bit of longing.

  What she wouldn't give to have a partner in all ways, one whom she could share everything with. She loved her dragon, but the inner half was part of her and couldn't help her with most things. It wasn't the same as a mate.

  No. Layla couldn't take a mate. It was her duty to take care of the clan.

  Clearing her throat, she stood. Careful to keep the desk between them, she said, "I'm worried about the ever-growing list of stolen medical supplies, that's all."

  He raised a light brown eyebrow, which was several shades darker than his blond hair. "You've never been a good liar, Layla."

  Silently cursing her inability to deceive, she stood taller. "Not all of us were hooligans in our youth, Chase."

  He grinned unabashedly. Layla tried her best to ignore his dimples as he said, "It was more fun that way. The old clan leader was quite strict, aye? And while my mum and brother were too good to annoy him, someone had to."

  She snorted. "You were just trying to imitate Finn."

  Finn Stewart was Lochguard's current clan leader and one of Layla's greatest allies. However, he'd been quite the troublemaker when he'd been younger. He still could be, but his mate and clan responsibilities had tamed him down considerably.

  Chase shrugged. "No one could match his penchant for trouble, but I like to think I came close. Not to mention, I got to see more humans than most during my secret trips to Inverness, and that required its own sort of skill, to sneak out unnoticed."

  Shaking her head, she leaned against her desk a fraction. "I wouldn't call them secret, let alone unnoticed. Your poor mother had to send out a search party once, when you gave no notice and didn't return in the morning."

  His expression instantly turned solemn. "I do regret that, aye."

  Layla had always had an instinct that allowed her to sense when people were holding back information. It was one of the many reasons she was a good dragon-shifter doctor.

  And her internal alarm was ringing quite loudly inside her head.

  Her beast spoke up. Don't bring up his mother and her bastard ex-mate. That would ruin any chance we have of getting him naked.

  Chase's mother had barely been able to leave her cottage when her mate abandoned her a couple years ago. No matter what they'd tried, she'd kept to herself. Both Layla and her former boss had suspected Gillian might die of heartbreak. However, Gillian McFarland had somehow managed to weather being abandoned by the male she loved, probably in large part due to her two sons spending time with her whenever they could.

  Given how her sons were the reason she'd probably stayed on Lochguard when Finn had given his ultimatum—accept his leadership position and decision to build relationships with humans or fend for themselves—it made sense that they'd been able to bring her back to the land of the living bit by bit.

  And if Layla were a petty person, she'd bring up Chase's mother to dour the mood. But Layla wasn't that kind of person. Her entire life centered on making people whole and happy. She couldn't change that if she tried.

  So she focused on the favor she needed from Chase. Making her way around the desk, careful to keep some distance between her and the male, she moved to the door. "Come, you must be tired after a full day's work of wiring the new warehouse. The sooner I show you where I want the cameras, the better."

  Humor danced in his eyes. "So you know my schedule? Interesting. Do you keep track of everyone inside the clan then? If so, maybe you could give my brother some pointers or feed him the intel. Ever since his mate became pregnant, he's become mostly useless."

  Layla snorted. "I dare you to tell that to his face."

  He winked, and damn it, like every time before, the action made Layla's stomach flutter.

  He stated proudly, "I have many, many times."

  Since Chase's older brother was a co-head Protector for Lochguard, in charge of clan security, she could just imagine the quiet, growly male putting up with his brother's teasing. "You know, I always wanted a younger brother growing up, but now I'm not so sure. You lot tend to make your older siblings' life miserable."

  He grinned. "I like to think it's more of me relaxing Grant a bit. All the responsibility he has takes its toll. And while many people are afraid or cower a bit before him, he's just my brother." He tilted his head a fraction. "I'm sure your sister teased you the same way, aye?"

  People rarely talked about Layla's younger sister. Yasmin had succumbed to her parents' pressure for an arranged mating with a dragonman in Iran, where her mother's family had originally come from. No one had heard from her in years.

  Not wanting to think of Yasmin and how much Layla missed her sister, she changed the subject. "Come on, it's late. Let's go before someone bursts through the front doors with an emergency."

  She walked past Chase, careful not to touch him. Not touching him would be the easy part, though. For some reason, he made her want to talk about things she never talked about, like about her younger sister. And she couldn't acknowledge how nice it was to be merely a dragonwoman and not a doctor, a female with her own family, past, and troubles.

  Her dragon growled. You spend all your time making others happy, but we deserve it, too. Chase could be the future we need.

  Not in the mood to argue yet again with her beast, she quickly tossed her dragon inside a mental prison.

  Layla had decided her life's path long ago, and she'd chosen medicine, end of story. Besides, once she made a decision, it was hard to change her mind. And why would she want to? She had the power to heal and help nearly as many people as the clan leader.

  All she needed to do was survive a short while alone with Chase and then she could distract herself with work again.

  So she walked faster toward her destination, not even checking to see if Chase followed her or not. The sooner she finished this task, the sooner she could move on to the next one and, once again, push all thoughts of the male from her head.

  As Chase McFarland followed Layla down the corridor, he couldn't help but stare at her arse. True, it was hidden underneath her lab coat, but Chase had her entire body and all of its curves memorized.

  It was what any male would do with the true mate he may never have.

  Dragon-shifters hit full maturity at twenty. And the day after his twentieth birthday, Chase had taken one look at Layla MacFie and had been hit with an all-consuming need and desire, wanting the one female above all others. He'd fought it at first, but soon acknowledged the inevitable—Layla was his true mate, the one fate thought to be his best chance at happiness.

  Over the last two years, he'd somehow found the strength to resist kissing her and start a mate-claim frenzy that would only end with a pregnancy. And while some males would give in to their dragon's constant demands and face the consequences later, Chase would never be that person. That exact same situation had caused his aunt and uncle a lifetime of misery, and he would never do that to a female.r />
  His dragon huffed. We are not our uncle. Besides, recently Layla has been noticing us more and may not resist. Tell her the truth. I'm tired of waiting.

  Two years ago, Chase had tried to suggest to his inner beast about finding another female. His dragon had roared and nearly gone rogue at the idea. He wanted Layla, and only her.

  And so that was how Chase had learned self-control and patience, which had matured him much faster than any of his friends or others his age.

  He replied to his dragon, No. I tried being charming, visiting her, and pursuing her like you wanted. That didn't work. Now we're doing it my way.

  His dragon huffed. It means more waiting. And proving ourself to her may not be enough. She needs a wee bit of encouragement. Especially since she's stubborn, to the point she'll hold on to her chosen path, no matter the bloody consequences toward her own well-being.

  Sometimes, Chase hated how closely his dragon had paid attention to Layla over the years. It made it harder to win an argument about the lass.

  But he wasn't giving up. She needs our help right now. Even you can't deny her that, aye? So no more sex fantasies or blasts of lust. No matter what you may think, our cock can't install security cameras.

  It'd be fun to try. Maybe it'd even impress Layla. If we could do that, just imagine what we could do to her when she was naked.

  He resisted a sigh. Everyone gave Chase a hard time about being a cheeky troublemaker, but they didn't know his dragon could be loads worse.


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