Racing Hearts

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Racing Hearts Page 19

by Dena Blake

  Sam straddled her again and trailed soft kisses up her neck to find Drew’s mouth desperately seeking hers. The heat became suffocating.

  “Ready for that bath now?” Drew asked softly, brushing her lips across Sam’s shoulder.

  “I want to stay right here.” Forever. She kept her body glued to Drew.

  “If I stay in here much longer, I’m going to pass out.”

  “Well, we don’t want that now, do we?” She fluttered her lashes. “Wash my back?”

  “Love to.” Drew let out a low moan as Sam got up. “Nothing like being shoved out into the cold.”

  “You’re the one who said we had to move.” She stood, feeling wonderfully free and naked in front of Drew.

  “Yes, I did,” Drew said, taking her hand and leading her out. “I must be some kind of idiot.”

  Sam started the water and put a couple of towels on the basin. “Did you see all this stuff in here?” She picked up the bath salts and back brush.

  “Use it. Comes with the room.”

  “Aren’t you coming in?”

  “No. You enjoy your bath. I’ll rinse off in the shower and order some dinner.”

  “Oh, okay.” She slid down into the water. “I won’t be long.” She rested her head back against the bath pillow and closed her eyes.

  “Take your time,” Drew said as she closed the door.

  * * *

  Drew smiled at the sight of her complete surrender. Over the past few days, she would’ve never thought a strong woman such as Sam could be rendered so completely helpless. She was surprised at how good it made her feel to see Sam so happy. Sam deserved places like this, and not just on special occasions, but all the time.

  She pulled the door closed, then picked up the phone and called in an order to room service before getting into the shower. She’d probably ordered too much, but she was starving and imagined Sam was too.

  Drew lathered up, washed all the remaining oils from her body, and let the heated water soothe her shoulders. She smiled, thinking about Sam’s reaction when the masseuse started working on her. She’d simply closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. Sam might have seemed like a high-maintenance woman when she’d met her, but she seemed to have never experienced some pleasures in life before. She was completely aroused again. This power Sam had over her had to stop. She dialed the water lever to cold and shivered at the burst of icy water. She wasn’t here for pleasure.

  When Drew stepped out of the shower, she heard the faint knock on the door. Assuming it was room service, she dried off and wrapped a robe around herself before heading back into the main room. She let the waiter in and went back to get a tip from her wallet. When Drew got back to the room the young man had already transferred the food from his cart onto the table and was standing just outside the door waiting. Fingering through the bills, she pulled out a twenty and handed it to him.

  Drew took a few steps toward the bedroom and then went out onto the balcony instead. The garden was empty except for a young couple huddling together on a blanket in the grass. Young love. She had only a vague recollection of it. She and Kimberly had been married just out of college.

  She’d graduated with a degree in finance and could’ve worked for her father at a cushy job with an elaborate office in downtown San Francisco. Instead she had joined the highway patrol. Back then, she had something to prove to herself, her parents, and all the people who thought she grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. By the time she realized that Kimberly had known all along she could make it on her own, it was too late.

  She glanced over her shoulder into the room, wishing life could be that simple again. Yet she couldn’t say whether she wouldn’t have made the same stupid choices. She went into the bedroom, flopped down onto the cushy down comforter covering the bed, and closed her eyes.

  Drew heard the click of the bathroom door and opened her eyes. Sam was radiant. Her face was slightly red, probably caused by a combination of the hot water and the low fever she’d been running for the past few days. Drew had purposely skipped the bath because she’d needed some distance. The thought of Sam’s soft, freckle-flecked skin pressed against her made her weak. Not that she’d minded Sam clinging to her in the sauna. When she’d tried to shift Sam off her earlier, she wasn’t budging. Drew knew that each moment she held her, Sam was becoming more attached.

  Bringing Sam here wasn’t a good idea. She’d told herself she’d brought her here to relax, but that was a lie. Drew wanted to spend every minute she could with her before she discovered who she was and why she was here. Soon enough, Sam would hate her, and Drew would hate herself when it happened.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sam wasn’t sure what Drew was thinking, and by the expression on her face it wasn’t good. She’d indulged herself, taking an exceptionally long bath. She couldn’t help it. Amenities like these were new to her. Maybe she’d given Drew too much time to think about what they were doing, about what she was doing here with Sam.

  Drew swung her legs to the side of the bed and jumped to her feet. As she came closer, Sam closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, preparing for the letdown. When Drew’s lips brushed hers, she could see in her warm brown eyes that everything was okay.

  “I thought you might be hungry.” Drew took her hand and led her into the main room of the suite. “I took the liberty of ordering a few things from room service.” She pulled the chair out for Sam before lifting the top off the filet mignon. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  She balked at the sight of beef. “Actually, I’m fine right now,” she said, not wanting to ruin the gesture.

  “Really?” Drew popped a mushroom into her mouth. “I’m starving.” She lifted the lid from the plate of lobster. “I could eat both of these.”

  Sam tilted her head and smiled. “You knew all along.”

  “What? That you’re a vegetarian?” Drew slid the chair under her as she sat. “A keen observer, I am.”

  “I see the philosopher is back.” Sam laughed at the comedic accent she’d become strangely accustomed to hearing.

  “The philosopher is always here.” Drew pointed at her temple.

  “It’s a good thing, because I’m famished.” Sam jabbed at the lobster tail with her fork and tore off a piece with her fingers. “Actually, I’m not a true vegetarian. I just try to stay away from red meat.” She dipped the hunk of shellfish into the reservoir of butter before tilting her head back and dropping it into her mouth. “Umm,” she said, letting out a muted moan. “This is wonderful.”

  Drew smiled at her indulgence. “So fish and chicken are okay?”

  “I usually stick to fish.” She popped another bite into her mouth. “You never know what they’re pumping into farm-raised animals these days.” She set her fork on the plate and reached for her glass. “For instance, do you have any idea what kind of steroids they’ve pumped into that filet?”

  “Nope.” Drew carved a slice and stuffed it into her mouth.

  “It doesn’t bother you that everything they’ve injected into that cow is now in you?” Spearing a piece of squash, her fork clanked loudly against the plate.

  “No more than it bothers you to eat the pesticides sprayed on that rabbit food.”

  She dropped her eyes to her plate. “This isn’t organic?”

  Drew threw back in her chair and let out a burst of laughter. “Absolutely. I’m not taking any chances of you getting sick on me again.”

  “Please. Don’t remind me. That wasn’t my finest hour.”

  Drew lowered her chin and gazed up at Sam through her thick, black, splattered lashes. “I disagree.”

  Sam set her fork on the edge of her plate and watched Drew curiously as she opened the bottle of mineral water.

  Drew poured them each a glass. “Nothing pleases me more than caring for a woman.”

  Picking up the newly filled glass, Sam didn’t know how to respond. Was that a general statement? Or was that about the two of them? She knew how she felt. She
thought so anyway, but having been hurt so many times before, she wasn’t ready to put her feelings out there yet. She glanced back up at Drew briefly, catching her gaze. Quickly veering her attention to her plate, Sam decided she would concentrate on the gourmet meal in front of her for now.

  A noticeable silence stretched between them.

  “I’ve never met a woman who enjoys her food quite as much as you.”

  “I spend most of my time at the racetrack. I don’t get this kind of luxury very often.” She gave Drew a soft smile, thankful she’d been gracious enough to ease back on the intimacy, letting her off the hook for the time being.

  Drew touched Sam’s cheek with the back of her hand. “You deserve this every day.”

  Sam darted her gaze from Drew’s. “This takes time and money, and I don’t have enough of either for places like this.”

  “Soon, maybe you will.”

  Sam raised an eyebrow. Was this some kind of fairy tale? Was the woman going to whisk her off to some castle and take care of her for the rest of her life?

  Drew trailed the last of the steak across the plate, catching the remainder of béarnaise sauce. “After we win the race.”

  Sam blew a short burst of air through her nose. She had a lot to learn about the payout in racing. “A lot of people have to be paid out of that prize money.”

  “You’ll get a good chunk of it, won’t you?” Drew set her fork down on the plate and picked up her glass.

  “The driver gets the most.”

  Drew’s brows pulled together as she dropped her napkin onto the table and leaned back in her chair. “And he doesn’t share?”

  “Not usually.” Sam evaded Drew’s stare, fixing her gaze on the ice bucket across the room next to the door. “Ooh, champagne,” she cooed, in a feebly obvious attempt to change the subject.

  “Compliments of the house.”

  “Let’s open it.”

  “Maybe later. You really should rest now.”

  “I’ll do it.” Sam pushed back in her chair.

  “Sit down. I’ll take care of it,” Drew said with a groan that quickly turned into a chuckle.

  “What?” she asked, letting a whimsical smile take over her face.

  Drew peeled the foil from the top of the champagne bottle and untwisted the wire securing the cork. “You’ve probably got pneumonia.”

  “Probably, but I’ve lived through worse,” she said, flopping onto the bed.

  “You never stop, do you?” The cork made a loud pop as Drew pulled it from the bottle. After filling the glasses, she dropped the bottle back into the ice bucket and carried them to the bed.

  Sam took the glass she offered. “If I did, I might freeze up and never start again.”

  “To a victorious race,” Drew said, clicking her glass against Sam’s.

  Sam took a sip and gazed over her glass at her. “And to another round in the sauna.”

  Drew flattened her lips. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  Was she disappointed? Wasn’t it good for her? “Did you like it?” Sam asked reluctantly before taking another sip of champagne.

  “Too much for my own good.” Drew took Sam’s glass from her and set it on the nightstand along with hers. “You should get some rest now.”

  She lowered her gaze. “I’ve never been with someone who was more concerned about pleasing me than number one.”

  “Some people just don’t know what they’re missing.” Drew touched Sam’s chin, prompting her gaze back to her. “Pleasing you is an absolutely phenomenal experience.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Sam nipped at Drew’s bottom lip before their tongues mingled slowly. The taste of dry champagne became a sweet, irresistible nectar floating through her mouth.

  Drew growled. “You really do need to get some rest.”

  “I couldn’t possibly get any rest now,” she said, her breath shallow and labored. “Make love to me, Drew.” Her mouth went to Drew’s again.

  * * *

  Drew sizzled all over. She was ready, willing, and eagerly able to do exactly as Sam asked. “You have to promise me something first.”

  “What?” Sam continued to nip at Drew’s lip and then her chin.

  “When we get back, you’ll see the track doctor.”

  “I will.”


  “Cross my heart.” She took Drew’s finger and swiped it leisurely across the flesh of her breast in the pattern of an X.

  “One more question.”

  Sam’s eyebrows rose in response.

  “Can I drive this time?”

  “I insist.” Letting her hands drop to the bed, Sam invited Drew to explore wherever she chose.

  The robe ties proved to be no barrier. Drew snaked them loose until they fell completely apart. Working her fingers under the robe, she felt Sam jump, her muscles tightening with her touch. She stopped, and Sam’s burst of laughter told her it hadn’t been a planned reaction.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a little…”

  “A little what?” Drew mumbled, trailing the tip of her tongue up Sam’s midsection. “Gorgeous?” She circled methodically around her nipple, then flicked it gently. “Irresistible.” She slid across to the other. “Absolutely edible?” She sucked it deep into her mouth.

  Sam’s fingernails raked across Drew’s shoulders and up her neck. “Ooh…yeah, edible, that’s the one.”

  Her thigh pressed against the hot wetness between Sam’s legs. Sam pressed back hard, begging for the erratic pool of sensations to be tamed into a long, slow-rolling boil.

  Drew shifted and Sam moaned. Drew wanted inside now. Slipping two fingers deep into her, Drew savored the slow drag as Sam’s muscles clamped down hard on them. Her body quivered involuntarily as she moved against Sam’s thigh. With a groan, she pulled back abruptly, and Sam tugged at her waist.

  “Come back.”

  “Not yet.”

  Drew’s mouth replaced her fingers, and her tongue dipped inside, exploring at first, then stroking until Sam’s hips rose hard against her, begging for more. She ventured farther, and Sam bucked. She continued the pace, Sam’s writhing body shuddering with every stroke.

  Eyes wide, Drew watched Sam’s body rise and crumble beneath her over and over again. Her resolve weak, Drew let the climax take her. She wanted part of this magical place Sam was in. She wanted to be there, with her, now. Fully engulfed, she thrust harder and faster, unable to turn back, coming with her.

  “Amazing.” Her breathless speech only echoed in the midst of her rapidly beating heart.

  Drew chuckled and rolled to her side. “You got that right.” Today she felt like a kid playing Super Mario Cart, finding something better with each new level. “Now, can we rest?”

  “Have I tired you out?”

  “Sleep, I need sleep.” Drew’s voice came out in a low grumble.

  “If you insist.” Sam sighed. “I don’t think I’ve ever had such an exhaustingly satisfying moment.”

  “I can’t believe that.” Drew’s hand roamed down Sam’s backside, and she flinched. “What’s this?” She pulled the sheet back.

  “Don’t.” Sam tugged at the sheet. “Please. They’re ugly.” Sam’s eyes rose to meet Drew’s gaze, searching for some sort of reassurance.

  “They can’t be.” She kissed the tip of Sam’s nose. “They’re part of you.” Pulling Sam onto her, Drew continued to sweep her fingers across the rough, uneven scar tissue covering Sam’s ass. She remembered the explosion on the DVD, and a shiver rolled through her. It was Sam, not some heroic male who’d saved Tommy Kelleher. It was her body she saw engulfed in flames lying across her unconscious brother. Drew couldn’t imagine the pain she’d suffered. “You saved Tommy.” Drew’s voice low, the words came out involuntarily.

  Sam turned her head to the side, resting it on Drew’s chest. “He would have done the same for me.”

  Drew took in a deep breath and pressed her lips to Sam’s head. The faint scent of roses
filled her head. “I believe he would have.” She noted her sudden silence. “You okay?”

  Sam raised her head, turned her gaze back to Drew’s, and gave her a drowsy smile. “Just tired.” Sliding into the crook of her arm, Sam closed her eyes and snuggled in tight. “Have you been with many women?”

  That was a loaded question. “One or two.” Drew had to know what was going on in her head. “I was just thinking.” Sam touched her lips to Drew’s chest. “I’m glad I got you seasoned.”

  I got you. Drew liked the way she said it, but she was still going to have to prove Sam wasn’t causing the accidents before she could make it true.

  Drew felt Sam’s arms tighten around her and was overtaken by the feeling of contentment the simple action created. She’d just watched tremors roll through Sam and was completely in awe of her beauty. The vision of flushed cheeks, ruby-red lips, and glorious breasts popped into her head. Sam had glowed with desire, desire for her. Anyone would have to be an idiot not to cherish this woman.

  What had she done? Drew was hanging on the edge, ready to fall onto a double-edged sword. She could feel it slicing through her as she held this beautiful, defenseless creature in her arms. She could very well be a merciless black widow, but Drew didn’t care anymore. She would gladly take every drop of poison Sam was willing to give.

  * * *

  Sam’s mind had splintered with light as she quaked over and over again with such force, Sam thought she might die of pure pleasure. When she’d opened her eyes, Drew had been hovering, staring at her blankly. She’d pulled Drew’s mouth to hers, tasted herself on Drew’s lips, and reveled in the pleasure this woman had just given her. She’d lifted her thigh between Drew’s legs, felt the wetness, and been immediately aroused again. Drew shuddered, and she tingled, singed with a scorching flame when she’d soared into orgasm again. She’d thought she would shatter if it happened again. Drew moved slower and harder with every thrust, and she had quaked with pleasure, just the beginning of another long string of spasms. She’d bit her lip, trying to hold back the whimpering sighs, but she couldn’t. The pleasure had proved to be too much. She’d let out a quick breath, shuddering uncontrollably as she pulled in the next gulp of air until the quakes slowed and she relaxed into a satisfied contentment.


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