The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Box Set 1 Page 16

by Nikki Brown

“Ohhhh damn!”

  “Right,” he said and then there was an awkward silence. “Tell Zemia that Omari will be there soon to pick her up, me and you will talk. Aight?”

  “Okay.” I said because even though all of this was going on that didn’t mean that I didn’t remember what he did just a few hours ago. I didn’t forget that he put his hands on me and accused me of some shit that I didn’t do, and I damn sure didn’t forget all the shit that bitch said either.

  “Jenacia, I love you and I’m sorry.”

  As bad as I wanted to reciprocate that I love you I couldn’t, so I just hung up the phone. I understood how things looked, but he should have trusted me. I never gave him a reason to not trust me. How could he think that I would go back to someone that had a kid on me? Hell, I left him because he cheated, so I don’t understand how that would even work.

  “Jen, you good girl, what he say?” Zemia asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

  “Krista slept with Denari and Jaako walked in on them, then somehow Denari beat Krista and made her lose her baby.”

  “Baby?” she screeched.

  “Yeah girl, she was pregnant, and it could be Denari’s or some other nigga’s.” I waited for a second to let the tea sink in before I continued. “I’m guessing that Denari told her to get rid of it and she refused, so he beat the baby out of her.” I shook my head because I couldn’t imagine having that happen. At least when I was pregnant I made the choice to get rid of my baby, and that shit still affected me ‘til this day, and that shit happened a whole fucking year ago.

  “Damn ol’ Krista was getting around huh? She still didn’t deserve that though.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “But what would make her wanna fuck Denari though? He ain’t even all that cute, at least not compared to the other brothers.”

  “And he crazy as fuck, I hope her ass gonna be okay”

  “I’m sure she’ll be okay, but I gotta feeling this ain’t about to go away. She gonna use this to her advantage.” Zemia raised a brow. “I like that lawyer chick we met at the cookout, but I don’t know if Krista about to let that happen, especially now.”

  “Yeah, but do you think he gonna fall for that seeing as though she slept with his brother and another nigga? That would be too much for anybody.”

  “True, but if that hoe spins it the right way, shit, it might just work,” she shrugged.

  “Bitch let me find out yo’ ass be scheming.”

  “Ahhh bitch bye,” she waved me off and took off toward the kitchen. “Bitch come cook, hell I’m starving.”

  “ It’s food in there, you cook.”

  “You already know I ain’t domesticated.” We both laughed because her ass was telling the truth. She didn’t believe in catering to men. She couldn’t cook to save her damn life, I tried to teach her once and we both got aggravated and went for pizza.”

  “Nah I’ma order in.”

  “Bitch I eat out every day,” she whined. “I want you to cook.”

  “You make me sick.” I fussed but got up and headed to the kitchen.

  “Yeah yeah, I love you too.”

  I went to the freezer to see what we had; I ended up taking out shrimp and whipped up some shrimp and broccoli Alfredo. By the time I was done, Kayson and Omari were walking in the house. I was getting plates down and Zemia was messing over the stove.

  “Damn babe.” Omari walked in smiling. “You cooked this?” Omari was cheesing so damn hard that I didn’t want to burst his bubble, so I wasn’t gonna say anything, but my girl wasn’t one to take credit for someone else’s stuff.

  “Awww how cute.” She said as she turned around to face him. “You’ll learn soon enough that cooking is not my forte.”

  “Say what now?” he said with a smirk on his face.

  “Oh, you heard me, I don’t cook.” She tilted her head and he laughed and shook his head and walked over to the table.

  “Well the shit smells good, sis.”

  “Thanks.” I giggled.

  I took down plates and fixed everyone some food. I sat it at the table. Kayson kept his eyes on me the whole time. I tried my best to keep my attention on what I was doing, but it was hard. He was sitting there in some stone washed Levi jeans with a plain white t-shit, with his dreads braided back. I didn’t even notice that he had just got them done when I saw him earlier. His facial features were on full display and every time he licked his lips my pussy dripped. How in the hell was I gonna stand my ground with him sitting there looking like that?

  “Let me holla at you real quick.”

  “Can we please eat first,” I said and sat down. Kayson stood up and stood over me. I grabbed my fork and put a forkful of food in my mouth to ignore him, but he wasn’t having it. “Kayson, just let me eat.”

  He let out a big sigh, lifted me from the chair that I was sitting in, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the room like a cave man. When we reached the bedroom, he threw me on the bed and went back to shut the door.

  “Damn, we couldn’t eat first.”

  “That food ain’t going nowhere.”

  “Neither is this conversation.” I rolled my eyes and he lowered his head.

  There was a chair that he kept in the corner of the room, he grabbed it and pulled it over to the bed and sat down in front of where I was now sitting up in the bed. He placed his hands on my thighs and looked me right in the eyes. I got lost in his beautiful light brown eyes, as bad as I wanted to look away I couldn’t. It was like his ass had me in a trance.

  “A nigga wasn’t in his right frame of mind, it’s not an excuse but when I saw those pictures I lost it. I know with everything we’ve been through, I don’t have a right to act like that, but I did. I love you Jenacia and I always have, I can’t lose you again. I went about it the wrong way, and a nigga apologize about that, but it happened and there ain’t shit we can do about it. All I can do is promise you that nothing like that will happen again.”

  “You put your hands on me, Kayson.”

  “I know, and a nigga feels fucked up about that shit, but like I said, it will never happen again. I’m sure when Ann Barnes gets a whiff of it she gonna fuck me up and make sure it never happens again.” He laughed, and I did too because that lady didn’t play with or about them.

  “I’ve never given you a reason not to trust me, so why now? Because of that bitch?” I tilted my head to the side and he cleared his throat. I could tell that the conversation was starting to get uncomfortable for him because he began to rub my legs a little harder.

  “I was wrong as fuck to believe anything that bitch said.” He laid his head in his lap and as if he had an epiphany he shot up and glared at me. “Don’t even fucking think about it, I ain’t been fucking with that bitch since me and you been kicking it. Hell, I ain’t fucking with no one but you.”

  “That’s not what she said.” I raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t give a fuck what she said; I’m telling you now I ain’t seen that bitch. First time I heard from her was when she sent that picture. But don’t even worry about it, I’ma take care of that.” He nodded his head. The look in his eyes was pure evil.

  “No, just leave it alone. You say you ain’t fucking with her then you ain’t fucking with her.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Just stay away from her and we’ll be good.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t like people trying to break up my happy home and shit.”

  “Especially when you are doing such a good job on your own.” He sighed, and I looked at him. “You know what hurt the most though?”

  “I don’t wanna talk about this.”

  “You don’t have a choice.” I demanded. “How could you stand out there and talk about how you doing all of this and that for me when I didn’t ask for any of that?”

  “I was mad, man.”

  “So, every time you get mad I can expect that from you?”

  “Man no, this shit ain’t gonna happen again.”

  “I know because I’m
getting my own place.” I threw out there really quick.

  “No the fuck you’re not.” I could tell that pissed him off, but so what.

  “Yeah I don’t want to be put in a position where I be left out in the cold if shit don’t work out like with R—”

  “Don’t you ever compare me to that bitch ass nigga again.” He heaved.

  “I’m just saying.” I shrugged. “I just want my own.”

  “Aight, cool.” He said and stood up to leave out of the room.

  “Really?” That shit was too easy it was something behind it.

  “Yeah, I’ll go add you to the deed to the house tomorrow, so this will be just as much yours as it is mine. Problem solved.” He smiled like he just solved the million-dollar equation.

  That’s not what I meant.”

  “Well Jenacia, that’s the only fucking choice that you got, I won’t let you get away from me again. I love you too much.” He kissed me passionately. “Now, let’s go eat, I’m hungry.”

  I just looked at him and shook my head. I needed to decide what I needed to do for me. I loved Kayson; I just needed to make sure that us moving this fast was the right thing to do. I would let him think that he won this round, but this conversation was far from over.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Not only was that bitch fucking my brother, but she around here fucking some random nigga. I can only wonder what else her ass been up to. Even though I didn’t love her ass, I still trusted her enough to live with her, and to know that she been doing all of this behind my back did something to me.

  I wanted to slice her mama’s got damn throat with her shady ass, but I’m glad I didn’t. If I had done what I wanted to do, I wouldn’t have found out just how scandalous she really was. Krista didn’t know everything about what I did in these streets, but that hoe knew enough, so it made me wonder would she be shady enough to try and set me up. It would be foolish of her, but could she do something like that? Nah, that bitch wasn’t that crazy.

  This shit with Denari, the baby, and this other nigga was just the push that I needed to get that bitch out of my life for good. I didn’t want anything else to do with her. She could fuck the fucking President and I wouldn’t give a damn.

  I really needed to clear my head and let all this shit go, Yameka had been blowing me up all day, but I wasn’t in the mood to talk so I didn’t answer. I needed to see her but talking wasn’t in the plans.

  Pulling up to her house, I parked and got out the car, walked up to the door and laid on the door bell. I wasn’t letting up until she brought her ass to the door.

  “Who in the hell on my bell like that?” She yelled on the other side of the door and I still didn’t let up. She swung the door open with a scowl on her beautiful face. “What the hell, Jaako?”

  I didn’t let her say anything else. I lightly pushed her in the house and stepped in shutting and locking the door behind me. I threw my keys on the floor and just stared at her for a minute. Yameka was beautiful, inside and out. I loved her spirit and her feisty personality; I also loved the fact that she had a real soft spot for me, even when I didn’t deserve it.

  “So, you gonna say something or you just gonna stand there looking like a fucking creep?”

  I rushed her and backed her up against the wall, I covered her mouth with mine letting her know that I wasn’t with the talking at all. I just needed her to know how I felt. I didn’t want to say it, I wanted to show her. She was the only one that could help me take my mind off all the bullshit that I went through today.

  She had on these little ass shorts and a tank top. I snatched that shit off so fast ripping the shirt. I didn’t care; I would buy her a thousand more. I just didn’t have time for the extras. I picked her up and carried her over to the table and sat her down and rushed her with kisses again.

  “Whoa, Jaako.” She said trying to escape my kisses and get off the table.

  “Shut up!”

  “Excuse me.” She put her hands on my chest to try and back me up but I slapped them down and went to work on her neck. “Umm, are you gonna tell me what this is about?”

  “No, I want you to shut up and let me show you.” I looked her in the eyes so that she knew I wasn’t playing with her ass. I really wanted her ass to shut the fuck up and let me have this moment, so I covered her mouth with mine again and this time she kissed me back. I pulled her legs to the end of the table and sat down in the chair that was closest to me like I was about to have a full course meal.

  I pushed her back on the table and slid her up so that I was eye level with her pussy. I took a big whiff and I swear I got so lost in the essence of her smell and it instantly relaxed me. It was crazy how she had that effect on me, I don’t know what I would have done had she decided not to wait around on a nigga.

  Staring at her pussy had my dick brick hard, but I needed to paint my feelings with my tongue, and that’s exactly what I did. I covered her freshly waxed pussy with my mouth and savored the taste. The shit had my taste buds on ten and I had to resist biting into it like a fucking peach. I moved my tongue around in a circular motion.

  “Shit Jaa, that shit feels good.”

  The way she called out sounded sexy as hell. It wasn’t like I hadn’t heard it before, but something this time sounded different, it felt different, and I liked it. I ran my tongue down her slit and dipped it into her opening enough to make her squirm. I repeated that a few times before I moved up and attacked her clit like I was feasting on her for the first time.

  “Oh shit ummm fuck, Jaako.”

  “Ummm” a moan escaped my lips; I was so into pleasing her that I was damn near on the verge of cumming myself.

  “I’ma bout to cum baby, shit.” She started to grind on to my face and that shit made me go harder. “Fuck, I’m cumming, shit,” she screamed out and I lapped up everything she gave me. Shit was the sweetest thing I ever tasted. I nibbled on her button until she got herself together. I knew that she was sensitive by the way she kept jumping. “Ummm stop, you gonna make me cum again.”

  “Don’t tell me to stop, you just shut up.”

  “You gonna stop telling me to shut up.” She said between breaths.

  “Or what?” I started going in on her clit again and she was screaming out of control. Once she gave me another one, I was satisfied. I leaned back in the chair that I was sitting in and pulled her up by her hands. She collapsed back on the table. “What you think you doing?”

  “Shit, Jaako.”

  “Nah, get that ass up I ain’t done.”

  She tried to get up but failed. I laughed and bent down and picked her up and threw her across my shoulder. I carried her back to her room and threw her on the bed. The look on her face was one of shock and excitement at the same time. I was the one that liked to make love and take my time. I was gonna take my time alright, but I wasn’t in the mood for all that love making. I had a point to prove to myself.

  I grabbed Yameka’s legs, pulled her to the end of the bed, and then I spread them. I took my thumb and ran it down her slit and she jumped, that made me smile because that meant that I was doing my job. I undressed myself and let it all fall to the floor while never taking my eyes off her chocolate skin.

  “I want this.” Was all I said and before she could say anything back, I covered my mouth with her and placed my dick at her opening. I eased in, the way her pussy hugged my dick almost made me lose it. “Fuck!” I yelled out.

  I lifted because I wanted to watch my dick slide in and out of her wet tunnel. Sex with Yameka was always great, but again, this time felt different. I didn’t know if it was because I no longer had any baggage, or if it was because I finally knew what I wanted and where I wanted to be. No more holding on to bullshit.

  Watching her face contort turned up something inside me and I gave her the dick like I never have before. I felt like I needed to show her that what she been waiting on was worth it. We went at it for a good two hours. I was exhausted and so was she
, but I hated going to bed all sweaty. I got up and went into the bathroom that she had inside her room and ran a bubble bath.

  “Come on, girl.”

  “You are out of your mind if you think I’m moving from this spot anytime soon,” her voice was filled with exhaustion and it caused me to laugh. “Don’t laugh Jaako, it’s not funny.”

  “My bad.” I laughed again, lifted her up, carried her to the bathroom, and placed her in the tub.

  “Ummm,” she moaned out as I lowered her into the bath.

  “You gonna let me in?” I laughed as she took over the whole tub.

  “You asking for a lot tonight.” she laughed.

  I ignored her and got in the tub behind her. I positioned her between my legs and leaned her back so that her back was on my chest. We sat there in silence for what felt like hours until she broke the silence.

  “So, you ready to tell me what that was about?”

  “No, didn’t I tell you to shut up.” I smirked even though she couldn’t see me.


  “Man, I’m fucking with you.” I nuzzled my chin into her neck. “I just wanted to show you what I was feeling. I don’t think words would have done it any justice.”

  “Well damn, if that’s how you feel.” she giggled.

  “Seriously though, some shit went down today, and it made me realize some shit. I’m ready to be what you want me to be.”

  “Jaako, all I ever wanted you to be was you.” She snuggled into me a little more. “I just wanted you to be you with me.”

  “You know I wanted that too.”

  “No you didn’t, you were comfortable with your girl and you wanted me to be okay with it.”

  “I never wanted you to be okay with it; I needed to be okay with being by myself. I’m fucked up when it comes to being alone and shit. She was my comfort zone and I knew if I kept money coming her way that I wouldn’t have to worry about her not being there. Today, all that shit backfired.”

  “What happened?” I told her about all the shit that happened, it felt good getting that shit off my chest. I needed to talk that shit out. “Damn babe, she a hoe.” I laughed.


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