True Knight

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True Knight Page 10

by Patricia Logan

  I knew why.

  Many years ago, when I was a younger witch and my powers weren’t nearly as strong as they are now, I’d stumbled across a similar scene. Vampires had slaughtered the Frederick pack and left behind a male werewolf posed just like Buck’s body. It had been a warning to whatever wolves remained in Frederick… or maybe it had just been the way those vamps got their jollies. Whatever the case, this scene was a recreation of that slaughter years ago… but I knew it wasn’t vampires who’d done this. Not this time.

  I had to hold on to the hope that our new sheriff would quickly figure out he had powers of his own. When he’d wandered into the store with Sally the other day, I’d known what he was immediately. Magic swirled around him and the aura he gave off was hella impressive. He was a sight to behold to anyone who could see it. I hadn’t met one of his kind before. Being honest with myself, I’d thought I’d never see one. They were as rare as they could be.

  Sally hadn’t seemed to be aware of his power. Neither had Precious. They were much younger of course. Maybe because I’d been a witch for centuries, I could feel his beast even though he hadn’t seemed to know what the hell he was. I’d hoped shaking my hand would dislodge that part of him but the moment he’d clasped my hand, I’d known he remained oblivious.

  Out in the woods, I’d watched his reaction to the scene the werewolves had left. I’d also caught the vampire’s scent on him. I couldn’t decide whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that the two men had hooked up. If the vampire turned out to be one of the rare good ones, his powers in combination with the sheriff’s could be a very good thing for this town. If he was a vamp with evil intentions… well, that would be tragic. I really didn’t want to leave Prosper Woods but if the vampire turned out to be evil, I’d pack up the store and leave in a hot minute. I never wanted to deal with that kind of carnage… I wasn’t even sure I was strong enough. That fact made me a little crazy because my magic got stronger with every day I aged.

  I didn’t know anything about the vampire at this point.

  It was time to open the store. I figured with everything happening, there would be loads of people who needed supplies, food, or just drinks for the road. I hurried back to my car and drove away, leaving the horrid scene in my rearview mirror. If I was needed, I’d know. For now, it wasn’t my business.


  By the time I finished mapping out the scene where Buck Walters had been slaughtered, I was even more drained. I wondered whether my body was reacting to what Vincent had done to me last night.

  You gave yourself to a vampire. What did you think was going to happen?

  I didn’t blame him, not really. I’d asked to be bitten. The Prosper Woods medical examiner, Tammy Willoughby, had bagged up the body parts and transported them to her office on main street to get to work on the autopsy. I was aware that this was no random murder. This man had been not only torn apart but displayed for whomever happened by. I pitied poor Mrs. Jensen, the wife of the Lompoc sheriff. When she’d woken from her nap—stumbling out of the trailer with red-rimmed eyes while we were talking to her husband, I knew she hadn’t yet recovered just by the look on her face. Military training withstanding, she’d been freaked.

  She took the time to repeat how she’d discovered the body and since her story closely matched the one her husband had given us, we knew she was telling us the truth. Sally and I exchanged a nod when she was done and we let the family head out after getting their phone number. I wasn’t going to make them come into town to give a written statement of what they’d seen. It was a courtesy to the sheriff. Sheriff Carl Jensen thanked me and told me he and his wife would write out a statement after they got home. He’d mail the original to me for my file. I trusted he’d do as promised and we waved at them as they drove away.

  I sighed as Sally and I got into the Blazer to head home. The first damn day in a new town and this was what I had to deal with. It was just about as gruesome a scene as any I’d ever seen back home in LA. There, we had to contend with the odd drive-by shooting, or floaters coming up in the ocean; that was awful but this… this had been a slaughter and I had to wonder who’d done it. I couldn’t very well ask my new deputy if something supernatural had killed Buck. All day long, I’d caught her sniffing the air with her head up or glancing my way when she didn’t think I was looking. It was odd behavior and I was certain something was going on with her. How was I going to find out?

  “So, Sally, are you a deer or a bunny?” I chuckled from the passenger seat as I thought the question in my head. She glanced over at me as she turned out onto the main road and then headed west. The sun had just begun to set and the sky was gorgeous, dotted with purple and orange clouds against a blue background. It reminded me of those sunsets in Malibu that I’d always loved.

  “What’s funny or are you just so tired you’re slaphappy?” she asked from beside me.

  I glanced over at her, grinning. “I’m definitely slaphappy… and starving.”

  “You wanna stop and get something to eat?” Sally asked. “Todd’s Hash House makes great food.”

  “Todd’s Hash House?” I smiled, rolling my head on the headrest to look at her again. “It sounds like a place where you could score some great dope.”

  Sally chuckled. “Nope. Todd makes amazing hash—of the corned or roast beef variety. He has fantastic steaks, Mexican food of every kind, and fantastic pies if you’re in the mood for one of them.” She patted her ample belly. “I take a whole pie home now and then.”

  “It sounds great but I’m gonna just head home. My fridge and pantry are fully stocked and to be honest, all I want to do is stuff something in my face, take a shower, and crash until morning. I’m pretty sure the ME will have something for us by then, right?”

  “Yeah, she’s thorough. Tammy shouldn’t even be working for our small department here in Prosper Woods. She used to work out in Santa Barbara in a much larger coroner’s office but she and her husband decided they wanted to retire early to a small town. Quiet and solitude are the reasons they moved here.”

  “She came here to retire? I guess she rethought that right quick.” I reached up and rubbed a hand over my face. I really was exhausted.

  “Yes, she did. The fact is, Tammy is twenty years younger than her husband. He was a college professor and wanted to leave education and just write novels so she left her job in Santa Barbara to be with him. I guess after six months of puttering around the house and watching him write, she couldn’t take it anymore which is why she applied for the open ME position when our old coroner died. The town council hired her immediately. She has a fantastic resume so the choice really was a very simple one.”

  “Well, I hope she can tell me what kind of animal or animals attacked Buck Walters,” I said.

  “That and whether there’s any human DNA other than Buck’s anywhere on the body,” Sally added. “There’s just something not right about that crime scene. I’m sure it was staged, Sheriff.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I think so too.” I was quiet as Sally drove down the road to town. After a few minutes, I rolled my head on the headrest to glance over at my deputy. “Can I ask you a weird question, Sally?”

  She glanced over at me, taking her eyes away from the road for only a few seconds as she nodded. “Sure, anything.”

  “Do you believe in supernatural creatures?” I watched her fingers tighten on the steering wheel and I was certain Sally’s entire body seemed to stiffen. She looked over at me.

  “Um… well, yes, but why do you ask, Sheriff?”

  “Because I’m certain they do exist. I just wanted to get your thoughts on the matter.”

  She glanced back at the road as we drove into town. Her jaw was clenched in a way that I just knew had been caused by the shock of my question. She said nothing further, so I relaxed back in my seat as she pulled up to the sheriff’s station where my truck was parked. Without another word, she was out of the car and up on the porch. She stopped and waited until I’d exite
d the Blazer before holding out the key fob and setting the alarm. I smiled at her as I joined her on the porch.

  “Well, I’m off to my house. Have a good night, Sally. You should go home and get some rest.” I looked up as the door to the sheriff’s station swung open and a tall, thin man stepped out with a big smile. He wore a deputy’s uniform and I took the hand he held out.

  “You must be Sheriff Harmon,” the man said, still smiling as we shook hands.

  “That’s me. You must be Dave.”

  “Yessir, that’s me, Dave Chesney. It’s so nice to meet you.” He turned to look at Sally. “You look a little beat, girl.”

  Sally rubbed her face with both hands before looking at Dave. “I forgot you were on tonight. That’s good. We just came from the murder scene out near Frederick and the sheriff and I have been up all day and most of last night working the scene.”

  “Oh, sure, of course. It’s all around town. Is it true? Was it that old drunk, Buck Walters?” Dave looked between me and Sally.

  “Yes, it was,” Sally clipped. “Now, I gotta be going.” She turned to look at me, offering the first smile she’d sent my way since I’d asked the question about supernaturals. “Go home and sleep, Sheriff Harmon.”

  “Yep, headed there now,” I said. “Nice meeting you, Dave. See you both tomorrow unless the ME calls sooner.” I jingled my keys and walked to the truck, feeling both sets of eyes on my back as I walked away. Once I was on the road, I picked up my phone and dialed Vincent. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Hello there,” he said. I loved his voice.

  “I’m headed home,” I replied.

  “Come here and let me feed you,” Vincent said. “I just put a nice stew on.”

  I was stunned for a second and I knew if I looked in the rearview mirror, I would most likely look shocked. “You cooked for me?”

  “Well, I cooked for both of us.”

  “I thought…”

  “I can eat small portions of human food,” he replied, cutting me off. “Come here and let me feed you. I’ll bet you didn’t eat all day, did you?”

  I smiled. “No, I haven’t eaten and stew sounds amazing. I’ll head over now.”

  “Good. I’m waiting with bated breath,” Vincent said.

  When he hung up, I smiled to myself. Maybe having a vampire lover wasn’t going to be bad at all.


  I was excited to see Romeo. He arrived about ten minutes after his call to me. I’d wondered how he was doing. He’d been exposed to a whole new world of truths last night as well as being fed on by a vampire, something he didn’t know existed until I’d accidentally shown him my fangs. It felt good to be able to interact with another person on an intimate level. It wasn’t so much the sex—though that part was amazing—it was more the opportunity to talk with someone about anything and everything. I’d not had anyone I considered a friend for a very long time. In fact, I’d avoided those relationships for centuries. I still didn’t know what it was about this town or this man that made me want to connect again. I only hoped it would be possible.

  I want to set down roots this time.

  Romeo drove up to the house in his beat-up truck and I flashed to the front door, yanking it open so fast, I nearly ripped it off the hinges in my haste to see him again. As soon as he stepped out, I was in front of him, enjoying the look on his startled face as I appeared in a flash of speed.

  He slapped a hand over his chest. “Jesus, every time you do that, it never fails to scare the crap out of me,” he said, recovering quickly as he let out a startled chuckle.

  I smiled and reached for his face, cupping his jaw and leaning in to kiss him. He immediately swept me into his strong arms and smiled against my lips. I kissed him slowly, letting my lips slide over his, tasting his mouth, and breathing him in. He still retained my scent though earlier I’d tried my best to wash myself off him. As dangerous as I knew it was to have him walk around town smelling like me with other supernaturals in the vicinity, claiming him as mine just gave me an overwhelming sense of ownership. I knew it was risky to have such feelings for a man I’d just met, but none of that mattered right now. He was mine and that was all there was to it.

  I kissed him for a minute and then pulled back, offering him a salacious grin before taking his hand and pulling him up the drive and into my house where I shut the door, locking out all would-be intruders to our sanctuary.

  “Something smells amazing,” he said, squatting at the front door to pull off his boots. He padded across my hardwood floors to the kitchen after me in stockinged feet.

  I turned and smiled at him, noting the circles under his eyes. “I made chicken stew. I hope you like that. I had no idea if you’d like chicken but you seem like a meat and potatoes kind of guy.”

  Romeo walked up behind me and slipped his hands around my waist, leaning down and resting his chin on my shoulder as he looked in the pot that I stirred.

  “Like I said, it smells amazing and I’m starving but I had no idea you could eat anything but blood,” he whispered against my neck. A shiver ran up my spine at his proximity.

  “Older vampires can eat small portions as I said. I don’t especially like food anymore, but I do like cooking for you,” I said, setting down the ladle and turning in his arms to face him. I leaned in to kiss him again. When I pulled back, I could sense his hunger both for me and for what I’d made. “Let’s get you fed.” I pointed to a cabinet. “Grab a couple of bowls from that cupboard.”

  Romeo smiled at me and reached up to do as I asked, grabbing two bowls and then started looking through drawers for spoons. He pulled out a couple of those and watched as I ladled up the stew. It had been ages since I’d made anything in a kitchen and I really hoped he’d enjoy my attempt. I brought the bowls to the table, set them down, and then returned to the refrigerator to take out a beer and a bottle of ketchup.

  We sat across from each other and I watched him lean down and sniff his bowl then rub his hands together before picking up his spoon. He glanced up and smiled as I cracked open the bottle of ketchup. I downed the entire contents and then glanced over at him. He was holding his spoon full of stew and staring at me openmouthed.

  “What the hell was that?” Romeo asked.

  I looked at him and then at the empty bottle of ketchup in my hand, waggling it before glancing back at him and smiling.


  “I can see that,” he scoffed, “but did you just drink that entire bottle?” he asked, still staring.

  I nodded. “Yeah. I like ketchup.”

  Romeo laughed. “I guess.” He put the stew in his mouth and then chewed, staring at me for a second before his eyes rolled back in his head. “Oh my God, this is delicious,” he said around the mouthful of food.

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Eat up. There’s a whole pot.”

  I dug into my own bowl and took a small portion, tasting it on the tip of my tongue before eating the spoonful. The texture felt strange in my mouth but I managed to finish my smaller portion while he polished off his bowl and two others, topping it off with his beer. He finally leaned back in his chair and rubbed his belly, smiling at me.

  “That was incredible.”

  I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “I’m so glad you liked it. I was a little unsure of the seasonings.”

  “They were perfect.” Romeo reached for my hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of my knuckles. “You’re perfect.”

  “I want you to tell me all about why you were called out to the forest but first…” I stood up, grasping his hand. “I want to take you to bed.”

  Romeo smiled up at me. “What about these dishes?” He pointed to the bowls.

  I dropped his hand and picked them up. Faster than the human eye could track, I’d cleared the table and washed the dishes. I was back in front of him with his hand in mine before he’d moved an inch. He stood up, laughing.

  “Well, that’s something that will take some time gett
ing used to.”

  I hauled him to the bedroom where I’d replaced the sheets. He started to unbutton his shirt, but I held up a hand.

  “Let’s go downstairs to my bedroom,” I said.

  He glanced around the room before looking back at me. “This isn’t your bedroom?”

  I walked to the bookcase and unlocked the secret door, revealing my elevator before looking back to him. “I sleep downstairs where there’s no sunlight. I hope that’s okay?”

  He nodded, frowning slightly in confusion but followed me into the elevator where I pushed a button and then turned to him, sliding my hands over his shoulders. Our kiss was hot and by the time the elevator doors swished open and we stepped out into my opulent space, I was thoroughly turned on.

  “This is my bedroom and that’s my bathroom if you want to clean off before bed.”

  Romeo smiled at me. “A shower sounds great. Join me, Vincent?”

  I loved hearing my name on his lips. “Yes, Romeo.”

  He took my hand and pulled me into the bathroom, shutting the door and turning to me to strip off my clothes. I stared into his dark brown eyes. They were beautiful and I was quite sure I could see the magic swirling in them. We made quick work of our clothes and then got into the steam shower together, stepping under the waterfall showerhead Lydia had installed for me. At the time I’d sent her specifications on the house remodel, I hadn’t expected to be entertaining lovers, but I was never so happy to have given her dimensions large enough for both of us; the shower had lots of room to spare. If things went the way I hoped, we’d be spending lots of time under my indoor waterfall together.

  I grabbed the citrus shower gel I liked and squeezed some into my hand, rubbing it with the other before stepping close to Romeo and placing both soapy palms on his hairy chest. He was covered from head to toe with dark hair and I adored it. Running my fingers over the masculine cut of his muscled chest was a turn-on especially as he stared deeply into my eyes. Not for the first time, I noticed how long his eyelashes were.


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