Love So Dark: Billionaire Romance Duet

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Love So Dark: Billionaire Romance Duet Page 7

by Stasia Black

  I smile and gesture toward the platter. “Appetizer anyone?”

  Jackson’s eyes finally break from Bryce’s and look to me, as if just remembering he and Bryce aren’t alone in the room.

  “Of course.” Jackson takes one of the small plates and begins to load it with appetizers. His hands look gigantic next to the dainty little portioned food. Bryce and I fill our plates as well, but I can’t take my eyes off of Jackson’s hands. For a second my mind wanders, thinking about what they say about the size of a man’s hands…

  Because that is a completely appropriate thought to be having right now. God, is this my thing now? Instead of being a nervous eater, I’ll start thinking about dick sizes and what his cum face looks like. I steal a look at Jackson’s face and my mind starts trying to rearrange the features. What would this man who always seems so controlled look like lost in pleasure? What the Christ, Cals, you’re doing it again!

  “CubeThink is doing very well,” Jackson says as if there was no awkward lull in conversation. I take a sip of water and look down at my plate of food, mortified at my own thoughts.

  “As I’m sure you well know,” I look back up just in time for Jackson to glare in Bryce’s direction before continuing, “Our stock prices have never been higher and the same goes for consumer confidence. Our quadcopter was the highest grossing commercial drone in the country last year. As for Miranda,” a look of rich amusement cracks Jackson’s stoic façade for the first time, “I thought you’d heard through the grapevine that we’ve tired of each other.”

  I don’t miss the slightest tick in Bryce’s coolly-aloof expression. A tell. One he hates himself for giving away, no doubt.

  Jackson seems to have seen it, too, because the amused expression on his face settles deeper. I should be disturbed that he’s taking satisfaction in digging the knife in his former friend’s gut, but I can only stare.

  Jackson only looked foreboding and frankly, a little scary, earlier. But the amusement softens his sharp features. The cut jaw and sharply angled eyebrows don’t seem quite as menacing now. And, oh help me God, there’s a dimple. Just on one side of his face, but still. That’s just not fair to the female population. Seriously.

  Bryce smirks. “Couldn’t keep the faithless bitch in line either, huh?”

  The ugly words make me stiffen in my seat.

  The softness leaves Jackson’s face, dimple disappearing. “Our parting was by mutual agreement after we both enjoyed ourselves, that was all. Maybe if you’d known how to treat a lady, she wouldn’t have gone seeking fulfillment elsewhere.”

  I expect Bryce to explode in fury. Instead, he laughs amiably. He’s firmly adopted his charismatic persona for the moment. I breathe out and reach for another crab cake. I’ve just popped it in my mouth when I feel Bryce’s hand on my knee. I struggle not to choke on the bite I’ve just swallowed as his hand slides up my thigh and toward my pantyless crotch. But surely he’s not going to—

  I jolt in shock as he does it. He sticks a finger inside me. Right there at the table with Jackson sitting not two feet away from me on my other side. I exhale in shock and look down at my plate. What is Bryce thinking?

  It’s not as if he’s being discreet about this. His left hand is obviously reaching under the goddamned tablecloth. And moving around.

  Oh God. Does Jackson know what he’s doing right now? Does Bryce want him to know? I can’t look up at the other man or I’ll die. I’ll die right here where I’m sitting.

  “Well,” Bryce says amiably, “good for you and Miranda. I’m glad you both became so enlightened. And yes, I have seen that CubeThink’s stock was on the rise lately. In fact, that’s why I wanted to ask you for this meeting. In the past, we’ve had such… How shall I put it—” Bryce pauses, and as he does, he pushes another finger into me. I can’t help squirming against it. It doesn’t hurt because I stretched myself as part of my self-love session in Bryce’s office bathroom, and I’m even still a little moist. But Christ, why does he have to do this here? Now?

  “—fruitful collaborations,” Bryce finishes with a smile.

  “Collaborations,” Jackson says. I dare a peek over at him and see a dangerous and disingenuous smile on his face. As if he can feel me watching, his eyes meet mine.

  Then he looks back to Bryce. “Is that what we’re calling it when you steal things that are mine and then market them as your own? But then, you always did like putting your mark on things.”

  I’m still watching him as his eyes drop to where Bryce’s arm disappears beneath the tablecloth. I feel the blood drain from my face even as Bryce’s fingers work in and out of me more forcefully than before and his thumb starts rolling circles over my clit.

  In that moment, I hate him.

  I hate him even as my body reacts to his touch. I’m so humiliated and yet I’m also turned on. The fact that Jackson knows—that this other huge, handsome, God of a man knows what’s going on not two feet away from him… that my shame is complete… So why God is it so fucking hot?

  I stop thinking, I just feel. Bryce’s hand, where it’s not supposed to be. In this room, with these two absolutely powerful men, no one saying anything even though everyone knows exactly what’s going on—

  The waitress pushes open the door, holding a huge tray of food. Thank God. Surely Bryce will have to pull away now.

  But. He. Fucking. Doesn’t.

  He keeps fingering me the entire time the waitress moves the appetizers out of the way and sets down the main course, pasta with a white sauce, mushrooms, what look like scallops, other herbs and a fancy garnish in the middle. Focusing on the food can’t distract me from Bryce’s touch for long though. It smells delicious, but there’s too much sensory overload going on in my most sensitive of places.

  “Would you like some fresh mozzarella?” the waitress asks, holding a shredder and a block of cheese over my pasta—at the same time that Bryce starts rubbing doubletime at my clit. Jackson continues watching all of it with a darkly intensive stare.

  Sweat breaks out on my brow. “Um, I— I—” I stutter, squirming my legs to try to pull away from Bryce’s hand. He just follows, though, no matter that it only makes his hand under the table that much more obvious.

  I feel my cheeks flare and I shake my head vehemently. “No,” I manage to choke out. The next second, my back stiffens from an especially sharp jolt of pleasure. “I’m good.” My voice comes out much more high-pitched than normal and I want to cry. Stupid, fucking traitorous body.

  Bryce starts to talk to Jackson about the robotics industry in Silicon Valley as he rolls pasta on his fork. Somehow he manages it one handed. I don’t even know how. He eats lazily, like his other hand isn’t so obviously occupied.

  I keep my gaze locked firmly on my plate, only daring to look in Jackson’s direction out of the periphery of my vision. Enough to tell that he too is staring only at his plate while he eats. I don’t know whether it’s chivalry or embarrassment for me. I just want all of this to end. Shakily, I pick up my own utensils and try to pick at my food.

  Bryce’s fingers have slowed down. I’m not right on the precipice anymore. He’s torturing me at a low heat, pushing his fingers lazily in and out, in and out. Never letting me forget he’s right there but not letting me over the edge so I can be done with it either. I hate him. I hate him so much for doing this to me. The sweat prickling at my brow feels like it’s going to drip down my temples any second.

  I grab my water glass and take a deep swallow instead. I hazard an outright look at Jackson. Still not looking my way. God, is it possible he doesn’t know what’s going on? Maybe he thinks Bryce is just adjusting his napkin on his lap for a really long time. Please God, let him be oblivious somehow.

  It’s just a horrible, ugly secret and— Oh, oh God, yeah, right there, that spot. Come on, you bastard, just a little more pressure… I struggle against arching in my chair and try to cover my short panting breaths with another drink of water.

  Bryce keeps the conversatio
n light and never even approaches talk of either company. But near the end of the meal, or at least when Bryce’s plate is almost empty, his tone changes.

  “That’s not the way I remember it, you know,” Bryce says, voice going from light-hearted to more serious. I’m confused for a second, then realize Bryce has abruptly gone back to the remarks made at the very start of the meal.

  “The way I remember it, we were best when we shared things.” He arches an eyebrow and it seems like there’s some innuendo to his words I’m not catching.

  But then his thumb begins to press more urgently at my clit again and he inserts a third finger inside me. I readjust myself in my chair so that I can press up against his hand, praying that it’s unobtrusive. Dammit, what am I doing? But oh— Oh shit, oh God, oh—

  Jackson scoffs. “And yet when we supposedly shared, you were the one who always came off with all the,” his eyes narrow, “prizes in the end.”

  I’m trying to pay attention to their conversation, I really am. Every word seems laden with double entendre or some kind of code I’m missing the key to. But the way Bryce is so masterfully playing my body, the edges of my vision are starting to go hazy as heat rushes to my lower core.

  Jackson’s low rumbling voice isn’t helping either. I’ve never heard a sexier voice. I try to focus on what he’s saying. Christ, I have to get myself under control. I’m not going to come right here. I’m not.

  “I want to collaborate with you again,” Bryce says. “I’m developing a new drone that I’d like you to take a look at. I’ll have legal draw up papers so everything’s clear up front. Any patents developed would have clear fifty-fifty ownership. But out of it could come knowledge and business relationships that would benefit both of us in the long term.”

  How can he talk logically while so thoroughly finger-fucking me? Christ, I shouldn’t have even let myself think that phrase. Finger-fucking. It made it worse. Dirty. Forbidden.

  I grit my teeth against the pleasure but I swear I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter. Oh God, did Bryce’s fingers just squelch? Did Jackson hear it?

  But Bryce’s still busy talking, thank God. “I have relationships and exclusive contracts with suppliers that I’d be willing to cut you in on if you agree to this partnership. These manufacturing contracts could slash your bottom line by more than twelve percent. Sharing my connections with you won’t hurt my bottom line since we don’t operate in the same marketplaces.”

  “And you’d just hand them over?” Jackson’s eyes are drawn in cynicism.

  Bryce smiles affably as he nods. “Of course, I’ll get something out of the collaboration as well. I’ve been watching the clean energy solutions you’ve developed and incorporated into your machines with some interest over the years. I’ve drawn up designs for a new UAV incorporating AXCO plastics, Kuramoto motors, and your energy-saving technology. We’d take over the top performing models in the business and lock in the DOD contracts for the next decade.”

  Even through my sex haze, I saw the spark of unintentional interest light in Jackson’s eyes when Bryce began talking. But it doused at the very end of Bryce’s spiel.

  “I was never interested in military applications.” Jackson shakes his head. “And I stopped playing your games a long time ago, Bryce. You said if I sat through this meal, I’d get CQ-9.” He folds his cloth napkin and places it beside his plate. “I’m not in the mood for dessert. I fulfilled my end of the bargain.”

  Right as Jackson moves to stand. Bryce does something with his hands, the fingers inside pressing up while he hits a certain place on my clit and oh God, yes right there. After the entire lunch of teasing, I’m so swollen and ready and Bryce somehow knows the exact way to play my body. A short tremor of pleasure shoots through me.

  Oh— oh— yes, don’t stop, don’t— oh— oooh—

  It’s all white spots and chest-seizing fire for a moment. When I can finally take a full breath again, I realize that I’ve grabbed at the tablecloth, squeezing it in a death grip between clenched fingers.

  Dammit. I probably look like a lunatic. A horny, sex-craved lunatic.

  When I open my eyes, Jackson’s just staring at me, an unreadable expression on his face. And I’ve never felt more mortified or shamed in my life. I drop my head and want to curl into myself and my misery. How do I keep letting this happen to me? Why am I so goddamned weak when it comes to Bryce?

  I see it now. I’m going to be destroyed by the time this is all over. He’s going to crush me because I’m not strong enough for his… What was it Jackson called it?

  Bryce’s games.

  That’s all this is to Bryce. A game. He brought me here just for this. He knew what he was going to do ahead of time.

  He planned this… this… public shaming. Except to him, it’s a game. I’m a plaything to toy with until I’m all worn out, used, and broken. And just like a six-year-old does, he’ll toss me in the trash and forget me once he’s done with me.

  I feel like I’m going to throw up my crab cakes.

  Bryce stands and holds a hand out for Jackson to shake. The same hand that was just inside me. Still probably wet from my juices. I have to fight not to hunch even further into myself.

  It’s not the way I should be playing this. I should be showing Bryce that I am not affected. That I’m strong and can face up to anything he dishes out. I have to. I already paid rent from the money he fronted me for the first month’s work and God knows I’m not backing out of my attorney’s appointment. Not after how far I’ve already gone.

  This might be a game to Bryce, but I have to keep holding on long enough to keep my family together. A year at least. He might be using me, but I can use him right back. I’m not a victim here. I won’t be. I straighten my back even as I keep up the internal pep talk. I can do this.

  “Don’t forget I know you,” Bryce says. “You rarely make decisions without weighing all the odds. All I’m asking for is collaboration on one drone design. The exclusive contracts I can connect you to, with some of the best suppliers in the business, will bring your company a bright future.”

  Bryce leans in, and I realize this is the hard sell the entire lunch has been leading up to. “You might be number one in the US, but if you want CubeThink to be internationally competitive, you need an edge. I’m offering it to you. Why don’t you mull over the opportunity and get back to me?”

  Instead of just shaking hands, he pulls Jackson forward and gives him another half-hug pat on the back thing like he did at the beginning of the lunch. And then, to my further mortification, I notice him slip my thong into the pocket of Jackson’s jacket.

  I cringe and look away. I suppose I played my part in the meeting after all, even if I don’t understand it.

  When Bryce pulls back, Jackson’s face is, as always, unreadable.

  “Perhaps after you’ve had some time for further consideration, I could have Miss Cruise send over more proposal details.” I look up sharply at the mention of my name, but Bryce’s already moving on. He holds out an arm for me.

  I stand and take it, face still to the ground. I can’t look up at Jackson. If I never see him again in my life it will be too soon.

  I don’t even flinch when Bryce guides me by the small of my back out of the room.

  It’s only once we leave that my stomach settles and I realize how hungry I am. I barely touched any of that delicious looking pasta. Part of me wishes I could be back in that dining room finishing my meal with Jackson instead of leaving with Bryce. Because I wonder if the scarier-looking shark might just be the safer of the two.


  “Mommy! Nose! Nose!” Charlie grabs my nose with his slightly grimy fingers and a delighted smile.

  I laugh, pulling away and wiping any dirt from my nose onto the shoulder of my shirt sleeve. Ah, the weekend, when I can wear ratty old t-shirts and jeans. “Yep, nose.”

  I bop his nose with my forefinger and he giggles, then toddles away from me in a short circle on the grass. I grin a
t him.

  We’re at the park where I’m sitting on my favorite picnic blanket. I took him to the small kids play set, but all he wanted to do was run around on the big grassy area. Fine with me. Sitting out in the sunshine on this Saturday paradise? You don’t have to twist my arm.

  Charlie runs back at me, full toddler speed. I hold my arms out. “Whoa, buddy!”

  He slams into me and then grabs a chunk of my hair. “Hair!”

  “Yes, hair.” I snuggle him close. He smells like baby powder and sunshine. “How’d you get to be so cute?” I ask him. “I didn’t think you could get any cuter but then you got to be two-and-a-half and now you’re talking and toddling and you’re more fun than ever!”

  “Fun!” Charlie echoes. Then he starts wriggling to get out of my hold. “Up. Up.”

  Ah, ain’t that the way of it? When he was small, all he wanted was cuddles all day long. Now he’s always squirming to get away so he can run around. They always say kids grow up too fast. I let go of him, and he’s off again.

  “Stay close,” I call. I don’t have to worry though. He’s already stopped and is bending down to inspect something on the ground. Now I just have to keep a close watch to make sure whatever it is doesn’t go in his mouth.

  “Miss Cruise? Is that you?”

  I look around and see a jogger. For a second, I can’t place him. He’s a runner, that’s obvious. A big man. A mountain of a man, really, with powerful thighs and a sweat-soaked chest that’s so wide it requires a full swivel of my eyes to take all of him in.

  “Miss Cruise?”

  And then I blink, because the deep voice is familiar. I put my hand over my eyes to block out the sun that’s shining from behind his head.

  Finally it clicks and my mouth drops open. It’s Mr. Vale. Recognition hits with the force of a taser striking my nervous system. I sit up stiffly, and my head whips around to find Charlie. He’s got a stick and pokes at something in the dirt. My precious innocent baby.


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