Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection

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Tell Me No Secrets: Secret Baby Romance Collection Page 149

by Jamie Knight

My friend nodded. “You did seem antsy. If you want to go back to work, I think that would be great for you.”

  I smiled and took a sip of my beer. “I might even be able to get my old company back. I was looking into the deal, and there was a clause that the new owner had to maintain all the existing contracts if the existing contractors wanted to stay in business, so no changing rates. It looks like they broke the clause, meaning I can buy back my company.”

  I had built some excellent business relationships in all the years I ran my construction company, and I wanted the people I did business with to be taken care of even if I wasn’t there. Seemed the new owner didn’t have the same spirit as me, and they were trying to jack up prices. The clause said existing contracts were to be kept for five years before any renegotiations. There was also a clause stating that the sale was up to debate within five years of the purchase date. Thank goodness I came to my senses before then.

  “If you want your business, go for it.”

  “That’s what I intend to do.”

  Darren and I did a little salute, clinking our glasses and drinking to me getting back to business.

  Chapter Fifteen - Scarlett

  Two Weeks Later

  My dad had been discharged from the hospital, and I had spent the past week helping him get situated back home. It looked like things had only gotten worse since I left. The house was a mess, as was he.

  “Dad! Are you ready? We have to head out to your appointment in a few minutes.”

  The doctor wanted to have a follow up to track my dad’s progress. They were able to get him stable-ish, but they were worried that due to his history of alcohol abuse that things could turn sideways.

  “I’m coming, Scarlett. I’m ready.”

  My dad came down the stairs, and we packed ourselves into the car and headed out. It was a bit of a drive to the hospital, about thirty minutes, so I put on the radio to avoid the silence. After we were on the road for about five minutes, my dad turned the volume down.

  “Is everything okay, Dad?”

  He shifted in his seat. “There are a few things I wanted to tell you.”


  “First off, I’m grateful that you’ve taken care of me this long. You shouldn’t have to take care of me, not like this.”

  “It’s okay, Dad. I love you, and I want you to get better.”

  Dad dropped his head. “I don’t deserve to. I wasn’t good for your mother. I wasn’t faithful. She stayed because she loved me, but I would step out again and again. It drove her to drink. I’m the reason she’s dead. I don’t know if I was a good father. I tried, but I don’t know. Then Kylie died… I don’t think I deserve to have a happy life.”

  I had already known that my parents didn’t have a happy marriage. I had come to terms with what had happened, and I didn’t want my dad to entirely disregard it, but I also didn’t want him punishing himself for the rest of his life.

  “I know you’ve made some mistakes in the past, Dad, and it’s always good to own up to what you’ve done, but you can’t kick yourself forever. Part of the process is healing and forgiving yourself. What happened is in the past, and if you want to have a good life, you’ve got to move forward.”

  My dad was crying, so he didn’t say anything. He just nodded. We were arriving at the hospital, so I took that as enough for the time being.

  We got checked in and were led to an examination room pretty quickly. While we were waiting for the doctor, a nurse walked in to check my dad’s vitals. While she was writing on the clipboard, she gave me a once over.

  “You know, Scarlett, you are positively glowing. Is there a secret I should know about?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I had been tired ever since coming to take care of my dad, and I wasn’t doing anything special. In fact, any routines I had were falling through the cracks, so I could get an extra twenty or thirty minutes of sleep.

  “I don’t know. Your skin and something about you is glowing. I’m not sure how else to describe it.”

  “Oh, well. Thank you.”

  “Of course.” She finished up with my dad’s chart and left us alone.

  There were more people coming in and out, but I was lost in thought. Glowing? Could that mean I was finally pregnant? People always say that’s what happens when you’ve got a baby growing inside you.

  I’d have to pick a test, that was my first thought. After I dropped my dad off back home, I’d go to a nearby pharmacy and get one. But excitement needed to stay low. I’d already had two months’ worth of disappointment. This was just to see. Whatever the results, I’d be okay with it.


  I was sitting in the bathroom, waiting for the timer to go off. My brain had been racing ever since the nurse made that comment. I was sitting on the toilet, tapping my foot. I hated the wait time on these tests, but what else was I supposed to do.

  I distracted myself long enough, and the alarm went off. I grabbed the test from the sink and looked at it. It had two stripes. Two stripes… What did that mean? I couldn’t remember what it meant. I looked for the box. It was in the trash. I rifled through it and found the instructions.

  Results section, results section…

  Pregnant! Two stripes meant pregnant! I was going to have Noah’s baby! Holy shit, I had to tell him. I’d rather do it in person, though. The doctor had given my dad a clean bill of health, or he was healthy enough to not have to come in again as long as he cut down on the drinking. I knew I wasn’t going to be the one who got him to quit. I had done all I could do. It was time for me to go back to Livvy and Noah. It was time for me to go home.

  I told my dad that I was heading back today. I could tell he was a little upset, but he gave me his love. I missed Scarlett and Noah, and it was time. I could only hope that he took the doctor’s advice and cut down on the alcohol. I made sure to pick up some AA pamphlets for him.

  I got myself all packed and left for the mountains.

  Later, I pulled into the driveway and let myself into the house. I could hear some noise coming from the kitchen, so I dropped my bags by the front and headed that way.

  “Livvy? Noah?” After I called out, I heard the pitter-patter of little feet running towards me.

  “Auntie Scarlett!” Olivia ran into my legs, giving me a big hug.

  “Hey, sweetie. How are you?”

  “Daddy and I are eating dinner. Come on!” She pulled on my hand, bringing me into the kitchen. Noah was there just like she said, sitting at the table and eating his food.

  “Scarlett? Are you hungry?” He looked so happy and calm, sitting there. I nodded.

  “I am, but can I talk to you first?”

  “Sure.” Noah got up from his seat and walk over. “Livvy, why don’t you go eat. Scarlett and I will join you in a bit.”

  Livvy went back to her dinner, scooping up her mac and cheese. Noah and I walked over to the connecting room. The second we were out of sight, he brought me into a passionate kiss.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” he said.

  “I’m happy to see you, too.” We embraced for a bit before breaking apart. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

  “Can I go first?” My eyes widened with surprise. I hadn’t expected Noah to have news.

  “Yeah, go ahead.”

  “I was looking at houses, and I thinks it’s time for us to move out of the mansion. Somewhere closer to a school for Olivia, and closer to my job —”

  “You got a job?”

  “I’m in the process of repurchasing my company, and after talking with my lawyers, it looks like it’s going to go through.”

  Oh wow. Noah had been up to quite a bit while I was away. He planned out so much for us.

  “Well, we should probably look for something with at least three bedrooms because someone else is going to be joining us in nine or so months.”

  It took a second for the news to sink in,
but then Noah looked down at my stomach.

  “You mean?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded, my smile wide and taking over my entire face.

  Noah placed a hand on my belly, gently rubbing it. “Oh my god!”

  “Maybe being away from the mansion helped relieve all that pressure I was feeling about getting pregnant. I don’t know. Who knows? But they’re coming.”

  My life with Noah was setting itself up before my eyes. It was crazy. Just a couple of months ago, I was alone and sad. I decided to take a step forward to come and see Noah and Olivia, and soon we were planning our lives together, having a baby, moving. It couldn’t be more perfect.

  “Let’s go tell Livvy.” Noah took my hand, and we went back to the kitchen.

  While I sat down, he made me a plate of food and then joined us. We ate quietly for a little bit before Noah cleared his throat.

  “Livvy. Scarlett and I wanted to tell you something.”

  She looked up from her plate and twisted her mouth. “Does Auntie Scarlett have to go away again?” She looked so sad at the thought, it broke my heart.

  “Oh no, sweetie!” I placed my hand on her back, rubbing it. “We have good news. Well, there’s two things.”

  “The first one is we’re going to move. We want to be closer to the town, so you can go to school and meet other kids.”

  “I’m going to school!” Her face lit up immediately. She started bouncing in her seat. “What else? What else?”

  “Well,” I started. “In a few months, you’re going to have a little brother or sister.”

  “How?” Livvy blinked, looking confused.

  “They’re growing inside me right now.” I put my hand on my belly to show her. “And when they’re strong enough, you’ll be able to see them and hold them and play with them. They’ll be a little baby.”

  “A baby,” she repeated. “A baby! Can I touch it?” She looked at the hand I had on my belly.


  Livvy scooted her chair over to me and put her hand by mine. “In here?”

  “In a couple months, you’ll be able to feel them kicking. They’ll little feet will push out.”

  Livvy looked so enthralled by the whole thing. I was happy that she was delighted. There wasn’t a hint of jealousy. I couldn’t wait for this bundle of joy to come out and become a part of this family. We had become our own little unit, and things were looking up. I’d never been happier in my life.

  Epilogue - Noah

  One Year Later

  “Is everything ready? It has to be perfect.”

  Scarlett was looking over the table setting. She had moved platters around, plated things differently, folded the napkins in all kinds of ways. I thought every setting looked terrific, but it wasn’t enough. Not yet.

  “It’s amazing. Your dad will love it.”

  “Of course, my dad will love it. I’m worried about Gretchen. This is the first time we’re meeting her, and I want to make a good impression.”

  Ever since Glen told Scarlett about his new girlfriend, Scarlett had been begging him to bring her over. He finally said yes, and now she was fretting over placemats.

  I placed my hands on her shoulders, willing them to relax.

  “Gretchen is going to look at this table and think it is the greatest looking spread she has ever seen. And if she doesn’t, fuck her.”

  Scarlett giggled, grabbing my hand. “No, not fuck her. I want her to like me. My dad has been doing so well since he met her. I need her to like me.”

  “I can’t imagine how she couldn’t.”

  Scarlett took a deep breath. “I need to relax. Just relax.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “You know what. I’m gonna check on Kylie.”

  Scarlett left me outside to go to our daughter’s room. We both agreed Kylie was the best possible name. A way to honor someone who was important in our lives and, in a strange way, brought us together. This was our way of keeping her memory alive.

  I was about to go inside when I saw a little hand sneaking onto the table, looking as if it was grabbing for a cookie.

  “Is someone out here?” The hand quickly retreated, and I heard giggles coming from underneath the table. “I don’t see anyone. Maybe I’m seeing things.” The giggling continued, and I knelt down to find Bryant and Olivia hiding. “And what are you two doing here?” They looked down at the ground somewhat guiltily.

  “We wanted a cookie,” Livvy whispered.

  Darren and Hope were also coming for lunch, and we thought it would be nice to have Bryant spend the night. Livvy had started going to the same school, and she was making all kinds of friends, but Bryant was still her best one.

  “Well, if you two can keep a secret, I’ll let the two of you split one.”

  They nodded, and I grabbed a cookie from the platter. I broke it in two and placed a piece in each of their hands. I put my finger against my lips to remind them that it was a secret, and they both nodded while chewing. I stood up and did a final pass over to make sure everything was precisely how Scarlett wanted it.

  “Everyone, may I have your attention.” Scarlett stood up during lunch and did a little clink on her glass. The table turned their eyes to her to see what she had to say. “I want to thank everyone for coming here today. I know except for Gretchen, you’ve all been to our new house at some point. We never got around to having a housewarming with the baby and Noah starting his new job, so this kind of feels like we’re doing just that, even though we have been here for quite a few months. I hope we get to do this again because it was so much fun.”

  “Yes, we’d all love to come again,” Hope piped in.

  “That would be lovely.”

  Scarlett sat back down, and the conversation restarted. It was simply a pleasant day, and that was that.


  It was nighttime, and Livvy had fallen asleep on the couch next to Bryant. Lunch had turned into light drinks, which turned into dinner. No one wanted to leave, and we didn’t want anyone to go. We got to show Kylie around, and they’d all met her, except for Gretchen. It was a beautiful day.

  Once they had all left, I picked Livvy and Bryant up, and Scarlett and I took them upstairs to her room. Kylie was down for the night already. She was a strange baby, able to sleep through the night. It was nice, though.

  Scarlett and I walked over to our room, hand and hand.

  “Did you have a nice time today?”

  “I did,” I answered.

  “That’s good. I did, too.” We got to our bedroom and walked in. “Do you know how I’d like for the night to end?” Scarlett walked her fingers up my arm.

  “How?” I had a pretty strong idea of what she was implying, but it was always lovely to hear her say it.

  “With you underneath me.” She pushed my chest, so I fell onto the bed before climbing up and straddling me. She pushed her hand under my shirt, running her fingers over my abs. “Tonight I want to be in charge,” Scarlett smirked. I loved it when she got bold.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  Scarlett smiled again and continued to explore my body with her hands. She pushed my shirt all the way up, taking it off my body.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get over how beautiful you are.”

  She brought her lips down, gently placing kisses all over my chest. Her kisses kept getting lower and lower until she reached my pants. Scarlett made quick work of getting my pants and underwear off. Soon, I was naked, my erect cock standing to attention as Scarlett admired it. She wrapped her fingers around my shaft and pumped. I sat up on my elbows and watched her wrap lips around my shaft. She pushed her mouth down, taking my dick deep into her mouth.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, falling back down onto the bed.

  Scarlett had a wicked mouth. Her tongue swirled around my head, sending a rush through my body. I sat back up, so I could brush her hair from her face, holding it in my fist. As she continued to bob her head up a
nd down, my hold tightened.

  Scarlett stopped just as she got me to the precipice. I was harder than a rock. It was almost painful.

  “You know how to tease a man.”

  Her lips turned up as she got off the bed and pulled her panties down. She straddled me again, a knee on either side of my body, her dress bunching at her waist.

  “I really like this dress.”

  “Thanks, it’s new.”

  Scarlett picked up her body and pushed herself down on my cock. Her folds felt as if they were sucking me in, drawing my body to her. Every second spent with Scarlett was somehow better than the last.

  “You’re perfect,” I breathed.

  “You’re perfect,” Scarlett repeated.

  Her pelvis moved faster, slamming down into me. I grabbed onto her waist. I brought my body up to meet hers. Sweat dotted my skin as I exerted myself. I wanted Scarlett to come hard. I always wanted her to come hard. Her face breaking in ecstasy was one of my favorite sights.

  “Noah, I’m going to come.”

  I moved harder, the sounds of skin slapping skin filling up our entire room. My dick angrily drove in and out of her pussy until I felt her body shake. She arched her back as her walls vibrated around my shaft, Scarlett’s juices flowing down my dick. I did a few more pumps and exploded inside her, fingers digging into her waist. Scarlett collapsed on top of me, her hair falling into my face. I pushed it aside, so I could look into her eyes.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Amazing,” she mumbled.

  It looked like she was getting sleepy. I was tired myself. We both had things to do tomorrow, and it was probably time to go to sleep. Scarlett rolled off of me, leaving her hand on my chest. I gripped it, placing kisses on the outside part of her hand.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you. For never giving up on me. For staying in my life. I love you, Scarlett.”

  “I love you, too.”

  My life with Scarlett and my daughters was better than I could have ever imagined. Every day just got better and better. Tomorrow, I was hoping to do my part to bring the sunshine by asking Scarlett to marry me. Glenn and I had talked in private, and he wished us all the happiness in the world. It felt like we already had all the joy we could handle, but I knew there were always chances for me.


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