Compel Me: A Reverse Harem Vampire Romance (The Last Vocari Book 1)

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Compel Me: A Reverse Harem Vampire Romance (The Last Vocari Book 1) Page 10

by Elena Lawson

  Fuck. This felt right. It was right, wasn’t it?

  And I mean, if they were intimate with each other, why couldn’t I be intimate with all of them, too? Right?

  Right. The little minx in the back of my mind nodded vehemently, spreading her legs wide as she hooked a finger in the direction of Blake. Come to mama, she growled.

  “Do you trust me?” Blake spoke against my mouth, the barest brush of our lips made me shudder, a small sound escaping my mouth.

  I looked up into his eyes. Steady. Dark. Aged ten years, but still the boy I fell in love with almost fifteen years ago. “Yes.”

  He drew something out of his pocket and snapped it the air—the sound loud and sharp, like a whip. My heartbeat spurred into a gallop, leaping into my throat. Nervous didn’t begin to cover what I was feeling.

  Aroused. Apprehensive. Afraid.

  The feelings danced and twirled behind my breastbone in a dizzying tango. I could handle pain—that, I knew. And I did trust Blake. Vampire or not.

  So, what was there to be afraid of?

  “Yes,” I repeated, nodding this time, my voice more certain. A certainty I think Blake had been waiting to hear in my tone. “Yes, I trust you.”

  Blake released my jaw in favor of my wrists, he drew them up sharply, pulling them together until he’d coaxed my fingers to clasp one another, palms flush. Then he passed a small length of black silk over my knuckles, the smooth fabric making my skin tingle.

  I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing, but he hushed me before I could speak. “Don’t speak,” he ordered me.

  I bit my lower lip to keep from talking.

  Blake peered at me from the corner of his eye as he knotted the fabric and pulled it tight over my wrists. I gasped. “You’re still healing,” he said. “So, I’ll be gentle.”

  I wasn’t about to argue, the nervous fluttering in my belly made it feel like I’d just gone over the edge of a steep hill on a rollercoaster that had no off switch. Exhilarating—but also terrifying.

  Since it seemed I wasn’t allowed to speak, I nodded instead, gulping.

  Blake pulled a second piece of fabric out of his other pocket. This one reminiscent of a silk tie, and I wondered if he’d been wearing it with that fancy suit jacket he had on. And then I wondered why he was wearing a suit jacket at all. Not that I was complaining—he looked damn good in it, and…okay. I needed to shut off my brain. The slumbering dragon in my belly was yawning awake, and the sexy little minx in my mind purred, readying her claws.

  Oh god.

  I shook as Blake moved into place behind me, trailing a finger over the top of my chest as he went, just above where the towel still covered my breasts. But it was starting to slip—another moment or two and it would be a puddle of plush white around my ankles.

  Blake’s hands came around either side of my neck and with a snap of the silken tie I was blinded. He secured the tie over my eyes with a knot at the back of my head—pulled tight over my still-damp hair. I could see a small bit of light around the edges, but nothing more. It was pitch dark. I tried to move my hands but the way he tied them together made it near impossible.

  I thought if I pulled hard enough, I would be strong enough to unbind myself, but I wasn’t certain, and the uncertainly made my pulse quicken and my lips part to lose an alternatingly panicked and lustful breath.

  He was so close I could feel his body heat. Smell his clean linen and suede scent—the hints of vanilla soothing my senses—lulling me into a state of temporary calm.

  Blake’s fingertips grazed my collarbone and I bucked under the soft whisper of his touch. The phantom fingers trailed up my neck, tipping my head to one side with practiced restraint.

  Oh fuck.


  He was going to bite me.

  My toes curled and my stomach flipped. Gooseflesh rose on my arms and legs. The sensation racing over me like a rogue shock wave, igniting all my nerve endings, setting my skin ablaze. The anticipation made every muscle in my body tense, begging to be unwound by the release I would only receive from the piercing of his teeth.

  Please. The irrational part of me pleaded. Please.

  I sensed more than felt him lean in and I jolted as his warm breath caressed the tender spot at the base of my neck, just below my right ear. Blake pressed his lips to my skin, kissing me softly. I could feel the press of his fangs through his lips. I let out a weak moan, wanting so badly to touch him. To see him.

  When his lips came away from my skin, I couldn’t help it. “Please,” I whispered and his hands on my neck stiffened for a fraction of an instant.

  “You’re still healing,” he replied after an eternity of waiting, his words strained. I knew he wanted what I offered—likely more than I, myself, wanted it.

  I shook my head. I was feeling much better. Maybe not one hundred percent, but close enough. “No… Please….”

  I licked my lips when his hands tightened on my neck, shivering with pleasure.

  “Are you certain?”

  I nodded vehemently, feeling a little dirty. Like a druggie who wanted their fix. Except these were my boys. And I was willing to bet it only felt as incredible as it did because of that fact. Sure, there may be some of the same feelings with any vampire who bit me, but the feeling had to be as strong as it was because it was them. And to me, that made it the rightest thing in the world.

  A sound like a click and a small groan preceded the sound of heavy steps as someone entered the room. I knew those steps. I’d all but memorized the sound in over the last few days. Just like I’d memorized every inch of him whenever I had to chance to stare. Afraid he would vanish again. That being with him again wouldn’t last.

  Frost stopped walking, and I wanted to turn around and see him, but the blindfold was still secure across my eyes, and Blake’s hands were still tight on my neck, holding me in place.

  “Couldn’t wait, could you?” Frost’s gruff voice slithered into the room, making my skin bristle.

  Blake didn’t answer him.

  I was too dizzy with desire to do much more than stand there, my body a live-wire shooting bolts of electricity into my blood—convulsing in shudders and shivers all over the surface of my skin.

  “She’s still healing,” Frost added, mimicking what Blake said only a moment before. “We shouldn’t take any of her blood until she’s—”

  “I know,” Blake interrupted him, and I couldn’t help the frown that pulled down at the corners of my lips, though…the way Frost said we as though he intended to join Blake made the lustful little minx in my mind sit up and take notice—near salivating.

  I’d never been with two men at the same time before. My knees knocked together and a silky wetness spread between my thighs. What were these guys doing to me?


  I wanted them so bad. I tried to pull at my wrists again, wanting to break free, but also so incredibly turned on at the fact that I couldn’t. It added another level. Another dimension of pleasure I’d never experienced before. One I wanted to see through until the end.

  “I want you,” I squeaked, shocked at the high pitch of my voice as I rubbed my legs together, itching for touch. “I want both of you. Now.”

  There was a beat of silence before I heard the groan of hinges and the click of the door closing firmly in the frame. I grinned, biting my lower lip.

  “Take mine,” Frost said, and my brows furrowed until I realized what he meant with a start—truly wanting the blindfold off now. “It will sate you well enough to control the urge to take hers.”

  So not fair!

  I wanted to whine, to stomp my little feet and shout No! Bite me! I want to be the one to be bitten!

  But Blake was going to feed from Frost, and for some unfathomable reason, it made a delicious ache spread through my lower abdomen. Made my toes curl again. I wanted to see them. As though reading my thoughts, Blake lifted me from the floor. I yelped at the suddenness of the movement, trying to find my bearings as he tuck
ed me into his chest and carried me a few steps until I was on the bed, the silken sheets I’d slept in the night before soft against my skin.

  I felt him get onto the bed as the mattress beneath us buckled under his weight. Felt the heat of him as he crawled over me, resting one knee on either side of my hips. What was he doing?

  Blake yanked my hands up, pulling tightly until I was half sitting—my back against a mound of pillows. He was doing something with the binds on my wrists. Removing them? No. He was tightening them—or maybe… I heard the shhh sound of silk pulled fast and tight against metal. The headboard of the bed was wrought iron—a twisting, curling pattern, and reaching my fingers out, I could feel the cool touch of it against them.

  The weight of him on the mattress lessened and I found I could no longer move my hands. He’d literally tied me to the bedpost.

  Good god.

  What now?

  There was a dull thud and I knew poor Mr. Dickins had been knocked to the floor. I had a feeling he wouldn’t be getting much use anymore. I smiled at the thought.

  Another presence joined us on the bed, and the towel covering me slipped low, uncovering one of my breasts, exposing it to the cool air in the room. The nipple hardened instantly, and a small sigh tumbled from my lips.

  Big hands and the intoxicating scents of worn leather, cloves, and tangy aftershave washed over me as Frost leaned in and pinched the edge of the blindfold against the tops of my cheekbones and tugged it down until it fell against my collar. I blinked to readjust to the light, hungry to see what lay before me.

  I was not disappointed.

  My lips fell apart in awe of the works of art before me. Somehow, they both managed to get undressed. I assumed Frost was undressing while Blake carried me over to the bed and tied me to it, and Blake undressed quickly while Frost gave me back my sight.

  I was practically salivating at the scene before me. Holy motherfucking shit.

  They were godlike. Tightly coiled muscle. Frost—completely hairless. And Blake…Blake had a whisper of chest-hair near the top middle of his chest. I itched to feel it, but soon, my hungry eyes were drawn to other parts of him. His obsidian eyes watched me watch him. Dangerous and glinting in the low light.

  Tattoos covered his smooth skin, curling in whorls and abstract images up his arms and across the top of his chest—creeping up his neck. Double sleeves and what looked to be an unfinished chest piece. The black ink suited him more than any form of clothing ever could. And below where the tattoo ended on his chest, a long scar—shining silver and pinkish in color marred his otherwise perfectly sculpted torso.

  No—marred wasn’t the right word. The scar left from the first vampire they ever encountered didn’t mar him. It defined him.

  I wanted to kiss every inch of it. Like Frost liked to kiss mine when we made love—his silent apology for not being able to prevent it.

  My gaze trailed lower to his tapered hips and his perfect Adonis Belt plunging into the V-shape that was like a fucking flashing sign pointing directly as his exquisite cock. He was already hard—though not fully I suspected—even though he was already a good size. Longer than Frost, but not quite as girthy.

  I salivated as I glanced between the two of them. Wishing one of them would say something. Or better yet, do something. My body itched with the need to be touched and I tugged at my binds again, whimpering.

  “Uh-uh,” Blake chastised with a wicked glimmer in his black eyes. He moved into position behind where Frost was knelt right in front of me, between my legs. “You’ll have your turn,” he purred.

  Frost’s river-green gaze never left mine as Blake’s hands trailed up Frost’s thick arms, his muscles flexing. His hardened cock twitched.

  Blake continued to trail one hand up, while the other moved around to Frost’s chest, pulling the large male back further into him in a sort of embrace. He used his other hand to tip Frost’s neck to one with a palm placed against Frost’s temple.

  Frost surrendered to Blake’s desire and tilted his head to the side, submitting to the other male fully. My Frost. Bad boy Frost who would never submit to another human being on this earth…but who would submit freely only to me—and it seemed to the other guys as well.

  A puzzle of four souls, my mind whispered.

  It was painfully beautiful and toe-curlingly hot to watch as Blake leaned in and loosed a guttural growl an instant before his mouth opened wide, his fangs slid free, and he bit hard into the flesh of Frost’s neck.

  Immediately, Frost was powerless against the tidal wave of pleasure brought on my Blake’s bite. I watched his eyes widen and then the lids grow heavy as he lowered them, submitting to his desire. His hands that were fists only a second before, slackened.

  The hand Blake had on Frost’s chest moved down as he continued to suckle at Frost’s neck until it wrapped firmly around his cock. Frost’s stomach muscles clenched, and his body responded to the touch in a way that made my heart thunder behind my breastbone and my breaths come rough and ragged.

  A burning began low between my legs. A pulsating ache forming there at the intense need to join them.

  It wouldn’t be completely right until all of us were together. Until we were all one. Where was Ethan? Fuck, I wanted him, too. I wanted us all to find the places where we fit together and then stay there—complete and whole for the first time in our lives.

  I watched, enraptured as Blake stroked Frost’s satiny length, gripping him hard and then soft and then hard again as his hand moved back and forth, making Frost rock hard. Droplets of blood dribbled down Frost’s collarbone and over his chest.

  Blake pulled back with a hiss, his fangs retracting. Dazed, with his lids heavy and eyes glassy, Frost leaned forward onto his elbows. For a second I thought he was inviting Blake to enter him from behind and I was shocked at how much the thought of watching them fuck each other excited me. Making me even wetter than I was a moment before.

  But instead, Frost tugged me down by my ankle, so I was more horizontal, his hand reaching up to squeeze my thigh. Going higher up the hollow behind my knee and curling around my thigh. Sweet mother of god, I felt like I would explode the moment he touched me.

  His hand skirted into the sensitive skin of my upper thigh, into the dip of my groin and around to my belly until he was hovering over me and his hand closed over the towel in a fist as he wrenched it from my body, exposing me to them both.

  My body heaved as though I’d been struck. My head tipped back in anticipation. It was agony. The waiting was going to drive me insane.

  When I regained my wits, I tipped my head back down to them, licked my lips and swallowed. “If one of you don’t fuck me soon, I’m going to rip these binds to shreds.”

  Blake quirked a brow behind Frost, amused. Frost must’ve seen me staring at Blake because he obligingly moved out of the way for Blake to move forward between my legs. Frost positioned himself next to my head, and I tugged at the silky cloth keeping my hands tied together. I wanted to touch him so fucking badly. His cock was almost level with my mouth. If he just leaned in a little…

  A hot hand came around my calf and I tore my gaze from Frost to see Blake lifting my leg, effectively turning me onto my side so my knees were together, bent, and I was halfway facing Frost. Blake’s cock twitched as he moved it slowly, caressing every inch of my legs and ass as he spread his knees, lowering himself so his cock was level with my sex.

  Oh god.

  Blake licked his lips and moved a hand down to grip himself, planting his other hand on my ass to keep steady as he rubbed his length against me. Moving the tip in flicking motions against my clit. His dark eyes drank in the sight of me as I moaned, my head lolling back to rest against my arm.

  He pressed gently against my opening, easing himself inside of me slowly—allowing me to adjust to his length as he pushed deeper into me, his hand on my ass squeezing tight and his jaw clenched tight as he filled me. I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood as he hilted himself inside of me.
br />   “Fuck,” he cried in a whisper under his breath as he shuddered, drawing slowing back out only to plunge back inside, harder this time, his body slapping against my backside with the force of the thrust. I gasped, my lips parting, and as I tipped my head back I saw that Frost had moved in a bit closer.

  Glancing up at him, I saw that he was busy watching Blake fuck me with an unparalleled hunger in his gaze. But not jealously. He was getting off on it. Waiting patiently for his turn as he continued to stroke my breast. I leaned forward as far as my binds would allow and took his erect cock into my mouth, surprising him.

  He shuddered at the contact and his hips bucked, pushing his length further into my mouth. I moaned, licking the sensitive spot around the tip—flicking my tongue back and forth. He cursed under his breath and his hand fisted into my hair.

  Blake growled, his grip on me tightening as he drove into me again and again. I moaned around Frost’s cock in my mouth, causing him to shudder. My muscles were contracting, burning—shaking as my climax lingered—teasing me—just out of reach as Blake ground his hilt against my wet pussy, moving in circular motions, only pulling out a little as he rubbed against me. Stimulating everything.

  So fucking agonizingly slow…

  It was pure torture. Beautiful, painful torture.

  I tried to move my hips against him, urging him on. Begging him without words as I brought Frost’s cock further into my mouth. He’d begun to move, unconsciously matching my rhythm, his fist tightening in my hair until it was near painful.

  Blake snaked his hand down and around my thigh, pausing for an instant to lick his fingers before he settled them over my sex and began rubbing my clit as he pumped into me, on the cusp of finding his own release.

  Within seconds I couldn’t contain it anymore. The sensations washing over me were threatening to take me over. Swallow me whole. Blake’s cock as he fucked me from the side, his length and girth filling me blissfully as he thrust in and in and in. His fingers as they methodically rubbed my clit. Frost’s fist in my hair and his hot, hard cock in my mouth. My hands bound and wrists straining against the soft silk.


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