Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 18

by Kirsty Moseley

  After rubbing sun cream on my legs I slipped off my t-shirt and started rubbing cream on my chest and arms, I looked up to see Ryce staring at my chest. "Hey perv, my eyes are up here" I joked, laughing and pointing to my face. "What's that?" he asked pointing to my mark, shit! "Um, well that's my bond mark" I said quietly, he moved forwards to look at it. "Ryce not wearing very many clothes here, you're a bit close aren't ya?" I said pushing him back slightly.

  "Why the hell is it silver?" he asked breathlessly, "Is Sean's silver too?" he asked almost shouting his eyes wide. "It is now" I said, his eyes snapped up to mine, "Now?" he asked, he looked like he was having trouble speaking like his breath was catching in his throat. I nodded, "Our marks were black, black heart, black chains but after we bonded they turned silver, our other marks are silver too" I said holing out my arm to him He took hold of my hand looking at the bracelet type mark that went all the way around my wrist and down my forearm to my elbow. He gasped and looked like he would pass out.

  "They shouldn't be this big, they should just be a small mark on the wrist not a....." he trailed off unable to finish, "Well this will bake your noodle then, we got them on the ankles too" I said moving my foot into his lap, he traced the chains round my ankle and down the top of my foot to my toes. "Sean and his dad have been looking into it but they can't find anything, the best we can guess is that because I'm human our marks are different" I said with a dismissive shrug as I laid on my back on the blanket closing my eyes.

  After a couple of minutes I opened my eyes to see him still sitting in exactly the same position staring at my mark on my chest. "What now?" I said sitting back up, "I need to speak to Sean, now, can you call him? Ask him to come here and meet us?" he asked. I took a deep breath, "What's so urgent that it can't wait until after school? He doesn't know what it means I told you" I said narrowing my eyes, he was thinking about something really hard his face screwed up in intense concentration. "Tyler can you call him? You want my phone?" he said digging through his bag, I shook my head and laid back down.

  'Sean? Ryce said he needs to speak to you about something important, he's just seen my marks and started to freak the hell out, any chance you could come down the beach and talk to him?' I sent to him. 'Yeah sure baby, I'll be there in ten, love ya' he sent back. "Tyler, this is important I need you to call Sean" Ryce said thrusting the phone into my hand, "Ryce I already did he's on his way" I said and closed my eye's again. "Tyler!" he said again sounding annoyed this time, "Ryce, he's on his way. I'm going for a swim before he gets here you wanna come?" I asked standing up pushing my hair up into a messy bun to keep it dry and walked off towards the sea. He didn't follow me, he just sat on the blanket looking at his hands worry and confusion etched across his face.


  I was sitting in science class chatting with Will about his mom's new car when Tyler called me through our link, 'Sean? Ryce said he needs to speak to you about something important, he's just seen my marks and started to freak the hell out, any chance you could come down the beach and talk to him?' she asked, Shit! What the hell was wrong? Has he found her? Is she in danger?

  Thoughts of her stepfather flashed through my mind making me feel sick, then I realised what she said that he had just seen her marks and freaked out, ok thank God this was going to be about that nothing bad! I breathed a sigh of relief. 'Yeah sure baby, I'll be there in ten, love ya' I sent back to her, great now all I had to do was get out of here. Class had only just started.

  "Mrs McCormack? I'm really not feeling very well do you think I could be excused to see the nurse?" I asked giving her my most persuasive smile. She looked me over, no teacher ever doubted me, I got straight A's and was captain of the football team all the teachers loved me. "Of course Sean, I hope you feel better" she said with a smile, I nodded. "What the hell? Your not ill" Will whispered harshly in my ear, I gave him a cocky smile "See ya bud, enjoy class" I teased as I picked up my bag and left quickly to speed to the beach eager to see my girl, I missed her like crazy.

  I arrived at the beach a little under 10 minutes later, looking up an down the beach I tried to see her but I couldn't, I looked left then right wondering which way they would have walked, my gut told me to go right I don't know why but I followed it and came up to them a couple of minutes later.

  Tyler was in the water, Ryce was sitting on the towel looking slightly peaky. I made my way over to him, "What's up Ryce?" I asked as I was a couple of feet away, his head snapped up to look at me shocked, "What the hell? What are you doing here?" he shouted.

  Ok Tyler said he needed to talk to me so why is he so shocked? I sat down onto the towel next to him, "I thought you wanted to talk to me?" I asked frowning. "I do but I asked Tyler to call you she just went all weird and said that she would but she didn't, she wouldn't use my phone then she just kept telling me you were on your way, so how that hell did you know I wanted to talk to you? She hasn't been anywhere near a phone" he ranted pulling a shaky hand through his hair. OH SHIT! I'm gonna have to tell him about our link, how else could I explain that? Damn it Tyler! I took a deep breath and smiled hoping he didn't freak out. "Tyler and I have our own personal telephone line" I said not really knowing If I should tell him everything or not.

  "Sean we need to talk about some things, obviously more than I first thought" he said wiping sweat from his forehead with a shaky hand, just then Tyler jumped on me knocking me down onto my back. She fell on top of me and kissed me passionately tracing her tongue along my lip, I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue into her mouth with a groan, God her taste! Will I ever get used to this?

  My body was going crazy, I rolled over laughing, she was under me now so I kissed her neck, she was soaking wet and tasted like sea water. I licked her mark and between her breasts making her moan in pleasure, the sound made of her moans sending me into a frenzy. God I loved that sound but I wanted more, I wanted her to scream my name. "Sean" I vaguely hear someone say beside me but I didn't care I wanted to make Tyler scream in pleasure. "SEAN" the voice said again louder this time, a growl crept out of my throat as I tore my head away from my girl to look at who had called me, Ryce sat there looking clearly uncomfortable, red in the face.

  Oh shit, we're at the beach, damn it. I looked down at Tyler and pushed myself up off of her, she clutched my shoulders tightly letting out a little whimper and giving me her begging puppy dog face, I knew she wanted to continue as much as I did. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I pushed up to a sitting position shooting an apologetic look at Ryce who now looked slightly amused.

  "Jeez Tyler don't do that" I said trying to sound angry but failing miserably, I couldn't get mad at this amazing girl of mine. "Sorry" she muttered sitting up and looking at her hands, I laughed and lifted her chin making her look at me. I kissed her lightly on the lips and pulled away quickly giving her a smile, God she was beautiful. "So what do you need to talk about Ryce?" I asked turning to him.

  "Have you any Elders in your family?" Ryce asked slowly seeming to choose his words carefully.

  "Not really, my grandfather died a couple of years ago, my Dad is the eldest shifter in our family now, Why?" I asked confused, that wasn't the start I was expecting, I thought he wanted to talk about our silver marks?

  I looked back at Tyler who was standing up rubbing sun cream on her legs bending over giving me a great view of her body in that tiny bikini, mmm maybe I could help her massage that in, "Tyler, could you put on some clothes? I need Sean to concentrate" Ryce said loudly, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blushed a little and dragged my eyes away from her perfect body. She just laughed, 'Ooo, looks like your in trouble lover boy! Eye's front' she sent to me in my head making me smile. She did as he asked and slipped on one of my t-shirts, God I loved it when she wore my clothes, it made her look even sexier, so the clothes didn't really help but I forced myself not to look at her again.

  "So if your Dad is your elder, you have probably never heard of the prophesy" Ryce asked. I sucked in a deep breat
h and shot him a warning glare flashing my eye's over to Tyler and back again, he seemed to understand his eyes going wide as he looked at me. "What prophesy?" Tyler asked him, shit! What the hell do I say? If she hears about it she might start to worry. Damn that asshole! I gave him a death look warning him not to say anything to her about it.

  "Nothing, it's just a stupid story, I just wondered if Sean had heard of It" he said shrugging, "You made me pull him out of class to find out if he knew something about a stupid story?" she asked clearly angry with him, her small hands clenched into fists she looked like she wanted to punch him. She is so funny. I grabbed her hand pulling her onto my lap laughing, "Calm down baby your gonna burst your gasket" I told her kissing her cheek, she relaxed and I felt smug to see that I had the same effect on her anger that she had on mine.

  "No, I wanted to talk to Sean about your marks but I just thought about the story and wondered if he had heard of it that's all" he said with a shrug. I sent him a grateful smile. "Lets go get some ice cream" I said pushing her up off of my lap, "You want anything Ryce?" I asked grabbing her hand, he shook his head so I pulled her off towards to ice cream cart hoping to distract her so that she wouldn't start asking questions. It worked, a little over an hour later she was hot so she went for another swim, giving Ryce and I chance to talk.

  "Thank you for not saying anything about it in front of her, yeah I've heard of the prophesy, my father's told me, but it is not me if that's what your going to say, I don't want her to know about it, she'll only start to worry about the whole 'many will seek to harm them' part unnecessarily and she doesn't need anything else to worry about" I said sternly with real warning in my voice, he flinched from my tone slightly.

  "Sean, your marks, it says 'He will bond like no other, their unique bond will be marked for all to see' and you've bonded with a human for Christ sake, that's never happened before" he said as if it was obvious. "You need to consider this, and what the hell was you talking about your own private telephone line because I sure as hell know that she didn't call you" he said looking me straight in the eye. I shook my head slightly, do I trust him? Could I trust him? I thought about it for a minute then realised that Tyler trusts him so that is good enough for me.

  I told him everything, about the marks, the healing, the mind speak, the link to her feelings, hearing, sight, speed, I even told him that I knew he was a shifter by touching his hand. He sat quiet and listened to the whole thing with wide eyes. At the end he just nodded. "Sean, you need to consider the fact that there is a strong probability that the prophecy is about you and Tyler, ignoring it wont make it go away" he said quietly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I knew he was right, I'd been thinking the same thing myself, with every new ability that showed itself the possibility of it got more and more. But I didn't want it, not because I didn't want the responsibility but because of the danger this would mean for Tyler, the prophecy specifically warned I would need to protect her and that people would want to harm her, and I couldn't even think about that.

  "Sean, my Grandfather is one of the Elders on the Grand Council in England, you need to talk to him, you and Tyler" he said willing me to understand. I shook my head angry again, "I DO NOT

  want her to know about this Ryce I am fucking serious if she finds out about this and starts to worry I'll kill you I swear to God" I told him venomously, again he flinched away from the anger in my voice. "OK Sean, calm down I won't tell her but you need to speak to him" he said.

  I nodded "Ok I will but there is something I need to do first and I'm gonna be away for a couple of days, I was wondering if there is any possibility that you could get another couple of days off and stay with Tyler for me? She trusts you, I need to know that she's safe, she's my whole world, please?" I said quietly. I needed to get this done I needed to make her safe.

  He studied me intently for a couple of minutes then he nodded. "Ok I'll stay for another couple of days, but will you tell me what your going to do?" he said, I looked up to see that Tyler was now walking back to us she was still to far away from me to hear, I smiled up at her before I turned to Ryce, "I'm going to go kill Peter Symons" I said watching as his mouth dropped open in shock.

  Chapter 18: Los Angeles


  "But why do you have to go Sean?" she whined again hugging me tighter, Oh God why is she making this harder for me? I need to do this, I want to do this to make her safe, but it was almost killing me to leave her. The thought of being away from her, not seeing her for a couple of days was making me ache already, I felt sick and I hated lying to her. "Baby I need to go do this for my dad, I told you he needs me to go with him to help him with this case he's working on, he needs my help"

  I said kissing the top of her head willing her not to cry, I couldn't be the one to make her cry.

  We had been through this and through this but she wouldn't accept that she couldn't come with me.

  My cover was set, she was staying with Ryce at her house and she thought that my dad and I were travelling to New York to work on a big case as he need help with the administration. I would be gone a couple of days, Danny was to keep up the act at school but he didn't know why or what I was really doing. The only ones that knew were Ryce and my father.

  Ryce had been brilliant, he didn't like it but he agreed to help me, he knew it needed to be done as the police were no where near putting him away, they couldn't even find him. Ryce had arranged for me to stay at a hotel in LA not too far from Max Ryan's apartment. He'd given me a copy of all of the details held about Peter Symons, what he did to Tyler, what he was wanted for, who he worked with, all sorts of helpful details. I didn't read any of the stuff about Tyler, I couldn't, if she hadn't told me then she didn't want me to know.

  Ryce had even provided me with a false identity papers in case they needed to check my background, these consisted of a birth certificate and passport. I was ready and I was booked on a plane to LA in an hour, I just needed to get to the airport but Tyler wouldn't let go. I looked over to Ryce signalling for help. He immediately walked over, "Come on Tiger, he'll miss his plane" he said touching her shoulder.

  She started to cry, she was trying really hard not to I could tell, I wiped her tears with my thumb and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I will always love you" I told her as I walked quickly out of the door grabbing my bag as I went, my heart felt like it was breaking but I tried to push it away so that Tyler couldn't feel it, I honestly don't know if I succeeded or not. I tried not to think about this possibly being the last time I would see her or what she would go through if I got myself killed. I couldn't think of the pain I might inflict on her or I wouldn't be able to go and I needed to.


  The hotel I was in was a complete dive, but it had a bed and that's all that mattered. I'd been checking in with Tyler during the flight, practically talking to her the whole way trying to calm her down, she was hysterical and so sad that it made my heart ache. At least with our link I could talk to her whenever I needed to, which made me feel better, closer to her some how, I knew this was going to be hard being away from her but I didn't realise how hard.

  I decided to call Max Ryan (Worzel) almost as soon as I was settled in my hotel room, picking up the phone I called the number I'd taken from biker guys phone. I had learned from my dad that biker guys real name was Stuart Richards, I'd completely forgot to ask him his name so I was grateful for my dads friends in the police department. Apparently he went by the name Snake, which I thought fitted him well, well used to fit him anyway before I killed that sick asshole.

  Max Ryan answered almost immediately, "Who the fuck is this and how the fuck did you get my number?" he spat down the phone. I took a deep breath, "Hey, my name is Sean Watts, I was given your number by Snake" I said confidently, I knew that I would get what I wanted from this guy for the right price, guys like him were all about the money. "Snake? I don't know any Sna
ke" he said obviously lying, "Snake told me that you would be able to help me out with something, for the right amount of green" I said simply letting that sink in. I waited for him to speak first, after about a minute of silence he spoke.

  "Ok what is it that you want?" he asked "I need to meet with Peter Symons" I said matter of factly, he gasped, "You fucking can't! No one meets with Mr Symons" he said a little fear seeping into his voice. "It's important that I meet him, I have some information about something that he wants, he WILL want to meet me, trust me" I said simply. "Information? About what?" he asked I had obviously caught his interest, I smiled slightly, it was only a matter of time. "Listen, I'm not going to give up my information to you, what do you think I am fucking stupid? I have some information that he wants badly, I know the location of something that he will pay a high price for, if you help me get a meeting I'll cut you in to the reward" I said again letting it go quiet while he thought about it.

  "Cut me in?" he asked, "Yeah, ten percent" I said, he gasped, I knew the reward on Tyler was half a million so ten percent was fifty grand. "What's your name again?" he asked, "Sean Watts" I lied,


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