Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 22

by Kirsty Moseley

  I looked round the corner quietly, thinking that it would be my Mom watching TV at this time of night but instead I saw Sean's head. He was flicking through the channels so fast I'm sure he couldn't even see what was on. "Hey" I said stepping out of my hiding place on the bottom step. He looked round a little shocked and smiled a sad little smile at me. "Hey" he said back in a voice that sent sadness into my heart.

  I walked quickly over to him and sat on his lap, his face brightened and he picked up his arms as if to wrap them round me but then stopped and put them down again. I was confused, had I done something wrong? When I got out of the bath he hadn't come up to bed like I thought he would, and I fell asleep thinking he would come to bed when he finished watching whatever it was that had caught his interest down here.

  "Sean? What is it?" I asked concern leaking into my voice, I could feel his sadness radiating though our link. Oh God, was he regretting what he did? Is he feeling bad about it? I couldn't feel any guilt coming from the link he was just really upset about something. "Nothing baby" he said shaking his head slowly. I decided not to push it, if he wanted me to know he would tell me right? "Well are you coming to bed? I thought you would have come up after I got out of the bath but then I fell asleep, I just woke up to find you not there, I was cold on my own" I said playfully putting my arms around his neck.

  He smiled up at me then but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Err yeah I was just, err...." he looked around looking uncomfortable. "Watching Porn?" I suggested with a smile, he burst out laughing,

  "Watching Porn? You really think I would need to watch porn when I have the most beautiful girl in the world? I could shut my eyes right now and replay every second of you if I wanted a thrill" he said smiling a genuinely amused smile now. I bit my lip trying not to laugh at the lustful expression, he had as he obviously started replaying some of the scenes unconsciously. I could feel him growing hard underneath me but he didn't make any moves, he still hadn't even put his arms around me.

  "So what's really going on the Sean? Normally you jump at the chance to come to bed with me, you haven't even put your arms around me for goodness sake" I said feeling a little hurt, had I done something wrong? I thought through everything that had happened today but I couldn't think of anything that I had done to upset him and make him feel so sad. "I was just giving you some space Tyler, I thought that you'd need some space from me after what you saw today, I figured that since you didn't call me up to bed or anything that you wanted to be on your own" he said looking down with a frown.

  He thought I wanted time away from him? Is this boy crazy? I would happily spend every minute of every day with him and it still wouldn't be enough. "Sean" I said pulling his chin up so he would look at me, "I just spent two days without you, why in the hell would I want anymore time away from you?" I asked running my fingers through his messy chocolate brown hair making my stomach go all fluttery. "I just thought after what I did that...." he stopped and looked down again, "Sean, I will never need space from you, there will never be enough time in the world for me to be with you, I'll always want more" I said honestly looking into his bright blue eyes that now had a small shimmer of hope in them.

  "Then why didn't you call me or something when you got out of the bath?" he asked quietly, "I figured that you knew I was out of the bath with all your super powers and would come up on your own when you were ready, I thought you were watching something or talking to Ryce" I said with a shrug.

  He smiled his heartbreaking smile making my body breakout in shivers. "Tell me you love me Tyler, I really need to hear it" he said looking vulnerable. I grabbed hold of both sides of his face and brought my forehead to his looking into his eyes, "I love you Sean, more than anything in the world" I said honestly, he put his arms around me then and buried his face in my neck letting out a sigh of relief. "This is the part where you say, I love you too Tyler" I said with a small chuckle, he pulled his head back and smiled at me "I'm sorry baby, I love you too" he said kissing me tenderly, adoringly.

  "We need to stop doing this to each other" I said pulling away, he looked confused "Kissing?" he asked looking horrified at the thought. I laughed, "No silly, not kissing" I said tangling my hands in the back of his hair, "I meant the whole, not communicating thing, you were obviously thinking one thing and I was thinking another and somehow we both end up wrong" I said kissing him again.

  "Ok how about we make a deal to tell each other everything from now on, I think we both need to learn that I am always going to love you, NO MATTER WHAT, and you are always going to love me, I think once we both figure that out this will work out a lot easier" I said, he ran his hands up and down my back. "Ok can I just ask you one thing?" he said looking and feeling worried again, I nodded and held my breath.

  "What do you really think about me killing those people?" he asked quietly looking into my eyes the whole time. "Honestly? I don't really feel anything, don't get me wrong I'm glad he's dead I am, but if you are thinking that I feel something bad towards you because you killed someone I don't, I don't ever think I could disapprove of anything you did, everything you do is going to look right in my eyes and even if it doesn't look right I'll still support you" I said putting my forehead back to his.

  "You're glad he's dead? You think I did the right thing? Because you haven't really spoken to me much about it" he said closing his eyes, I could feel hurt radiating from him again. "Oh God Sean, of course I am glad he is dead, he raped me over and over for four years, the only thing that I didn't like is the fact that you went after him and ended up getting hurt, I never want you to get hurt again, ever, and the thought of you doing something reckless to protect me scares the crap out of me" I said taking a shaky breath in squeezing myself tighter to him.

  "Ok baby, I'm sorry, I just thought that maybe you would think I was some kind of monster now, that I was a killer and you didn't want to be near me, when you didn't call me when you got out of the bath I thought you were regretting bonding with me" he said sadly. "Never! Meeting you and being with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life, the best thing that will ever happen to me" I told him honestly. He looked at me then, "Me too" he whispered sending shivers down my spine.

  I lent forward and kissed him passionately, he nibbled on my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him, he slipped his tongue into my mouth making tingles shoot through my body. I pulled his face to mine tighter deepening the kiss, he slipped his hands up the back of my vest top tickling my naked skin making me moan, God it felt like he hadn't touched me in forever even though it had only been last night, "Let's go to bed Sean" I mumbled against his lips. He nodded and pulled me tighter to him as he stood up and carried me to my bedroom never once breaking the kiss.

  (Tyler's Dream)

  I was in Sean's kitchen, we were holding hands talking about what to have for dinner when Kate and Jack walked in smiling widely. "Hey guys what's with all the smiles today? You win the lottery?" I joked turning to face them. Sean came closer behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck, "Actually we have something to tell you, but if we could just wait for Danny and Rachel" they said, just then the other two came around the corner into the kitchen.

  "Take a seat you two" Jack said motioning to the kitchen stalls, we all looked at each other confused, the Kate turned to us and said "We are going to have another baby!" she said happily jumping up and down, everyone gasped in shock but then we were happy too, I ran and hugged Kate, Rachel had been picked up by her dad "Daddy can I have another sister because I love Tyler soooo much that I want another sister too" she cried happily, "I'm not sure sweetheart we'll have to wait and see, the baby isn't due to be born until December and we don't know if it will be a boy or a girl yet" he said kissing her on the cheek.

  I woke at the same time as Sean and looked at him, he laughed "Shit, I'm gonna have another brother or sister to worry about? Way to ruin my surprise Tyler" he said tickling me playfully. I gasped "You had that dream too?" I asked sur
prised, he nodded, "I don't think it was just a dream baby, I think you can dream the future" he said seriously. I laughed "I'm serious, remember that dream you had of me being killed?" he asked, I winced and he held me tighter, "Sorry, Sorry" he said kissing my forehead. "Well anyway, what actually happened was exactly like that down to the last ornament, I think you can dream the future and you can some how push your dreams on to me"

  he said looking at me in awe.

  I just laughed, "You don't believe me?" he asked smiling, I shook my head, "Dreaming the future?

  Yeah ok, if I'd been able to do that then I would have dreamt of you before I met you right?" I said smirking knowing I'd won. "No, not necessarily, I got my extra gifts when I fell in love with you and when we bonded, what if you got a gift too?" he said with wide eyes as if he never thought of that before. "Well if I'm honest that does make sense a little, I have been able to hear and smell better, also last night I managed to get all the way downstairs without making a sound which is quite good for me considering I'm a bit of a klutz" I said laughing.

  He just looked at me in wonder again, "But I can't dream the future that's just stupid" I said kissing him hard. "Well we'll see if my parents announce that they're having another baby wont we" he said smirking at me. I started to get up but he pushed me back down on the bed, "No no baby, I'm making you breakfast in bed, hence you need to stay IN the bed" he said kissing my forehead and pulling on a pair of boxers making his way out of the room. I smiled in happiness, my fiancée is so damn adorable.


  Today was Sunday and Ryce had to leave today to get back to work in LA. "I'm really gonna miss you" I told him for the hundredth time hugging him fiercely, "I'm gonna miss you too tiger" he said pulling back. He looked over at Sean, "It was good to meet you Sean, make sure you take care of her for me you hear?" he said giving Sean the typical man hug-handshake thing. "Definitely man, and it was good to meet you too" Sean said honestly, they had become really good friends over the last couple of days and had a very healthy respect for each other.

  "I'll call you in the next couple of days" Ryce said kissing my forehead, "No you won't, you'll call me when you land to let me know you got there ok" I said almost hysterically looking at him intently, he just laughed "All right Tiger, I'll call you as soon as I get home then" he said shaking his head and rolling his eyes, Sean chuckled beside me. "I really gotta go now or I'll miss my plane, oh by the way I left you a present on your bed" he said kissing my forehead again and heading for the door.

  I ran and jumped on him again giving him another hug, I was really gonna miss him, he has been like a big brother to me for the last two years and I loved him dearly. "You be careful and make sure you call me, just because I'm not your job anymore does not mean that you can forget me, you hear me?" I said tears falling down my face. "Tyler I will never forget you, I promise and I'm always careful" he said looking into my eyes and wiping my tears away.

  He nodded at Sean and he came and wrapped his arms around me, Ryce gave me a wink and left shutting the door behind him. I burst into hysterical tears and buried my head in Sean's chest, he just held me until I calmed down. "So are you gonna go see what he left you?" Sean asked obviously curious, I nodded and made my way upstairs to my room. On my bed was a rectangle present wrapped in maroon wrapping paper, picking it up I read the tag. "You'll always be my favourite little protectee" he had written I chuckled and shook my head at him calling me little again.

  Opening the present I found the blue hoodie that I had tried on in the shop on the first day he was here, I laughed as I slipped it on and pulled up the hood. "Drama Queen, that's a good pick for you"

  Sean joked from the doorway, I just laughed and pulled it tighter around me, "I saw this in the shop that day we went to the Mall, he must have bought it when I wasn't looking" I told him with a smile.

  He came over to the bed and knelt in front of me looking into my eyes, "I know you are gonna miss him but we can go see him soon if you want, like in the school holidays or something" he said making me smile, God this boy is so sweet, I really don't deserve him. "Lets go to your house, I haven't seen your family for ages" I said, he just smiled and nodded taking my hand and pulling me up.


  "Kiddo don't jump on Tyler like that you could hurt her" Sean said sternly looking at Rachel who had just flung herself on my lap, I just laughed, "Wow, your brother is over protective huh?" I said jabbing my elbow into his ribs making him frown. "What?" he asked confused, "Don't start Sean, she's a kid she's not gonna hurt me by jumping on me" I said sternly, he just shrugged "I can't help it" he said kissing my cheek, "Try ok?" I said smiling back at him, jeez it really is impossible to stay mad at this boy. "I'll try" he said rolling his eyes at me making me laugh again.

  Kate and Jack just watched the whole exchange with an amused smile on their faces, "What are you two smirking at?" Sean asked frowning at them, "Just you Sean, I think you've finally met your match in your bond, Tyler won't take any of your crap you know" Jack said with a chuckle, "Tell me about it" Sean muttered.

  Jack looked at Kate, "Shall we?" she shook her head, "No lets wait for Dan" Kate said they shared some secret smile. Sean looked at me with a I told you so face 'Told you it was a premonition' he sent, 'No way, could be something else' I sent back looking at his parents again a bit scared, what if he was right and it was a premonition? What if I could dream the future that would be friggin'

  scary! "Tyler and I are gonna make dinner tonight if that's ok" Sean said holding out a hand to me to take.

  I smiled at the thought of Sean cooking as we made our way to the kitchen and started looking through the fridge, I heard the front door open and Jack shouted Dan to come to the kitchen. Sean looked at me with a big smile and nodded, 'Here we go I bet you anything' he said in my head, 'Oh and by the way don't forget to act shocked' he sent to me laughing as he took my hand. Kate and Jack walked in smiling widely. Oh God he's right this is exactly the same as my dream, I decided to go with it, "Hey guys what's with all the smiles today? You win the lottery?" I joked turning to face them.

  Sean came closer behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck 'Are you ok? You're not freaking out about this are you?' he asked, I squeezed myself tighter to him 'A little' I sent back being honest. Kate and Jack continued to beam at us completely oblivious to our little mind conversation. "Actually we have something to tell you, but if we could just wait for Danny and Rachel" they said, just then the other two came around the corner into the kitchen, "Take a seat you two" Jack said motioning to the kitchen stalls.

  They started looking around confused, Sean gripped my waist tighter I could feel excitement and happiness bubbling up through our link. Kate turned to us and said "We're going to have another baby" she said happily jumping up and down. Everyone gasped in shock, Sean and I played along too, I ran and hugged her, Rachel had been picked up by her dad "Daddy can I have another sister because I love Tyler soooo much that I want another sister too" she cried happily. God she is so adorable, "I'm not sure sweetheart we'll have to wait and see, the baby isn't due to be born until December and we don't know if it will be a boy or a girl yet" he said kissing her on the cheek.

  "I'm so pleased for you both, wow I've never even held a baby before" I told them honestly getting really excited, another brother or sister! I honestly loved this family as if it was my own. Kate grabbed me into another hug, "Well then you'll be able to get in plenty of practice for you for when you and Sean have a baby, by the way when are you gonna make me a grandmother?" she said with a wink. I gasped in shock I never expected her to say that. I looked over at Sean embarrassed, we'd only been together for three weeks and we were already engaged and his mother was talking about us having a baby for Christ sake.

  Sean was
beaming at me, he'd obviously heard what she said and he looked like he wasn't opposed to the idea. I laughed nervously, "Well that won't happen anytime soon, Sean needs to go to college in September, and his course is for four years so...." I trailed off, he walked over and wrapped his arms around me. "Tyler she didn't mean that we had to have a baby now, you can stop panicking" he whispered in my ear, I breathed a sigh of relief and shrank back against his chest.

  "Four years? Your gonna make me wait that long?" Kate whined, "Mom, seriously? There'll be plenty of time for kids, if Tyler even wants to have babies with me" he said nervously squeezing me gently, if I want to have babies with him? Is he kidding? Of course I want his babies. I turned to face him. 'Sean of course I want to have your babies, are you crazy? Don't you want babies with me?' I sent looking in his eyes, he kissed me passionately, 'I do Tyler, of course I do' he sent making me smile, 'Well then in the mean time then we can just practice making babies without the whole getting pregnant thing' I sent giving him a seductive smile.

  He bit his lip and made a moan in the back of his throat, gently pressing against me, I could feel him starting to get aroused again, Jeez this boy really is a machine. 'Stop that lover boy your family are in the room' I sent laughing, he rolled his eyes and turned me around so that I was in front of him hiding his arousal. I laughed as I slyly ground my ass against him making him moan again.

  "You know that whole conversation without speaking thing is really annoying, how are we supposed to get any juicy gossip?" Dan raising his eyebrows with a small smile. "You're just jealous" Sean said with a smirk, "Oh yeah I can't wait to find a girl so that I can be as whipped as you" Dan said laughing at Sean. Sean made a growling sound in the back of his throat, Jack shot Dan a warning glare.

  "Yeah, ever since you met Tyler you have been so under her spell its friggin hilarious to watch, maybe Tyler would give me a go huh?" Dan continued laughing harder, he had some sort of look on his face as he was looking at Sean almost a sneer. "Enough Dan" Jack warned looking at Sean as he pulled Kate and Rachel behind him protectively.


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