Bond Mates

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Bond Mates Page 30

by Kirsty Moseley

  When I got up to him, he held out his hand for me to take. Everyone else seemed to disappear as I looked into his eyes, nothing else was important in the world except this boy, if it were to all just go away tomorrow, as long as I had Sean by my side then I’d be happy.

  I put my hand in his, his touch sent sparks through my body and I shivered with desire. “You ready to get married, baby?” he whispered seductively in my ear.

  I giggled and chewed on my lip, “Hell yeah, lover boy,” I breathed. He smiled his dazzling smile and we took the last step towards the vicar, to seal our already intertwined fates even more.

  Chapter 28: Back to reality


  The sun was beating down on me, I could feel the sweat wetting the back of my hair as I laid on the sun lounger. I sighed in contentment, this truly was like paradise and I didn’t want to leave. Neither did Tyler, but we had to. All good things had to come to an end and unfortunately, our honeymoon had sped by all too quickly.

  Suddenly a blast of cold water hit my back, making me gasp from the shock of it. “What the hell?”

  I cried as I jerked up. I squinted against the sun to see Tyler laughing her ass off, an empty glass in her hand. Damn that girl! I laughed and pushed myself up from the sun lounger, I looked at her warningly. “You’d better run, baby.”

  She squealed and turned, running up the beach as fast as she could. We both knew it wasn’t fast enough, I could catch her in less than two seconds, my extra speed was just crazy. I glanced around the beach to make sure that no one else was around, but just like every other day, we were alone.

  We’d found this little secluded beach on our third day when we were out scouting the island. I don’t think we were meant to be here, I think it belonged to one of the beach houses or something, but no one had said anything so we’d been down here practically every day.

  When she was about two hundred yards away I sprinted after her, I saw her look over her shoulder and her laughter got louder as she pushed her legs faster, we both knew it was pointless but I loved the game nonetheless. I watched her body as she ran, the way her bikini bottomed ass swayed with each stride, the way her long legs flexed as she pushed herself to her limits. I totally wished I was in front of her watching so I could get a front view of her running, Baywatch style, that would completely blow my mind. I could feel the sexual attraction sparking up, my wife was literally perfection on legs and I loved her more than anything.

  ‘What’s up lover boy, too fast for you, or are you too busy staring at my ass?’ she teased though our mind connection.

  I laughed, she’d so hit the nail on the head there! ‘That ass looks mighty fine when you run, baby,’ I confirmed. I closed the distance, wrapping my arms around her tightly, making her squeal as I threw us both into the sea.

  We both came up, spluttering and laughing at the same time. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled as I brushed her hair back that was stuck to her face. “That was very mean, baby,” I scolded playfully.

  She smirked at me, giggling. “You looked hot, I was just trying to help you out,” she joked, sticking her tongue out at me.

  I laughed and shook my head, just marveling over this girl being mine; I still didn’t understand how I got so lucky as to have a bond mate like Tyler. She pressed her forehead to mine, her whole body clamped to me as I waded out further into the sea, letting the warm crystal clear water lap around my shoulders as I stroked my hands down her back. I had tried to be on my best behaviour all of the trip, my body wanted hers literally all the time, twenty four hours a day, but I had to keep in mind that she was just human. If I wasn’t careful I would end up hurting her because of how many times we’d made love during the two weeks.

  The sun was shining on the sea, making it sparkle all around us, the white sandy beach was fringed with palm trees and was just perfect, beautiful and idyllic, but compared to my little mate in my arms, they were nothing. She would always be the most beautiful thing in the world to me, and everything paled in comparison to her.

  “I love you, Sean,” she whispered, tracing her nose up the side of mine lightly.

  I sighed contently, “I love you too, Baby.” She brought her mouth down to mine and kissed me passionately. I moaned into her mouth as the need for her build inside me, it was so strong that I could barely fight it, but I had to. I pulled back and kissed the tip of her nose. “We’d better pack tonight so we don’t have to do it in the morning,” I stated, changing the subject and trying to ignore the lust I could feel leaking through the bond from her body.

  “Well, if you change your mind…..” he trailed off, not needing to finish the sentence; I knew he would be there in a heartbeat if I asked him to. He was a really great friend and someone I would trust completely.

  “When we get to England, I’ll give you a call. If you could then contact your grandfather and set up the meeting, that’d be awesome,” I said, rubbing my face with my hand. I couldn’t help but smile as my gold wedding ring rubbed against my nose, I loved that little symbol, that little circle made my whole world light up like it was on fire. I looked over at Tyler, she was asleep in the bed next to me, she’d been asleep for hours already, jet lag finally catching up with her, as was the exhaustion of us copulating every couple of hours on our honeymoon.

  “Sure thing. I’m gonna head to bed, Sean,” Ryce muttered, yawning.

  I smiled guiltily, it was after two in the morning and I’d called him to just put my nerves at ease, I didn’t like to go through things with Tyler, as much as she wanted to be a part of it, I still tried to shield her from as much of it as I could. “Sorry I woke you, Ryce,” I winced.

  He laughed, “No worries. Give Tyler a kiss from me, ok?”

  “Will do,” I promised.

  I disconnected the call and rolled over to wrap my body around my wife’s. She moaned in her sleep and pressed herself to me, I closed my eyes contentedly and drifted into an uneasy, worry filled, half-sleep. All I could think about was the meeting, how it would go, what they would say, what we would do after the meeting. What would be expected of us after? Would things between us change?

  How long would be we have to stay in England for? I sighed and shook my head, trying to force the thoughts away, for now I just needed to chill out and think about other things so I could remain calm, I didn’t want Tyler to feel any of this unease that was bound to be coming off of me in droves.

  I must have finally drifted off into a deeper sleep at some point because I woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting into the room. I winced, rubbing my forehead, my head was pounding with a stress headache, this was the day I wished would never come around. Going to England.

  I groaned and rolled to the side, expecting to find Tyler stretched out in the bed next to me, but I was alone. I didn’t bother opening my eyes as I called her through our mind connection, this was the benefit of being bonded like we were – I always had a way to contact her, I always knew if she was safe and what mood she was in.

  ‘Baby, come ravage your husband. I’m not getting out of this bed until you’ve moaned my name,’ I sent, with a slight smirk on my face knowing she’d be upstairs in a heartbeat.

  ‘Nope, Lover boy. Get your cute little butt downstairs and eat some breakfast. We need to leave for the airport soon and your parents will be here in about half an hour,’ she sent back.

  ‘Did you just blow me off?’ I sent back to her, laughing to myself as I actually heard her laughing from downstairs in the kitchen.

  ‘No, that was the dirty dream you were having,’ she teased back.

  ‘Wow, you’re so funny, Baby.’ I sent rolling my eyes. I groaned again at the thought of my parents, and wiped a hand over my face as I pried my eyes open, wincing as it made my headache worse. I reluctantly pushed myself up out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, having the quickest shower ever. I wanted to stay in there all day, let the jet of water ease off my tired muscles but I guess we needed to get things done.

; When I was dressed I headed down to the kitchen and stood in the doorway, watching as she flitted around the kitchen with a smile on her face, making breakfast and chatting to her Mom who was eating pancakes at the counter. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her, she looked beautiful in her shorts and tank top, her long legs on display. I dragged my eyes over the marks around her ankles, watching as they sparkled ever so slightly as she moved, they were mesmerizing, as was every other part of my wife.

  She looked up at me then and smirked at me knowingly, I shrugged, not caring that she’d caught me staring at her like a pervert. “Good morning,” she chirped, grabbing a plate and nodding for the stool next to her Mom’s.

  “What’s so good about it?” I asked, plopping myself down. I looked at her mom who smiled at me warmly the same as usual. “Hey, Sarah.”

  She smiled, “Get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? You’re not your usual smiling self today, Sean,” she commented.

  I shrugged, “Woke up on my own. That’s not good for a newly married man’s mood,” I joked, laughing as she rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. “Nah, I was just kidding, I just have a little headache, that’s all.”

  Tyler frowned and came to stand next to me, putting her hand on my forehead, stroking gently.

  “You ok lover boy? You gonna be able to fly today?” she asked, looking at me worriedly.

  I sighed, I could just play this headache up and tell her no. Tell her that I was too sick and we’d have to cancel the trip – but there really was no point. We had to go eventually, I guess it was better to get it out of the way sooner rather than later.

  “I’m fine,” I promised, smiling reassuringly as I pulled her onto my lap. She kissed the side of my head lightly and snuggled into my lap as I ate my breakfast just holding her tightly, laughing as she stole every other mouthful from my fork. “Did you not eat this morning?” I teased as she grabbed my fork and ate my last mouthful before I even had a chance to protest.

  She nodded and shrugged. “Yep, just hungry. I’ll make you some more.” She pushed herself out of my lap and immediately went to the stove, putting another spoonful of batter into the pan to cook.

  Sarah elbowed me in the ribs, when I looked at her she smirked at me and nodded her head in Tyler’s direction. “She’s eating for two,” she stated.

  What the…..

  I looked back at Tyler, shocked. Pregnant? Are you freaking kidding me? I was going to be a dad? I wasn’t sure how to feel about that at all, on one hand having children with her sounded awesome and I couldn’t wait, but on the other hand she was so young and we hadn’t even been to college or anything. I gulped, not sure what to say.

  Both Sarah and Tyler burst out laughing, “Oh….. priceless…… he almost pee’d his pants……look at the face!” Sarah giggled pointing at me.

  I looked between the two of them, shocked, not knowing what to do or say. That was a freaking joke? I was dimly aware that my mouth was hanging open, that my eyes were wide and that I was gripping the counter so hard that it wouldn’t surprise me if I had put dents where my fingers were.

  Tyler was still laughing, “Sean, that was too funny. Wow, at least now I know how you feel about having children with me!” she joked, winking at me.

  I shook my head, “I’m glad you know how I feel because I have no clue, that wasn’t funny at all,” I scolded, trying to look stern but probably failing miserably.

  Tyler smiled at me, ‘Relax lover boy, we don’t have kids for another couple of years at least, you’re safe for a while,’ she teased straight into my head.

  Wait, had Tyler seen us having kids in a premonition? I looked at her curiously, not sure if I wanted to know and to ask her. Sometimes knowing something can kind of ruin it, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know that many details of our future.

  A knock sounded at the door and Sarah jumped up to answer it, still giggling at me. I frowned at Tyler, trying to look disapproving but for some reason I was actually a little sad, for one split second I’d imagined her being pregnant. For that one split second, everything was blissful, her belly all big and round with my child growing inside her, no worries, our futures set, all we had to worry about was being parents. Then it all comes crashing down and reality sets in, we couldn’t have children yet because we had too much to do, stupid damn prophesy!

  My parents walked in, Rachel immediately slamming into Tyler’s legs, hugging the life out of her as if she hadn’t seen her for months. Well, in reality we’d only been on our honeymoon for two weeks.

  “Hey, Rach!” Tyler chirped, hugging her back tightly.

  I smiled as my mom came over and hugged me too, my dad slapping me on the shoulder in typical guy fashion. “Nice to see you back, Sean. Married life looks like it suits you,” he stated, grinning at me.

  I nodded, hell yeah it suited me! “Certainly does,” I confirmed.

  “You don’t look very tanned, did you actually spend any time outside of Tyler’s pants?” A voice cut through the pleasantries. Everyone groaned and looked around to see Dan leaning in the doorway, a smirk across his lips as he raised one eyebrow at me knowingly.

  Rachel turned and frowned, “Why would Sean be wearing her pants? He has his own pants, right Seanie?” she asked, looking at me curiously.

  Tyler burst out laughing and picked her up, I had no idea what to say to that – let my parents explain!

  My Dad smiled at me and nodded back towards the lounge, signalling that he wanted to talk to me.

  I nodded slightly in response, we kept a lot of things away from the family. My dad and Ryce were the only ones that were fully aware of our gifts, my Mom knew some stuff but we kept most things away from everyone else. Sarah didn’t even know I was a shifter so we couldn’t exactly speak freely around here.

  I excused myself into the lounge and sat on the sofa, watching as my dad sat down next to me, looking at me worriedly. “Sean, I really think I should come with you. As elder of the Houston family I really should be there to represent,” he stated, looking at me sternly.

  I waved him off, we’d had this conversation a lot since I told him I was going to England. “Dad, it’s fine. We’re going there for a couple of days, we’re gonna have a little look around at the tourist stuff, Tyler wants to see Big Ben and the palace, and then Ryce will make the call to his grandfather.

  Everything’s fine, I promise. Tyler’s seen nothing bad about the trip at all,” I promised.

  He closed his eyes, “Had she tried to look and see if everything’s ok? Does she know what they say at the meeting?” he asked, cocking his head to the side and looking at me curiously.

  I shook my head and prepared myself to lie to my father. “No she hasn’t seen anything.”

  In reality we’d both seen how the meeting went, they didn’t believe us and threw us out of the meeting, people calling us crazy and delusional. So therefore we’d taken steps to make sure that didn’t happen. They would need proof of Tyler’s ability to see into the future, so we’d give them exactly that.

  My dad sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “You know that I’m here for you, Sean. I’m here for both of you, you know that, right?” He gripped my shoulder, squeezing to show me the truth of his words.

  I smiled and nodded, “Absolutely, we both know that,” I promised.

  He nodded and stood up, “Come on then, let’s get you two to the airport, otherwise you’ll miss your flights.”

  Chapter 29: London, England

  For two days I was stressed. I pretended I wasn't, I pretended I was fine when in reality all I wanted to do was grab my wife and hide somewhere until we were old and grey. The minute we put ourselves out there, made ourselves known to the council, everything would change. Once we'd made the suggestion, we'd never be able to take it back. This was a life changing trip and I didn’t want to do it at all because it would make her unsafe. I didn't want us to be the ones that the prophesy spoke of; I didn't want to put her in danger. But at the same ti
me I guess it was my responsibility to at least see what they thought of it.

  We'd spent four days being tourists around London. We'd seen everything, ate at the cute little restaurants there, sat on the London eye and stood outside Buckingham Palace. We'd walked around the stupid wax works museum and the walked up and down the markets looking at everything. Tyler was having a great time; I could feel it through our bond.

  What we were about to do now though, scared the life out of me. We were standing outside a little brown wooden door that was set into a huge stone building. There was graffiti on the walls, the door was rotten and the paint peeling on it. The building looked abandoned.

  Tyler frowned and looked up and down the deserted street. "This is really it? It doesn't look like somewhere that a bunch of important shifters would hang out," she said, looking at it distastefully.

  Shrugging, I looked down at the address that I'd written down this morning. Yesterday I'd called Ryce and asked him to arrange the meeting with his grandfather, and this morning he'd called me back with this address and told me to be here at four o'clock. "That's what Ryce said," I confirmed.

  Tyler gripped my hand tighter and nodded at the door. "You knock then and see what they say.

  Maybe Ryce is just fooling around?" she suggested, looking a little hopeful.

  I smiled weakly. Ryce knew how serious this was, he wouldn't fool around with something like this.

  Tyler and I both knew that we end up seeing the council at some point because she'd seen it in one of her visions. The only thing we couldn't be sure of was when that vision would come true. Sure, we met with the council, but what if it wasn't today? What if it was years down the line and this was just a preliminary meeting or something? She was right; this building certainly didn't look like somewhere that the Grand Council for the shifter species would hang out. Perhaps this was temporary dwellings; perhaps they held their meetings in different places each time so that no one knew their exact location. I had no idea how this all worked, I was totally out of my depth here.


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