Words From the Heart

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Words From the Heart Page 9

by L C Taylor

  She nodded, “When?”

  “The nurse will be in, in just few minutes to assist me.”

  “Ok.” Delilah pushed her chair back and stood. Hank tugged the chair into the corner and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder.

  “He’s going to be ok.” He tried to assure her, though his voice wavered when he spoke.

  The nurse joined them in the room, pushing a tray of supplies. She stopped the i.v. drip, removing the bag of clear medicine from the stand. The doctor removed the tape from his mouth, holding the plastic tube in place. Nodding towards the nurse, Delilah watched as she flicked the metal contraption pushing air into his lungs off. The machine made a hissing sound as it came to a stop. The doctor pressed his stethoscope to his chest and listened. “Alright, let’s see how he does.” Slowly the doctor pulled the tube from between his lips and watched as the heart rate monitor continues to beep steady. “Looks like he is breathing on his own. Now we wait.”

  “Wait for what?” Hank spoke.

  “For him to wake up. Someone from upstairs will come down and take him for another cat scan.”

  “Delilah, you should go home and get some rest.”

  “No. I’m not leaving him.”

  Hank shrugged, “I can go to your house and get you some clothes. I think you’re going to need them. Is that ok?”

  “How are you so calm?” Delilah scoffed.

  “Parker and I have a log history. We served together in Iraq – we’ve seen and survived a lot of shit. I know he ain’t going nowhere, not like this.”

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed you weren’t taking this seriously. Yes, if you could just go and get some things from my house, I’d appreciate that. I’ll make you a list.” Delilah grabbed the pen from the table and scribbled out a quick list and handed it to him. “Hope it’s not too weird for you, going through my things.”

  “Nah – I’ll be fine. Call me if he wakes up.” Then he was gone, the door clicking shut behind him. Delilah stretched, moving to sit on the bed. The last twenty-four hours had been hell.

  Chapter 26

  Delilah sat, never leaving his bedside. Hank had called to tell her he’d be by later, that something had come up that he needed to take care of. A steady stream of nurses came in and out checking Parker’s vitals.

  “You should talk to him.”

  “What?” Delilah looked up at the newest nurse in his room.

  “Talk to him. They say talking to a patient who is unconscious can help. I’ve seen it work before. And, it helps you. Trust me.”

  “Ok, sure. Thanks for the tip.” Delilah smiled as she left the room.

  “So, she thinks I should talk to you? I wish you were awake, Parker. There is so much I need to say to you.” She scooted the chair next to him and sat down again. “You know those letters Momma Belle left me? Well, you won’t believe this – she found some stuff of my mom’s in the barn and it had information on my dad. She told me his name. David Brighton. He was a captain in the Marines. I wonder if you knew him… It’s strange. All this time my dad was in the barn – so to say. She found my mom’s diary and key in a box buried in the attic out there. Weird, right?” Delilah rubbed his hand, “Momma Belle talked about you in some of the letters. Did I tell you that? She loved you, Parker. You were like her son. I think she hoped we’d get together if we ever met. Anyway,” she looked at the two letters sitting on the table, “I have two letters left. Part of me is afraid to read them. I know something was wrong with her. I went to see Don, her attorney. He knows something, but he told me to keep reading.” She reached out and grabbed the envelope on top. “Let’s read it together.” Tearing through the seal she slipped the letter out. There was only one left after this one, something about that terrified Delilah. These were the only connection she had left to Momma Belle.

  Dear Delilah,

  My calls are not getting through to you, and since I don’t have an address, neither will these letters. One day when you find these, know I never wanted to tell you like this.

  When you were born, I was terrified. Terrified for your mom, single and trying to do everything alone, she was so stubborn just like you. We were a happy family, the three of us. When she died, you kept my heart from shattering completely. I knew when you grew up, I’d lose you eventually. The world was too big and you were too curious. I just never expected to lose you completely. I blame that horrible man John. And if you’re married to him, I’m not sorry for calling him that. But if there is a God, you have realized this on your own.

  “Well, she certainly didn’t hide her true feelings did she? Did she tell you what a mistake I’d made, Parker? Did you know about her feelings for John? I’m sure she told you.” Delilah continued reading.

  When the time comes, and you are back home. I need you to promise me something. Take care of Parker. He’s filled the hole in my life since you went away. He has his own demons that he carries, so go easy on him. Parker is a good man and one day, when you realize it, he’ll be good for you.

  My time is running out, baby girl. The doctors tell me I only have a few months. Parker doesn’t know, so don’t get mad at him. I didn’t want to burden him either. I’ve had a good life, filled with ups and downs, but mostly, filled with love.

  Delilah’s voice cracked as she read out loud. “She was dying. Momma Belle was dying and I wasn’t here.” She sniffed, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

  Delilah, I want that for you. A life filled with love. Don’t let time get away from you. Grab hold of something good and hold on to it. You deserve love. Now… don’t be mad. There is no reason to hate the world for me dying. That’s life. You’re born. You live, then you die. I have had a long life. Now it’s your turn. I have left everything to you. I want you to find what it is you’re missing and get it. Once you figure it out, don’t let go. Hold on to who and what you love, Delilah. Don’t be blinded by fear. Sometimes what or who you need is right in front of you.

  I love you, baby girl.

  Momma Belle

  Delilah folded the paper up and laid it on the table.

  She moved towards the window and stared out. In the last few months everything had changed. Her would be marriage fell apart, Momma Belle and Ed were gone, and now Parker, the one person she wanted more than air, laid unconscious in the hospital. “Wow. Everyone who matters dies or leaves me.”

  “Not everyone.”

  Delilah sucked in a breath as she spun to face the bed, “Parker.”

  Chapter 27

  “Parker… you’re awake.” Delilah rushed to the edge of the bed, “I need to call the nurse.”

  “Wait,” Parker whispered, trying to reach out for her arm, “Ow…” he moaned, pain radiating through his body. “What happened?”

  “You were hit by a drunk driver, Parker. You’ve been unconscious for a day.”


  “Let me call a nurse… Please.”

  “Ok.” Parker pressed his eyes together, “Call them.”

  Delilah pushed the door open and called out for a nurse. She watched as they checked him over. “The doctor will be in shortly,” the nurse smiled as she left.

  “Delilah,” Parker called her closer, “I could hear you, when I was asleep. You were reading something. What was it?”

  “You could hear me?”

  “Yeah – you said ‘everyone who loves me leaves or dies’. Why’d you say that?”

  “It was Momma Belle’s letter. She was dying, Parker. So even if the tree hadn’t killed her, she’d of died anyway.”

  “I don’t understand… she never said anything. Fuck…” he winced.

  “You shouldn’t be talking, rest. We can talk later.”

  Parker nodded, closing his eyes and giving into the pain coursing through his veins. “Don’t leave,” he mumbled.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Delilah searched for her phone and called Hank. She promised to call him if Parker woke up, and although he was passed out
again, he needed to know he had been conscious.

  While she was on the phone, the doctor came in and assessed him.

  “Delilah,” he spoke, “Parker’s vitals are good. We’d like to go ahead and get him to surgery and repair his leg.”

  Delilah nodded, “How long will that take?”

  “A couple of hours. So why don’t you go home and get cleaned up. Someone will call you once we are done.”

  “I don’t want to leave him.”

  The doctor placed his hand on her shoulder, “Delilah, I understand you’re worried. But this will take a few hours and the only thing you can do is sit around and wait. Take this chance to get cleaned up. I promise we will take good care of him.”

  Hank burst through the door, “Delilah.”

  “Hank,” Delilah smiled, “He’s asleep. The doctor was just telling me they are taking him up to surgery for his leg. Can you take me home?”

  “Um… sure. I was at your place when you called. Will you call us if something changes?”

  “Of course, now go. Get some rest and change.” The doctor nodded towards the nurse, who unhooked some things and pushed his bed towards the door.

  Delilah reached out and brushed her hand down his good leg, “Parker, I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Hank led her from the room, “Come on, you need to eat. Parker would kick my ass for not making sure you’re taken care of.”

  Delilah watched as they wheeled him down the long corridor. She felt like her heart was cracking, the breath was being sucked from her lungs, “Delilah.” Hank pulled her towards the entrance, “He’ll be ok.”

  Together, Hank and Delilah made their way towards Parkers truck. Hank helped her climb inside and closed the door. Delilah rested her head against the cool glass, closing her eyes as Hank slid in behind the steering wheel. Her body was exhausted, her mind worn out. The motion of the car made her eyes drift shut. The events of the last two days had finally taken its toll on her, forcing her to give into sleep.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Delilah woke to darkness, wrapped in blankets. Tossing them to the side, she sat up and cleared the fog from her eyes. She was in her bed. Glancing at the clock she realized she’d been asleep for nearly two hours.

  “Shit,” jumping from the bed she ran to her door. As she jerked it open, she ran into Hank.

  “Whoa. Slow down.”

  “What the fuck, Hank. You let me sleep?”

  “Calm down,” he gripped her arms, “I just talked to the hospital. Parker is in recovery, he’s fine. You needed to sleep. Hell, you didn’t even notice me carry you inside. Get a shower. We can go see him once you’re ready.”

  “Yeah… right.” Delilah turned back into her room, “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Delilah shut the door and pressed her head against the cool wood. Breathing in a deep breath, she pushed off the door and locked herself in the bathroom. She was eager to get back to Parker, but she did need a shower. Delilah took the quickest shower ever, rushing to get dressed, she hurried from her room down the steps. Her hair was wet, pulled into a tight ponytail, the water still dripping against her t-shirt.

  “Damn, that was quick.” Hank laughed, “Did you even dry your hair?”

  “Nope. I want to get back to Parker.”

  “Alright then, let’s go.” Hank grabbed the keys. “You really love him, don’t you?”

  “What?” Delilah glanced at him.

  “Parker. You love him?”

  “Yeah. I do.”


  Chapter 28

  Delilah and Hank sat in Parker’s room, waiting for him to be brought back from recovery. The doctor told them that his surgery had gone well and that they had been able to repair the damage to his femur. He would need come physical therapy, but otherwise, he would be alright.

  Delilah couldn’t contain her joy when they wheeled him into the room. His head was no longer wrapped like it had been, instead, he had a large bandage taped to the side of his head. His eyes were black and blue, his cheeks were tiny cuts. His leg was in a cast from his toes to his hip. No longer were there tubes running from his mouth, only tubes connected to the i.v. stand attached to his bed.

  “He’s probably going to sleep a lot. The doc put him on some pretty good pain meds.” The nurse checked him over before leaving the room.

  “He looks better.” Hank grumbled.

  “Better than what?” Delilah glared at him.

  “Better than death.” Hank patted his friends foot, “I’ll leave you two alone and grab us some food. Talk to him, Delilah. He deserves to know.”

  “Yeah… he does. Thanks, Hank.”

  Delilah sat next to Parker, waiting, needing him to wake up again. She wanted to tell him how she felt. No, she needed to tell him how she felt. All this time she pushed him away, worried it was too soon or wrong to be in love with someone this quick, but she realized it was stupid. This man had brought her back to life. Now she was going to show him how much that meant to her.

  “Delilah,” the quiet sound of Parker’s voice filled the room.

  “Parker.” Delilah sat up, scooting to sit on his bed. She grabbed his hand, “You’re awake. Thank god.”

  “Don’t cry – I’m good.”

  “Good? You almost died, Parker.”

  “But I didn’t.”

  Delilah gently pressed her lips to his, “I thought I’d never get to see you again.”

  “Hey… I said no crying. Delilah,” Parker ran his hand through her hair, “I’m here.”

  Delilah let all the emotions spill out. She couldn’t stop crying. Parker pulled her close, rubbing her hair as her tears spilled onto his chest. When her tears had finally stopped flowing, she wiped her cheek and sat up.

  “Feel better?”

  “God, I’m so sorry. Here you are lying in a bed and I’m acting like a baby.”


  “Parker, I need to say something.”

  “Can I ask you something first?”

  “Um, yeah,” Delilah smiled.

  “Did you talk to me when I was unconscious? I thought you were reading to me, but it’s kind of foggy.”

  “Yeah – I read one of the letters to you.”

  “Can you tell me about it now?”

  “Parker, it’s not important. Well, I mean it is, but not right now.”

  “Delilah, humor me.”

  “Momma Belle was dying.” Delilah blurted out.

  “Wait, what?”

  “She was dying, Parker. So, if the tree hadn’t killed her, she would have died anyway.”

  Parker closed his eyes, “She never said anything. I didn’t know.”

  “She said that in the letter. That you didn’t know.” Delilah took a deep breath, she was ready to tell him how she felt, but they were interrupted by the doctor.

  “Well, I’m glad to see you awake.” The doctor pushed into the room. “You gave everyone a scare, Mr. Masters. Let’s have a look shall we.” The doctor began checking him over, “Well, you look good considering. Your CT scan was normal, so I am pretty sure tomorrow we can probably let you leave. Baring you have someone at home to help you around. You will have limited range of motion, obviously with that huge cast.”

  “He’ll stay with me.” Delilah smiled, “I’ll make sure everything is taken care of… How long will he be immobile?”

  “About 6 weeks, give or take. We’ll schedule him for a post op appointment with the ortho in two weeks. They’ll have a better time frame and how much rehab he’s going to need.”

  “Ok. Thanks, doctor.”

  Parker smiled at Delilah, his grin filling his face, “So you want to be my nurse maid?”

  “I owe you. You’ve done so much for me.”

  “Is that all this is? You owe me?”

  “Let’s just get you better…ok?” Delilah smiled.

  “What were you going to say… before the doctor came in?”

  “What? I told you the letter.�

  “Delilah.” Parkers voice was filled with warning, “I know there was something else.” He yawned, fighting through the drug haze.

  “Parker, it can wait. Get some rest. We will have all the time in the world to talk. OK? Let me talk with Hank, make plans to get you home. I promise, I’ll make time and we will have a much-needed conversation.”

  “Fine…” he slurred, the pain medication kicking in and sending him to sleepy town.

  Delilah couldn’t stop looking at him. Her heart filled and expanded with so much emotion. This man had shattered the barrier she’d erected around her heart after John destroyed her and the loss of her grandmother nearly broke her.

  She stepped from the room to call Hank. She needed his help to get the house in order and prepare for his arrival. Delilah would also need Hank’s help getting him there. After she made the arrangements she slipped back into the room and began getting his things together. She wanted to be ready to go when they gave the all clear. As she was gathering some items on his nightstand, she noticed the last of the letters. She picked it up and slipped it into her pocket. While she was eager to read it, she wanted to get some air first.

  Chapter 29

  Delilah found herself outside the hospital sitting on a bench staring into the sky. The cool breeze blew through her ponytail, sending tendrils across her cheek. They say everything happens for a reason. She had to believe that her failed engagement, the death of her grandmother, and Parker’s accident, were all leading to something bigger. Slipping the last letter from her pocket, she tore the white seal open. Taking a deep breath, she folded the single sheet.

  Dear Delilah,

  This will be my last letter to you. I can feel it in my bones that my end is near – that’s life right? The only regret I have is not coming to get you… not making you hear me or getting that douche of a fiancé to let you know I need you. I am pretty sure he knew I had been trying to reach you. Anyway, I’ve given a lot of thought about what I want to say. So much has happened in your life, and in mine. Your mother dying, you leaving home, and me meeting Parker. This all means something. There must be a purpose or life would be for naught. I want you to open your eyes and see what is in front of you. John is not the man for you. I know… you probably think I am just being picky – but I know I am right. And when you see I am, know there is a perfect man here, waiting for you.


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