Ethereal: The Light in the Shadow

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Ethereal: The Light in the Shadow Page 18

by Zoe Knights

  She glanced at Quinn before checking her phone for the tenth time that morning. Still nothing from Sam.

  Part of her wasn’t surprised, but she couldn’t help the disappointment that was beginning to well in her stomach.

  She kept her eyes peeled for him all morning after bidding her farewells to Quinn and Millie, wishing them both a Merry Christmas before eventually stepping into her Uber after waiting close to an hour outside the school for Sam, with no reply to her messages.

  She was beginning to feel angry.

  She waited at the train station for as long as she could, but when the train was about to leave she had no choice but to get on and find herself a seat alone and work out what to say to Alex.

  Hurt weighed in her heart, which she tried to ignore. Disappointment flooded her belly. Irritation boiled her blood.

  Really though, part of her scolded herself. What was she expecting to happen? For him to ask her out? Be her boyfriend? The words sounded ridiculous even in her head, despite how much a part of her yearned for such an idea.

  He probably regretted kissing her at all.

  She couldn’t get out of her own head, barely thinking of that fact that she was finally on her way to see her brother and visit London no less. Instead, she was going over every detail of last night to try and work out where Sam’s head was in all of this.

  Don’t tempt me, Eden…

  That one sentence caused so much excitement within her. That he wanted but was trying not to kiss her. But, was it just out of desire? He got carried away? It was nothing more than another meaningless attraction? Why couldn’t he just use his words and talk to her?

  And what was wrong with her? She was wishing and wanting for things with a boy she knew wasn’t human. With a boy who she’d begun to theorise could actually be the son of Satan. And yet somewhere the message from her brain to her heart was getting lost.

  She kept thinking about Sam’s mother. Her home was only ten minutes away from the London apartment Eddie would be staying in with Alex.

  She wanted to know about the human side of him. The side she could understand. Part of her simply wanted to make sure it was real. But more importantly, she needed to talk to someone. Someone who possibly knew the truth… and she thought, perhaps the sister, Louisa, could help her.

  And yet she knew she shouldn’t go because somehow it felt like snooping in Sam’s life. But then, he’d just stood her up for Christmas after breaking every unspoken rule and kissing her. Besides, he was the one who said he couldn’t see them. Why would it matter if one random human dropped by? Perhaps she could just walk past… just to make sure it was real. That couldn’t cause any problems, could it?

  Too soon for her thoughts, the train came slowly to a stop, pulling into King’s Cross Station in London and Eddie was forced to pull herself back into reality, excitement finally bubbling in her stomach and she gathered her things.

  When she climbed from the carriage, backpack slung over her shoulder and duffle bag under one arm, her eyes searched the platform.

  Elation swam through her, a smile breaking its way over her lips, brightening her eyes the moment she caught sight of her brother.

  “Alex!” a surge of happiness brimmed in Eddie’s voice, and she was running toward him without hesitation. He had raven black hair that was thick and wavy while his eyes were light blue. His skin was tanned darker than Eddie’s, and she envied his lack of freckles.

  “Eds!” her brother smiled warmly, embracing his sister who had thrown her arms around his neck after dropping her duffle bag to the ground with a thump.

  “Oh, it’s so good to see you!” Eddie murmured earnestly, hugging him tightly.

  Alex patted her back, “I can tell,” he chuckled. “It’s good to see you too,” he smiled when she eventually let go. “You look so grown up already after just three months!”

  Eddie snorted in a thoroughly unladylike manner, and Alex laughed, picking up Eddie’s bag for her. “So where’s your friend?” he added, looking around behind her.

  Eddie’s face fell. “Oh… he’s not coming,” she muttered very quickly. “Change of plans. Anyway – let’s get to the apartment! I can’t wait to see it.”

  Eddie began walking off, and Alex frowned as he followed. “He?” he queried. “You never mentioned it was a boy, Eddie.”

  “So what?” Eddie threw her brother a look. “He’s a friend that’s a guy. Doesn’t matter, cause he couldn’t come in the end anyway.”

  “You sound annoyed, Ed…”

  Eddie huffed in irritation. “Yes, because you’re not dropping something that isn’t a topic worth continuing. I want to hear about you! Plus I’ve loads to tell you about school.”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. “You can tell me if something happened you know,” he told her. “I’m not Mum. We can talk about that sort of thing, remember?”

  Eddie rolled her eyes. “Alex, seriously, it’s nothing. Sam just had a change of plans is all. Ok?”

  “Sam?” Alex jumped on this. “Don’t tell me that’s Samael, the boy you notoriously complained about who is apparently the Antichrist in all of your emails?”

  Eddie bit her tongue. Wow; he really paid attention to her emails. She sighed. “Yes, it’s the same Sam. But, we’re friends now. Sort of – anyway, would you just drop it, please?”

  Alex finally nodded slowly, but Eddie had a feeling he was going to bring this up again.

  His apartment was pretty nice – he’d set her up in the bedroom where there was a trundle bed for her ‘friend’, while he was going to sleep on the sofa bed for the duration of her stay. Always the big-hearted big brother.

  Eddie felt another stab of irritation hit her when she looked at the trundle all made up for Sam. What annoyed her even more was that as mad as she was about his standing her up, part of her still couldn’t stop thinking about how much she wanted to kiss him again.

  Thankfully, she did not get too much time to think about it as she and her brother caught up with each other all afternoon and over their dinner of take-away Indian from the store downstairs that night.

  “So,” Eddie said as she chewed her butter chicken. “Tomorrow I wanted to do some shopping – I’m sorry, but I’m a terrible sister and haven’t got your present yet.”

  Alex laughed. “Well, I’ve got yours. Not over ten pounds remember?” he reminded her, and she chuckled and nodded. “We could go to the markets in the morning. There are some-”

  “I can’t go with you,” she shook her head smiling. “I want it to be a surprise!” she insisted. “I can take myself to look around. That’s… okay isn’t it?”

  Alex seemed uncertain. “Um… well I know I’m not our parents, but-”

  “I’m independent nowadays, remember?” Eddie teased. “That was your idea.”

  Alex rolled his eyes. “Yes, our mum won’t let me forget it,” he said dryly.

  “Good, so it’s settled then,” Eddie grinned, but inside her nerves were twisting for several reasons. “I’ll text you when I’m done, and we can go get a coffee or something.”

  Alex inclined his head in relent. “Fine,” he sighed. “Just… be safe, ok?”

  Eddie rolled her eyes at him. “Yes sir,” she said, throwing him a cheeky smile.

  Shocking Discoveries


  The next morning Eddie had nerves running through her stomach as she tried to get ready. She’d told herself not to go. For what could it possibly get her? Yet, deep down she knew what she was about to do today. She pulled her jeans on over her thermals with difficulty and did up her boots. Then she grabbed her coat and scarf before squashing down her curls with her pale green beanie.

  She said goodbye to Alex before making her way to the chilly streets.

  She took the tube. Cursing herself inwardly the whole way when she purposefully missed the stop for the markets and waited two more for Chelsea where the Finley’s apartment was located.

  In less time than she could have imagined she was
walking along the wet pavement with frosty sludge running down the sewerage drain beside her up to the set of houses on the corner. They were small, unimpressive apartments. All red brick and white French glass windows, obviously from the same era as her school and every one of them the same.

  Eddie took a breath and wandered down the street until she reached number eighteen. She stood there for a while just staring. So it was real.

  What now??

  She walked back in the opposite direction. Before turning abruptly and coming back again. She did this several times for nearly an hour before the last time she saw a woman in the window peering out at her.

  Her heart jolted in her chest, and she nearly tripped on the pavement as she panicked and ran back down the street and around the corner. She was going to just keep running when quite suddenly, someone had grabbed her hand, pulling her to a halt and straight back into them.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Sam’s low, angry voice startled her, and he let go of her hand just as quickly as he had grasped it.

  Eddie stared up at him in surprise, her heart skipping several beats when she met his brown-eyed gaze. “Sam?!” she spluttered, then her cheeks flushed royally. “What are you doing here?”

  Sam narrowed his eyes. “Stopping you from snooping around my dead mum’s house,” he snarled.

  Eddie felt a flush of guilt, but her gaze remained steady. “I wasn’t,” she said firmly. “I didn’t mean to end up here! It just… happened. But I didn’t stop! And what the hell?!” she added rather madly. “What happened to you?! Did you break both your hands?”

  Sam stared at her, for a moment stopped for words. Then, “What?” he snapped.

  “You couldn’t even text me?! I waited hours for you!” Eddie growled out. “How did you even know I was here?!”

  Blood tinged Sam’s cheeks, and he looked away from her. “Neeshka,” he muttered gruffly.

  Eddie frowned. “Why was she here? Were you coming here?”

  Sam sighed roughly. “No,” he snapped. “I asked her to keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe while I… figured some things out,” he muttered irritably. “Instead she found you sneaking around behind my back and-”

  “It wasn’t like that!” Eddie intervened angrily, her cheeks flushing too, while this mix of guilt and swoops in her stomach made her feel ill. “I didn’t plan this out. I just couldn’t help it! I wanted to make sure this place… your human side was real. And can you really blame me?” she continued earnestly. “You can’t tell me certain things, but you can’t expect me to just let it be and pretend that side of you doesn’t exist.”

  “Yes I can,” Sam said lowly, his voice serious. “I told you how dangerous this is. I shouldn’t even be here. I’ve never been here, and it’s my mother!” he fumed.

  Eddie huffed slightly, her guilt growing and part of her was mad at herself for coming here, but the other part still defended her decision. “You can’t just keep saying things like that and not explaining it!” she stated madly. “I’m not just going to just sit back and… and let you kiss me when I don’t even know half of anything about you!”

  “Well I already said that was stupid,” Sam growled, his eyes dark and unreadable. “I should never have done it. Clearly.”

  Eddie glared at him, unable to deny the cold stab of hurt that sliced her stomach with those words. “Well then why did you?” she demanded angrily, trying not to let Sam hear the hurt in her voice.

  “Because!” Sam snapped, throwing a hand in the air. “That’s what I do, remember? I wanted to, so I did. It didn’t mean anything!”

  Eddie felt as though she’d been slapped in the face. But, before she could muster any form of response, a woman spoke from behind Sam.

  “Excuse me?”

  Both teens jumped, turning to find the woman Eddie had seen through the window of the Finley house.

  She was looking straight at Sam. “I’m sorry I… saw the girl run away when she saw me and I followed then I… well I saw you.”

  Eddie looked at Sam, she saw his jaw stiffen, his expression unreadable.

  “You look just like my sister…” Louisa continued softly. “I knew… I knew one day…” she shook her head, “I’m sorry, but I’m sure you are not here out of coincidence?”

  Sam cast his eyes hesitantly to Eddie, who was looking at him with the same uncertain gaze.

  “Please…” the woman continued. “Why don’t we… talk about this inside my home.”

  Sam didn’t move when the woman began walking away. “Who are you?” he demanded lowly.

  The woman stopped, looking back at him. “I’m your family,” she said quietly. “Your mother was my sister. My name is Louisa. Please… come inside – we shouldn’t talk out here.” Her eyes flickered to Eddie. “Both of you. Please.”

  Sam looked back at Eddie, there was still anger in his eyes at her, but he also looked incredibly uncertain.

  “I’ll come if you want me to,” Eddie said quietly, though there was a slightly stiff edge to her voice. “But I… I understand if you want me to leave…” she muttered.

  Sam frowned at her, then looked back to Louisa, clearly trying to decide if he himself wanted to go. He sighed roughly, hanging his head before peering back at Eddie. “Well you’re here anyway,” he muttered. “You may as well come.”

  Eddie looked at him steadily. “Sam, I don’t want to unless you-”

  “Eden, I don’t want to go in there alone, alright?” Sam cut in, hissing under his breath to her so that Louisa couldn’t hear. “The least you could do now is come.”

  Eddie huffed quietly, “Fine,” she muttered, looking back to Louisa. “Let’s go…”

  The woman led the way down the street back to her home. Eddie felt Sam peering at her, but she did not meet his gaze.

  When they reached the apartment, Louisa held the door open for them.

  Eddie walked through first, nodding politely to the woman and casting her eyes around the strange interior. Odd, rune-like symbols covered the walls and the floor, a particular one in a circular design right in the entrance way. Eddie stepped through it, frowning at its peculiar nature.

  Before she got far, Sam made a strange sound behind her. She stopped to look back, and to her horror, she saw Sam stopped rigid, his face contorted like he was in pain or sick.

  “What… what’s happening?” he hissed, his brown eyes darting to Louisa in terror. “What… what did you do?”

  Panic welled in Eddie’s stomach, and she too looked quickly to the woman who was supposed to be Sam’s Aunt. “What did you do to him?!” she demanded, but the woman was backing away, her breathing picking up.

  “It’s true…” she was nodding, her eyes wide. “Rae…” she called out suddenly. “Rae, please!”

  “Hello, children,” Eddie spun around. A tall, beautiful woman with perfectly smooth black skin and eyes that mesmerised upon meeting them emerged through a doorway behind her. She had no hair on her head and wore a silken robe taking on all shades of the night sky.

  Sam fell to his knees, forcibly retching but nothing was coming up.

  “What are you doing to him?!” Eddie demanded of this new woman. “Let him up!”

  “I am doing nothing,” the woman spoke again, her eyes turning to gaze over Sam. “It is what corrupts his soul that does this to him.”

  Eddie stared at this woman, before turning back to Sam and diving over to him in the circle, grasping his arms. “Sam,” she begged, tears springing to her eyes, for she knew this was her fault. “Sam, can you get up? Look at me, please!”

  But Sam could barely move, his arms shaking to hold himself up while it took him great effort just to lift his head, his brown, frightened eyes locking with Eddie’s equally scared gaze.

  “But, he is not entirely incapacitated, it seems…” the woman named Rae murmured curiously. “Break the circle, Louisa. Let him in.”

  Eddie glared as Louisa quickly darted forward, bending down to scratch h
er own wooden boards, breaking the circular rune pattern on the floor that Sam was caught inside.

  He gasped the moment the line was shattered, his hands shaking and he turned his angry eyes to glare at the woman named Rae.

  “Who are you?” he demanded in a low snarl while Eddie helped him to stand back up, he dropped all contact with her the moment he regained his balance, but he also stood forward to be in front of her, shielding her from Rae’s view who was still observing him closely.

  “Why have you brought this girl, child?” she asked of him.

  Sam stilled, and Eddie felt fear patter in her heart. “She just knows about my mother,” he said lowly, tactfully. “I thought it was only my Aunt who lived here.”

  Rae tilted her head, her eyes narrowing. “You care for this girl,” she said sharply.

  “She’s a friend,” Sam snarled back, his whole body stiffening. “Nothing more.”

  Rae laughed quietly. “You fear I will harm her,” she murmured lowly, making the hairs on Eddie’s neck stand up. “When it is you who is the danger to her.”

  Eddie’s eyes flickered to the back of Sam’s head, but he didn’t turn. “I would never let her get hurt,” he hissed lowly, vehemently.

  “Like father like son…” Rae crooned. “You are bound by his mistakes and destined to remake them.”

  Sam stepped forward, his anger nearly emanating off his skin. “You don’t know anything about me,” he hissed dangerously.

  “I know everything about you,” Rae corrected him, her eyes flashing. “I know what you are. And I know what you’re capable of. It is not for you that I let you up,” she continued, her voice cold. “It is for the innocent child you have brought here.”

  Her eyes then snapped to Eddie who was still stood behind Sam. “Girl,” she said abruptly, “you do not know what this boy is,” she continued quietly. “And so you do not realise the road you are unintentionally paving for yourself. Leave here today and never think on this boy again.”

  Eddie breathed in quickly, fear pounding in her heart, but she stepped forward beside Sam. “I’m not going to do that,” she said quietly. “Sam is my friend,” she continued, peering briefly at Sam from the corner of her eye. “And you say you know him, but I say you don’t.”


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