Finders Keepers (Syndicate Book 1)

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Finders Keepers (Syndicate Book 1) Page 4

by BJ Bentley

  Once back inside, I told Jason I had a headache and wanted to lie down. Back in my room, I paced. I still wasn’t sure that I had made the right decision in telling Jensen about Chace. His reaction was slightly bizarre. I had assumed that Jensen would know who Sokolov was, since they ran in the same circles, being big league criminals and all. But what surprised me was Jensen’s reaction to hearing Sokolov’s name. The hardness in his demeanor. If I had to guess, I’d say there was some bad blood there. I could only hope that that worked in my favor.

  Chapter 7


  The next day, I still wondered if I’d done the right thing. I hadn’t seen Jensen since my confession the morning before, but the rest of the house seemed to run the same as usual. I once again joined Sarah in the kitchen with Jason as my escort. Sarah had warmed to me considerably, and even though I had set out to make her an ally solely for my own benefit, I found myself truly liking the woman.

  Sarah didn’t appear to be much older than my twenty-five years. She was certainly no older than thirty. She had long, black hair that was kept in a tidy braid down the center of her back. Her large, dark chocolate brown eyes were wide-set in her face. Her skin tone and slight accent hinted at some sort of Hispanic heritage. We both stood somewhere around five foot six, but where I had plenty of tits and ass, Sarah was more slender.

  “How long have you worked for Jensen… Mr. Holm, Sarah?” The purpose for my question was two-fold. I genuinely wanted to know her better, but I also wanted to get a feel for her loyalty to my captor.

  She must not have seen the harm in answering my question. “About seven years, now,” she mused while she continued to slice potatoes for the casserole we were preparing for lunch.

  I darted a glance over my shoulder to gauge Jason’s proximity, and say in a low voice, “And, are you happy here?”

  Sarah looked at me with startled eyes. “Yes, of course. Mr. Holm has been very good to me.”

  Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.

  Momentarily distracted by murmuring behind me, I glanced back to see Jason talking quietly to Keith, whom I hadn’t seen since the night of my botched escape. Jason caught my eye, and gave me a slight head shake, which garnered Keith’s attention.

  I gasped as Keith turned and looked at me with an evil glint in his bruised eye. He snarled at me but winced when the action caused pain to what looked to be his broken nose, before he stormed out of the room.

  “What happened to him?” I whispered to Jason, almost afraid to ask.

  Jason seemed to weigh his words before answering, “He fell down on the job.” He gave me a pointed look.

  Oh. Oh. I guessed that was what Jensen meant when he said he’d ‘taken care of Keith.’ Great. As if he hadn’t already hated me. I’d have to watch my back with that one.

  Adjusting the skirt on my dress, this one a baby pink silk, I surveyed my appearance in the bathroom mirror. I briefly wondered if I could break the mirror to use as a weapon. I would need a solid plan in place before I did something like that. I highly doubt a broken shard of glass would do much damage against armed guards twice my size.

  Once I’d determined that I was presentable, I met Jason at the door, so he could escort me to the dining room.

  “Aren’t you getting tired of following me around all day like a lost puppy?”

  Jason snorted. “Woof.”

  “Lord have mercy, the man has a sense of humor!” I teased.

  We entered the dining room to find Jensen already seated, as he usually was, before I got there. He stood as I approached.

  “Good evening, Charlotte,” he eyed me appreciatively. “I trust you found everything to your liking?”

  “Yes, everything’s lovely, thank you,” I assured him. “Though, a pair of shoes would be greatly appreciated.”

  Earlier in the day someone had delivered more clothing, both dressy and casual, as well as a plethora of high-end toiletries, skin care products, and make-up. But, still no shoes.

  He eyed me speculatively for a moment. “Indeed. I’ll see to it that you have your choice of footwear.”

  Sarah served us a delicious meal of steak with asparagus and salt potatoes, followed by some of the blueberry-apple cobbler I helped her make. I made an appreciative noise at the first bite of cobbler.

  “What I wouldn’t give to hear you make that sound while I was inside of you, pixie,” Jensen’s voice barely carried above a whisper.

  I nearly choked on my food. Jensen’s eyes, already so dark they were almost black, darkened even further with lust. I couldn’t stop the quiver between my thighs.

  “Finish your dessert. We have a visitor this evening,” his tone suddenly cool again.

  I gulped down my wine and followed Jensen out the French doors to side patio as he lit a cigar. My curiosity was piqued by the idea of a visitor. Any new face was a potential friend or foe. Though, considering the crowd Jensen ran with, my money was on foe.

  “Sit, pixie,” he commanded.

  I carefully sat down in the patio chair, mindful not to ruin my dress, then chastised myself for giving a shit about the dress. Despite my circumstances, I guess I was still a woman who could appreciate the finer things.

  “I would like us to come to an arrangement,” Jensen brought me back to the situation at hand.

  “What kind of arrangement?” I asked, hesitantly.

  “You will stay here with me.”

  “And…?” I waited for the rest of the details.

  “That is the arrangement. You’re mine now,” he explained.

  “That doesn’t sound so much like an arrangement as it does more of the same!” I felt my anger start to rise. “And what about Chace? What about my brother? I have to do something to help him!”

  “Lower. Your. Voice,” he growled.

  “No! You don’t own me!” I screamed in his face. My anger got the best of me and pushed me to my breaking point.

  He grabbed my face roughly and pulled me in close enough to feel his breath on my lips. “That’s where you’re wrong, pixie.” He slammed his mouth down on mine and took me in a searing kiss.

  I struggled as much as I could, but he only tightened his grip, and I knew he was going to leave a mark. As much as I hated his show of force and his apparent need to claim me, I couldn’t control my body’s reaction. My brain lost all control of my body, as my lips parted on a soft moan. He slipped his tongue inside and plundered every inch of my mouth, as I began to kiss him back. When my body began to melt into his, his touch seemed to gentle. My hardened nipples, which were pronounced through the thin silk of my dress, rubbed against the material of his suit jacket, heightening my arousal.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat brought me back to myself. I shoved away from Jensen, taking note of the smug expression on his face, and my anger rose all over again.

  “I hate you!” I hissed.

  Wrapping a hand around my neck, he leaned in close and murmured, “Well, pixie, your hatred makes my cock hard, so you’re welcome to feel that way.”

  I wanted nothing more in that moment than to punch that smirk off his devastatingly handsome face.

  He turned to the doors and the guard standing there watching us. “What is it?”

  “Your guest has arrived, sir.”

  “Excellent,” Jensen says as he swept an arm out indicating that I should precede him into the house.

  I watched him take a puff of his cigar before lifting my head high and striding through the doors. I passed through the dining room, intending to make my way to the staircase when a familiar voice in the hall stopped me.

  “Char? Char!”

  “Chace! Oh my God, Chace!”

  I ran into my brother’s arms. He was alive. He was safe. He was here. He looked a little worse for wear with some cuts and bruises on his face. But he was breathing and standing on his own two feet, and that was more than I could have hoped for knowing where he was and who had been holding him hostage.

; “How? What are you doing here? Are you okay?” I couldn’t stop the rapid fire questions falling from my lips.

  Ignoring all the other people in the room, I stepped back to give my brother a once-over. I started at the top of his blond head, a shade or two darker than mine, and scanned down his torso. I didn’t see any gaping wounds, so I took that as a good sign. Arms and legs were intact.

  “I’m fine, Char,” he said softly.

  I felt the tears well in my eyes, and I was terrified I was going to let them fall. My relief was immeasurable, and the weight off my shoulders and my conscience was immense.

  “Hey, hey. None of that now. Come on, Char. I’m really okay. A little bruised. Kinda hungry. You know, the usual,” he joked with a wink.

  “How are you here?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

  Before Chace could answer me, Jensen spoke up.

  “He’s here because I wish him to be. For now,” Jensen clarified.

  “But… What about Sokolov?” I asked, confused.

  “You don’t need to worry about Dmetri Sokolov. He is no longer your concern,” Jensen brushed off my concern as though Sokolov weren’t one of the most dangerous men in the criminal world.

  I swung my gaze from Jensen to Chace and back again. “So, now what?”

  Jensen smiles coldly. “Now, our arrangement begins.”

  Understanding dawns. “You’re blackmailing me?” I scoff.

  “Such an ugly word, pixie. Think of it as a trade. You for him. Not so different than the deal you made with Sokolov. Just now, your deal is with me.”

  “Hey, now, wait a minute! What’s going on?” Chace demanded.

  “Mr. Benson, let me state it bluntly, so there is no misunderstanding. My terms are this: I want your sister. In exchange for her… cooperation… I will not kill you. But, let me be clear. She is mine, regardless of your agreement. Or hers.”

  I looked to the floor. I couldn’t believe my ears. He was discussing me as though I were something to be traded. A possession. Which, I then realized, was exactly what I was to him.

  Chace stood stock still. I could see the fire in his eyes. He was pissed, and I certainly couldn’t blame him. So, before he could say or do something to get himself killed, I did what had to be done.

  “I accept.”

  Chapter 8


  “Charlotte, no! Look at me! You don’t have to do this.”

  Chace’s plea broke my heart. Because I knew exactly what I had to do, and I would do it in a heartbeat for him. I would do anything for him.

  “It’s okay, baby brother,” I tried to reassure him, but I’m sure my heartbreak showed on my face.

  Jensen gave the men standing guard a nod, and with that, they escorted Chace out of the room.

  “Fuck this! Charlotte!” Chace bellowed as he was led out.

  I turned to Jensen. “Please don’t hurt him!”

  “No harm will come to your brother so long as you adhere to our arrangement. He is under my protection, as are you.”

  “Why can’t he stay here? What if I want to see him? Will you let me see him?”

  “I think your brother will be more comfortable staying at one of my other properties for now. He will be under guard, so, as I said, no harm will come to him, and he will be made comfortable.” He paused. “And if you please me, I will consider letting you see him,” he finished.

  “Please you?” I whispered.

  “Yes, pixie. You will please me,” he confirmed, darting his tongue over his bottom lip.

  His eyes became hooded and distant as if he were imagining all the things he wanted to do to me. Or wanted me to do for him, I wasn’t sure. I suddenly felt naked under his gaze, and I know my eyes widened when he reached down with one hand and blatantly adjusted himself.

  “Rosario will take you upstairs to help you get ready,” he said.

  “Ready? For what?”

  “To please me, pixie. To please me.”

  The woman identified as Rosario escorted me upstairs to my room, at which point she shuffled me into the bathroom and instructed me to shower and shave and handed me a package of disposable razors. Everything within me wanted to rebel and tell them all to go fuck themselves, but Chace’s image flashed in my mind and reminded me what was at stake. I stepped under the hot spray and scrubbed and buffed and shaved until my skin was silky smooth. I toweled off and lotioned my legs before slipping on the plush bathrobe that hung on the back of the bathroom door. I stepped out into the bedroom to find that Rosario waited for me.

  “Come,” she directed.

  With no other choice, I followed her down the hall to a room that I had not been in before. She unlocked the door with a key she pulled from her pocket and led me inside. Just as I stepped into the dark room, I felt a sting at my neck. The already dark room went completely black as I lost consciousness and crumpled to the floor.

  When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that I couldn’t see. I felt something soft, a blindfold, over my face. The second thing I noticed was that I couldn’t move my arms, which were restrained above my head. I was almost suspended, but my feet were on the ground. And they were restrained too, that was the third thing that I noticed. The fourth thing I noticed was that I was naked. I couldn’t see myself, obviously, but I could feel the air against my skin. The sound of the door opening had me lifting my head. I tried not to panic, but my current state didn’t leave me much choice.

  “Good. You’re awake,” came the gruff voice of Jensen. Running his thumb over my bottom lip he practically purred, “Hello, my pixie.”

  The sound of feet shuffling snapped my attention away from Jensen. Someone else was in the room with us.

  “She’s lovely, Jen,” I heard one voice say softly enough that I almost missed it.

  “Indeed, she is,” confirmed Jensen.

  “May I?” the unknown voice seemed to be asking for permission.

  “Of course. You may touch, but do not penetrate,” Jensen instructed.

  Penetrate? I almost felt relief that he wasn’t going to let someone else rape me, but under the circumstances, there were other ways to be violated.

  Then I felt the whisper of fingers over my skin. The strange touch ran up my ribs to the underside of my breast. The man cupped one breast and teased my nipple with his thumb. Stuck somewhere between lust and shock, I couldn’t move. I wanted to pull away at the same time that I feel wetness between my legs. My frustration caused tears to well. I wanted to scream, but I was afraid to anger Jensen.

  I heard what I thought was the sound of a zipper come from somewhere on my right, and I turned my head, though I was still blindfolded, in that direction. How many people were in this room?

  “I would very much like to fuck her, Jen,” another unknown voice growled.

  “Not going to happen, Rafe,” replied Jensen, with what sounded like deadly calm, “but you may watch if you like.”

  The hand that had been fondling my breast pulled away, and I felt the light touch trail down my chest to my belly and lower still. The barest of touches quickly swept over my clit, and my hips jerked back out of instinct, and I’m reminded of my limited range of motion. My brief struggle must have amused the men, as I heard all three chuckle.

  Someone was standing very close. I caught the faint odor of cigar smoke, and I realized it was Jensen. His large hands spanned my rib cage, and he dragged his palms down my sides to my hips and around to my ass. He pulled me close enough that I could feel his skin. He was naked. His mouth was suddenly on my breast. He licked and nipped and suckled my aching nipple. He slid one of his hand between my legs, and I felt a finger enter me. I heard him growl and suddenly my blindfold was gone. The light in the room was dim but not dark. I could see that there were, in fact, two men in the room with us. Somehow, being able to see them was worse than being in the dark. Because they were staring at me hungrily. Without thinking, I started to pull away, as much as my restraints would allow, from Jensen.
It only managed to irritate him.

  “Still,” he commanded.

  I instantly froze.

  “She obeys,” one of the other men groaned as if extremely aroused.

  I noticed then that both of the other men in the room were also extremely handsome. The one who spoke last had blond hair and an angular face. He probably had Nordic ancestry. The other man had slightly shaggy dark brown hair and model good looks with a bad boy edge.


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