Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4)

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Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4) Page 5

by Willow Aster

  Luka sits up taller. “Only what we were born to do,” he says. “Don’t forget that, brother. Don’t let this opulence intimidate you. They are mere flesh and blood, just like us. Only without the human decency,” he adds under his breath.

  The car pulls around the circular drive and Quincie steps out to open our door.

  “Looking good, Quincie,” I tell him and he nods.

  “You too, King,” he says. Man of few words.

  I look up and up and up, taking in the architectural masterpiece. I may not like anything about the way this king has run his empire, but I can appreciate the beauty in his palace. And a palace it is. There is no detail left undone. We walk along the gold carpet and photographers snap pictures. I’m surprised by the photographers but relieved that no journalists line the carpet. It feels a bit more personal that way, but the journalists might also be waiting inside.

  I see the king ahead and next to him stands a tall, good-looking younger man. He could be close to thirty, but it’s hard to tell. When we get nearer, King Farthing steps forward and reaches out both hands.

  “I’m honored to have your Lordships both grace my abode at once. Welcome, King Safrin.” He bows deeply and I bow in return. “Welcome, King Catano.” He bows toward Luka. And then his eyes widen when he sees Eden. “Queen Eden, songs are sung about your beauty. Now I know why.” He kisses her hand and she lowers her head in respect.

  We’re introduced to Caulder, and his expression isn’t as warm as the king’s, but he smiles and has friendly pleasantries to offer, nothing of note. I get a slide of unease down my spine when he looks my way and I vow to get to the bottom of that…another time. While I’m a guest in their home I must behave as one.

  We’re ushered inside and I look around for Delilah but don’t see her anywhere. The ballroom is as exquisite as the rest of the place and it’s a lot to take in. We’re led to a table that seats eight and Eden sits down while Luka and I stand behind her waiting for the king to enter. Most of the ballroom is full already.

  Alex comes over a few minutes later, the newly-appointed king of Yuman since the death of his father. He whistles under his breath as he shakes my hand and then Luka’s.

  “What do you suppose this is all about?” he asks.

  “No idea,” Luka says. “Some sort of dick check most likely. I stand corrected, if we’re going by castle size alone, he’s the clear winner.” Luka and Alex laugh and Eden rolls her eyes then glares at Luka. His laugh immediately dies down and he wipes a hand over his mouth. “My wife doesn’t appreciate dick jokes.”

  “If you can at least hold the jokes until we’re out of the Farthing ballroom, that would be greatly appreciated,” she snaps, and he holds both hands up, pressing his lips together.

  “Noted,” he says. He looks at me and winks and I get a glare of my own from Eden when I start laughing.

  “Don’t you start too,” she pleads. “Why can’t you be more like King Alban over there?”

  We all look over at King Alban, who is at least eighty years old and his chin is nearly touching his chest as he drifts to sleep.

  “Dead, you mean?” Luka asks, his voice cracking with laughter. Eden shoots another look at him and I jab him in the side.

  “If you don’t want to be murdered in the enemy territory by your wife, I’d cut the jokes for now,” I tell him through my teeth. My stomach is clenched as tight as a trap to avoid laughing, but I know my sister. She’s nervous, and when she’s nervous and angry, her temper comes out ahead.

  “Finally, someone with sense,” Eden says.

  I grin at her and Luka groans.

  But then I’m the one groaning next when the room titters with excitement. I feel the rush in my chest before I’ve even seen her and turn, knowing she’s entered the room.

  And oh my God, that woman. She is a work of art. Everything in me sparks to life when I see her.


  Chapter Eight


  Last night, my dad switched things up on me. I’d spent a few days getting alterations done on the dress I chose, and right before bed, he knocked on my door and was carrying a long dress bag.

  “You don’t have to wear this. I know you’ve decided on something, but I was looking at this and it seemed like it would fit like it was made for you. Your mother’s,” he added.

  When he unzipped the bag, my eyes widened. “It’s her engagement gown.”

  He smiled at me fondly, proud that I remembered. I used to look at their old pictures all the time when she first died. It’s been a while, but this dress isn’t something I could ever forget.

  “You really think it would fit me?”

  He nodded and held it out for me to take. “Think about it. There is no pressure to wear it, but I know your mother would be honored if she were here.”

  I stared at it before bed, but I didn’t feel comfortable trying it on. I wanted to wait until this morning when Papa said he’d have someone who could help me put it on, so I didn’t rip any of the beading.

  When someone knocks on my door and I open it to find a woman, I’m shocked.

  “I’m Darcy.” She lowers her head and curtsies.

  “Nice to meet you. Please come in.”

  Even though I wouldn’t expect a man to help me in my dress, it’s still unusual to see a woman. Since my mother died, I’ve been the only woman in the house. I let her in, and she stops abruptly when she sees the gown hanging in the window.

  “Your mother’s gown,” she whispers. Her eyes fill with tears. “She was a vision in that dress. You will wear it tonight?”

  “Did you know my mother?” I hear the hope in my voice, the yearning that never goes away to know more about my mother.

  “No, but I remember the pictures. You look so much like her.”

  “Thank you.” I tuck away the disappointment and focus on the dress. “I need your help putting it on. Do you really think—” I put my fingers on the sheer fabric that would fall between my breasts, the beads the only thing covering up anything.

  “Yes,” she interrupts. “You must wear it. It is a great honor. This is the future queen’s—”

  She stops suddenly when there’s another knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I say, straightening my robe.

  My father walks in with a gorgeous floral beaded headdress. I’d forgotten that in most of the pictures, my mom wore the beautiful heirloom. I gasp when he hands it to me.

  “I don’t want to do anything to mess it up.”

  “Anything can be fixed. If you want to wear it, it’s yours.” He beams at me and I swallow the lump in my throat.

  “I’m so happy you’re well, Papa. I think this is a wonderful idea, celebrating your life.” I reach out and hug him and he pats me on the back while I sniffle.

  When he steps back, he clears his throat and looks unsettled.

  “Are you okay?” I ask. “You’re not overdoing it, are you?”

  He looks at the floor and shakes his head. “I’m fine, sweetheart. I’m happy to do something special for you tonight. This is a night you will long remember.”

  I crinkle my nose and grin at him, unused to his over-the-top sentimentality. He chuckles when he sees my face and points toward the door.

  “I better leave you to get ready or you’ll be late for your own party,” he says.

  “Your party,” I correct.

  He does an exaggerated nod. “Right. My party.”

  The dress is so revealing, it’s hard to imagine my mother ever wearing this, but it fits perfectly. I feel like I’m slipping on a costume that is way more exquisite than anything I’ve worn, and once I slip the headdress over my waves, the floral beading catching the light just right, I feel like I’ve stepped back in the early days of Alidonian royalty.

  “Wow,” Darcy breathes. “I can’t believe the resemblance to your mother. Dare I say even more beautiful,” she whispers, her hand on her throat. “No one will be able to look away.”

p; My father comes back a few minutes before I’m supposed to walk down to the ballroom. He stares at me, his mouth dropping when I open the door.

  “Are you sure this is okay?” I ask.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby girl,” he says. He holds out his arm and I loop my hand through it. We walk toward the staircase and Caulder is standing at the bottom of the stairs, talking to a tall man with long blond hair. They both look up and watch as I slowly descend the stairs. The stranger looks me over so thoroughly, I feel way too exposed. I clasp my dad’s arm tighter and focus on Caulder. He looks even cockier than usual.

  “Delilah,” he says, bowing low. He holds out his arm to his friend and nods toward Papa.

  We reach the bottom and my dad puts his arm around the man. They all turn to face me and I feel my skin flush with all the attention.

  “Allow me to introduce you to King Avaban of Blorl,” my father says. “This is my beautiful daughter, Delilah.”

  King Avaban’s eyes get stuck between my breasts, even as he’s lowering his head in a bow. “She’s a beauty all right,” he says.

  He takes my hand even though I haven’t offered it and my skin gets clammy all over. I nearly pull it back before he can kiss it, but my father’s expectant smile forces me to pause. I swallow hard, feeling a little sick and chalk it up to nerves and being severely grossed out by King Avaban. He looks about forty and the pervy vibes he’s putting out are enough to make me want to run back to my bedroom.

  Instead, I pull my hand away and give the slightest nod. He licks his lips and stares at my mouth, his eyes looking like ice.

  “Well, we should get to the party, Papa,” I say, smiling at my father. “We can’t keep the guest of honor from all the guests.”

  He holds out his arm again and I take it, glad to be walking away from the Ice King even though I can still feel his eyes drilling holes through me.

  King Avaban and Caulder go in ahead of us, saying something about a grand entrance, and then it is just Papa and me. It’s quiet for a moment and I turn to my father one more time.

  “You sure you’re feeling up to this?”

  “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time,” he says.

  I laugh. “You must be feeling better…you’ve never wanted a party before.”

  “You’ll see.” He winks.

  My head tilts as I’m about to ask what he’s talking about when the double doors swing wide open and we are announced throughout the ballroom.

  All is forgotten when I see him standing in the center of the room, his eyes sweeping over me like a caress. I shiver and this time, it’s pure pleasure. King Jadon Safrin. I feel my heart begin to thud and the beginnings of a smile that I can’t hide taking over my face.

  Calm yourself. He’s just a man. And the enemy at that.

  There is a round of applause that draws me out of my stupor and I wave, trying to greet all the guests with a smile rather than just the one man who has captured my attention. A few of the guests line up to greet my father and me, and then we are ushered to our table, an elaborate feast already laid out on each table.

  “You’ve outdone yourself, Papa,” I tell him as I sit down, noticing Jadon is just one table away.

  “I’m glad you’re pleased,” he says.

  Our glasses are filled and our plates are piled high. I lift my hand to stop any more from being added to my plate; I already don’t know how I’ll get out of this dress if I eat anything. But Papa is so excited about all the delicacies offered, I try a little bit of everything.

  “This is shantas…you’ve never had it because I couldn’t find anyone who could make it as well as my grandmother…until this.” He closes his eyes and savors the bite of meat-filled pastry with a creamy sauce.

  I try a bite and groan. “Oh, that’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

  I feel eyes on me and look up to see Jadon staring at me. His blue eyes are brilliant even from a distance and his long black wavy hair shines like silk in the candlelight. He is the most perfect specimen of man I’ve ever seen and I wish I had the luxury of staring at him for as long as I want. There’s a kindness about him that I wasn’t expecting, that someone as built and brilliant as him could also be gentle is such a paradox. I must be fantasizing because all of my life I’ve been told the Safrins are fools of the winter, brutes who don’t know the meaning of culture.

  “I see you’ve caught the eye of King Safrin,” Papa says, leaning into my ear. “I’m glad he’s seeing your beauty firsthand, to know one more thing he’s missing out on.”

  I rear back, looking at my father like I’ve been hit. “What are you saying?”

  He shrugs. “Just that you are one more unattainable in this castle of all the things he must desire.”

  I set my glass down and stare at him. “I’d rather you not ever talk about me like I’m cattle, Father.”

  His eyes widen and he chuckles. He leans past me to look at Caulder and raises his glass. “Uh-oh, she’s calling me Father now. Can’t have our baby girl angry at the ball.”

  “Well then, don’t say such ridiculous things,” I snap.

  Caulder laughs and my blood boils as I sit between the two of them, once again feeling like a child.

  “Don’t get your panties in a knot,” Caulder says. “If you can even wear panties in that thing.” He waves his fork up and down my dress and I want to stab him with the fork.

  “Let’s just enjoy the food and not talk for a while,” I say. “The two of you are acting like barbarians.”

  They both laugh at that and I lean back in my chair, wishing I could be anywhere but here.

  “It’s almost time for my announcement,” my father says when he takes one last swig of wine.

  “Do you need help getting to the microphone or will someone bring one over?” I look toward the area that usually has the sound equipment.

  He points to a mic stand next to our table and smiles. “It’s moved closer and I’ll be fine to walk that distance on my own. But stay close,” he says.

  He winks at Caulder and looks around the room to see if everyone is still eating or not. A few minutes later, he stands and walks to the mic. The room quickly silences.

  “Welcome to Alidonia! I hope your evening in the Farthing castle will be a pleasing experience. On behalf of myself and my family, I would like to tell you how fortunate I am to have all of the kingdoms here to witness how healthy I am!” He raises his fist in the air and a polite applause goes around the room. “But that is not why I gathered you all here tonight.” He looks at me and grins, the pride in his eyes making me smile back. “You all know how lovely my daughter Delilah is—and doesn’t she look especially lovely tonight in her Alidonian headdress worn for generations before her—but I assure you, she will only get more beautiful as she blooms into womanhood.”

  I clasp my hands tightly together, uncertain of where he’s going with this but not liking the direction. I feel conspicuous enough in this dress.

  “She has always made me so proud. I’ve guarded her with my life, believing that no other could ever possibly take care of her as well as I can.” He chuckles and shakes his head, looking at me fondly. “But there comes a day when every father must give up a small amount of control. At least enough for a husband to take charge, right?” He laughs again and I cringe inside, his ideas about a woman’s place being the one snag we never seem to quite agree on. “So, with that thought in mind, I’d like to announce my daughter’s engagement to none other than King Avaban of Blorl.”

  What? A cry escapes my mouth and I cover it, staring at my father in horror. He holds his arm out for me to come forward and on the other side of him, King Avaban is also stepping forward. Caulder nudges me from behind and when I turn and see the guests clapping, it all sounds very far away. Jadon is the only one I laser in on, his expression unreadable. My arm is suddenly gripped tightly and I turn in slow motion as Caulder forces me to walk to my father.

  When I reach him, Papa holds out his h
and and takes mine, firmly placing it over King Avaban’s. With all three of our hands clasped together, he lifts them up in triumph.

  “To this new union. Long may they reign!”

  Cheers ring out throughout the room, while I stare on in confusion. I can’t believe my father has done this to me. I try to rip my hand away, but he holds it tighter.

  “Papa, I cannot do this,” I hiss under my breath.

  “Do not embarrass me, child. There are some things you have no control over, this is one of them,” he says with gritted teeth.

  King Avaban’s eyes glitter as he stares at me, his expression a combination of contempt and arrogance. I don’t even know this man’s first name or anything about him other than the fact that he makes my skin crawl, and my father expects me to marry him.

  I turn and my eyes meet Jadon’s again, I need to see anyone other than the family who has betrayed me and the man they’re auctioning me off to. I lift my head high and force myself to calm inside.

  I will not succumb…I refuse to bow to this.

  When the cheers die down, my father keeps talking. It’s like a drone in the distance, his words meted out in my head.

  My world has suddenly turned bleak.

  I am terrified.

  And my beloved father has broken my heart.

  Chapter Nine


  I had no idea of what to expect at this ball, but hearing that Delilah is engaged to King Avaban of Blorl—I did not see that coming. When I first hear Farthing speak the words, an immediate rage comes over me that is completely unwarranted. For all I know, this could have long been in the works. But why then, have I felt any connection with Delilah at all, if that were the case?

  Maybe she is used to toying with men’s affections and I was merely something for her to bat around for fun.

  It’s not like anything beyond a mild flirtation happened anyway.

  Even that was probably just her fishing for something to use against me.


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