Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4)

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Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4) Page 7

by Willow Aster

  “What are you going to do with him?”

  “Just watch.”

  She starts protesting and I turn to her, holding onto her arm. “Do you trust me? Slight change of plans, but it just hit me that this would be a safer option.”

  She pauses for only a second before saying softly, “I trust you.”

  I can practically hear the questions Eden is begging to ask, but she does me proud and plays her part. We get to the clearing and they hide behind the stones while I walk to the car.

  “Where’s my wife?” Luka asks.

  “She wasn’t quite done looking.” I step up behind the driver and am grateful for the dark because he doesn’t know what hits him.

  As carefully as possible, I lower him to the ground and motion for Luka, Eden, and Delilah to come out of the shadows.

  “Take them to the plane. We’ll fly out tonight.” I toss the keys to Luka and he catches them.

  “I can’t just leave you. What’s your plan?” he asks.

  “Hide her on the plane then you and Eden hurry back. Bring a first aid kit back…when this guy wakes up, we’ll have him take us to the hotel and find another ride to the plane.” I turn to Delilah. “Make sure you stay hidden or this could all end in a bigger mess.” I squeeze Luka’s arm. “Hurry. You’re less than five minutes from the plane. Be back in twelve, max.”

  He groans and they get in the car, speeding off as soon as Delilah’s door is closed.

  Our driver groans and when he comes to, I kneel down.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  He sits up and holds his head. “What happened?”

  “Are you sure you’re ready to sit up? Someone came up behind you and knocked you out. I hit him and he took off running. Luka and Eden went to get help for you.”

  “You stayed for me?” the driver rubs his head and holds onto me for support. “You should’ve left me here and taken care of yourself. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have stopped here.”

  “No apologies. You were only doing what I asked. I’m only sorry for the headache you might suffer.”

  Luka and Eden pull up a few minutes later and I breathe a little easier. We get in the car and Luka drives us to the hotel, the driver still holding his head. Luka points to the first aid kit he brought from the plane.

  “I decided to just rush back myself. Are you okay, sir?” he asks. “Should we take you to the hospital?”

  “I’m fine. I’m well enough to drive even. I don’t need a doctor. I beg your forgiveness for not getting you safely to your hotel.”

  I lean up and put my hand on his shoulders and squeeze. “No apologies, remember?”

  I feel like a bastard, but the guy doesn’t seem to be suffering from much pain…only guilt. I wish we could’ve come up with a way that didn’t involve someone else, but an alibi and rumor of a suspicious person who hit the driver by the stones was a necessary cover.

  Luka pulls into the hotel parking lot and stops.

  Now if we can just get out of here.

  Chapter Eleven


  When an hour passes in a tiny closet in the bedroom of the Catano family jet, I start to worry that I’m stuck here for good. What if they were detained? Maybe someone saw me in the car with Luka. Maybe they’re already searching the surrounding areas for me.

  I turned off my phone tracker when I left the house and it’s a good thing. My father started blowing up my phone about ten minutes ago. I would’ve turned it off by now, but I keep thinking Jadon might call. He’s taking longer than I expected.

  I pulled my hat off long ago and wish I’d taken off my sweatshirt before getting into the cramped space. I’d gladly strip everything off if I wasn’t scared they’d choose that moment to get on board. I crack open the door to the closet and take in a deep breath, listening for any signs that someone else is on the plane with me. It’s silent.

  What if they’re setting me up? It’s not the first time I’ve wondered if I should be trusting the Safrin family OR the Catano family in this getaway. Why couldn’t I have chosen someone neutral?

  The heat gets unbearable and I rush out of the closet, unable to take it in there for another second. I pace around the bedroom and get distracted by all the gold. My father would love this. I’ve always preferred silver, but the Farthing castle is outfitted in the finest gold, and I’ve heard the Catanos’ is also. It isn’t the first time the Farthings’ and Catanos’ love for opulence has been compared.

  I crack open the bedroom door and peek out just as I hear something. I run back to the closet and step inside, taking another deep breath of air before shutting myself back inside. My heart is pumping fast and I regret not trying harder to talk sense into my father before leaving.

  I know him though. He had his mind made up. It was scary how adamant he was about me marrying—

  The door flings open and I sink back into the corner. Jadon holds his hand out and I take it, clutching my chest with my other hand.

  “Heart a-attack,” I stutter.

  He pulls me out and somehow, I end up against his chest, staring up at him. His hand feels right at my waist as he looks me over, his other hand slightly brushing my hair away from my face.

  “You appear to be in one piece,” he says, smiling slightly.

  I get lost in his pale blue eyes, finding myself sinking deeper into them. I sigh and he smiles bigger, but backs away slightly and everywhere I’ve been sweating is suddenly covered in goose bumps.

  “This is the quietest you’ve been since we met, Delilah.” He frowns and tilts his head, studying me closer. “Say something. I’m beginning to worry.”

  I wave a hand and attempt to laugh, but it sounds like I’m choking. I cover my mouth and cough, knowing I’m acting so strangely but unable to stop myself.

  “Fine. I’m fine,” I repeat. “Hot.”

  He bites the inside of his cheek and smiles. I wonder if he’s always this playful with everyone. He seems nothing like the serious king I’ve heard about or seen pictures of—in every picture of him on the Internet, his eyes look haunted and his full lips are pulled into a flat line. The lighthearted banter is the last thing I expected from him. Then again, I never imagined there’d be questionable texting between the two of us either. I still flush when I think about that conversation, and I’ve thought about it a lot.

  All of it makes my heart trip over itself and I try to get a grip. I pick up the hat that fell in the closet and put it back on.

  “We left our guards to cover for us—I’ll message them shortly. It’s just us on the plane. I mean the two of us and Luka and Eden. One of us will fly the plane. I voted for Luka so we could talk on the way, maybe come up with a plan for what comes next. Or do you have that worked out already?”

  I step back and my legs hit the bed. I go with it and sit down. It feels good after standing for so long. He stands for a moment but then sits next to me, waiting for my answer.

  “I wish I had a plan. As you can probably tell, I’m winging it. All of this has taken me by complete surprise.”

  He nods. “Any ideas why your dad would want to align himself with Avaban?”

  “None at all. The only thing I’ve come up with that makes any sense to me at all is that he simply needed to get me out of the way. Marry me off and get me out of the house.”

  “Oh, I’d hoped Avaban would be moving right in here…that you wouldn’t have to go to Blorl at all,” he adds.

  “I guess I left before finding out the details.” My voice sounds angrier than I intended, but I’m too exhausted to take it back. There’s something about Jadon talking about me being Avaban’s wife like it’s just a given that really sets me off. “And I am not going anywhere near Blorl.”

  “You didn’t have the slightest hint this was coming? No mention of Xang leading up to the party or anything?” He studies my face intently, as if searching for the lies I must be telling.

  I feel my skin heating with anger. “Xang?”

  Jadon ja
w ticks. “Xang Avaban?”

  I hold up my hands, unable to hide my annoyance with him any longer. “I’d never met him until tonight!” My voice shakes and I lift my eyes to the ceiling, trying to keep my emotions at bay. “I apologize for taking it out on you. I’m in shock. My father isn’t perfect, no one is, but I’ve never doubted his love for me. I’ve never doubted that he doesn’t want the best for me. Now everything feels like a lie.”

  “I want to believe you. I think that’s evident.” Jadon walks to the door and looks back. “I can give you space. We’ll be taking off in a few minutes. I’m not sure of the best way to handle all of this, but we’ll have to discuss the options soon. I want to make sure you’re safe, but I also have to take care of the needs of my people.”

  “I think I’d like to do a news conference soon…maybe somewhere neutral? And say publicly that I was not part of the discussion to marry Avaban…and that I refuse to do so.”

  He nods. “That sounds wise. Perhaps in the Sea of Caninsula? Or maybe Gynos would be even better. It would be easy to get in and out of there. I can connect you with their leader, unless you already have a way in.”

  “That would be wonderful, thank you.”

  He turns and I stand up.


  I move closer to him and look down at his hands, admiring his long fingers. They look strong and capable, like they could span my waist on either side and touch.

  He reaches out and touches my arm, dropping it quickly when I look up.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. “I know what a risk this is for you and I want you to know I’m grateful. I couldn’t have—”

  “You’re welcome,” he says, his eyes smiling. “Hey, would you like to officially meet my sister?”

  I let out a long breath, glad of the distraction. “Yes. I’d love that.”

  We walk out of the room and sit across from Eden and Luka. They are such a beautiful couple, it’s hard not to stare.

  “Didn’t know we’d be coming home with a princess,” Eden says with a smile. “Delilah Farthing at that.” She shakes her head. “Mother will have a lot to say about this.”

  “We won’t be telling Mother,” Jadon says. “Best avoid the topic of any Farthings altogether.”

  “What does she have against us?” I ask, looking at each of them. Luka is studying me with a calculated stare, like he’s trying to figure out how I’m manipulating them even in this moment.

  “Everything,” Jadon says.

  “So why don’t you hold that same thought?” I turn to look at him and he looks at me for a moment before turning toward Eden and Luka again.

  “Who says I don’t?” He laughs and when he stops, he turns to me again and his eyes are still light. “For some reason, I believe you really need our help…”

  It seems like he’s going to say something else, but he just leaves it hanging.

  “And?” I urge him to continue.

  “And you’re really hard to refuse.”

  I stare at him, my heart pounding harder as his eyes hold mine captive. When Eden clears her throat, we both turn to her and her eyes are wide.

  “Well, well,” she says.

  “What is your plan?” Luka cuts to the chase.

  They all look at me and I feel the heat go straight up my chest and face. “For tonight, is it okay if I just hide out a little longer until I come up with something?”

  Luka leans forward and shakes his head. “Considering we might have your army on our tail by the time we reach Farrow, I’d say coming up with some sort of plan would be best,” he says. “There have been threats on Jadon’s life recently. Forgive me if I’m not as trusting as he is.”

  Eden pulls him back and takes his hand. He visibly calms when she does.

  “If we’re good to go, I’m going to get us in the air,” Luka says. “Jadon, you’re sure about this?”

  Jadon nods. “I’m sure. Farrow, please. We’ll take things from there.”

  Luka walks to the cockpit and we start rolling just a few minutes later.

  The way Eden is assessing me makes me shift in my seat. I’m about to tell her to just say whatever it is she wants to say already when she speaks again.

  “So, the two of you have met before?” It’s hard to tell if she’s asking a question or saying the obvious. She looks between Jadon and me and bites her bottom lip.

  “Not too long ago,” Jadon says.

  “I see. And you’ve kept in touch?” She looks at me when she says this and it’s like she can read all the naughty thoughts I’ve had about her brother. My face flushes and I nod.

  “A little,” I reply.

  “And you’re telling me all of this came about unexpectedly tonight…there was no premeditated getaway plan before we came?” She folds her arms across her chest and I’m suddenly seeing how the Queen of Niaps could be a very intimidating person.

  I sit up taller and steady her with a glare of my own. She doesn’t back down…not enough for my comfort.

  “There was no plan for me to be a stowaway, no. You think I want this?”

  “For all I know, this is exactly what you want…you get close to my brother and bring him down without your father having to lift a single finger.”

  “Eden,” Jadon snaps, leaning forward. “Stop. There will be time for grilling Delilah later. Can’t you see she’s shaken?”

  Eden rolls her eyes. “You’ve always had a soft spot for the downtrodden…I only hope this time doesn’t destroy you. Don’t forget who she is, brother.”

  “As if I ever could,” he says, turning to face me.

  Chapter Twelve


  Hindsight is twenty-twenty is what they say, right? Who are they anyway? I’ve never lived my life wishing I’d done something differently. Call it a flaw or call it my greatest strength, but I try to think things through the first time and then rely heavily on my gut feelings. I am typically slow to act as a result because thinking things through so thoroughly often takes a testing of time and the wisdom to see through the bullshit.

  The problem with everything regarding Delilah is simply this: I am not sure I’m capable of seeing her objectively.

  I’ve never been drawn to a woman so intensely, this soon upon meeting. I’ve never felt the pull to protect as fiercely for anyone except my sisters, and I am in no way feeling familial toward Delilah. I’ve never thrown caution to the wind when my kingdom and family are all at stake, and I’ve never felt so in over my head as I do right now.

  But I look at her and I know I’d do all of it again in a heartbeat. If it’s a mistake, it’s one I may pay for with my life, but if she’s telling the truth and I’m saving her, giving my life would be worth it.

  We land in Farrow in the early hours of the morning, and as we get in the car and I drive us all to the Safrin home, I can’t help but wonder what she’ll think of Farrow. The landscape is so different than Alidonia with the snow-capped mountains and the green fields surrounding the water. The curves up the mountain to home feel especially winding and I grin when Delilah gasps as she looks over the edge of a drastic drop.

  No one speaks, the exhaustion from the night settling in. But when we pull into the driveway, Delilah sits up taller. She stares out the window, taking it all in. I’d give anything to know what she’s thinking, the need to impress her colliding with my usual take-it-or-leave-it mentality.

  “What will we tell the guards?” Eden asks.

  “That we have a guest and they are to take the utmost care of her.” I shoot Eden a look in the rearview mirror and she doesn’t say anything else. “I kept the guards I trust completely. Everyone else that was questionable around the time of the shooting has been let go and I feel confident that those here now are capable of keeping their mouths shut.”

  “Because you hardly have anyone working for you now,” Luka says.

  “And it’s a good thing, right? Less people to worry about spreading the news that Delilah is here.”

uka’s jaw clenches as we step outside, quietly shutting our car doors behind us. It is strange not to have a guard coming out to greet us.

  “At least let me send Uncle Basile and a few guards to help out,” Luka says as we walk toward the house.

  “Once Quincie and the others come in from Alidonia tomorrow, it’ll be better.” The house is quiet when we step inside. “The staff didn’t expect us back until tomorrow night, so this is not all that unusual,” I remind them. “But I think that’s a good idea, Luka…I’ll take you up on that if Basile is agreeable.”

  I don’t say it out loud, but I am too isolated here.

  “There was a shooting here recently?” Delilah asks, looking up at the tall ceilings in the foyer. “Who was shot?”

  Luka and Eden both look at me and Delilah slowly realizes they’re waiting for me to speak.

  “Me.” My voice is louder than I intended and I hold my hand out. “Why don’t I show you to your room?”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize the attempt on your life was in your home. That’s terrible. Were you hurt?” she asks as we walk up the stairs.

  “Only my pride…and my heart,” I say quietly.

  She turns to face me then, even though I’ve opened the door to her room. She doesn’t even look inside.

  “It would’ve been easier if you’d been physically hurt then, wouldn’t it?” She reaches out and touches my arm and I feel the warmth sink through my shirt.

  “Much easier.” I close my hand over hers and we stand there for a moment, our pain finding company. “After this with your father, you can understand how the hurt from our family can far surpass any physical threat.”

  “Who shot you?”

  “My stepmother.” I don’t try to explain right away. Because even though I know my stepmother was drugged and hypnotized with orders to kill me, I’ve always known she didn’t want me.

  Part of me has always wondered if she wished I was dead, and now I know the truth.


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