Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4)

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Pride: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Kingdoms of Sin Book 4) Page 9

by Willow Aster

  “We will hold you to that, Princess Delilah,” King Otto says, his tone more serious than before. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need.”

  “Thank you so much, but I’ll be leaving right away. I don’t want to risk any of you and I don’t know King Avaban well enough to know what he might do in all of this. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been focusing on how my father will react, with very little thought toward Avaban. I wish I didn’t have to do this so publicly, but you were all there when the announcement was made. I guess it’s only fitting that you’re here for this part too.”

  Each king bows in return and I walk out of there, with Jadon, Eden, and Luka following. The guards check the plane thoroughly and then we board, with one of the guards getting in place to fly the plane instead of Luka.

  Jadon looks at me, his shoulders tense and no hint of the easy smile he’s had with me before now. All of them are waiting to hear where I want to go and the pressure suddenly seems more than I can stand.

  “Can I speak with you for a moment, Jadon?” I swallow hard.

  He motions to the back bedroom. “We can talk back there.”

  I turn and walk to the bedroom with him on my heels. He closes the door behind us and crosses his arms, his eyes calculating.

  “Why are you acting like this?” I ask.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you suddenly don’t trust anything that comes out of my mouth?”

  He snorts and drops his arms, his hands balling into fists. “When I realized you’re after my kingdom.” His full lips pucker as he clamps them shut and my heart picks up a few beats. “I’m just trying to figure out how you’re playing this. If Avaban was a ruse or if you really do need my help and then will systematically try to take all of us into your control.”

  My mouth drops and the room feels like it’s closing in on me.

  “It’s no secret I think Alidonia is the greatest place in the world, but it’s also no secret that I’m clueless. I’ve put myself in your hands—how could I possibly be working to bring you down?”

  “Time will tell.”

  I step closer to him and put my hand on his arm. He drops it and our hands join, like they’re drawn by invisible magnets. His stare burns into me and he licks his lips, causing my face to flush. He reaches out and touches my face with his other hand, moving so close I can’t breathe.

  His breath is hot against my face and it sends chills down my spine.

  “What do you want from me, Delilah?”

  “I would like to go to Farrow, please.” It’s a whisper, a plea. I’m too short on air to say more than that.

  He runs his thumb over my chin and tilts my head back slightly so I’m looking into his eyes and not staring at his mouth.

  “My home is yours for as long as you need it…”

  I start to thank him and he puts his fingers over my lips, stopping my words.

  “The minute I think you’re not being honest with me, I will send you back to your father before you can even blink.”

  I swallow hard and close my eyes, his nearness too much for me. I nod slightly and his hands drop.

  “I’ll tell the pilot.” He walks out of the room and I sag against the door, unsteady and wondering if I’ll be able to survive Jadon Safrin.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Delilah stays in the bedroom for the entirety of the flight, which is a relief. I don’t know how I’m going to get anything done with her in the house. The adrenaline rushing through my veins is impossible to ignore.

  I almost kissed her. I came this close to dragging my mouth down her neck, feeling her pulse against my lips before claiming her mouth. I watched her like a man starved when she closed her eyes and it took every ounce of strength to back away from her. I rub my temples and stare out the window, not really seeing anything.

  “You okay, Jadon?” Eden asks.

  “I’m fine.”

  She mutters something and I turn to look at her. “You’re not fine,” she says, rolling her eyes. She leans in and lowers her voice. “And I don’t see how you will survive with Delilah under your roof.”

  “She’s gotten under his skin,” Luka says, pointing at me, but talking to Eden like I’m not right here.

  I scowl at both of them. “Keep it down, would you? I said I’m fine and I don’t need the two of you weighing in.”

  Luka laughs. “Dude’s horny as a motherfucker and it wouldn’t hurt him to have a little one-on-one with Delilah. She wants it as much as he does.”

  Eden covers her ears and starts chanting nonsense so she doesn’t have to listen.

  I throw a pillow at him to shut him up, too keyed up to laugh at him like I normally would.

  Luka puts his elbows on his knees and looks me in the eye. “Basile will be there when we arrive. If your dick gets you into trouble with this one, he’ll be around to talk sense into you. I wish I could see how this all plays out,” his grins light up his whole face and I want to punch the fucker, “but I’ll have to trust Basile to keep me posted.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I mutter, just as I hear the door to the bedroom opening. “I mean it. Both of you. You know I’m not like that…I don’t know what it is about her.”

  Eden presses her lips together, still smiling knowingly at me. I hate that they know me so well. Or that I’m this transparent when it comes to Delilah. It just can’t happen. Nothing. No getting her out of my system or getting to know her better or whatever nonsense Luka was spouting. I am offering her a refuge for a short time and that is it.

  Delilah sits next to me and buckles her seat belt.

  “We’ll be landing in about twenty minutes,” Eden says. “You came out just in time.”

  “Did I hear you say you were returning to Niaps tomorrow?” Delilah asks.

  “We’ll see my uncle when he arrives tonight along with our guards, but then yes, we need to get home,” Luka answers. “My right hand can cover for me, but I don’t like to leave him alone for too long, especially without my uncle there.”

  “It’ll be a shame to see you go so soon,” Delilah says, looking at Eden. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know your family.”

  “You’ve surprised me, Delilah,” Eden says, her smile genuine. “I know I wasn’t too warm when we first met, but I can’t help but like you.” She shrugs. “Just don’t give us any reason not to trust you.” She bites her lip but is still smiling so it softens her words. “And don’t let Jadon pull any tricks over on you either.” She winks and I want to shake her. She laughs when she sees my glare and I shake my head, so ready to be home.

  We’re quiet the rest of the way and our landing is smooth. When we stand and Delilah tries to get her bag, I take it out of her hands and motion for her to walk ahead of me. She whispers her thanks, flushing when she looks at me, and I ignore the heat rushing through me. It’s going to be a long week or month or however the hell long she’s planning on staying.

  Basile is already into the wine when we step into the dining room, his face ruddy. He barrels into me with a huge hug and I laugh, pounding him on the back. I nearly trip over Star and laugh, patting her on the head. She seems even bigger than when I left.

  “That dog pines for you,” Basile says. “I heard she just sits at the door waiting for you to return.”

  I lean down and give her an extra scratch behind the ears and she looks up at me adoringly. I can’t help but laugh. “I guess she’s grateful I brought her home when I did. Thank you for coming, Basile. I know you have plenty to do in Niaps, so I’m grateful for your help here.”

  “And who is this pretty little thing with the icy eyes?” he asks, bowing to Delilah.

  “Princess Delilah Farthing,” I answer. “Delilah, this is Basile, Luka’s uncle and now my advisor.” I beam at Basile. I already feel better with him here. “Delilah will be staying here for a while and word cannot get out that she’s here. I’m assuming Luka told you the situation.”

  “He did and I assure
you, my team and I will be nothing but discreet. By the god of Niaps, I pray this will not turn into bloodshed for either of our countries,” he says, holding his glass up.

  “Bloodshed!” Delilah puts her hand over her mouth. “Why do you say that?”

  Basile turns to her, his eyes serious now. “Wars have started for less than this.” He grins then and it’s hard not to feel lighter when he smiles. “But you are in the best hands. Between Niaps and Farrow, and a great many other kingdoms from what I’ve heard, we are all ready to fight for your rights.”

  “Thank you. But I only want freedom, not a fight.”

  Basile nods. “Of course. That is our goal. For now, we should celebrate that we’re all together! It’s been decades since we’ve celebrated with the Farthings.” He leans in and whispers, “I wasn’t able to come to the grand ball, so I missed that…oh, that wasn’t really a celebration for you at all though, was it? Pity.” He shakes his head and holds out his arm for Delilah to take. “Can I interest you in the most perfect red?” When Delilah nods, he pours wine in a goblet and hands it to her. “The Safrins know how to do this right. I’m going to enjoy my stay here. I hope you will too.”

  They clink glasses and it seems if Basile says it, the matter is settled.

  After dinner, we obsessively check the news, emails, and I see Delilah checking her phone every few minutes…for any word from Alidonia. All is still quiet. It’s as if they are going on with business as usual.

  It’s not sitting right with me. They’re too quiet.

  I try to enjoy the last night of Luka and Eden being here, knowing I’ll miss them tomorrow once they’re back in Niaps. But we’re too distracted and anxious to really say much. I walk to the window and look out, Star on my heels, then step back to the piano and look at Delilah for the hundredth time in as many minutes.

  “Do you play?” she asks.

  “We were all forced to have piano lessons, yes,” I say with a grin.

  “He’s the best of us,” Eden pipes up.

  “Why are you always outing me these days?” I groan.

  “I never knew how much fun it was until now,” she says, laughing. “Play something for us. Please,” she adds, wagging her eyebrows obnoxiously.

  “It’s a good thing I love you because you are being—” I leave it hanging and when she starts motioning for me to move to the piano, I give in and sit down. “It obviously means nothing to my siblings that I am the king.”

  “Probably makes it more fun to boss you around,” Delilah says, her eyes lighting up. “I’d love to hear you play.”

  I turn toward the piano and start playing a song that I’ve never played for anyone. I’ve worked on it when no one else is around, the melancholy notes something I’ve felt to my bones in my aloneness. I start out softly and then build toward the end with a crescendo that takes over the whole room. When the last note rings out, I sit for a moment, still feeling the emotion of the melody. I’d almost forgotten I had an audience when I hear a soft hand clap and Eden stands up and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my back.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard,” she whispers. She moves back next to Luka and puts her head on his shoulder.

  I glance at Delilah, embarrassed that I lost myself in the song and see the tears streaming down her face. She wipes them quickly, her face flushing with the pink that I’ve come to look forward to.

  “I don’t know why I’m crying.” She laughs, wiping another tear that falls. “That was—” She shakes her head and covers her mouth. “You have a gift.”

  Now I’m really embarrassed but moved that the music touched her so much. There’s a sweetness, a softness about her that I wasn’t expecting. I think she’s far more naïve than she seemed when I first met her.

  “Play something else,” she says, coming to stand by me. “Something happier though. That was heartbreaking.”

  I start an upbeat song and watch her while I play, the candles casting light over her hair and making her face glow.

  Luka grabs Eden’s hand and they dance around the room, and when the song is over, they make their exit. Basile chooses that moment to go to bed too and it’s just Delilah and me. I look up at her and then quickly look away. She takes my breath away.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head and smile at her, putting the lid down on the piano.

  “Your expression changed. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, no. You’re just too beautiful for your own good. I could get lost staring at you,” I say it matter-of-factly, as if saying it casually will take away from the depth I feel when looking at her. There’s more to her than meets the eye. I wish I had the time to unravel all her secrets.

  I stand up and she doesn’t move out of the way but stares up at me like she’s memorizing my face.

  “Did I do something wrong?” My voice is teasing, but my body is tense as I resist touching her.

  When she reaches out and touches my face, I flinch slightly and her eyes widen. I lift my hand to hers and hold it there against my face. Her lashes flutter and her eyes close as she leans in and puts her head on my shoulder. We start to sway, the music I played earlier still in our heads as we move.

  She feels too good against me, her curves melding into me, closer and tighter, the longer we dance. Soon, my hand is on her waist and I can’t tell where she begins and I end. Every muscle is taut, my resolve to stay unaffected, a losing battle.

  “Delilah,” I whisper when the desire to kiss her takes over every thought.

  “Yes,” she whispers back and it’s all I needed.

  I tilt her face back and kiss her with all the pent-up tension I’ve felt since the day we met. It’s fire and ice, lightning and thunder, peace and war, all in one explosive kiss. I savagely explore her mouth and she reciprocates with equal passion. My hand stays at her waist and her cheek, but when she whimpers for more, I can’t take it and I bend down to lift her up. Just as her legs are wrapping around my waist, the door flings open.

  Delilah’s legs drop to the floor and we back away from each other, scorched.

  Luka’s eyes are panicked, but he doesn’t seem to notice our compromised position.

  “Alidonia has invaded the Sea of Caninsula. King Otto is dead.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  My God.

  I stagger backward and my legs hit the piano bench. I hold onto the piano to steady myself.

  “What do you mean? Not Alidonia. No, that can’t be true,” Delilah says, her voice breaking. “What happened?”

  Luka and I both look at Delilah and then each other. Luka’s jaw ticks and he looks like he wants to hit something. I step past Delilah and move toward the door.

  “Let’s talk in my office. Any idea where they’re heading next?”

  Luka nods and we start walking out.

  “Don’t you dare leave me out of this. I need to know what is going on as much as you do!” Delilah says, her eyes sending daggers through us both.

  “Delilah,” I start, but she holds up her hand.

  “I need to know,” she says quieter this time.

  “You must understand that it’s really hard to know whether to trust you right now.” I hit the wall with my fist and avoid looking at her.

  “You trusted me enough to kiss me senseless a few seconds ago.” She looks like she wants to spear my head with a stake right now and I shudder.

  “That was a mistake.” I avoid looking at her when I say those words because nothing about that felt like a mistake until now. I look at Luka instead. “We’re going to my office. We will talk to you in the morning to discuss our next option for you.”

  “What do you mean? You’re treating me like a prisoner now? What—”

  I hold up my hand and stalk toward her, getting in her face. “Give me a minute to figure out what’s going on. Your father just killed the king, guess who’s probably next on his list?” I point to Luka
and myself. “And you’re sitting here in our house. How do we know you’re not in on all of this? The timing is suspect, don’t you think?” I’m yelling and Luka pulls me back. I run my hands through my hair, raging. What is she doing to me?

  “Jadon, man, back off. Okay? Let’s talk. Delilah, you should go to your room and stay there. Jadon and I have some things to discuss and no, you are not a prisoner here, but you’re not in on our discussion about this either. Just give us tonight, okay? It’s possible we will need to return you to Alidonia tomorrow.”

  “I’m not going back there, not like this!” she cries.

  I clench my fists together and stare at Luka, silently begging him to get me out of here before I explode again.

  “You may not have a choice,” he says quietly.

  He opens the door and motions for her to leave. She reluctantly walks out, her head held fucking high. If I didn’t still feel like yelling at her, I’d be damn impressed by her bravado right now. She goes upstairs to her room and I feel a pang in my chest as she walks away.

  “I don’t want to believe she’s part of this,” I tell Luka when we step into my office.

  “I know you don’t, but you’re going to have to put your dick aside for now.”

  I bristle at that and he shrugs.

  “I’m not oblivious to what I walked into just now, and I need your brain working at a hundred percent, brother.” Luka points at the laptop, tapping at the map. “I think his army is heading here next. I’ve already arranged two dozen of my troops to come. But we need to come up with a plan for stopping him before he attacks.”

  “I’ll send a few agents to Alidonia.”

  Luka nods. “I will too. But Jadon…I think there may be a better option. Something that would get the information to us much faster…if we can trust her.”


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