Taken Nightly: Older Man Younger Woman

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Taken Nightly: Older Man Younger Woman Page 1

by Violet Theron

  Taken Nightly

  Violet Theron

  Copyright © 2019 Violet Theron

  Cover Photo Credit: Deposit Photo

  Cover Design: Canva

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  Chapter 1

  I close my eyes and feel the cool trickle of the beer run down my throat. My buddy, Reagan, slaps me over the shoulder and laughs loudly over the noise of the loud sports bar.

  “Empty nest, man. Now you can enjoy bachelorhood.” He takes a gulp of cold beer. “You don’t know how lucky you are. Kid off to college, no wife yapping at your ear. You can do whatever you want. Or whoever you want. In fact.” He gestures toward the bar with his chin.

  I turn around for a second and grimace. “She looks like she’s fourteen.” There’s a skinny blonde with a couple of her friends, while proudly sporting a belly shirt and daisy dukes. Too much highlights, too much makeup, too little clothes. Thank goodness my daughter Kimberly never dresses like that. Although how would I know? She’s now 500 miles away at her fancy East Coast college, doing god-knows-what with college boys. My chest feels tight.

  Reagan leers over her platinum blonde curls, dark red lips, and plunging cleavage. She has a pink crystal belly ring that sparkles and the pink strings of her thongs are peeking out of her daisy dukes. She turns around to talk to one of her friends and then giggles. Her curls and her boobs bounce with each laugh.

  “She’s old enough to drink. I bet her titties are nice and firm.” He smacks his dirty old man lips.

  “That’s sick, man,” I snap. “Kimberly is that age.”

  Reagan takes a swig of beer and continues to laugh. “Come on, Trey. It’s just talk. I bet a sweet young thing like that wouldn’t be interested in a couple of old geezers like us.”

  As if on cue, I feel a small hand gently tap me on the shoulder and I look over. Blonde girl is standing over us with a couple of glasses of beer. It makes me think of another young woman her age, with a pair of dreamy hazel eyes and long brown hair.

  “Hey,” she slips into the seat next to me without being invited and hands me the beer. “I’m Cheyenne. What’s your name?”

  I can see Reagan’s eyes popping out of his goldfish eyes. I push the beer back to her. “No, thank you, sweetheart. I’m here with my friend.”

  Reagan is practically drooling over her tight little belly shirt. “We’re celebrating,” he chimes.

  “Oh really?” She licks her sparkly pink lips. “What are you celebrating?” I think about the hazel eyes that haunt my dreams and my stomach turns.

  Before I can elbow Reagan in the ribs, he starts spilling everything. “My friend’s daughter just left for college. Crazy smart girl. Perfect score on her SAT. Trey had to raise that little child all by himself. Hasn’t been easy. Just wanna show him a good time. End of an era, you know.”

  “Wow, that is big.” She inches closer to me and runs her palm over my arm. “I can think of a few things we can do to celebrate.” She bats her heavy fake lashes. I can smell the strong flowery perfume that she’s wearing.

  The svelte figure that haunts my dreams never wears perfume. Her natural feminine scent is enough to drive me crazy. I know her scent from her long, lingering hugs and the way she always huddles up on the couch between Kimberly and me.

  Kara and Kimberly have been best friends since the ninth grade. They were placed at the same desk because the teacher sat them alphabetically. Kara’s parents are not divorced, but her dad hits her mom. During the rare times when he is sober, both of her parents would disappear for weeks and Kara would stay at our house for dinners. Kimberly always says that she feels very lucky to have me as her dad.

  When I first met Kara, she was a shy little thing with big hazel eyes. Over the years, she blossomed into a beautiful young woman. More often than I would like to admit, my eyes have lingered over her pretty face and lovely curves. I was probably drooling the same way Reagan is now. I am no better than him. I shake my head at the thought. Lusting after someone so young and innocent. But nightly, her curvaceous figure comes into my dreams, leaving seductive kisses and touches that haunt me even when I’m awake.

  I wonder what Kara is up to now. Her parents can’t afford to send her to college and she says she wants to be a nurse. Probably working at a restaurant or a bar in this one-horse town, until she saves up enough money and get the hell out of here and never come back.


  I practically have to drag Reagan out of the bar by the collar. He looks like a rabid dog. “You think she would’ve gone all the way with you tonight?” he pants.

  “What?” I furrow my brows. “What are you? Fourteen years old? Who cares?” I stomp my feet as we exit the parking lot.

  “What the hell, man!” Reagan gets flustered. “I’m so sick of you doing this. You’re always acting like some kind of stupid martyr. Yeah, your ex-wife left you with Kimberly and you have to be a good single dad and do everything on your own all these years. Now you can finally have a little fun, but you have to be a stiff prick about it.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. I am angry at Reagan but most of all, I am angry at myself. Reagan is an idiot, but he has always been a good friend. He was there for me when my ex-wife left and I didn’t even know how to use the stove. He was there for Kimberly when she got her appendix out and I was stuck in a snow-bound airport in Buffalo for work. I had no idea that I have been carrying a cross all this time. I didn’t know that I was being a shitty friend.

  Without a word, I push Reagan into a cab that will take him home and then opt to walk home alone. The walk isn’t far, but it is already late fall. By the time I get home, my face and hands are cold and stiff. I put some water in the electric kettle and turn it on. Rubbing my hands and face, I sink into an old armchair and listen to the silence of the house.

  It sure has been quiet since Kimberly left. This house used to be filled with laughter and music and sounds of reality TV shows that Kimberly and Kara love. Now it just has an old man sitting in the dark, waiting for his kettle to boil.

  Chapter 2

  I must have fallen asleep because the kettle isn’t boiling anymore and it is already four in the morning. I run my hand through my hair and flex my sore neck. Slowly, I make my way back to my room in the dark. I have lived in this house for twenty years and I know my way around. On my way, I look into Kimberly’s room and see a dark figure crawling around the window. Alarmed, I grab the nearest object I can find as a weapon, a pink umbrella from Kimberly’s childhood, and flip on the light switch.

  “It’s me!” A familiar voice shouts in panic and I recognize Kara’s scared face.

  “Kara,” my voice is deep in the still of the night. “What are you doing here?”

  Her pretty hazel eyes burst into tears and she covers her face with her hands. I hold her steady and let her head rest on my chest as I feel the trembles of her body subside.

  I set Kara down on the living room couch and I hand her a cup of hot tea. Without a word, I wrap her in a big wooly blanket. She doesn’t have a coat and she must have walked the two miles from her house in the cold. After letting her sip the tea in silence, I ask again, “What are you doing here?” Having her back here close to me is like a dream come true, but I watch her tear-stained face closely. She must be in trouble. The girl is strong and never asks for help, not even from Kimberly.

  She sips from the mug and says in a small voice, “I’m sorry, Mr. Morgan. It won’t happen again.” She avoids my gaze. “I’ll head home now. Thank you for the tea.” She unravels the blanket and stand up. There is no way that I will let her leave in the middle of the
night like this.

  “Sit down.” I push her down by the shoulders. I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Where are your parents?” I use my best “I’m the parent here and you better tell me the truth” voice.

  Kara’s head hangs lower. She looks up at me with her soulful hazel eyes and whispers, “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “Dad left a few months ago, and we didn’t hear from him. Mom left last month and I haven’t heard from her since.”

  I curse under my breath. Kara’s family lives in a trailer park on the edge of the town. Her family’s trailer barely has a working door and their neighbors can be described as shady as best.

  “You can’t stay there by yourself,” I state the obvious.

  Kara cowers like a scared kitten. Her soft brown hair falling over her pretty face. “I’m so sorry. I got scared tonight at my house. I thought I heard something, and I just bolted. I didn’t know where to go so I just ran here. Then I remember that Kimberly is away at school. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

  I sit down and place a hand on her shoulder to stop her blabbering. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Why don’t you take Kimberly’s room and we can talk about it in the morning? Get some rest.” I can smell her soft feminine scent and I have to stop myself from sitting too close to her.

  Kara nods obediently and thanks me. She whispers goodnight and shuffles into Kimberly’s bedroom. I take the blanket that was wrapped around her delicate shoulders and put to up to my nose and inhale deeply. It will be a sleepless night for sure.


  I wake up with a start. I smell smoke and… bacon? I come into the kitchen and see Kara busy cooking over a hot stove. She has been living here for a few weeks now, taking over Kimberly’s room. After the first night that she stayed here, I didn’t have the heart to kick her out. Back into that dark and empty trailer surrounded by poverty and drug abuse. I keep telling myself that it’ll be just one more week. Just one more week and then her parents would be back and then everything would go back to the way it was. But I know that I don’t want it to.

  Being a good guest, Kara takes on all the chores around the house. She cooks all of my meals and keeps the house clean. It is nice to come home to a hot meal and pleasant company, I must say. Strangely enough, as soon as Kara moved in, my dreams about her stopped. It is as if my subconscious knows that I already have what I desire.

  I shuffle into the kitchen and find Kara cooking breakfast over a hot stove. One of her foot rests behind the other, as she spins back and forth playfully and waits for the bacon to sizzle. She is wearing an oversized T-shirt with what looks like nothing under it. I swallow. My stomach rumbles. The bacon, eggs, and hash smell great. I try to focus on the food and not the person making the food.

  “Morning, Trey!” She beams at me. It feels awkward to have her call me “Mr. Morgan” all the time but this also makes me uncomfortable for other reasons. I want to hear her not just say my name but shout it at the top of her lungs as she rocks back and forth on my steel-hard cock. I have given up wearing boxers or sweatpants around the house. Tight jeans with a thick fabric are the only thing preventing me from pitching a tent all day long.

  “Thanks.” I nod as she sets a plate full of food in front of me. “This smells great.”

  Kara blushes and smiles. She makes herself a plate and sits down next to me. Her unfettered breasts bounce a little as she sits down and crosses her legs.

  “So what are you up to today?” I ask as I fork some eggs into my mouth.

  Kara twirls the fork between her fingers. “Um, I was gonna go into town and submit some job applications.”

  I look up in surprise. “I want to start paying rent if I’m going to stay here for a while.” She bites her lower lip.

  I swallow my food. I haven’t thought about this before. I have just been so wrapped up in the novelty and joy of having her here. How long can she stay? What will we tell Kimberly when she comes home for the holidays? What will the neighbors think?

  “No.” I set the fork down and bellow, “You need to think about school. There will be plenty of time to work and make money. I won’t have you be a waitress or a bartender your whole life.”

  Kara lowers her head and stares at her food quietly. I know that she is upset. She never shows or says anything when she is upset. I place a hand on her slim shoulders. “It’s okay,” I say in a soothing tone. “If you want to get a part-time job, it’s okay for now. But you need to think about school. Do you still want to be a nurse?”

  Kara nods her head.

  “Good, then you’ll go to school and be the best darn nurse there is, okay?”

  She leans into me and wraps her arms around me. “Thank you, Trey,” she whispers into my ear. I can feel the warmth of her breath and the softness of her chest against me. I want to grab her by the waist and press her young supple body into me and claim her gorgeous mouth. I take a deep breath of her alluring scent and gently move away from her. After I finish my breakfast, I quickly run out of my own house like a thief. I can’t take it anymore. Having Kara within reach yet knowing fully well how wrong it is for me to desire and want her. She came to me for protection and support and she looks up to me like a parent. My dirty urges are so wrong that I cannot give in to them.

  Yet a small part of me thinks Kara wants me, too. Why else would she parade around in skimpy little nighties and walks around the house wearing nothing but a T-shirt? Sometimes when we are watching TV on the couch, her bare silky legs would brush up against me and make me shudder. A part of me thinks she is doing all these things on purpose.

  No. I shake my head. She is just an innocent girl of nineteen and she doesn’t know what she is doing. She is just being relaxed and comfortable around me. She has known me for a long time. She is my daughter’s best friend for crying out loud! I feel like I’m no better than what I judged Reagan to be. Just a bundle of hormones and cum and ready to be led by my cock instead of my brain. Ugh. I run my hand through my hair before I start the car. I’m frustrated. I want to keep Kara near and take care of her, but my animal instinct is constantly rearing its ugly head. How can I take care of her? I don’t even know if I can protect her from myself. I want to push her down and take her seven different ways and make her scream out my name. I grip onto the steering wheel. No. I have to fight this. She is OFF LIMITS.

  Chapter 3

  I spend several days avoiding Kara. Leaving early in the morning, working late, and hanging out at Reagan’s house all weekend. I crack open a can of beer as I watch Reagan grill a steak over the BBQ pit. His wife is away at the in-laws with the kids. All day, Reagan walks around the house in his boxers and drinks straight from the milk carton. Real mature.

  “I heard Old Henderson is leaving his wife for his assistant.” Reagan lets out a big belch.

  I frown, trying to remember who is Old Henderson. I can’t, so I shake my head. “That’s a shame.” I try to sound sympathetic.

  Reagan seems gleeful. “And you know what the kicker is?”


  “The assistant is a dude!” He slaps his thigh and laughs. I give him a dirty look and sip my beer. I don’t have the patience for town gossip. I sit and shake my leg. I wonder what Kara is doing right now. Her parents aren’t back yet and she doesn’t have a lot of friends. No one knows that she is staying with me and we both want to keep it this way. Less complicated this way. Small towns. Gossip gets around fast. Just ask Old Henderson. I can’t bear to be near Kara but I can’t stop thinking about her when she’s not around. I feel like I’m going crazy.


  Reagan rolls his eyes. “I asked you if you’ve seen the blonde chick from the bar again?”

  I shake my head truthfully. I haven’t gone back since I was there with Reagan. I have no intention of hooking up with the easy blonde when I have the girl of my dreams waiting for me at home.

  He stares at me for a second. I shift
uncomfortably under his gaze. Reagan has known me for years and sure, he’s an idiot, but even idiots can have strokes of genius from time to time. Plus, he can read me like a book.

  “You’ve met someone,” he says with wonder. I think that he is surprised by his words even as he says it. My facial muscles stiffen. “Why haven’t you told me? Are you-” He pauses and then continues. “Ashamed of it? It’s someone that you are ashamed of being with?”

  I shake my head with too much rigor so it only confirms his suspicions. “I’m not with anyone, okay?”

  Reagan shrugs. “As long as she’s an adult, what can you say? Even if she’s married, people can get divorced. Life is short. Do what makes you happy.” He finishes his can of beer and crushes the empty can over his big, stupid head. Reagan’s rare stroke of genius is now over and not to return for another ten years, based on my previous experience.

  I crush my can between my fingers and sigh as I toss it into the recycling bin. If only it were that simple.


  I come home after grilling and drinking with Reagan all day. My head hurts from hours of day drinking. I stumble into the living room and find Kara cuddled up on the couch.

  “Hi,” she turns her head and smiles. “Want to watch a movie with me?”

  She is in the middle of an old romantic comedy that I have seen before. I shrug and plop down in the middle of the couch. I place my arms on the back of the couch and Kara shifts closer to me.

  The movie is about a third of the way in. The male lead just realizes that he is hopelessly in love with the female lead. Kara shifts over to my side to grab a handful of chips to snack on. Afterward, instead of shifting back to her side of the couch, she stays right next to me.

  The female lead, because of a silly misunderstanding, is angry at the male lead. She pushes a whole pie into his face. Kara and I both laugh.


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