Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2)

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Whispers of Tomorrow (The Alina Chronicles Book 2) Page 15

by Regina J. Robinson

  He begins circling me and I sidestep to avoid him. I know I can bear the pain from his blade but I would rather not. He swipes it out in an arc just catching the edge of my arm when I’m not quick enough to move out the way.

  I rear back and manage to land a hard kick to his stomach, causing him to fall back and nearly drop the dagger. Clenching it tighter he swipes it out again, which I manage to avoid this time.

  We carry on circling, our eyes focusing on each other. “What’s wrong asshole, too afraid to make an actual move to attack?” I know I’m baiting him, but I can’t help it. I have waited centuries to finally attack the real Vemnos.

  “I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU!” His charge forward catches me off guard as we both fall back into a heap on the floor. His heavy body feels like it’s crushing me and I push against his chest. I don’t expect it when he lifts himself up a bit and quickly grabs both my wrists and pins me down.

  “Alina!” Killian bellows. Quickly turning my head I yell at him to stay back which he is hesitant to do, until I hear Galen warn him to not interfere. How can he still have faith in me when I’m pinned beneath this monster?

  “I have faith in you Alina because you are the phoenix. You were born for this. If anyone can end him, it will be you. Now, do it Sparky. End this.” Galen’s voice sounds so deep and sure. I trust him, but more importantly I trust in myself. “That’s my girl. You’ve got this Sparky.”

  Slowly turning my head back, I face the monster who has hunted and tortured me for centuries.

  “I have you right where I want you, Little Bird.” He smirks. Moving his face closer he sniffs me before poking his tongue out to lick my cheek. “Hmm, you’re as tasty as I thought you would be.” He licks my other cheek making my skin crawl. “Oh, Little Bird. We are going to have so much fun when we get back to your cell. You remember the chains, don’t you. Well, they are there waiting for you. As are all my toys to do whatever I want with you.” The feel of his growing bulge against my hip nearly makes me hurl over the both of us.

  “My, you certainly turned quiet quickly. What is it? Did you finally realize you will never be able to win, is that it?” He chuckles curling his lip up to reveal his sharp teeth. “I’m so looking forward to getting you in chains again. Think of all the fun we are going to have, it’s going to be fucking amazing. I’ll try every type of torture there is. I don’t know, maybe invent some new techniques. And the best part is I’ll keep doing it, except this time I won’t let you die, so Dhysysus can suck that shit up.” He grins as I furrow my brow in confusion.

  “Who’s Dhysysus?” Curiosity gets the better of me, I want to know who he’s talking about. He can’t mean the God of Tranquility, can he?

  A deep bellow of laughter rumbles up through his chest and out his mouth as he shakes his head at me. “Such a stupid fool. It doesn’t matter now. I win.” The monster’s grin should fill me with fear, yet I stare back passive and calm. He squints back at me then grunts as I maneuver my legs and arms to hook around us and roll us over so I’m on top of him. “Hey Little Bird if I had known you wanted to get freaky with me I would’ve visited you sooner.” He has the audacity to lick his lips. I see faint wisps of purple smoke beginning to surround him as he readies his magic to transport us both. I’m not going back to that cell. Not now. Not ever.

  I stare into his cruel crimson eyes and see cunning swirling around. The bastard thinks he’s won. Tilting my head to the side, I smile sweetly at him, portraying the most innocent look I can muster. “What the fuck are you smiling about bitch?” He grunts below me.

  I lean closer to his ear, lowering my voice to a raspy whisper, “Because you forgot about one thing in your hastiness to attack me. You no longer have control over Branor and guess what ‘bitch’ I’m a lot stronger than you.” I don’t give him a chance to react before my fists grasp tightly around his horns. Holding firm, I let my fire rage through my hands and watch as it first catches against his black horns.

  Wide eyes stare back as he tries to force me off of him. He soon realizes I can’t be moved as his horns crumble to ash. The next thing to catch is his hair which fills the air with a strong acrid smell which makes me gag, yet I still hold on tight.

  Screams begin tumbling out of Vemnos’ mouth, and I notice his skin is starting to melt. I watch with shocked wide eyes as his skin bubbles and oozes as it sizzles away.

  Everything happens so fast I can barely register it as I feel his body melt away beneath me, the thick repugnant smell makes my head swim with nausea. I squeeze my eyes shut when his eyeballs burst and his nose caves in, leaving a liquid goo. I open my eyes again to see what is happening. The body beneath me is completely engulfed in my fire which glows with reds, oranges and black. The flames dance before me until there is nothing left of Vemnos but a crumbled mess of blood and ash.

  I gaze down in shock as I carefully move to stand. Brushing myself off as best as I can, I turn around to make sure everyone is alright. My eyes first land on Branor unconscious on the hay. I notice his chest slowly rising and falling, Galen did it. Looking away, I next see Killian who isn’t looking at me. His eyes are wide and his mouth hangs open in what appears to be shock. I follow his eye line and my face soon matches his.

  For there, standing before us, is Galen.

  A very human Galen.

  A very naked Galen.



  What is everyone looking at?

  I luckily managed to heal Branor. Although he’s unconscious at the moment. Yet neither Alina and Killian are looking at him, they’re staring at me with their mouths hanging open. They look like they’ve seen a ghost. What the fuck?

  “What are you two looking at?” They have both seen my unicorn before so it shouldn’t be a surprise. I focus on Alina who appears to have gone bright red as her eyes flicker up and down. I glance over to Killian whose face is redder than Alina’s. He clears his throat and gestures his hand out in my direction.

  “Um, you may want to look down mate.”

  What is he talking about? I roll my eyes then glance down.

  Holy shit!

  I’m human again. But more importantly, I’m butt ass naked in front of two people I’m attracted to. For fuck’s sake don’t get a boner. I keep repeating it over in my head as I look at my hands, turning them over and stretching out my fingers. I have fingers again. When my eyes find Alina and Killian, they are both trying to look anywhere but my naked body. They look so adorable. Fucking edible to be precise.

  Without taking another moment to think I stride forward until I’m in front of Alina who looks startled. Not hesitating I reach forward to gently grip her shoulder tugging her close to me. I reach down and capture her lips in a searing kiss. She fucking tastes divine. She doesn’t respond at first, although I do feel her lips quiver against mine and when I release them, she is staring back at me in shock. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” I growl using my real voice for the first time in what feels like forever. Turning away from Alina, I see Killian whose eyes are flickering from me to Alina and back again. I walk over to him and grab his chin, “or this.” I lean forward and press my lips hard against his, the scratch of his stubble feels fucking amazing. As I pull back, I nip at his lower lip and smirk at him. Poor guy is looking at me like I’m going to eat him alive.

  He has no idea.

  Neither of them do.

  I release my grip on Killian’s face to glance back over my shoulder to see Alina watching us. Except her focus has dipped down to check out my ass. I give my cheeks a clench and her eyes shoot up to meet mine. Her face is completely crimson, her freckles fading until they’re hardly noticeable. She looks guilty as fuck but there’s no denying the heat I see in them. I wink back at her with a confident smirk and she stutters and adverts her eyes away from me.

  Turning back to Killian, I watch as he shrugs off his outer shirt. Fuck if I knew one kiss would make him get naked, I would’ve done it sooner. Except instead of carrying on r
emoving his clothes, he holds the shirt out for me. “Uh…Um…You may want this to…Well…You know.” The poor bastard is trying his hardest not to glance down and I’m trying my hardest not to rise to the occasion. Fuck why is this so hard. Actually, I shouldn’t think that. Not hard. Not hard.

  “Cheers Sweetcheeks.” I wink taking the shirt from him, even though I know I can’t put it on. I’m larger than his lean muscle and I would just rip the shirt if I even attempted to put my arms in it. Instead I grab the sleeves and wrap it around my waist in a way so it covers my ass and cock. Killian takes a small step back, he’s still close, but he has put a little distance between us. At first, I’m worried it’s because he’s rejecting me like so many before him have done. Except I catch his concealed movement out the corner of my eye. The fucker’s adjusting himself. I guess he does want me back. Happiness surges through me at the thought I may have actually found what I’ve been searching for. I try to reach into his mind to work out what he is thinking, all I get back is shock, yet slightly hidden away I sense his curiosity.

  I catch his gaze again to see a glimmer of heat swirling in his chocolate eyes. He shyly smiles, which I return. He looks over my shoulder to Alina and I follow his gaze. Yet she’s no longer looking at us, her attention is focused on Branor.

  “He’s alive Sparky.” I see a mixture of emotions cloud her face. Relief, shock, worry, so much in one look. I want to reach out and wrap my arms around her but I know that would probably be too much at the moment. I still have my mind connection with her and I can sense how troubled and confused she is feeling.

  I wasn’t thinking about the enormity of Branor being released from his possession or Vemnos’ death. I was too focused on being human again I didn’t stop to think. “Are you okay, Sparky?”


  Am I?

  I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from Branor’s sleeping form. I watch the slow rise and fall of his chest. He is slumped over with one arm above his head. If I hadn’t witnessed Vemnos disintegrate below me, I would question myself if it really was Branor.

  I’m frozen to the spot, my heart beating at a maddening pace. Not only shock from Branor and Vemnos, it’s because of Galen too. I never really believed I would ever get to see his human form, yet knowing he is standing near me and he kissed me renders me speechless. Then when he kissed Killian too, I had an overwhelming need to see more. They definitely shared a moment, judging by Killian’s shy sweet smile. Seeing them together filled me with a tingly warmth, but it soon turned to ice when my eyes landed on Branor again. Why is he still unconscious?

  “How long will he be out cold for?” My voice wavers a little at the end, trembling from everything I’m feeling.

  “I. Uh. I actually don’t know. I’ve never known anyone to be under a possession curse for as long as he has. It may be minutes or it may be months. The amount of trauma his brain would have taken to forcibly evict Vemnos must have been immense. I can tell you that he is alive. Give it time, okay?” I turn to glance at him, tears prick at my eyes when I see the matching concerned looks from Galen and Killian.

  I’m about to walk over to them, when I hear movement and a raspy croak from behind me. Slowly turning back, I see Branor’s arm twitching and eyes trying to blink open. I watch in astonishment and apprehension as his lips move to choke my name out with a harsh rasp.

  I take in a shuddery breath, my heart rate increasing again. Every inch of me is trembling as my hands grow clammy. Part of me wants nothing more than to run forward and hold on to him for dear life. But then the horrible taunting voice from my nightmares creeps into my head reminding me of everything that has happened over the centuries.

  My mind begins to fill with image upon image of every time Vemnos cut into me. Every burn, whip, dismemberment, everything. I throw my head into my hands trying to wipe the awful memories away. It wasn’t Branor. It wasn’t Branor. I repeat over in my mind so many times yet the idea doesn’t want to stick. A wave of nausea makes my stomach uncomfortably roll as my tears fall into my hands. Numbness begins to creep in, cooling my body with every tremble and shake.

  I can hear Galen and Killian trying to comfort me but not getting closer. I block out their words. I try to shut out the barrage of confusing emotions attacking me, but it’s no use. I feel like I’m drowning. Suffocating and no matter how hard I try to breathe or how many desperate breaths I try to suck in, it’s no use.

  I can’t do this. Not after all this time. I can’t face my monsters. It’s too much.

  It’s just too much.


  I see panic in Alina’s tear-filled eyes when she looks up, every inch of her shaking. Her eyes dart from me to Galen, then to Branor lying on the floor groaning out her name. With every shake of her head she takes another step back. She continues backing away until she bumps against the door frame.

  “I can’t do this right now. I need more time. Please.” Are her last words before she turns and walks out the door.

  I call after her, but hear nothing back. I’m about to follow when I hear Branor groaning her name. Turning to look at him I notice he’s slowly moving his arm to cover his eyes as they blink open. His gaze falls to me first then to Galen, confusion is evident as he moves to slowly sit up. He coughs a few times once he’s upright.

  “Wh…Where’s Alina?” He has to swallow as he talks with a raspy and unused voice.

  “She went for a walk. I think everything that just went down was a little too much for her. Don’t worry though, she’ll be back. How are you feeling?” Galen talks smoothly and full of confidence, even though he’s wearing my shirt like a loincloth.

  “Uh…” He reaches back with both hands to rake his fingers through his long hair. “I…I don’t actually know. I haven’t felt like this in centuries. I can’t feel him in my head anymore. He’s finally gone.” He coughs again, covering his mouth. “Where’s the unicorn? Did he go with Alina?” He looks between us with a puzzled face.

  Galen steps forward, completely unashamed of his near nakedness. “Actually, that would be me. My name’s Galen and I’m a unicorn shifter.” He offers his hand, which Branor takes after hesitating for a few seconds. “You’re Galen?” Branor’s shocked expression soon smooths out as Galen nods in reply as he attempts to help him up. Branor doesn’t make it far before he appears dizzy and falls back down onto the hay.

  Tentatively moving forward, I edge closer to Branor. He watches my every move until I’m standing next to Galen.

  “You must be Killian.” I want to help him get up, yet I appear to be frozen in place with his eyes on me. “Can I…Can I say how sorry I am for what I did? I never wanted to hurt anyone. You have to believe me. I just…” Hacking coughs break his concentration as he tries to offer an apology. Can I accept it though? I mean, he did slit my throat.

  I’m startled when I hear Galen in my head. “That wasn’t him. You can’t blame Branor for anything he did while he was under Vemnos’ control. Give him a chance, for Alina’s sake, okay?” I forgot he could hear my thoughts. I know he’s right, besides I’m willing to do anything if it’s for Alina.

  “I’ll try my best. What should we do?” I look to Galen for guidance. He motions toward Branor who is trying to sit up again.

  “I think it’s in everyone’s best interests if we get you tucked up into bed. Killian, do you have somewhere he can sleep?” I can feel Galen’s gaze focused on me so I turn to face him. “Huh? Oh, yes. He can take my room. I’ll use the couch in one of the offices.”

  “Please, don’t put yourself out for me. I’ve caused enough trouble. I don’t wish to cause any more.” Branor can’t seem to look at me. From the brief glimpse I caught of his eyes I could make out sadness and possibly guilt. I may be wary of him, though that doesn’t mean I should make him suffer any more than he already has.

  Pushing aside my own concerns, I crouch down in front of him. “Look, I don’t care how much you protest, please take my bed. There are plenty of places I can sleep
and I think the best thing to help you to recover is a warm bed. Right now, I’m going to help you up to the house and get you settled.” I surprise myself by how assured I seem.

  Taking another steadying breath, I lean forward to slip my arm under his so he can prop himself up on me. Branor slings his arm over my shoulder as we stand and slowly start walking toward the door. My hands have grown clammy from being so close to the face of the man who slit my throat, but Galen was right. I can’t blame this man for what happened, especially considering he’s important to Alina. I hope she’s okay. I’ll go and find her once I have Branor settled.

  We carefully walk across the gravel, up the porch steps and into my house. Branor leans on me just enough to help him, considering he’s nearly half a foot taller than me I think we’re making good progress. Pushing the door to my room open, I guide him over to the bed.

  He abruptly falls down onto it when I let go, and I notice how his eyelids are drooping.

  “Are you alright?” I ask as I help slip his shoes off, lifting his legs onto the bed and pulling the covers over him.

  “I don’t actually know how to answer that. I haven’t been able to have a free thought in centuries. Right now, I feel like I could sleep for months. Will Alina be back soon?” I can make out hope and regret in his gaze, and I feel my sympathy grow a little. I know I need to remember none of it is his fault, yet it still stings a little knowing that this face and body caused Alina so much heartbreak. I hope she comes back soon. I really want to hold her again.

  “I’m not sure when she’s coming back. I have a feeling she will, I just don’t know when.” Branor nods as his eyelids begin to flutter closed.

  “Try to get some sleep. You never know, perhaps she’ll be back once you wake up.”

  “I guess. Uh…Thanks. For, well, you know, not freaking out about everything. I truly am sorry for what I have done and the trouble I have caused.”


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