Seduced By The Noble Highlander: A Steamy Scottish Medieval Historical Romance

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Seduced By The Noble Highlander: A Steamy Scottish Medieval Historical Romance Page 10

by Ann Marie Scott

  Slowly she walked forward and the mist closed around her till she could see nothing but a white wall of it around her. Lewis was calling her name, and his voice was tantalizingly close, but she could not see him. She stretched out her arms, groping in every direction, till she came in contact with something warm and solid, then Lewis materialized out of the mist, laughing softly and saying her name. She ran her hands backward through his hair, then looked at the dear face that she had missed for so long.

  “Crissy,” he whispered, and kissed her. It was like the first time he had ever done it, warming her virgin lips with his and pulling her against the hardness of his body. She stood still for a moment, and then took his hand, and then together they walked out of the mist into the clear sunlight.

  She turned to look into his soft brown eyes, and then realized that she was not standing outside in the light of day, but was in a room, and she was staring directly into a pair of soft, caramel-brown eyes. It was Lewis—of course it was Lewis! She smiled with joy and he kissed her again, then took her hand and kissed that too.

  “Crissy, where have you been?” he asked tenderly. “Why did you leave me?”

  Crissy did not answer at once. Lewis’s face was still swimming around, going in and out of focus as she looked at him.

  Fiona intervened. “Sir, let her wake up on her ain,” she advised. “It will tak a wee while an’ ye must be patient, but she has woken up and that is aye a good sign.” She smiled at him. “If ye dinnae mind my sayin’ so, M’laird, ye dinnae look sae well yersel.”

  “I am a little tired,” he confessed, “but so glad that my Crissy is well.”

  He looked back at her and saw that she was smiling at him. He felt an enormous upwelling of love and relief.

  “You look so beautiful, Crissy,” he breathed fervently.

  She laughed softly, then winced in pain. He was immediately concerned. “What did they do to you, my love?” he asked, frowning. “You look as if you are in terrible pain.”

  She winced again, and struggled to sit up a bit straighter. He helped her, and then noticed the red welt on her neck as her nightgown slipped down a little. “Did those monsters do this to you?” he asked angrily. She nodded. He stroked her hair gently, trying to damp down the fires of fury inside him. They will pay, he thought viciously. They will pay, and I will see to it.

  He embraced her very gently, and she sighed with happiness. She was sore and tired, but to be back in Lewis’s arms again was a balm that all the willow bark tea in the world could not match. He had said she was beautiful, even in her bruised and battered state, and she laughed inwardly, thinking what very low standards he must have!

  They gazed at each other for a long while, and Fiona decided to leave. It was quite obvious that her patient did not need her at this moment. Sometimes ye have tae leave it tae love, she thought, smiling.

  “Why did you leave?” he whispered.

  She sighed. “Ye knaw why, Lewis. We have talked aboot it dozens o’ times.” She could not stand the hurt, pleading expression in his eyes so she looked away, but he turned her face back to him.

  “You are surely not still worrying about my inheritance?” He laughed aloud. “It is a castle and some land, Crissy. They are only THINGS. You are my love and my whole life. We will have children, God willing, and multiply our love over and over again. That is worth far more to me. Marry me now, and let us not wait any longer! As soon as you feel better I will get you a beautiful dress, but we can both be married in rags as far as I am concerned. I am not taking no for an answer this time, Crissy. If all the loveliest maids in Aberdeen were lined up outside my door I would still choose you, and I have done begging—we are going to be married and you had better resign yourself to it!”

  Crissy looked at him, open mouthed for a moment before his lips swooped down on hers and crushed all that was left of her reserve. She knew now that she could no longer refuse him, and neither did she want to.

  Lewis had surprised himself with his outburst, but he was amazed that he had not thought of doing it ages ago. He had always tried to be gentle with her and cajole her, but now, out of anger and frustration, he was done with tenderness. He had demanded and insisted and it seemed that she had listened at last. He waited on tenterhooks to see what she would say, but in truth it did not matter. They were being married, and it was settled.

  Crissy’s mouth twitched up at the corners and she shook her head in resignation. “You leave me nae choice, Lewis. I will wed ye or I will ne’er get ony peace!” Then she looked up at him and smiled in pure joy.

  “Oh God, Crissy!” He laughed in sheer relief. “Thank you!” He leaned down to hug her then remembered her rib. “There will be no more bruises, only care and gentleness when you live with me. As soon as you are well I will start to prepare the cottage for us and then we can marry straight away. Unfortunately. I am no longer a laird. Do you mind?”

  Crissy put a hand to her mouth. “You gave up yer inheritance for me?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, but do not thank me, Crissy,” he said as she reached out for him. “There was no choice—a castle is a thing, but you are my Crissy.”

  Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Isla popped her head around it.

  “You are awake!” she cried, and then came to kiss Crissy. “How do you feel?”

  “She feels wonderful!” Lewis said firmly, and then he laughed. “Come and be the first to congratulate us, Isla. At last, after years of trying, I have worn down her resistance and Crissy Munro has agreed to marry me!”

  “This is wonderful news!” Isla cried delightedly. “When?”

  “As soon as I get better,” Crissy replied, and then she turned to Lewis. “And I can speak for myself, Lewis!”

  Lewis bowed. “I apologize most humbly, Mistress Munro.” He looked at Isla. “Are you as forceful as this?”

  Isla nodded, laughing. “You have a lot to learn about women, Lewis!”

  Isla clapped her hands. “I will have Mistress Grant come over and we can discuss wedding dresses! This is wonderful!”

  She practically danced out of the door, leaving them alone again. Crissy laughed, and then winced at the pain in her side. Lewis, without asking permission, got up and lay on the bed beside her on top of the coverlet.

  “I have missed this,” he whispered, then kissed her, slowly and sweetly, running the tip of his tongue around the inside of her lips. He caressed her breast, running his thumb over her nipple, which was hard with desire. She made a little involuntary moan and pulled his head down to hers, holding onto the back of his head. It was hard not to arch her body up to meet his but it was simply too painful at the moment.

  “I wish—” he began, but she put a finger on his lips.

  “So dae I, sweetheart, but it will no’ be long.”

  “I hope our babies look like you,” he murmured. “Especially the girls.”

  “We might no’ have ony babbies,” she replied, “or ony lassies!”

  “We will have babies,” he replied firmly, eyes twinkling. “I will make sure of it!”

  “Even if it takes an awfy lot o’ practice?” she asked, giggling.

  “Especially if it takes a lot of practice!” He laughed, and then slid his hand down to her painful stomach and let it rest there for a moment. “Does it hurt?” he asked softly.

  She shook her head, and he let his had rest there, before stroking her softly. She smiled at his touch. He wanted to do so much more, but now was not the time. Soon, he told himself. Soon.

  It took a week for Crissy to get out of bed, but Isla and Magnus were happy to let both her and Lewis stay in the castle for a few more days.

  Eileen Grant, the seamstress who had made Isla’s wedding dress, was called in to make Crissy’s too. Crissy chose a teal blue silk with a white veil, and Isla was almost in tears when she saw it. “You look like a goddess!” she cried, and indeed, the style of the dress, with its deep v-neck, dropped cuffs that reached almost to the floor,
and fitted waist suited her tall, shapely figure to perfection.

  Crissy looked at herself in the mirror with amazement. Surely this lovely woman could not be Crissy Munro the housemaid?

  “I dinnae knaw whit tae say.” She gave a little self-conscious laugh. “It disnae look like me!”

  “Of course it does!” Annie laughed, flapping her hand at Crissy. “Jist take a tellin’ hen! Ye’re a beautiful woman!”

  They had not decided where to hold the marriage ceremony, since Crissy felt awkward in view of the Crawfords’ antipathy. Isla and Magnus had offered their own chapel, but they had not yet made up their minds. At Crissy’s request it would be very small, with only close friends and family in attendance. This really meant only Isla, Magnus, and Annie, since Lewis was doubtful that his mother and father would come, although he had invited them.

  One night, a week before the wedding, Lewis decided to take a special bottle of wine to Crissy’s room so that they could have their own intimate little celebration. He knocked at her door and her ladies’ maid answered.

  “May I see Crissy please?” he asked politely.

  “She is in the bath, M’laird,” she answered.

  “Ask if she will see me,” he ordered. The young woman’s eyes widened in shock, but she went to ask Crissy anyway.

  “She says aye, sir. I am excused for the night.” She curtsied. “Goodnight, sir.”

  “Goodnight,” Lewis replied, and went inside.

  Crissy was lying in the bath underneath a mass of iridescent soap bubbles, and she smiled as he came in. “M’laird, what have ye got there?” she asked.

  “A special Madeira wine,” he replied huskily. He could hardly tear his eyes away from her. “Just for us. I wanted us to be alone for a while.”

  “This water is gettin’ cold,” she replied, her eyes sparkling, and then she stood up. He swallowed. She was everything he had dreamed of, from her round, uptilted breasts, her minute waist, womanly hips, and shapely thighs. She is everything a woman should be, he thought. Suddenly, he did not want to wait to be married. He stepped towards her.

  “Crissy, I do not want to wait any longer,” he whispered.

  “Neither do I, sweetheart,” she replied, and walked into his arms. She was sopping wet and in a moment his clothes were soaked, but he kissed her hungrily, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and biting her lip gently, just enough to be pleasurable without hurting. Then he laughed.

  “My garments are dripping!” he complained, laughing.

  Crissy shrugged. “So take them aff!” she replied. She turned to pick up a towel and dried both of them off quickly, then she pressed herself against him, slowly unpinning his kilt and letting it fall to the floor. He pulled his shirt off over his head, and at last she was able to look at his body in all its masculine glory. She had seen the top half of men’s bodies before, but Lewis’s was beautiful, with strong, round pectoral muscles dusted with red hair, and broad, sturdy shoulders. His arms too were muscular and looked as if they could lift a grown man.

  She looked down further to his thighs, which were so big and powerful that she gasped when she saw them. She noticed that he was already aroused, and realized that she was too. She felt warm and wet in her core, and as she lay down on the bed, he came to lie with her, pulling her into his arms. Crissy knew that she would never be able to get out of those arms if he wanted to keep her there, but she had no wish to. She felt sheltered, protected, and most of all—she felt at home.

  “Do you not want to wait until next week?” he whispered. “It is a very short time.”

  “Lewis,” she replied. “I cannae wait a minute longer. Take me, sweetheart; for I want tae knaw whit it is like tae truly make love.”


  The Decision

  They gazed at each other for a while, because suddenly it seemed that there was no need for haste. He touched her intimately and she gasped with pleasure as his fingers moved against her most sensitive spot, and her womanly juices began to flow. When he replaced his fingers with the tip of his tongue, she could hardly breathe. Then he took her hand, closed it around his large manhood and this time it was his turn to moan with delight as she pleasured him, moving her hands up and down and running her thumb over the sensitive tip. She had no one to compare him with, but she knew he was big, because she had heard the women in the kitchen talking about their husbands. She hoped that she would be able to accommodate him. She saw a little wetness leaking out of him.

  “Lick it,” he said hoarsely, and she obeyed, tasting salt on her tongue, then she licked him all the way down to his testicles, which she squeezed gently, making him laugh.

  She took him in her hand, squeezing him, then moved up and down, faster and faster, his groans of pleasure arousing her even more but, just as she thought the climax was coming, he pulled out of her grasp. He tried to be slow to avoid hurting her, but he simply could not hold himself back and plunged into her. He heard her cry of pain but he could not have stopped had his life depended on it.

  Crissy did not care. With every thrust she cried out his name and clung to him “Dinnae stop, Lewis,” she said, moaning a little. Something was happening to her, something wonderful that she had never felt before. She had come to what she thought was a climax before with his touch, but it had been nothing like this. With each of his thrusts it became stronger, more powerful, and so blissful that it was almost unbearable. She could hear herself crying out with joy until eventually an almighty wave of ecstasy washed over her. She heard Lewis’s husky moan and wondered briefly if it had felt the same for him.

  She kept her eyes closed, recovering her breath for a moment, then opened them to look into his again. He looked concerned. “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  She looked at his anxious face and kissed him. “Only for a wee minute,” she whispered, smiling. “It was—it was astonishing. I have never felt onything like that before, Lewis. Thank you—I love ye wi’ a my heart.”

  “I love you too,” he murmured. “I came to drink some wine with you, but I hoped this would happen.”

  “Is there onything tae stop us drinkin’ the wine?” Crissy asked mischievously.

  “Nothing at all,” he replied, smiling. He got out of the bed and Crissy watched his masculine, athletic form as he moved around the room. The sight of his muscular buttocks was making her wet again.

  “I will have tae go back to my ain room soon,” she said regretfully.

  “Why?” he asked, as he handed her a glass of the rich ruby wine.

  “It is meant tae be unlucky,” she replied, “tae sleep in the same bed before marriage.”

  “I see,” he said, his tone thoughtful. “Ah, well, still some more nights in a cold bed. Pfft! Old wives’ tales!”

  They laughed, cuddling close to each other.

  “Are you afraid?” he asked.

  “O’ getting’ married?” She laughed. “I might be if I wis gettin’ married tae somebody else, Lewis, but no’ you.”

  “Next week at this time you will be Lady Crissy Crawford.”

  She laughed. “It sounds good, although I still cannae think o’ masel’ as onythin’ but a housemaid.”

  “You are a lady and you always have been,” he said firmly. “And to me, you are a queen.”

  “I hope I get wi’ child right away,” she said, her eyes dreamy. “I want yer baby so much, Lewis.”

  He could not speak for a moment because his heart was too full. “I hope so too, Crissy.”

  Then he sighed. “I had better go back to my own room. I do not want to ruin your reputation—but first...Crissy, are you very tired?”

  She shrugged. “No’ especially,” she replied suspiciously, seeing the look in his eyes. Why?”

  “Why do you think, you gorgeous witch?” He laughed. “Because I cannot keep my hands off you!” Then he put her hand on his shaft. It was as hard as a broomstick, and she realized that he was ready for her again. He moaned in pleasure at her touch.

  “You mean—
” she began, before he put a finger on her lips.

  “I do,” he whispered, laughing as he dived on top of her, then, in a playful tangle of bodies, they did it again, and again.

  Despite his best intentions, Lewis did not leave her room till dawn, by which time she was fast asleep. He looked down at her peaceful face and saw that she was smiling.

  He kissed her forehead and went out, quite unable to keep the smile from his own face.

  A traveling fair was stopping at Auchterlinn that Saturday, and all three ladies at Galbraith Castle wanted to attend, despite spirited opposition from Magnus and Lewis.

  Magnus looked at Lewis and sighed. This was decidedly not the kind of event they enjoyed, but Isla, Crissy, and Annie were determined.

  “How many social functions have I attended for you because of your business dealings?” Isla pointed out indignantly.

  “Hundreds,” Magnus sighed. He was holding Elspeth, who had just discovered the magic of his hair and was enthusiastically trying to pull it out by the roots. He winced and pried open the little fingers, then kissed her, but it was no good. A moment later they were back in their death grip again. Magnus looked at Lewis, who shrugged and smiled in a resigned fashion.

  “Do we have a choice?” he asked.

  “No!” the women shouted in chorus, and the decision was made.

  They rode in the carriage that day so that Bonnie, who at eight months old was too small for a horse, was able to go with them. However, there had been no room for husbands, so Magnus and Lewis had been forced to ride their horses, which was much more to their satisfaction anyway.

  It was a time of joy for everyone, and even the weather had joined in; it was fine and dry, with just a few puffy clouds scudding across the clear blue sky. A festive atmosphere pervaded the village as everyone of every class and status mingled. There were lairds and ladies, tradesmen and women, beggars, and even a pickpocket who was hauled away kicking and screaming by one of the other lairds’ guards.


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