Lost in the Dark

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Lost in the Dark Page 5

by Ann Jensen

“Shit. Yeah, Tari. Who I just got a call from saying the meeting didn’t work out. From the sound of things, I can understand why she sounded strange.”

  “That’s just Didi.” Dragon grabbed his shirt and headed out of the shop with a wave to the two men about to get busy. He strode towards his bike throwing on his shirt and cut as he moved. “Tari, 5’11” black woman with long straight hair?”

  “Yes. And I don’t care who it was. Why would you be fucking another woman when you knew she was coming?”

  His mind was racing. How had Pixie found Nefertari when he hadn’t been able to for two years. Hell, he didn’t ever even remember telling Pixie about her. If he hadn’t told her about Tari how had she known to try and set them up?

  “First, I didn’t know she was coming. I thought you were just trying to set me up with a random woman. Second, I wasn’t fucking Didi, she was putting on a show for Hannibal. Tari must have gotten an eyeful and left.”

  “So, you didn’t talk to her?”

  “No, if I had seen her, I wouldn’t have let her leave.”

  “So, you remember her?”

  The night they had spent together was burned into his memory. Not just the part in the hotel but the hours talking beforehand. He remembered every smile and laugh he had coaxed out of her right along with the sexy moans she made. “Obviously. Why didn’t you tell me she was the one coming?”

  “She didn’t know if you would remember her and she didn’t want me telling you too much.”

  “Telling me too much about what?”

  “I can’t, Dragon, I promised, but you need to talk to her. I’ll call her. She said she was on her way to work so maybe she’s over at the Dark Zen.”

  “Ink said she was wearing a Traker’s uniform.” Could she have really been so close this whole time. He never went to Dark Zen or Traker’s but he rode by them all the time.

  “I don’t know how she does it. She must have a second job.” Pixie sounded worried and that had all his instincts screaming.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “A lot. Look if you can’t find her let me know and I’ll call her.”

  Dragon kickstarted his bike tired of the runaround Pixie was giving him. “Fine.”

  Traker’s wasn’t exactly a nice restaurant, in fact Dragon didn’t even think it qualified as a dive. The rundown diner was in one of the worst neighborhoods of Denver and mostly served people not particularly concerned with the quality of food as long as it was cheap. The main draw to bring in customers was the barely dressed waitresses in red booty shorts and halter tops.

  The thought of his Tari working in a place like that made him ill. What had happened in two years to make a college student working towards becoming a physical therapist need to work two jobs? That one of those jobs was there, meant she had to be desperate for money. Women who worked there were barely one step away from dancing a pole.

  Dragon believed a woman had the right to make her living anyway she could but Tari hadn’t struck him as someone who would enjoy being looked at like she was entertainment. She was funny and peaceful with a core of strength that anyone could sense if they took a moment to get to know her. She only showed her wild side after drinks and in private. He stepped inside ready to learn that Pixie had been wrong and the woman who worked here wasn’t his Tari.

  The world seemed to pause as he recognized her standing in front of one of the back tables. She was gorgeous, the dim light of the diner almost glowed off of her midnight hair. The red of her ridiculously sexy uniform stood out like rubies against the velvet dark of her skin. Tari’s body was softer than he remembered and it only made her more beautiful. Her body had blossomed and, as he took her in, he imagined exploring those new curves. She turned as if sensing him and their gazes locked like perfect puzzle pieces.

  He didn’t remember moving but was suddenly in front of her and holding her face in his trembling hands.

  “Dragon.” Her voice was like whispered music filling a part of him that had felt empty for too long.

  “Mi reina.” He dropped his lips to hers and reveled in the taste of her that was better than he remembered.

  Chapter 8

  Procrastination is like a credit card: lots of fun till you get the bill

  Tari couldn’t believe Dragon was really here. Holding her like she was something precious, consuming her like she was the last drink of water in the desert. She had only seen his back earlier, but it was overwhelming being confronted with all of him.

  Everything about him was right. She wanted the world to drop away so she could just enjoy him alone. But they weren’t alone and he wasn’t hers. She used the image of the naked woman earlier to give her the strength to step back. She wasn’t a carefree college student anymore and losing herself to a man wasn’t a luxury she could indulge in.

  “What are you doing here?” Tari’s voice was maddingly breathless.

  “Pixie told me you were looking for me, of course I came.”

  His words soothed a hurt part of her heart even if her mind railed against his words. “We knew each other for less than a day two years ago. I don’t see where the ‘of course’ is obvious.”

  “We were more than that and you know it. I looked for you for months when I got back.” He ran a hand down her hair, and she wanted to melt. “I even searched the college directories looking for your name. I can’t believe you were here all that time.” Dragon leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Why didn’t you tell me you were there at the tattoo shop?”

  Were these wonderful words all about their missed connection or had Pixie told him about Citlali? She didn’t think the woman would do that but what more could he mean? Tari didn’t dare hope to believe he still had feelings for her after all this time. He had been about to fuck another woman less than two hours ago. Remembering the absolute devastation, she felt when she ran from that back room helped straighten her spine. “Was I supposed to offer to join in on the three way or just sit back and watch till you were done.”

  “I would never share you.”

  “But sharing that plastic barbie is okay?” Tari knew she sounded like a shrew and took a deep breath. “I have no right to judge you or what you were doing; lo siento.”

  Dragon ran a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh. “I know what you think you saw, but I have never been nor will I ever be with Didi. You have no reason to believe me but it’s the truth. She is with Hannibal and Ink, not Hannibal and me.”

  She thought back to what she had seen and heard. Dragon had been face down on the table and she now realized he hadn’t been looking at the naked woman. No matter how much Tari wanted to believe him, fear of how much it would hurt if she was wrong, stopped her. The sound of a man yelling at her in rapid fire Spanish broke through her thoughts.

  “You want to pick up men like a common prostitute, do it on your own time! Get that fine ass in gear and pick up food for the paying customers.”

  Tari rolled her eyes at Jorge, the ancient cook/owner, who was as gruff to customers and employees as his wife Teresa was sweet. The man was a big softy under all the harsh words and bluster so Tari flicked off a mocking salute in his direction before turning back to Dragon.

  “Sit at the counter, I’ll be right back.”

  Without waiting for a response, she hurried and brought out the food to her few waiting customers and checked on her others. She returned to find Jorge and Dragon in the middle of a face-off across the counter.

  “–you don’t speak to my woman like that ever.”

  “You think you scare me, boy? A real man wouldn’t let his woman work in a place where she has to dress like a hoochie.”

  “Jorge,” Tari cut in before things got out of hand. “You’re the one who says we have to wear these hoochie clothes.” It was an old silly fight. She didn’t like looking like a candy cane stripper before the wrapper came off but the tips were nice and Jorge made sure none of the customers got too handsy.

  “Yes, but the other
chicas aren’t good girls like you.”

  “Thanks, Jorge!” Debby shouted from across the room and shot him the finger.

  The crusty old owner was right. Most of the women who worked at Traker’s were harder and a lot wilder than she was. But Jorge and Teresa had let her work even when her belly had been so big she waddled more than walked. It was a dysfunctional sort of family, but it was all she had.

  “Jorge, I’m taking my break. We’ll be in the breakroom.”

  Her boss nodded. He was obviously unhappy, but blessedly silent. She leaned over and gave the grumpy man a kiss on the cheek. Jorge might have a foul mouth and nasty temper but when she had been pregnant, he had shown her his caring side.

  Tari knew she couldn’t tell Dragon everything here because she would be a wreck if they went down that road. She needed every dollar she made and even the loss of one night’s tips could cause her life to spiral out of control. The new sitter was considerably more expensive than the last making things even more precarious. She knew she would have to find someone cheaper soon if she had any hope of affording more than just the bare essentials.

  But she could set up a meeting for another time. Let him know that there were important things to discuss. She grabbed Dragon’s hand and pulled him behind her to the back, ignoring Debby’s waggling eyebrows.

  The break room was tiny, smelled like stale fried food and only held a small table and lockers for the waitresses. When the door clicked closed, she turned on Dragon steeling herself not to fold under his powerful gaze. “This is my place of work. You have no right to risk my job by threatening my boss when you don’t even know the situation.”

  His hand wrapped around the back of her neck and he cut off any other argument with a rough demanding kiss. The kiss out front had been soft, like the warm ocean enveloping her, but this was fire and passion. It blanked her mind to all thoughts but him.

  His other hand slipped under her shirt and found her nipple, pinching it through the fabric of her bra. He captured her moan of pleasure with his mouth and she felt her core going liquid under his assault.

  The feeling of his mouth against hers, his taste, his scent was even better than she remembered. Dragon broke the kiss, pinning her against the lockers with his body, as his hand glided down her stomach sending chills across her skin.

  “I have dreamed about the taste of your sweet pussy.” His hand slid down into her shorts and slipped into her panties rubbing the cream of her excitement over her clit. “Mi reina. You’re so wet for me. Tell me what you want.”

  His fingers slid and circled her clit in teasing strokes. Her whole body was alive with sensations so overwhelming she barely remembered to contain her moans of pleasure. She was panting, wanting to cry out so bad she bit her lip to keep the sound inside.

  Dragon’s mouth claimed hers again as his finger slid down and thrust inside her. How this man could have her already balancing on the edge of orgasm was magic she wished she could bottle. He chuckled, as she barely held back a cry when he curled his fingers inside her, sending tiny sparks of pleasure shooting through her body.

  “Do you want me to make you come? Is your pussy so hungry for me that you will come for me right here?”

  “Dragon.” His name was a demand and a plea. He was pushing her so high but somehow, she knew he was purposely not pushing her over the edge.

  “Beg for me, Tari. Tell me you want me.”

  “God, yes, Dragon. Please, I want you.”

  “What do you want?” He thrust his fingers into her and she whimpered trying to get pressure on her clit to take her that last step into an orgasm.

  “I want to come. Dragon, I need you.” Her whispered voice was filled with her frustration.

  Dragon locked their mouths together, his tongue mimicking what his fingers were doing. His thumb pressed down on her clit after a few thrusts and she detonated, her legs going weak. He swallowed her cries as he milked her orgasm, pushing it into another that had her seeing stars.

  Tari’s breath shuddered as he slowed, staring deep into her eyes. The tingling was bliss as he rubbed gently along her labia, and pulling his hand out of her now soaked panties was almost too much. Her heart and pussy twitched as he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked the taste of her into his mouth like it was the sweetest of chocolate.

  “Cristo. You taste even better than I remember, Mami.”

  The endearment sent cold water splashing down her spine. How could she have forgotten she wasn’t the only one who would be affected if she took a risk with her heart and failed. There was a very important reason she needed to take things slow. Use her head.

  Yet one kiss from him and Tari forgot everything. It had been childish of her to want to see if there was a relationship possible before telling him about Citlali. The chemistry between them meant it would be impossible to find out if there might be more without lying to him for weeks or maybe months.

  Tari couldn’t risk the damage that might cause to the trust they had to find. Dragon would always be her baby’s father. They had to be friends for her sake. Whatever romance might or might not happen between them would either be tainted by lies or forced by obligation.

  It would be better not to go there again. She still couldn’t tell him tonight but she would force herself to step back. They would be parents and friends. If he even wanted to be either, once he found out.

  “I’m glad you came, Dragon.” Tari stepped out of his hold straightening her clothes as he chuckled. “But this isn’t the time or place to be catching up.”

  “Embarrassed, Mami?” She couldn’t help but flinch. “Okay, we’ll play this your way. I’ll order food and we can talk when you’re between customers. Then I’ll take you home.”

  Tari could feel tears forming in her eyes and had to blink them away. Of course, Dragon didn’t miss a thing when it came to reading Tari. He was cupping her face with his thumb brushing at her cheek.

  “What is it, Tari?”

  “I need you to go, Dragon. A lot has happened. A lot I have to tell you, but I can’t right now.” Tari took in a shuddering breath. “Pixie said you had a job in Wyoming till the weekend. I don’t have to work on Sat until three. I’ll meet you for breakfast.” Dragon looked like he was going to argue. “Please just give me three days. I promise I will explain everything then.”

  “Don’t pull away from me, Tari. I’ve missed you so much. My job, anything else can wait. I want to know what is putting tears in your eyes.”

  “I need time. We need to talk and I can’t do it here. I need this job. Please, Dragon just give me till Saturday.” Tari hated how weak her voice sounded.

  Dragon stepped back and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “All right, Querida. I’ll wait until then, but this time I’ll give you my number. You don’t show or call, I will find you.”

  Tari blinked back tears as he stormed away, praying a few days would be enough for her to figure out what to say.

  Chapter 9

  You can’t turn back time but you can wind that fucker back up.

  Dragon spent the three hours riding to Douglas feeling like he was doing the wrong thing. He’d spent so many nights dreaming about finding Tari and, now that he had found her, instead of taking long hours getting reacquainted, he was on his bike traveling to a different state. Why had he agreed to leave her? With the taste of her still on his tongue, only the promise of breakfast in a few days was keeping him sane.

  What could be so important and personal that she couldn’t talk about it at work and had her pulling away from him in tears? His thoughts were still circling when he pulled up to the hotel where Dozer was staying. Seeing her again had triggered every primal instinct he possessed and he had moved too fast. Tari’s body had been in sync every step of the way but obviously her mind hadn’t.

  Could there be someone else? A wave of fierce possessiveness churned in his gut. She hadn’t been wearing a ring on her finger, he wasn’t proud of the feeling but he knew anything short o
f a husband wouldn’t stop him. It had been two years so he wouldn’t blame her. But she had sought him out, asked to meet with him alone instead of with a group. Which had to mean she was interested in reconnecting, she wasn’t the type of woman to do that if she was taken.

  Dragon saw Dozer step out of the building. The older Brother’s eyes lit up when he saw Dragon sitting on his bike in the lot. Dozer owned and ran DS construction and employed almost half of the Brothers in the Denver chapter. At 49, the Dark Sons’ treasurer was an ex-Marine and still in such good shape he could give active-duty members a run for their money. He kept his gray hair regulation length but had a beard that would make Santa proud.

  “Wasn’t sure you were coming.”

  Dragon stepped off his bike meeting his Brother with a slap on the back. “It’s only seven o’clock. You said we weren’t starting demo till tomorrow.”

  “Val gave me a call. Said they were arranging a reunion for you. She thought you might want to catch up. Told me to have a backup plan.”

  Dragon envied the close loving relationship the two had but this once wished Val had just kept silent. He respected Dozer but didn’t want to have to discuss his personal life with the man. “I did. She didn’t.”

  Dozer raised an eyebrow.

  Dragon gave a frustrated growl and gave the shortest and only explanation that made sense to him. “Pixie had her meet me at Dark Ink and she walked in on Didi giving Hannibal a show while I was in the chair. She took off. I caught up with her and pushed too hard. She sent me away saying she needed time. So here I am.”

  The older man laughed, shaking his head. “Giving a woman time is like throwing kerosene on a fire. Stupid and fucking dangerous. This girl more than just a fuck?”

  It was crazy, but Dragon knew, even though they had so little time together, she was already something vital to him. He had known it two years ago when he had to leave her. Nothing had changed in all those years. Knowing she had been so close made him angry at himself for not asking some of the Dark Sons to help in his search for her.


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