Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 1

by Elijah Isaiah

  The God Conqueror Series

  Beast of Xeriel

  Elijah Isaiah

  This novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, locations and ideas are from the author’s imagination. Likeness of any kind to the real world are purely coincidental and not a reflection or support of any real-world elements.

  Copyright © 2020 Elijah Isaiah

  All rights reserved.

  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise- without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, at “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  ISBN: 978-1-7347326-1-0

  Cover design by Nancyafroditae via

  Printed by Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

  First printing edition 2019

  Elijah Isaiah

  1490 Neil Ave

  Columbus, Ohio, 43201


  For Young Elijah Isaiah

  You are good enough. You can accomplish your dreams. You can serve others by sharing your imagination.

  For Rebeca

  Reading and Listening to the thoughts that come out of my brain. This is only possible because of you. Share in the success, as you have shared in the pain and hard work.


  I would like to thank everyone who helped make this novel possible. Even those who weren’t aware of the impact they had in my life and helped provide fuel for me to persevere. Your contributions made this happen and I will never forget it. Thank you to the few who read the book at its rawest state and gave honest feedback, even when it could have potentially hurt my feelings. Thanks specifically to Shiva, who really took the time and discussed ideas, characters, plot holes and everything in between on countless occasions. It really means a lot to me. Your importance on this journey cannot be understated. Thanks to my Mother, Brothers, Sister and family who each supported me in their own way. Most importantly, I want to thank my love Rebeca. You’ve witnessed my rough moments, high moments and even the self-doubt to finish the project. I had no idea I wrote this story with you in mind. You’re my reason and I greatly appreciate how much you’ve been there for me. From this author, there are no words to explain how important you are to my journey, this novel and me.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three 33

  Chapter Four 53

  Chapter Five 73

  Chapter Six 85

  Chapter Seven 98

  Chapter Eight 115

  Chapter Nine 130

  Chapter Ten 141

  Chapter Eleven 148

  Chapter Twelve 164

  Chapter Thirteen 175

  Chapter Fourteen 202

  Chapter Fifteen 219

  Chapter Sixteen 227

  Chapter Seventeen 256

  Chapter Eighteen 268

  Chapter Nineteen 290

  Chapter Twenty 302

  Chapter Twenty-One 310

  Chapter Twenty-Two 320

  Chapter Twenty-Three 328

  Chapter Twenty-Four 338

  Chapter Twenty-Five 359

  Chapter Twenty-Six 367

  Chapter Twenty-Seven 379

  Chapter Twenty-Eight 389

  Chapter Twenty-Nine 397

  Chapter Thirty 405

  Chapter Thirty-One 419

  Chapter Thirty-Two 429

  Chapter Thirty-Three 433

  Chapter Thirty-Four 439

  Chapter Thirty-Five 446

  Character Profiles 454

  About the Author 458

  Chapter One

  F ei surveyed the landscape, a beautiful green planet beneath his exposed feet. The grass brushing against his shins from the breeze. He possessed a powerful physical frame that easily resisted the wind. He wasn’t very tall, around 5 feet 7 inches, yet his figure would strike fear into any opponent’s heart. Every muscle appeared to be expertly forged and hardened by combat. His long dark red hair followed the winds direction. Eyes a cylinder of yellow inside a sea of orange.

  Fei wore his custom mesh body suit, it is hugging every inch of his muscles, stopping just beyond his calves. His attire worn from use; the sleeves torn just beneath his shoulders. The diamond design typically matching the color the wearer chose for their personal armor. Each mesh suit made was uniquely similar to the mass-produced material from his home world. Fei hated wearing it, a constant reminder of the past. Still, it was the only alternative he had to wearing his armor all day.

  Using his unnaturally heightened senses, Fei observed his surroundings. Taking in the countless aromas that hung in the air. Nothing lived nearby, beside the usual fowl, critters and common decently sized wildlife. The planets ecosystem unmarked by outside influences or foreign apex predators. Fei would have heard anything abnormal, even the faintest of steps would register in his ear. This day the wind constantly contesting the silence of a sun drench day.

  It was the same result for a year according to the similar time structure on the planet he was from. His suits technology continuously calculated the terrestrial differences from planet to planet. The vibrant red holographic data began displaying contrast to his black suit above his wrist.

  The three-dimensional schematics presenting days and nights were 72 hours in total. Every shift of light felt like it lasted for ages. Darkness resisting the urge to leave. Another day with nothing but a polite breeze and a large sun in the sky. In view, a large planet had been slowly revolving by for a couple days. Two separate planets having voyaged by twice since they’re arrival.

  Finally, the subtle hum of a ship approaching caught his ear. The opaque crystal cube halted just before reaching Fei. Its smooth edges and milky luster absorbing more light than reflecting. To a common ear, the ship’s hum would go unheard until a couple meters away, as it was designed for stealth and recon.

  Landing on the grass so gentle, no blade would break with only the faintest imprint where it rested. The ship began to dissipate until all that was left was the translucent floor on which she stood.

  A beautiful woman emerged. She stepped down into the grass, allowing the flooring of her ship to disappear until only a purple shard remain. Her skin appeared as golden oil with no imperfections. Her mesh suit a regal purple covering most of her body, revealing her impressive abdomen.

  A velvet black cape blew behind her attached from where her trapezius muscles are. She picked the shard and returned it to the line around her wrist. Taking a moment to visually enjoy Fei, she embraced her love.

  Fei’s skin presented quite the parallel to her, appearing brown as a tree bark, covered in battle scars and healed wombs. Each scar from a poor soul who thought to challenge him to a duel or had the unlucky fortune of being in his way on the battlefield.

  Fei ran his fingers through her shoulder length curly brown hair. She stood slightly taller than Fei. “Lale, I really wish you would wear your armor when you are on reconnaissance. You could get hurt.” He said as she walked past him toward their home.

  “I could? I remember fighting in all the same wars as you, including one against each other. Yet I have obtained no battle scars.” She said shrugging off his concern. “I guess, I can’t be touched.” Lale chuckled, thinking her retorted to be funny. She approached a small structure shaped like a dome. Without her uttering a word, the dome split to provide a doorway and allow entry.

  Ignoring her retort, Fei waited a while longer among the beautiful scenery. His mi
nd explored the ideas of the purpose for such a planet. Untouched by war, sentient life or technology. He foresaw himself creating a place free from the evils of the universe.

  A true home for its inhabitants, one where they would never have to live in fear, struggle for prosperity or resources. Peace in abundance and depravity non-existent. This was the planet he and Lale had decided would be the perfect place to begin their dream. Their extensive scouting and research leading them here.

  Fei made his way to the small dome shaped hut to join Lale inside. The hut nearly identical to the ship in properties. “I say we give it one more month. If nothing truly occupies this planet, we begin our plans.” He said. Inside was an empty but moderate space.

  The couple didn’t require much as far as decoration or chic art. They lived a minimal life by design. At the wave of a hand, a resting structure formed for the couple to lay down. “Month? Ugh! Why so long?” Lale pouted. Fei rolled his eyes. “Oh, my apologies, I forgot we only have an extremely prolonged life, not immortality. What was I thinking? We must begin preparations.” He joked.

  The two hardened warriors shared a laugh as they laid down gazing up through the translucent ceiling. Like the ship, the dome’s material appeared cloudy from the outside, but transparent from within.

  All those outside of its structure would merely see their reflections against the opal colored hut. Inside, a clear panoramic view in every direction. The sun wouldn’t set for a while, but Fei and Lale were finished scouting for the day. The pair had become accustomed to sleeping, despite the great sun in the sky.

  Lale held up her wrist for both Fei and she to see. A 3D schematic populated to reveal her vitals and various personal information. She swiped through a couple files with one finger before bringing up one particular dossier. After a brief glance at the information, she frowned.

  Fei kissed the side of her head as she laid in his arms. “It’s okay my love. It will happen again. Try not to stress out about the things we can’t control.” Fei assured her, before quickly falling asleep. Lale looked a while longer at the information, following Fei shortly after.

  Fei’s heightened senses and reflexes woke him hours later. Breathing heavily, large claws as sharper than razors protruding from his fingers. His teeth exposed and lengthening slowly. “Lale.” He lowly growled. Her face bewildered as she sleepily awoke to his familiar voice. Gathering herself, Lale stared in the direction Fei was focusing. In the distance she could see them. A small group of people marched their way, swords and shields in hand.

  Their armor tattered and beaten as if used second hand. But nonetheless recognizable. At the helm of the group a slender pale skinned woman with a waterfall of blond hair. “They’re human. Primitive looking. But they’re armor resembles ours. That’s impossible.” Lale said. “Put on your armor.” Fei implored his love. Lale retrieved two shards resembling crystals. They were shaped much like her ship’s single shard.

  She placed them on her wrists where they held in place. Both shards expanded, gripping her respective wrists in the arrangement of very thin and rigid bracelets. “Fei, let’s talk to them first, find out how they have eluded our detection for this long.” Lale requested. “What?! It’s because of that very fact, that we must consider them a threat. How indeed have they avoided us for a year?” Fei reasoned aloud. Lale tapped together her wrists twice, a crystal-like purple armor crawled over every inch of her body.

  Two slim black capes extended from her shoulder pauldrons draping down till a few inches above her feet. Her helmet formed around her head and face, as crescent shaped golden horn became adjacent to her forehead and aimed toward the sky. “Fei, what is the point of starting a new life, if you’re going to bring old ideologies with you?” Lale asked placing her hand on his shoulder.

  Fei silently watched before retrieving his own shards and latching them to his wrist. Tapping them together his dusk black armor encompassed his body and head. His helmet in the shape of a lion baring its teeth with a full shadowy red mane sprouting out the rear.

  A gold belt circled his waist accompanied by a deep red train down to his ankles. Fei waited for the perceived threat to approach further. His blood rushing through his veins urging him to act.

  His muscles reminding him of the feeling of battle, of the great feats he is capable of. Fei was ready to protect his love, their future and more importantly kill everyone if provoked. He stepped toward the wall, it obeyed as it trickled away to reveal an exit, closing shortly behind him. Fei waited for the unknown inhabitants to arrive within speaking distance. “Be still!” He called out.

  His voice boomed with a hint of a ferocious growl. The troop of 20, comprised of men and women halted after his orders. All but one woman kneeled. The woman spoke regally, answering Fei’s call. “Prathaman!” Her voice echoing a more refined speech and not at all primitive. “We humbly ask for your peaceful departure.

  We wish for your silent discretion about our existence here. Tetcht is the untouched.” The blond-haired woman spoke polite, while her steely blue eyes expressed her seriousness. Fei’s heart began to beat faster, blood speeding through his veins. The assembly before him, by their looks would present no real threat, yet why did he feel so anxious?

  “How do you speak my language and know my planet of origin?” Fei interrogated. The inhabitants appeared primitive from the distance. Up close they have shown to be more advanced and civil. Their armor maltreated and missing pieces. Similar only in style to his own and Lale’s but the luster and glory of the armor beaten away.

  They betrayed no secret of possessing weapons, but Fei was no fool. Retrieving weapons came from within the armor, at any moment they could become properly armed despite how they presented themselves. “You are not the first Prathaman to discover Tetcht. The great Vanakan taught us and saved us from the evil Tumakako, casting her from this place forever. He is finally at peace.” The blond woman informed him.

  Listening through Fei’s armor was Lale. Each person’s armor creating a symbiotic bond between the hosts, its mate, distinct or unusual relationships. As well as the people most connected to the individual.

  The stronger the connection between the hosts, the stronger their link and connections made while wearing the armor. “If you were saved by a Prathaman, why fear this one in your midst?” Fei asked. The woman never broke her gaze from Fei’s position. She was clearly the leader and the one he needed to assess.

  “A Prathaman was also the one who attacked our planet.” The woman responded as a matter of fact. “Vanakan does not speak for all who hail from Pratham. He took pity on us. No one will ever be given the chance to do the same. Leave now. It is your last warning.” The woman demanded.

  Fei homed in on the inhabitants breathing. He could smell their sweat. This wasn’t exhaustion, it was fear. All but their clear and apparent leader was afraid of this encounter. But she stood firm, powerful, sure and determined to protect and die for her fellow comrades, peace and planet. Fei admired her courage. But her existence threatened Lale and his eventual rule.

  “We are not here for a fight my love. Compassion is the catalyst for connection.” Lale commented through their linking. Fei begrudgingly heeded her counsel, although they both knew he preferred a fight. “I believe we all want the same peace. Is there no agreement to be reached?” Fei asked to the troops before him.

  The woman shook her head much to Lale’s chagrin, as she listened from inside the dome. “We do not accept your peace star traveler. We want our own.” The blond warrior answered stoically. Her blatant stare into Fei’s eyes was beginning to insult him. “This is your last warning. Leave and return to your planet.” The woman warned.

  Fei rolled his neck, feeling the frustration of his very brief attempt at diplomacy. He was a far greater diplomat when it came to combat. His massive pole halberd was much better at communicating than his rhetoric. Keeping Lale in mind often was the saving grace for him.

  “Please. I wish not to spill blood on such a pristi
ne planet. However, I do not intend to leave.” Fei answered. The woman nodded acknowledging the choice made.

  A helmet clicked and clacked as it formed to cover her head only revealing her face with a viewing slot down the front. Her blond hair pulled up atop her head and pouring out the back as not to distort her vision. Targeting Fei, she drew her broad sword from her older Pratham armor.

  The bladed shiny in the light but could easily be seen as dull and not battle ready. A smile crept across Fei’s face, staring down his opponent. Fei had not experienced a proper duel in years. Their arrival on Tetcht was no exception, neither he nor Lale had seen combat at all.

  Fei welcomed the opportunity for a fight. He proceeded to hold out his hand to retrieve his favorite weapon. Lale barged out of the hut, sensing Fei yearning for battle more than peace. Removing her helmet. Lale made her hands visible to address the people.

  “I am Lale of the First Planet Pratham. We do not wish to spill blood. Please stand down.” The remaining men and women stood to their feet, on guard. “How many of you are there?!” One yelled. Lale kept her hands in a submissive location. “I assure you just Fei and I.” Lale responded.

  Fei could hear the drumming of their hearts dramatically increase. He turned to see Lale had removed her helmet. “Negotiations were, adequate.” He growled with a smirk. Lale’s intoxicating sent slowly passing as she ignored his report. He was hoping they would be able to fight together. However, his wish was quickly quelled as she addressed the people.


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