Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 16

by Elijah Isaiah

  Possibly a stronger version. Maybe he had the power to do exactly what she wishes she could. If given the chance to bring her beloved Dara back, she too would stop at nothing. Tumakako fought the comparisons, she had to believe this beast to be different. “Why not let me go and I send you there first?” She responded rashly.

  “Your skill is awe inspiring. Indeed, a sight to behold. I haven’t seen anyone duel my Lale and live. Still, here you are, within reach of death. Success or Failure, I am the calamity of Pratham. It, much like your story will end with me.” Fei stated.

  Tumakako stared into his eyes. She sensed a change inside him, since their fight. Lale has always been his deterrent. Without her to keep him balanced, Fei is the most dangerous threat to humanity. He will never be reasoned with; he will never stop.

  If his reign isn’t ended before it begins, there will be no other. It all started with her failure. Tumakako made the biggest mistake of her existence. She was unable to execute the plan. Now, everyone will suffer. She accepted her situation was hopeless.

  “I pity you. You will never exist beyond your hate and anger.” Fei approached his captive. Staring down at her in his feral form. “My existence will transcend your petty realm of knowledge. Pity yourself. Incapable of comprehending my power. You, who sought to destroy the world of others deemed not necessary. Following orders, without regard for the existence of others. Obedience has killed just as many as hate and anger.” Fei said.

  He grasped her throat. Applying pressure. Feeding off his rage, he squeezed till she could not take in any air.

  He released his grip not allowing her to pass out, wanting to increase her misery. “You are of the nature who left my mother and I to die on Earth. I am the manifestation of that fear you and your kind possess.” Fei growled. He returned to his seat beside Lale. Tumakako, managed to regain her wind. “You speak as if you’re not one of us.” She struggled to say. Fei held Lale’s hand in his own. “Once I achieve my purpose, I will be of a kind beyond your own.” He replied.

  The ship speeding through the black sheet of space masked the tension. Tumakako observed the pain Fei exuded as he clutched Lale’s hand. “I’m not sorry she’s gone. I wish you took her place.” She said unapologetically. A tear trickled down the surface of Fei’s cheek. He chuckled to himself.

  “You know, the first time I felt fear was because of her. For the longest time I regretted our meeting, her and I. Introducing a feeling I will never be able to be rid of. So, I accepted it. Allowed it to motivate me. Fuel my rage and in turn, my power.” He murmured, exposing his face to Tumakako.

  “She has been my “reason” ever since I encountered her. Now…….” He uttered, choking back tears. “Now, I’m the reason she’s gone. And if I can’t revive her, it will always be me.” Tumakako exhaled deeply. “So much beauty in the universe, enough for everyone. Yet too many desire it all.” She said.

  Fei began to feel disheveled. His muscles starting to relax, anger subsiding. His head ice cold, the freezing sensation traveling down his body. It was if every blood cell was no longer working for him. He dropped Lale’s hand. Attempting to stand, he stumbled back into the wall.

  Normally his heart would race, signifying he was in danger. But this time, it remained an ordinary rhythm. Fei tried to enrage himself to encourage his feral form, but the harder he fought the more control he lost.

  His limbs were betraying his mental instructions. He slowly slithered down the wall. By the time he reached the floor only his consciousness was left under his control.

  “To have the power to crush your adversary only to watch yourself succumb to their influence.” Tumakako said. Fei’s body refusing to respond to his dire instructions. “You rely so much on all your strength, you neglect your weakness. You take for granted the strength of others.” She said.

  Fei’s body arose to his feet. Ignoring his minds commands. He began to release Tumakako from her restraints against his will. “I was one of the first people exposed to the Iku. My powers manifested unbeknownst to me.

  It wasn’t until I heard the communication between our war beasts that I felt it. The connection. A relationship between the savage and genteel.” She continued. Fei removed the last restraint from around Tumakako’s body.

  “Over time, communication became partnership. I even managed to request help from many different beast and creatures for advantages in battle. Before long, cooperation became control.

  The more savage the beast the stronger my control grew. You, the most powerful beast of all.” Fei’s body remained motionless after completing his task. Tumakako retrieved her shards from the table next to Lale and proceeded to activate her armor.

  “I’ll too will admit; your power is impressive. I didn’t feel it at first. I can see why you two were considered the most lethal threat to the council. Your efforts in battle disguised my ability to connect with you. That’s never happened before.” She said wagging her finger at him.

  “You see, once I touch, an animal, beast or creature, I can assume control. Seeing as you are closer to a lion more than man in this form. I just needed one touch to gain access. Which in your constant fits of rage, you happily obliged.” She said as she rubbed her neck

  Tumakako took in the sight of Lale for a moment. “I knew she would turn on us. I’ve seen the eyes of those who would do anything for the person they love most. The woman she killed looked at me the same way. Still, her prowess did not disappoint.

  I’m not entirely sure I would have defeated her.” She said placing her hand on Lale’s body. “Thankfully, her greatest weakness is you.” She said. Tumakako drew her scimitar. Fei’s body unhurriedly dropped to one knee.

  “I am truly impressed. Despite my nearly ultimate control, you still fight beyond what I believed possible. You are truly the most powerful warrior.” After a brief visible struggle, Fei’s body lowered his last leg. “I’m uncertain killing you is necessary, but I don’t know if I can keep control of you for an extended period of time.” She admitted.

  “They called me the Hope of the new world. Cleanser of Earth’s failures. I was the foremost version of you. I took on the idea of cleansing more than hope. Fortunately, you’ve given me a second chance. Beings like us, the Council, malicious people of Earth.

  We don’t deserve this universe anymore. We are what must die to feed true vitality.” Tumakako violently thrusted her sword into Fei’s chest. Using his back for leverage, she forced her blade as far as she could.

  Fei’s body still unresponsive despite his mind and thoughts descending into a frenzy. His thoughts uncontrolled and disorderly. The only constant focus being on Lale.

  His mind’s chaos simmering down, lowering deeper and deeper into a lull. Finally, the pandemonium ceased, and his thoughts became silent. His essence escaping with his concluding breath.

  Chapter Sixteen

  D ara could feel a rhythm, energy communicating with her. She couldn’t understand the vibrations, but they felt comforting. Different. Wild, yet mild and tamed. Not at all like her own power, which was quiet, afraid to explode.

  This energy spoke of violence, trying desperately to connect with her own. This light trying greatly to commune with hers. Without words, it told her their story, spoke to their unity. This was beyond her human nature. Much deeper. Dara regained consciousness.

  The amazement was quickly followed and overcome by the pain. Her face planted into the ground. Her body throbbing, muscles burning and brain not able to focus on anything other than her injuries. She finally noticed the voices. She wasn’t alone. Dara didn’t have the will or strength to fight. “I think she’s up now.” An unfamiliar voice said.

  Dara gently rolled onto her back. The sun blinding her briefly. A small person placed their hand in the path of the light allowing her vision to focus. His face she recognized. It took a moment, for her vision to adjust and reveal one of the individuals surrounding her.

  “You look just like him.” Dara managed to pathetically mutter.
“I am aware. I hear my father has very handsome qualities.” Jesh kidded. Dara transferred her gaze to the other face looming over her. “Lale? You survived.” She said with even less strength.

  “She is very weak. Only a little bit Jesh. Don’t want her to fly off.” Kyah instructed. Jesh retrieved a vial of the red iku from a small container he held in his hand. He dripped a third of the vial into Dara’s mouth.

  Her skin slowly began to revive. The wounds healing into restored scars. Dara’s eyes moved rapidly, as the sensation of her strength recovered. “Speak child. Are you Dara the Merciless?” Kyah questioned.

  Dara took in a second look at the woman. She could now see the mistaken look of her former enemy. “I am.” Dara answered. Before she moved to her feet, a swift and telling foot pounded her back to the ground. “Know this. Should you run or attempt to harm us. I will split your skull in two. Is that understood?” Kyah scorned.

  Dara nodded. Kyah removed her foot, relieving the pressure. Dara cautiously rose to her feet. She looked around, trying to piece together what happened. The dead carcass of the tyrannosaurs had become a welcomed meal for the scavenger wildlife.

  “I will, contact Gala and send for her.” Kyah said. Activating her armor and walking off. Jesh gawked over Dara. Visibly amazed by her. “You’re like me. I can feel your energy. Your fire burns with mine.” He said to her. Dara’s curled lip and raised eyebrow expressed her confusion. “You feel it don’t you?” He asked.

  Jesh took her hand, placing it against his chest. Keeping his hand tight over hers. The pulse returned. The vibration was peaceful, welcoming, in tune. “It’s what led me to you……. I mean us to you.” Jesh stuttered.

  “You are like me?” Dara asked. Jesh smiled. Suddenly, a dark red flame energy covered his body, before coursing over to her. The ground shook, causing the scavengers to scatter and Kyah to stumble. Jointly they burned, absorbing the sun’s rays, reflecting a shadowy crimson energy.

  Dara’s eyes flourished, as the power encouraged her. Her hand still clasped to his chest. She saw he was equally intrigued. “What form is this?” She asked. “I’m not sure, this is a first for me too.” He responded gleefully.

  Kyah examined them from a distance. Every urge called for her to break up the connection between the two children. But their faces paused her advance. She had never seen her nephew so happy.

  There had always been a longing in his eyes, and this girl would see his desires fulfilled. Jesh released the dark red form between them. “You’re pretty powerful.” Dara remarked. Jesh nodded.

  “My jade energy is pretty strong. It’s as far as I can go without destroying a planet. I don’t really have full control over it.” He bragged. Dara gleamed wanting to know more, wanting her new potential friend to teach her.

  Kyah purposefully joined the two and removed Dara’s hand from her nephew. “Gala will arrive shortly.” She said stoically, staring down at Dara. “Your people made it clear we were most unwelcomed. Do you possess any authority here?” Kyah asked.

  Dara thought for a moment. “No………but those are my people. My mother arrived on this planet with those individuals. She died for them. If they would accept me. I would like to return.” Dara answered.

  “And what of your father? Is he of some importance to this clan?” Kyah asked. Dara could not answer. Her mother never brought up her father. Dara never considered asking. Her mother had always been enough. Supplied everything she needed, the thought of someone else being involved wasn’t necessary to her.

  Kyah could derive enough information from her expressions, that her father would be of no aid at the current moment. “I’m afraid, we will need your people’s cooperation. There is no doubt, the Council will send an army to most likely kill my aunt, crew and myself. We have very little time to find the optimal location to make our stand against…….” Jesh began.

  Dara interjected, flailing her arms. “Wait. Wait. Who are you two? And why do you look so much like Lale and Fei?” She asked. “Right. We’ve heard about you, but not the same on your end I’m afraid. This is my aunt Kyah and I am Jesh Zeall. We came here seeking an audience with my father.” Jesh humbly responded.

  Dara’s expression revealed the whites of her eyes. She stroked her blond hair. The encounter she had just been through, and now she stands before the son of her primary foe. There was so much to tell she didn’t know where to begin. Or did he know what had just transpired before their arrival and they’re here to finish the job?

  “Speak child. Time is not a luxury we can afford.” Kyah demanded. “I……uh…. don’t know where your father is. And your mother, was killed.” Dara wavered. Jesh waved his hand nonchalantly. “I’m aware of what happened between you and my parents. I know you didn’t intend to kill her. The raw Iku is highly volatile, and we don’t have control over our power.” Dara felt obligated to tell him the truth.

  But she lingered on the thought of keeping the secret. She already had his forgiveness, the new development would surely complicate things. She was alone. Tuma was nowhere to be found, along with Fei.

  She did not possess the strength to fight off these two warriors or their crew. Her divulging this information may seal her fate or at best isolate her from the only person she has felt this type of an instant connection.

  “I didn’t kill Lale.” Dara blurted out. “You’ve seen her? She’s alive?” Jesh sparked. Holding his breath in excitement. Dara’s hesitation frustrating Kyah. “Your parents tried to kill me and my mentor Tumakako.” Dara continued.

  Kyah seized Dara by the arm, pulling her close. “She trained you?” Kyah interrogated. “Yes……. if it wasn’t for her, I would have died after 19 tracked me down.” Dara explained. “I’m not sure how long I have been out. But before you arrived. Your father tried to…….” Dara gulped, reliving the anxiety she felt as Fei regain consciousness.

  Her head went cold, the chill sliding down her body, seemingly firing every nerve ending ordering her to fly away. But she persisted. “He impaled your mother, trying to kill me.” Kyah’s frustration had reached its peak. Yanking Dara to become eye level. “Where is he?!” She snarled.

  “I don’t know!” Dara whined. She looked over at the crater where the ship crashed. “Tuma’s ship is gone. He must have taken it.” Dara pleaded. “Kyah……. let her go. He’s not here. No sense lashing out.” Jesh reasoned.

  Kyah released her grip and stormed off, trying to reach Gala again. Despair crept through Dara’s body as she looked upon Jesh. She wasn’t sure why she felt anguish instead of guilt. “I feel you. Your pain. But not hate?” Dara asked.

  Jesh returned her gaze. “Why hate you? You were only trying to survive. In times when we become aware of our mortality, we fight for life. I can never hate you for trying to survive.” Jesh answered. “I would like to discuss matters further, but now is not the time. Yet again, we must survive.” Jesh proposed. Dara’s mind inched closer towards his. She wanted to know more about him and felt the deep inclination to share everything with him.

  “First, we need a stronghold. Somewhere, we can fortify and defend ourselves from the coming onslaught.” Said Jesh. “The city doesn’t have much there to sustain a battle, we barely survive the Eira or Aella storms.” Dara responded.

  An idea flickered in her mind. “The mountains………. the place where I received my powers, is a gigantic mountain, surely it can endure and provide cover for those who cannot fight.” Dara eagerly suggested.

  “We will need you to lead us there. How many people are in your clan?” Jesh asked. “I don’t know. I haven’t been there in over a years’ time. Last I was there we had 150.” Dara confirmed.

  Jesh dropped his head. “That is not nearly enough. From what I gather from 19, only the Sentry possess even a modicum of skill in battle. The army of Pratham are soldiers, bred to destroy planets and subjugate life.” Jesh stressed. Looking around, trying to formulate a plan from the information he just received. “Where is your transport?” He asked st
ill visibly distraught.

  “Transport? We don’t have a transport. Tetcht doesn’t hold any technology or resources.” Jesh’s head sank even lower. “You have to have something. You said your clan arrived here right?” Jesh quizzed.

  “Yes. Long ago.” Dara quickly answered. “Well how did they get here from Earth?” The light and intrigue from Dara’s eyes swiftly blew out. “They had a ship, but it has no power to fly.” She responded. Jesh smiled widely. The twinkling appeal of the Verge piloted by Gala finally descended near the trio. The rear of the ship lowered for entry.

  Kyah jumped aboard waving for Jesh and Dara. “I have a plan.” Jesh said. Flying to meet his aunt. “Dara is going to lead me to her clan’s traveler. She can power it and we can escape from this planet to regroup.” Jesh suggested. Kyah refuted his request. “I am not letting you out of my sight. Especially with her.” She barked. “I am in no danger. Besides I can handle myself.” Jesh assured his aunt.

  “No. She may not be as powerful as you, but she held her own against your parents. She is not to be trusted.” Kyah remained stubborn in her position. “My Kyah. You’ve done everything for me. You’ve protected me. Guided me. Trained me. I will be fine. Please. This is our best option.” Jesh pleaded.


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