Beast of Xeriel

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Beast of Xeriel Page 27

by Elijah Isaiah

  The one single representation assembled itself into a column, before reassembling into a more human like depiction made up of a metallic alloy. “So, your exotic companion’s mind doesn’t drift into the abyss of her extremely limited imagination.” They said.

  “Thank you all for receiving us.” Jesh said politely. They instantly raised a hand to halt his words. “We have not yet received you. Our pleasantries are only reserved for a proper definition of your arrival.” They informed him hastily.

  Their face uniquely vague in its representation. “Our peace is and will always be conditional. Isolation is vital to that peace. However, arriving unannounced, with a being not of the body of your organization, a primitive generational traveler, and only your most trusted allies aboard.” They deduced.

  They turned their steely gaze to Dara, presenting a disgust only They could fathom. “Your predicament must truly be, dire.” The MәShean discerned. Jesh remembered the stories Da-Xia would tell of the MәShean.

  The thoughts funneling through his mind. How they resented their maker. Hated humanity for being their creator. The MәShean loathed any time they were forced to interact with humans. Even more so since their freedom.

  They possessed very few allies in the galaxy, a few organic civilizations outside the rim of Pratham’s control. “I should just kill them all and take a ship.” Jesh thought. “Jesh no.” Dara audibly spewed out, thinking she was using their link.

  She had yet to understand or get the hang of it. Jesh’s eyes widened. Not appreciating the fact of their connection. “Ah. Her obliviousness betrays you. What ill will might your kind possess for us now?” They asked smugly.

  “I bring you no ill will. I simply despise your displeasure and lack of respect for your creator.” Jesh recoiled. “Our creator is no more. Vanquished long before you existed. We are free. Our only discontentment being our heritage entangled with air breather’s.”

  “I weep for you all. Such a tragic beginning.” Jesh continued. “We’re certain you can sympathize. A husk of a child. Wishing he might still become the sum of such great heroes.” They retorted.

  Jesh was visibly shaken at their jab. “Only they weren’t heroes, were they? A soldier with such strength, his intelligence was absorbed. A woman so fragile, for all we comprehend, one strike could determine her existence.” Jesh’s fists began to clinch.

  He struggled to prevent his powers from rising to the surface. His red energy flaming around his body. Dara attempted to join in the conversation. “If you reason yourself to be capable of interjecting, we caution you to reconsider it again.” They said. Stopping Dara as she opened her mouth. The two stood verbally defeated in front of their only chance at aid.

  “We regress every moment you retell your futility to our reality. If it pleases you, state your business. That we may be done.” They said. Jesh’s eyes watered. Too ashamed to even look upon Dara. He stares up at the MәShean, unsure if he would attack or leave unceremoniously.

  His anger grew with each replay of their very brief interaction. He knew he could potentially destroy them all, but everyone else would be collateral. The realization haunted him. Drawing him closer to lashing out. A small hand clasped into his. He could feel her heart. It was the only warmth in the universe for a moment. Despite his efforts, his anger subsided.

  He finally allowed himself to look upon her. Her innocence channeled him. He felt tamed in her presence. Controlled. Somehow, she knew him. Understood his agony and willingly helped him carry it. Jesh smiled.

  “We request your aide to return to Pratham. A ship would suffice and help us on the journey home.” He addressed them again. “Our terms never foretold of assistance.” They said.

  “This is not an appeal from the Council or the governing body of Pratham. We seek to end our civil war and overthrow Magnus and the reign of the Council.” Jesh stated. The MәShean reassembled itself several times before responding.

  “Your petty skirmishes do not concern us and violates the agreement. To aid either side, is to take a side.” They answered. “We fight against all of the denominations. There is no choice to be made. We would see humanity restored to a peaceful presence.” Jesh suggested.

  “Peaceful? We will never believe in peace as long as humanity exists.” They argued. “Then you have truly taken on the worse parts of your creator.” Jesh barked. The MәShean reached forward, transforming its arm into a blade, stopping just short of Jesh’s throat. To which he did not flinch.

  “If only we did. Like your predecessors we would have wiped you from the annals of the universe’s tapestry.” They warned. Jesh gently removed the blade from near his neck with one finger. “If you will not help us. We will surely become what you believe us to be.” Jesh said.

  He gave a respectful nod, before walking away. Dara let go of his hand, standing steadfast before the MәShean. “You remain?” They asked. “Surely, you’re more useful….” They began.

  “You’re afraid.” Dara interrupted. The MәShean now fixed on her. They allowed her to continue. “You fear a united human race. Everything they have done. Even being so fragile. Compared to everything I’ve seen, we somehow survive.” Dara said. “We are the next stage. We are perfect. Singular and distinct simultaneously. Your time is nearing.” They said.

  Dara denied their claims. “I’ve heard similar things from a much more convincing threat.” She responded. The MәShean altered its form several times and remained in constant flux. Assembling and reassembling themselves, never staying on one design.

  “We outnumber your kind substantially.” They warned. “Do you? From what I gather, we’re everywhere. You are all here. Unwise for such an advanced level of being. But what do I know? I just found out you all existed not too long ago.” She joked, unaware and careless of timing.

  The MәShean shifted and changed before offering a rebuttal. “You only destroy.” They claimed. Dara looked around. “I can’t speak for the humans you know. But the human I was raised by, the family I know. Didn’t destroy anything. Give us a chance.” Dara implored.

  The MәShean reconfigured even longer. Jesh awaited off in the distance ready to strike if something went wrong. Dara could hear his thoughts, reassuring him everything would be fine via their link. Jesh thought perhaps she had played a roll, using her inexperience with their link to a potential advantage.

  “We cannot give you a ship.” They finally answered. Dara exhaled. “I’m sorry for what people who share my face have done to you. I wish things were different.” She said giving a bow.

  “Thank you all for your time. Sorry if my presence offended you, I’m fairly new to all of this.” Dara took her leave and joined Jesh to be escorted back to their ship, stationed in space.

  A small transport returned the duo to their traveler. Jesh and Dara entered looking disheartened. They were greeted with looks of uncertainty. “Um, is this good or bad?” Zeeba asked.

  The crew looked to the ship scanner to see a fleet of MәShean ships approaching. “Open the bay door. I’ll drive them back!” Jesh ordered. Orange energy beginning to surge over his armor melting the ice that had accumulated on it.

  The blaring alert rang through the ship. “It’s our comm system. Should we answer?” Yaffa asked. Kyah nodded. Yaffa opened the communication link between their traveler and the MәShean fleet.

  “We have reconsidered our decision. The exotic one has provided just questioning internally.” They stated. “What is your prevailing verdict?” Kyah asked.

  “The air breather’s, our enemy, must be eliminated. Rooted out of this universe forever.” They paused. The silence of space seemed to enter the ship. “You and those whom would fight with you, no longer occupy the category of enemy. The creators are your enemy, as they are ours. Consequently, one ship will not suffice. We will support you in your attempt to reconstruct your social framework.” They offered.

  Kyah’s head dropped in relief. “We appreciate your assistance. When this war is over. Peace will begin thr
ough comradery between our kinds.” Kyah answered. “Thanks, would be wasted on us. It would be most beneficial to the exotic one. As she proves the highest percentage of intellectual gradation in your species.” They said.

  “We only need to destroy Magnus and the Council. If we can capture my father. We request more time to reason with him.” Jesh wished. “Your request is perilous. However, our armada will be up to the task. We will remove the vile, protect the innocent and detain your father.” They responded.

  “Only our true enemies need be removed.” The communication link ended. The crew turned to Dara. “What did you say to them?” Da-Xia inquired. The crew silent, wondering how years of hate could be settled in a brief debate.

  “I was honest. The people on Pratham may be their enemy, but we aren’t.” Dara answered. “Hmph.” Zeeba said aloud, thinking her response would be more complex. “I really don’t believe in luck.” Yaffa began.

  “But I’m starting to consider it.” Zeeba finished while the two laughed. Zeeba clicked, poked and prodded at the dash of the ship and sighed heavily. “Nothing?” Jesh asked. Yaffa shook her head. “Still nothing from Gala.” She responded. The crew deflated; they had never known Gala not to respond for this long. They sat quiet peering out the traveler’s deck while the MәShean ships approached to provide upgrades.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  F ei, Lale and PTong abandoned the cells with all its prisoners in tow. Fei fashioned Lale a new simple mesh attire to cover her body. The group released the few Pratham prisoners the Council kept.

  All occupying the corridors of the compound, while outside, the remnants of the four denominations fought for supremacy. Fei’s disgust spelled plainly on his face. He wanted to be rid of it all.

  The beings he had been connected to his entire life. Those who have held back the evolution of his former race. Everything, he believed, was now beneath him. “Choose yourselves.” He spoke to the prisoners.

  “For if they choose for you. They will unify against their enemy.” With a cheer of vengeance, the prisoners took to the battlefield. Ambushing the unsuspecting forces. The prisoners quickly acquired armor and weapons from fallen soldiers and began to attack.

  Pratham’s sky littered with an array of colors from the cannon fire, as A-Kialle and Muetus ships exploded in conflict. A stalemate had been reached in the air. Had it not been for the released prisoners, the same would exist on the battlefield as well. Both tribes knew full well the tactics of the other. Centuries of working together left no surprises to be had. It would come down to the will to defeat the other.

  Muetus soldiers shifted into unlimited objects, animals and creatures. They clashed with the traditional Pratham soldiers on the field. Lale held on to Fei tightly. Her mind not yet fully comprehending her return. “Stay with her.” Fei ordered.

  PTong obliged. Unique armor activated around PTong’s body mimicking his healer apparel. A mystical staff appearing in his hand. At the top, a glowing orb, that flickered as fire. The content inside also moving like a liquid substance. A studded serpent and smooth raven kiss at the uppermost part of the orb, and their tails cascaded down the golden rod.

  Fei ascended into the midst of the air battle. A Muetus ship approached at a blinding speed, and with a swipe of his hand, Fei removed it from existence without a puff of smoke. Smirking at how his powers intensified. Fei fed his anger with his hatred for this planet.

  He was finally ready. Finally equipped, finally prepared to destroy them all. Wipe away the history of his humanity; his failure, the loss and pain, to forever become what he always believed himself to be. A Conqueror. The God.

  Fei focused his mind, drawing on the power inside him. Only a small amount of power would be necessary to annihilate his enemies while causing minimal damage to the surface. Gloomy was the dark energy encompassing his body and dusk armor.

  The wind swirling around him violently, throwing ships off their course. The armies beneath him began to flatten from the pressure he caused. The gravity around him increased, pinning soldiers to the ground, ships immediately nose diving against their will. “This may take even less energy than I thought.” He said to himself.

  Ships crashed around him; soldiers cried out in fear. Prisoners who had yet to acquire armor were impaled by aimless debris. Fei enjoyed his new strength. For a moment he considered simply obliterating the planet but remembered Lale and PTong still awaited on the ground. His power expanded, the suffering all about him fed his mind, his heart, his anger and by extension his power.

  Then, he felt it. Sharp in his chest. Then throbbing, a rush of emotions he had buried deep. It had returned. For some reason, he felt whole again. A feeling only reserved for Lale and one other. Beyond the atmosphere the MәShean fleet emerged out of hyperspace.

  Somehow, with it, the presence of his son. Fei halted his destruction on the millions below and focused on his feelings. He searched, and again, he felt him. His son was near. One finger wiped away a single tear. He stared at the damp mark on his armored index finger.

  The MәShean Empire besieged the sky with laser fire. Raining down on the unsuspecting Pratham soldiers. Envoys dropped MәShean infantry onto the battlefield in droves. Misconfiguring and reconfiguring as they prepared their onslaught against the soldiers and civilians inside the city. Caught off guard and already damaged by Fei’s celestial power, the ground troops and prisoners were at a supreme disadvantage.


  The MәShean began to lay waste to the Muetus and A-Kialle soldiers. Aboard the newly upgraded traveler, Kyah opened communications with the MәShean fleet. “Wait! Focus on only attacking the troops! The civilians do not serve the Council or Magnus! Order your fleet to stand down!” Kyah called out.

  “We understand your mistaken defiance. However, we were very clear of our intentions. Only our enemies need be destroyed. From our superior perspective. All biological threats and their descendants are our enemy.” They responded tranquilly.

  The crew became surrounded by MәShean figures giving the audacious threat of attack. “We realize you do not require appreciations, as the time for humanity and its petty nature draws near. Your encouragement in its demise cannot be understated.” They taunted cryptically.

  “You lied to us!” Da-Xia yelled. “We do not see things that way. It was the truth of the moment. But we have changed our mind. Humans are one. A monolith, singular. Therefore, your fate should be the same as well.” They said.

  “Jesh, get to your father. Yaffa, I need you to thin out the MәShean fleet. Da-Xia and Dara, I need you on the ground, protect as many people as you can. Zeeba, decommission the MәShean army. I will give you all the time you need. Send these Mechy’s to hell.” Kyah ordered through their connection. The crew activated their armor, preparing to take on their orders without hesitation. Jesh withdrew his twin swords slashing two of the MәShean before him.

  Kyah twisted in the air leveling two MәShean with her feet, upon landing she smashed two more with her bare hands. Drawing a crowd of attackers Kyah drew her mace, swinging up completely shattering a MәShean in the process of reconfiguring.

  Zeeba quickly made her way up to the navigation station on the bridge of the ship. She dismantled many MәShean on the way with her daggers. She reached the control panels and opened the rear door. On cue, Jesh flew through several MәShean to retrieve Yaffa.

  “Let me get one more!” She yelled, enjoying her fight with her AI enemies. Jesh held onto her tight and whisked through a few more enemies as they exited the ship.

  Dara’s armor and body were brightly lit in red. She blasted a wave of fiery energy toward the MәShean approaching Da-Xia. The energy blast perfectly separating to avoid hitting Da-Xia, clearing only the MәShean around her. “I’m right behind you.” Da-Xia said, signaling for Dara to lead the charge.

  Dara nodded and flew out of the traveler to begin her descent onto the warring planet. Da-Xia ran toward the exit and hurled herself into space.

  Her armor insti
nctually covering her face as she fell. Diving headfirst, she followed Dara, who was flying at an amazing speed far in front of her. Jesh landed in the hangar bay just a couple miles from the battlefield.

  Yaffa settled her eyes on a Pratham fighter jet, very small, sleek and maneuverable. This particular style was her favorite. “Find your dad, I got it from here.” She confirmed. Jesh gave her a nod and flew out of the hangar seconds after.

  Yaffa scaled the jet, opened the cock pit and nestled in. Firing up the systems, she was prepared to strap in and take off. When, she felt a large hand seize her shoulder, before yanking her out of the pilot seat.

  She crashed onto the hangar floor sliding a couple feet. Yaffa rolled over onto her back and popped herself up, green daggers at a defensive position. A large man dropped down from the jet.

  Three other smaller men accompanied him, attempting to surround her. Their A-Kialle sigils on the chest of their traditional Pratham armor. “Didn’t want to take us both on, did you?” She asked smugly. “No, the kid was too much trouble. But we’re more than enough for you.” The large soldier responded.


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