Real Vampires Have More to Love

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Real Vampires Have More to Love Page 19

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 19


  “Well, one’s really a favor for Flo. You remember my buddy Florence da Vinci. ”

  “Of course, the woman is unforgettable. ” Ray laughed. “What does she want?”

  “She’s getting married to Richard again, a big blowout, and would love for you to sing at their wedding. It’s while you’ll be here anyway. ” I heard a knock on the connecting door from the shop. “Hang on. Someone’s at the door. ” I sniffed. Greg Kaplan and Aggie? Hmm. I opened the door anyway. After all, I was safely in the back room of my own shop. I waved at Lacy to let her know that I’d yell if I needed her. I made a sign to Greg and Aggie that I’d be with them once I got off the phone.

  “Sure, I’ll sing at the wedding. Let me know if there’s a particular song she wants. ” Ray coughed again. “I hope like hell I don’t lose my voice. ”

  “Healing sleep should fix you right up. ” I realized I had Greg listening and was careful with what I said.

  “What’s the other favor?”

  “Rafe’s opening a club. ”

  “You talking about that mutt who used to be your overprotective bodyguard?” Ray actually growled. “What’s that got to do with me?”

  “Now, Ray, you’ve got to admit he saved my life and yours on more than one occasion. ” I smiled at Greg and Aggie. “I’ve got company so I can’t go into details, but think about doing me a personal favor and singing at the opening of Rafe’s club. ”

  “The guy had the hots for you, Glory. Why would I help him score?” Ray sounded like a spoiled child.

  “He’s not scoring any more than you are, and you know it. I’m Blade’s, uh, woman. Rafe said it just tonight. He knows it. Accepts it. Just like you have. The shifter stayed in dog body for five long years just to protect me. I think it would be cool of you to help get his club off the ground. I’d be grateful. ”

  “How grateful?” Ray sounded like the Devil himself angling for a soul.

  “Just think about it, Ray. I’ll call you tomorrow. Got to go now. ” I ended the call and looked up to see Greg grinning like he’d learned something useful. Oh, boy, did I hate that.

  “I swear, Glory, I don’t know how you get all these men dancing to your tune. ” Aggie tugged down her turquoise knit top in case Greg and I missed seeing the swells of her breasts. “I mean, you are absolutely nothing special, and those hips . . . ”

  “Thanks for the reality check, Aggie. ” I stuffed my cell phone in my pocket. “Guess some men have no taste. ” I looked pointedly at Greg. “Or maybe you two didn’t come in together. ”

  “No, we did. ” Greg grinned. “I’ve found that Sirens have many talents, some of them extremely useful. ”

  “Yes, Greg appreciates me. ” Aggie clung to his arm.

  “You left a message for me last night. What’s the deal? The samples for your party are already here. ” Greg walked over to the shelf, pulled out a gold bag and looked inside. “Doesn’t look like you tried them yet. Go nuts. Then you can order from the list. I’ve included bottles of three kinds of exotic brews as well as samples of vamp edibles you’re gonna go crazy for. ” Greg grinned like he knew things about me I’d rather he didn’t.

  Forget him. I glanced inside the bag, my mouth watering at the sight of what looked like real chips and salsa. And a cupcake! It wasn’t chocolate—I guess mean Simon Destiny saved that for EV headquarters—but I’d take white with strawberry icing any day. I dipped my finger into the icing and licked it.

  “Heaven. But this isn’t why I called last night. I have a question. About the night that I killed Brent Westwood. ”

  “Oh? Simon and I call that ‘the night Glory finally got her guts. ’ Brilliant of you. ” Greg smiled at Aggie. “She turned his own crossbow on the hunter and plugged him. ”

  “Then left Jerry’s daughter Lily and her pals to clean up the mess. Now Lily tells me that you came by and paid to take over the job. ” I couldn’t resist. I dug a chip out of the bag and bit into it. Salty and crunchy. My moan of ecstasy was downright embarrassing.

  “Yes, it was my own brilliant move of the night. Simon is calling that ‘the night Gregory became an invaluable asset. ’” Greg laughed, pulled the jar of salsa out of the bag and twisted off the cap. “Dip a chip in this, Glory. It’s spicy hot, delicious. ”

  What can I say? I’m easy. I dragged a chip through the bright red salsa and stuffed it in my mouth. Oh, yeah, on fire. I grabbed a bottle of something called Moch-A and took a swig. Coffee flavored. I had tears in my eyes and not from the hot sauce. I was in food lover’s Heaven. I hoped this stuff didn’t have consequences. I’d suffered after an encounter with Cheetos.

  “Wait a minute. Why did taking Brent Westwood’s body make you an invaluable asset?” Call me a pig, but I said this around a mouthful of cupcake.

  “That, dear Glory, is what you’re about to find out. ” Greg nodded to Aggie. “Do your thing, love bunny. ”

  “Swallow that bite, Glory, and wipe the frosting off your nose. What a pig. ” Aggie put her hands on her hips.

  Mortified, I swiped at my nose, then washed down the cupcake with another thirsty gulp of Moch-A. Man, those EVs knew their stuff. I glanced at the price list in the bag. Good thing Flo was paying because I sure couldn’t afford it. But Jerry could. Maybe I should break down and marry him. Was that a terrible reason to say vows? Aggie and Greg just watched me.


  “This. ” Aggie smiled and turned me to stone.

  Aggie and Greg carried me out between them like a five-foot-five-inch log. When my head whacked the edge of the back door, Aggie thought it was hilarious.

  “Quiet. She has a lot of nosy friends around here. We don’t need one of them riding to her rescue. ” Greg hit a remote, and the lights flashed on a black SUV with dark tinted windows.

  “Big deal. Then we’d have more statues for the alley. ” Aggie chuckled and let my hair brush the dirty concrete.

  “I don’t feel like dealing with the complications. ” Greg shoved my feet into the back of the vehicle.

  And what could I do about it? Zip. Not a damned thing. Couldn’t even blink. It had only been a few minutes, and my eyeballs already felt like sandpaper. I strained with every fiber of my being to move something. I shouted frantic mental messages in every direction. Apparently no one heard.

  “Poor Glory. You want to know where you’re going?” Greg patted me on the rump just before he crammed me the rest of the way in. “Not telling. Not until we’re well away from this shop of yours. I know you’re trying to call for help. ”

  I saw him take Aggie’s arm before he slammed the back door, leaving me in darkness. I could hear them arguing. Aggie wanted to come along, but Greg had strict orders to come alone.

  “What good is it going to do to have her out there like that? Nobody can take the freeze off her but me. ” Aggie sounded seriously pissed.

  “Trust me, Simon will thaw her out with a glance. Sorry, sweet thing, but we’ll go another time. We’ll have one of the luxury suites and a romantic weekend. This is business. ”

  Aggie changed tactics. “Combine business with pleasure, baby. ” I heard some sounds I didn’t want to analyze.

  “Sorry, but not tonight. Soon. Now I’ve got to go. ” Greg was out of breath but determined. Which just proved how scared of Simon he was. Because offer Greg sex and he was usually putty in your hands. Or at least I’d heard rumors to that effect. The overhead light blinked on then off when Greg got into the car and started the engine.

  “Guess you heard. So now you know where we’re headed. Not to worry, Glory. Simon won’t hurt you. Not if you cooperate. ”

  I lay there in the dark, rolling and bumping helplessly with every turn the SUV made, and figured this was it for me. Because I couldn’t imagine cooperating with Simon Destiny.

  What the hell did he want with me? To meet the mystery man the EV king had mentioned? Oh, yeah. Simon called him
self king of the EVs. Didn’t wear a crown, or at least I hadn’t seen one, but that didn’t mean the jerk didn’t keep one on his nightstand to impress the ladies insane enough to sleep with him. Another turn and I rolled until I lay facedown on the carpet, the rough nylon smashed against my nose.

  Would Simon give me to the energy-sucking goddess the EVs worshipped and feared? They’d built a gold-domed temple to her. The car swerved, and I slid to my back again, staring at a black ceiling and wondering if I could find a way to hurt Aggie before I died. I really, really wanted to take the Siren down.

  “Calm down, Glory. You’re broadcasting your thoughts pretty clearly, and you can forget hurting Aggie. Maybe this will help you chill. I bought this CD just for you. ” Ray’s voice suddenly filled the car. His new album. Of course I had it at home and in my car. Cut number three was a song Ray had written for me. When it came on, I wanted to cry bitter tears. Damn. Couldn’t squeeze out a single drop. I wanted Ray badly. He’d rip out Greg’s throat and sing while doing it.

  The music changed, faster, rocking hard. I lay there in the dark, awash first with hopelessness, then with a homicidal anger that had no place to go until the last song faded into silence.

  “Great. We’re here. Good thing. I know he’s a big deal, but I couldn’t take another second of your rock star’s wailing. ‘The Glory Years’? Gag me. ” Greg stopped the car, and the overhead light came on. His door slammed, then the back door opened. “Hey, could use some help here. Got a heavy package to unload. ”

  Greg grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out, then another man took my legs and they carried me across a parking lot to a large brick building. Once inside, they set me on my feet, Greg leaning me against a wall.

  “Get Simon, will you?” Greg ordered the other man.

  “No need. I’m here. ” Simon walked into the room, his weasel face all smiles. “Well done, Gregory. I see you used your Siren’s skills to subdue Gloriana. ” He walked close and brushed my cheek with a cold fingertip before he sniffed. “Strawberry?” He laughed. “She really went for that cupcake, didn’t she?”

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