Addicted to Her Curves

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Addicted to Her Curves Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  In her childish mind, whenever she went to the pool, she would always imagine a great white shark chasing her. She’d pretend to be fighting it off. It was crazy how some of her memories returned. Today, she settled on a simple breaststroke and didn’t think of sharks in the pool. She’d done a couple of laps and was resting at the edge of the pool when she caught sight of a pair of sneakers.

  Looking up, she recognized the sweatpants, and finally the man himself, Scott. All of his muscular chest was on display, and she nibbled on her lip as she looked at him. There was no doubt this man was a catch, but so was Beau. Both of them had a sexual magnetism she couldn’t deny.

  “Hello, you,” he said.


  “If I knew you were interested in joining the gym, I’d have given you a discount.”

  “Do you give that to all first-timers?”

  “Only in the New Year, but as my woman, I’d have given you free rein.”

  “I don’t mind paying.”

  “And now I have to wonder what else you have paid for?” he asked.

  “Huh?” She didn’t do well with this flirting. It was way out of her comfort zone and with every passing second, she proved it.

  He chuckled. “Did you book any classes with a trainer?”

  “Oh, no, hell, no. I only came here to check it out, you know, maybe have a swim. That’s about it.” She shrugged. “I happen to know this really great guy and he’s been telling me about this place for a long time. I figured I should check it out. You’ve got a great pool.”

  “It’s the best.”

  “It certainly is.” She glanced around her. In the few laps she’d taken, the pool had emptied.

  “We’re near closing time.”

  “Oh, shit, you are?” She quickly lifted herself out of the pool and stood. In only a swimsuit, she realized how naked she really was.

  “Chloe told me we had a new member and she didn’t know where you went. She hadn’t given you the tour.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. You never do for me.” He reached out and stroked her arm. Just from that one touch, she felt on fire. “Would you like the tour?”

  “If you want. I’ll have to change first.”

  “No need to. I’m the boss. I’ve got all the keys, and I’ll bring you back.”

  “I’ll get water everywhere.”

  “I don’t mind. Come on.” He took her hand and she glanced down at his pants. Before he had a chance to move away, she caught sight of his erection. He was hard.

  Now she was starting to sound like a teenage girl even in her own head.

  She was only in a one-piece but even still, she’d made him hard, and for some odd reason, that made her exceedingly happy.

  “Before we go, if you are ever wanting lessons or to train, I don’t want anyone else instructing you.”

  “Why not?” she asked.

  “Simple, I can handle Beau touching you. In fact, I can’t wait to see his dick sliding deep inside you while I get to watch, but no one else, no man or woman, will get the pleasure of feeling or touching, or in any way becoming acquainted with your body. You belong to me and Beau.”

  “I haven’t even given you an answer.”

  “He called me to let me know you were on the loose and he got the sense you wanted to talk. Well, I know what it is you want, and I’m not presuming. There’s no judgment here, baby. I can’t wait to get my hands on you. Until then, I’ll show you my gym.”


  Owning this gym had been his pride and joy for a long time. Scott had planned this from the ground up, just as Beau had his mechanic shop. They had both wanted to be businessmen, working for themselves, and not at the whims of someone else. When he first opened this gym, he knew people had doubts about the longevity of it. People didn’t for a second think it would stay, but it had flourished. He had people from several towns over who wanted to use it. He prided himself on being the best he could be, and that was exactly what he was.

  When they got to his office, he nodded at a couple of the awards he had won. “I’m not trying to brag.”

  “You totally should be bragging. I mean, look at them. It’s freaking crazy. The gym aside, the pool is a dream. I love it and now I’m pleased I actually joined.” She spun in his office and moved toward his window.

  Her curves were on full display as she looked out.

  Her ass called to him and he couldn’t deny himself the chance of getting his hands on her. He moved right up behind her and cupped her hips.

  He heard her gasp and pressed his lips to her neck. “Hello, beautiful,” he said.

  “This place is amazing, Scott. You really should be proud.”

  “I am.”


  He couldn’t help but slide his hand to her stomach. She didn’t protest, not even when he moved down to cup her pussy.

  Her breathing deepened and rather than stay still, he stroked her, feeling her body melt against his as he touched her.

  “Do you have any idea what it is you do to me?” he asked, nibbling at her neck.


  He pressed his cock against her back. “Now do you have an idea?” He slipped a finger beneath her swimsuit and touched her.


  “If it’s too much, tell me to stop. Tell me you don’t want this, and that you came to turn us both down.”

  Her teeth sank into her lip and no words were spoken. She didn’t contradict him. “Tell me,” he said, needing her to.

  “I can’t.”

  “You want this?”


  “Good, because I want you so fucking bad.” He slid through her slit, touching her clit. She spread her legs open wider and he followed the seam down to her entrance. She was soaking wet, and he plunged into her, knuckle deep. Adding a second finger, he began to fuck her, going deeper, spreading her wider, wanting her more than anything.

  She was tight.

  He wasn’t a small man.

  If he fucked her, he’d hurt her.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he led her back to his desk. He cupped her face and tugged her close to kiss her hard. His tongue traced across her lip and she opened up for him. Her hands went to his chest, sliding up to curl around his neck as he deepened the kiss. She opened her mouth and he plunged inside, tasting her.

  “Scott,” she said, moaning his name.

  It was so fucking precious.

  He had no choice but to break from the kiss. He needed to see her. Taking one strap of her swimsuit, he slid it down her arm, exposing her tit to his gaze. So pretty. So perfect. With the other strap, he did the same and she didn’t try to hide, for which he was so fucking grateful.

  Reaching forward, he stroked his tongue across each peaked bud. She dropped her head back, crying out as he took a bite. He soothed the pain with a slide of his tongue.

  She gripped the back of his head and he relished the feeling.

  After pushing the swimsuit past her hips, he made sure it fell to the floor. Stepping back, he finally got to see his woman. She gripped the edge of his desk.

  No hiding. She lifted up and spread her legs.

  Gripping her thighs, he held them open even wider as he stared into her eyes. “You do know by doing this, you’ve declared yourself ours.”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Good, because Beau will be arriving any minute.”

  “You wanted an answer today, and I’m giving you my answer.”

  “Why are you so nervous?” he asked.

  “Wouldn’t you be? This is the first relationship I’ve been in since I got here. I have every reason to be.”

  “Not with me and Beau. We’ll take care of you. We’ll worship you like the queen you are.”

  “I don’t want this to get out,” she said. “That’s my only condition. If we do this, then as far as the town cares, we’re just friends. All three of us. If this doesn’t work
, I don’t want to have to consider leaving. I like it here.”

  “Nothing is going to happen,” Beau said, letting himself into the room.

  Scott wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around so Beau got a nice look at her.

  From the look on his friend’s face, he was in heaven, just like him. She really was perfect for them. She fit so right.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” Beau said.

  “I’m about to spread her out on my desk and take a taste of her pussy. Care to join me?” Scott asked.

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “We’re really going to be doing this, aren’t we?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said. “Are you ready for that?” Scott didn’t want to hold back. If she was nervous about the town finding out, then he knew he and Beau would work together to accommodate what she needed.

  Connie looked at him then at Beau and nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  He spun her so her back was pressed to his desk and he lifted her up, spreading those legs, putting her wet pussy on display.

  This was what he was talking about. He’d lost count of the number of times he wanted her like this. Open, willing, at their mercy.

  He hadn’t told Beau this, but he’d imagined her between them long before he’d even suggested it to his friend. Now he got to have the best of both worlds.


  Seeing Connie like this was a dream come true.

  There was no way Beau’s dick could get any harder.

  With her spread out on Scott’s desk, he couldn’t wait for her to visit him at his office. He kept a neat station, and there were many dirty things he wanted to do to her.

  Scott put his hands on her knees, sliding them up, keeping her thighs open. Beau stepped in close and saw her pussy. She was neatly trimmed between her thighs. The lips spread open and the fine hairs were wet with her arousal. Her clit was swollen and she had a pretty cunt.

  He couldn’t wait to have a taste.

  For now, he watched as Scott licked from her clit down to her entrance and back up again.

  She cried out, her hands clenching into fists.

  “Perfect,” Scott said. “Have a taste.”

  He moved out of the way, and Beau wasn’t going to argue with him. Touching her thighs, he didn’t go straight in for a lick of her pussy. Instead, he slid his fingers up her body, teasing her nipples. They were nice hard points and his dick … he wanted those tits pressed together as he fucked them.

  Releasing her tits, he gripped her thighs and sucked on her clit, tasting her, eating her pussy.

  Her entire body tightened as she gasped and he released her clit to lick down. He couldn’t resist plunging his tongue inside her, feeling how tight she was, and knowing he was going to be fucking her soon.

  Stepping back, he let Scott eat her as he slid his hand into his pants, adjusting himself. He really should have changed out of jeans. Scott knew what he was doing with the loose sweatpants he wore.

  Moving toward the top of the desk, he cupped her cheek. Her eyes opened. Her cheeks were flushed. “Scott knows how to eat pussy, doesn’t he?” he asked.

  She cried out, arching up.

  After running his hands down her body, he held her tits, teasing them as she melted against him. She really was perfect.

  “I want to suck your cock,” she said, surprising him. She reached out and her hand cupped him, feeling how stiff he was. “Let me.”

  Damn it, she was asking him permission? She didn’t need to ask him for anything.

  Once he’d opened the zipper of his jeans, he lowered his pants down and took out his cock. He had to be careful as there was no way he was going to allow pain to interrupt this. Personally, he’d have preferred a bed, but to seal the deal and make her theirs, it was the office, and then he wouldn’t argue.

  He’d spent way too long wanting this woman, craving her to even think of complaining about where their first time would be.

  With Scott’s face pressed against her pussy, Connie wrapped her fingers around his shaft, and he moved closer. She licked the tip, which already had a great deal of pre-cum. Seeing her naked, spread out, there was no way he was not going to be aroused. She was a sight to behold, a perfect, beautiful, sweet, charming, sexy woman. There were not enough words to begin to describe her.

  He wanted her.

  Plain and fucking simple.

  She sucked on his dick and he moved, giving her a better angle. After removing his shirt, he cushioned her neck on the edge of the desk, not wanting her to get into any kind of pain. Watching her mouth wrap around him, he couldn’t keep his attention for long. Between her mouth, and seeing Scott lick her, he was close to coming.

  He hadn’t had a woman in a long time. The only pleasure he’d gotten was by his own hand. With each pull and suck, he was close.

  Thrusting into her mouth, he was careful. The next time she licked his cock, he was going to make sure he was going to be able to fuck her mouth, to go deep in her throat.

  She moaned around his dick, and the pleasure rushed through his body.

  He didn’t want to close his eyes, nor did he want it to end, but Scott was determined. He pushed her to an orgasm and as she did, she took more of Beau’s cock, setting off his own release.

  There was no time to ask if she wanted a mouthful of his cum. He spilled between her lips and he felt her swallow, milking him of every single drop. When there was no more, he pulled from her mouth, collapsed to the floor, and kissed her hard.

  They were both panting.

  “Damn, that was amazing. I’m so sorry,” he said.

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “I came in your mouth. I didn’t ask.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t mind at all.” She suddenly gasped.

  “Do you have a problem with me fucking your pussy?” Scott asked.

  Looking up, he saw Scott had plunged two fingers inside her. He’d pushed his sweatpants off, and his cock stood out.

  “Because I want you so bad and I don’t want to wait.”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “I don’t want you to wait.”


  He retrieved a condom and Beau watched as he rolled it over his dick. In that split second, he became aware of safe sex and the fact he wanted to ride Connie bareback, but also, the need to fill her with his cum, to have her womb full with their child. The thoughts and feelings were so fast, rushed even, and he couldn’t control them. He only knew what he wanted and how desperate he was to have them.

  He watched as Scott filled her pussy, their moans filling the office. This was the start of something special but for Beau, he wanted it to be so much more.

  Chapter Four

  The following morning, Scott finished with the toast, scrambling the tofu, and grilling the tomatoes. He liked to have a good breakfast in the morning, and there was nothing wrong with a vegan alternative either. Beau was all for the meat, but he wasn’t.

  “You’re not going to fry me up any bacon?” Beau asked, coming into the kitchen.

  “I don’t even buy the stuff. You know that.”

  “I do, but how do you know if our woman is going to appreciate that?”

  “I’ve fed it to you before and you liked it. I’m taking a chance.”

  “On tofu?” Beau asked.

  Scott rolled his eyes. His best friend clearly had something on his mind. “Do you want to stop arguing about tofu and tell me what’s really on your mind?” He put the food back into the oven to keep warm.

  Connie was still fast asleep and they had a couple of minutes. After fucking her on his desk, they’d come to his place, where they had all made love again into the night. It had been the best experience of his life, but he wanted to feel her again. There was no doubt in his mind they were good together.

  They were all getting used to one another and he was determined to make this work, by using any means necessary. His friendship with Beau more important to him. He knew Beau inside and out
and when there was something on his mind, he knew.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Beau, don’t lie to me. We can’t do that. Not if we want this to work. Did it bother you last night? Me having her first?”

  “What? No, of course not. You’ve yet to feel how good her mouth is.”

  “Then what is it?” he asked.

  “I … how far do you want this to go?”

  Scott frowned. “I’m not following you.”

  “This with Connie. Is this a bit of fun to you? Are you hoping to sate yourself on her and then move on to the next woman?”

  “Okay, did you hit your head or something?”

  “I’m not joking around. This is serious.”

  “I’m not joking around either. I want to know what the fuck is going on because as far as I’m concerned, I’m in this for life, Beau. This isn’t just some weekend or a month fling. I want Connie as my woman. I even want her as my wife and yeah, I’ve thought about kids as well. I want all of it.” He wanted to have the happy marriage. The kids. The house. Coming home to a woman or her returning from work. He didn’t care which way it was. He didn’t expect Connie to give up her life or the bar for them.

  He knew deep down if they all wanted the same things, they could make it work. They were going to.

  “Good,” Beau said.


  “Yeah, because it means we’re on the same page.”

  “I’d like to know when you thought we weren’t on the same page?” Scott asked. “I’m not in the habit of chasing after women for a fling. Connie’s different. I thought we were both agreed on these terms.” He needed to clarify matters.

  “Just ignore me. I don’t know why I’m even doubting us. I want Connie for forever. Last night, after watching her, seeing you, being inside her, I know I don’t want this to be a quick fling. I want her to be the mother of my children. I want to build a life with her.”

  “We both want the same thing then,” Scott said, happy with the outcome.

  “But what if she doesn’t?” he asked.

  Scott frowned.

  “You put the condom on last night and all I thought about was coming in her pussy. Getting her pregnant.”

  “Whatever happens, we can’t force this decision on her,” Scott said.


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