Cole's Salvation

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Cole's Salvation Page 5

by Elisa Leigh

  “I didn’t want any panty lines.” she pants.

  “You’re making a mess of your pussy baby. Do you want me to clean it up?”

  “Mmm, please. I need to feel you, Cole.”

  Swiping my tongue over her wet pussy, my eyes almost roll in the back of my head from her sweet taste. “Use your hands baby and spread your lips apart.”

  She listens immediately and opens herself up to me, showing me her pussy and little pink asshole that I’ll be claiming sooner rather than later. Leaning in, I lick from her clit all the way to her ass, where I stop to swirl my tongue around. She jerks when she feels me there, but I hold her still until I’m done making her crazy.

  “You’re pulling away because you think it’s wrong to like what I’m doing. Nothing about what we do to each other or with each other could ever be wrong Aubree.”

  She moans and spreads herself wider for me. Fuuuck, I love this woman. I take my time loving on her pussy, getting her ready for me. Knowing I’m about to claim my woman has me on edge. I reach my hand up so she can take my hand. “Lie down baby.”

  Taking my hand, she lies on the rug in front of the fire. “You have no idea how beautiful you are my mate.”

  Standing above her, I grab her ankle and slide the scraps of her leggings off her and throw them into the fire. When they catch fire, the large flames cast a warm glow against her skin. I’m a lucky man. The mating heat has taken over, and there’s a hunger I’ve never seen in her eyes before.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” She answers and opens her thighs wide showing me my prize. “I need you to mate me, Cole. I need to feel you deep inside me when you seal our souls together as one.”

  Dropping my jeans as fast as possible, I position myself at her entrance ready to make her mine. Rubbing my dick through her pussy lips, I thrust in shallowly, testing to make sure she’s ready.

  “No teasing tonight. I need you now.” She moans and wraps her heels around my ass and pulls me in closer.

  I thrust inside her deep, my balls hitting her ass and pull out and thrust in again just as hard and fast as before. Leaning over her, I rest my elbow above her shoulder while I rest my hand against the pulse point at her neck, knowing this is the spot I’ll be claiming her. In minutes I feel her pussy start to flutter around my dick, and I pull back needing to change positions. “Baby, come sit on my lap and ride me.”

  Sitting up, I brace myself with my hands behind me and wait for her to sit on the throne and become my queen. Aubree crawls on her hands and knees, stopping inches from my dick. I quirk my eyebrow at her, and she grins. She licks her lips before opening her mouth and licking up the base of my shaft. This woman is going to kill me. Sucking my dick into her mouth, she gets a few inches down before pulling off of me “You’re too big.” She pouts.

  “Hold my dick with your hand, then move your hand while sucking me into your mouth.” I offer.

  Smiling she does exactly as I told her and in less than a minute, I’m close to spilling my cum down her throat instead of inside her pussy. “Baby you have to stop.”

  “I just started.”

  “And if you kept going, I wouldn’t have been able to control myself. Now get your ass up here. I need to be inside you.”

  She stands, and I help her kneel and straddle me. In this position, we’re both sitting up and facing each other. “Wrap your arm around my neck to steady yourself, baby.”

  I grab her hips and start moving her over me until she’s got her own rhythm down and is taking my dick places we’ve never felt before. This is both new for us and sharing these experiences are just one of the many things I love about her. When she starts speeding up her pussy starts to flutter around me, I know she’s on the verge of coming. I kiss her deeply before kissing down her neck and sucking hard on the spot, the one I’ve been eyeing for weeks.

  “Yes, Cole. Right there.” She moans and starts to unravel. My canines elongate, and I bite down, hard, making sure my mark is deep and lasting. As soon as the tang of her blood hits my tongue, I release her from between my teeth and lick the wound closed. I’m about to tell her to bite me when she grabs my hair and pulls my head to the side. Her blunt human teeth bite down on my neck in the same place I bit her, but it’s not enough.

  “Harder love, as hard as you can. I’m going to wear this mark for the rest of my life. I want everyone to see and know instantly that you’ve claimed your alpha mate.” Her teeth dig in harder, but it’s not until I feel her teeth elongate, that I realize she’s already started to change. Knowing that she’s already mine has me coming instantly inside her tight hot pussy. When her teeth pierce through my skin, she pulls back and licks my wound closed and looks up at me with a satisfied grin.



  We’ve been laying on the rug in front of the fire, under a warm blanket for a while now, just basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking talking about what changes I might expect. I’ve been drawing lazy circles over the skin of his abdomen wondering how things are going to change for us. “Everything will work out Aubree, I promise, just as it should.” Cole sits up, and I grab him to pull him back down to me, but he slips out of my grasp. “Where are you going?”

  “Not far my love,” Cole says and kisses my forehead then moves toward the fireplace to add another log to the fire. I sit up, letting the blanket pool around my waist as I watch my man. How is this my life? I never would have imagined my life would turn out this way. I run my fingers over the pendant at my neck and realize it has brought me the best luck imaginable.

  “Cover up,” He says quickly snapping me out of my thoughts, and only seconds before I hear the back door open and the sound of his brother’s voices. Cole stands in front of me to block me from their view. “Go outside and wait for me to call you in.”

  “What? Why? You asked us to follow up on that thing and to let you know what we found out. Well, we’re here.” Slate says sounding irritated.

  “Go the fuck outside,” Cole says in a far angrier tone than I’ve ever heard him use.

  “Slate,” Gabe says in a hushed voice.

  I peak around him to see them both staring at my bra that has made it across the room somehow. “Could you boys give us a minute?” I ask in a calming tone.

  “Sure thing Aubree. Let’s go, Slate.” Gabe pulls Slate by the shirt, and they head back toward the door. Slate grumbles under his breath, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. What is with him? Gabe seems so easy going, but Slate has always been upset whenever he’s been around me.

  Once the door is closed, I stand and place the palm of my hand on Cole’s back. “Easy love, things are changing, and they will need to get used to it,” I say feeling the anger emanating off him in waves.

  When he turns, I realize he’s still naked. “We’ve been shifting in front of each other for years. Nudity isn’t as big a deal to shifters since it’s more common.”

  “How’d you know what I was thinking?”

  “The same way I know how much you love me.” He says, placing his hand over my heart. “Feel how much I love you, Aubree, how much of my heart you own.” I don’t need to touch him to know. We are mates, I felt it the entire time we laid there in each other's arms. “I can feel your emotions in the same way that I feel my own. I’ll never be able to know exactly what you’re thinking, but I’ll know how you’re feeling.”

  I reach up on my tiptoes, but I’m still not tall enough to reach so he bends down so I can brush my lips against his. “I love you too, Cole.”

  After we’re dressed Cole walks out, the anger he was feeling a few minutes ago gone, to get his brothers, but when he comes in Ruby is with them, and she doesn’t look happy to be here. “We need to talk y'all.”

  Her face brightens immediately when she sees my claiming mark. “Wait a gosh darn minute. Are you two mated?”

  “Yep,” I say excitedly as Cole pulls me into his side and wraps his arm around my middle.

  Her eyes twinkle, a
nd I know that her mind is working a million miles a minute. “Have you shifted yet?”

  “No, but my teeth changed to help me leave his claiming mark.”

  “This is so cool. I’ve never met anyone who has transitioned before. Promise me you’ll let me be there the first time you change.”

  “Ruby, take it easy. This is going to be a big deal, and I want Aubree as calm as possible, so it goes well. When she’s ready, we’ll all go on a run together. How’s that sound?”

  She nods at Cole, and I’m finally seeing what he was talking about when it comes to him and his siblings. He’s not only the oldest, but he’s their alpha. I guess he’s my alpha now too.

  “Sorry Aubree, I just got excited. It’s only been these three for so long. It’s going to be awesome to have you in the family now.” She says hugging me tightly.

  “The wolves are back,” Slate says, standing against one of the walls with his arms crossed at his chest.

  Cole’s easy smile is replaced with a snarl. I lace my hand with his. “Who are the wolves?”

  “They killed my father and made it look like an animal attack. Then they left town. We haven’t seen or had any other involvement with them since.”

  “It doesn’t make sense. Why hit town to kill our father and leave?” Gabe asks shaking his head.

  “We followed them from Aubree’s Jeep into the forest. From there we trailed them a few miles in before the trail split up in several directions. Slate and I followed one, but it just went in circles. They’re messing with us Cole.” Slate says.

  “You need to go and talk to Luke Hart and let him know what’s going on. He needs to be aware of this too.” Ruby adds in.

  I’m about to ask, but Cole already knows. I love this being mated thing, it’s so convenient. “Luke Hart is the alpha of the mountain lion pride here in Havenwood. We’re not exactly on speaking terms though.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they’re lions and we’re bears. The lions like to keep to themselves, plus they were here first. They seem to think we’re encroaching on their land.” Gabe shrugs, answering my question.

  “I have a feeling this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better big brother. We’re going to need some help.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. Gabe, come with me?”

  “Of course, whatever you need. You know that.” He says smiling genuinely.

  “Welcome to the family, sis,” Ruby says handing out shots of whiskey to everyone. “Welcome.” They all say before we drink.



  Ruby was right when she said that things were going to get a lot worse. She was also right when she said they would get better, but that is a story for another time.

  I moved in with Cole the very night that we claimed each other, but it was more like I never went home again. After a couple nights Gram called Cole out on it, and he told her that I was his woman and I belonged in his home. She never did say anything about it after that. Gram did expect us over for dinner a couple nights a month, and we were more than happy to go.

  Soon after we were mated, Cole slid a diamond ring on my finger, after asking my Gram for permission to marry me of course. When he told me he did that, I couldn’t help but laugh. What was the man going to do if she said no? She didn’t by the way.

  My shifting didn’t come as easy as other things in our life had. The first time I tried shifting into my bear, it was excruciating. Because they were born as shifters, they had been doing it since they were babies. Shifting was as natural as breathing for them. To me, it was like trying to breathe underwater. Cole eventually had to coax my bear out after a few weeks of not being able to shift. Once the shy girl was out, she was loveable as can be. Crazy enough my bear and Slates’s bear took a liking to each other. Seems that his bear found peace in the company of my very submissive bear. In a clan of very dominant black bear shifters, my submissive bear was like a balm in the midst of things.

  It was after my first shift around everyone, and we were just hanging out at our house when Slate gave me the biggest big brother hug and really welcomed me into the family. He apologized for how he had treated me at first and opened up about what he was struggling with. My heart hurt for him, and I hoped he would eventually find peace.

  I became pregnant with our twins after only a couple of months. Our daughters Chrysanthemum and Hydrangea were born six months later, who knew shifter’s pregnancies weren’t as long, score! Lavender was born almost a year later with Poppy following a few years after that. Cole wanted a son and on our last try Gentry was born when Poppy was five.

  “How are you feeling love?” Cole asks, dropping a kiss on my forehead before he adds another log to the fire.

  “Oh, you know me, I’m just pregnant for the umpteenth time.”

  “Umpteenth meaning the fifth time?”

  “I’m counting this as my sixth time since Chrissy, and Gea’s pregnancy was double the fun.”

  “Whatever you want to call it love is fine with me. But, by your logic, this would be your sixth and seventh pregnancy.”

  I snap my fingers and point at him. “By golly, you’ve got it!”

  “Damn you’re snarky tonight.” He laughs coming over to rub my feet that I’ve already placed in his lap.

  “I’m just cranky. Gentry is teething so if he’s having a rough go of it, that means so is everyone else.”

  “Speaking of everyone else, where are the girls?”

  “Gabe offered to take them for a few hours when he stopped by earlier. I shoved them out of the house so fast, you’d have been proud. And, Gentry is finally down for a nap.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is we could have some alone time?” He asks wiggling his eyebrows.”

  I pat his face. “Oh love, you can spend some alone time out here, and I’ll do it in our bed.”

  “What if I promise to cuddle and not try and bury my snake in your garden.”

  “You’ve been around the girls too long.” He laughs but helps to get me to the bed and comfortable before he lays behind me stroking my hair.

  “I love you, baby.”

  The End

  Author’s Note

  Cole’s Salvation is book one in the Black Hills Shifters series. This is not the end for Cole and Aubree. You will see them again throughout the rest of the series. Please look for Slate’s Surrender, which is due to come out soon, written by M. Merin.


  M Merin, thank you for going on this journey with me. I can’t thank you enough for being a kind friend. I can’t wait for our readers to get their hands on Slate and then the rest of the series.

  MK Moore, thank you for beta reading Cole’s Salvation. Can’t wait for what’s yet to come! #unicornsquad

  KL Fast, you’re amazing! #unicornsquad

  Jeb, thank you for supporting my dreams and constantly encouraging me to look on the bright side of things.

  ARC readers, thank you for taking the time to read Cole’s Salvation. Your reviews mean a great deal to me and I look forward to reading all of them.

  New and returning readers, thank you for taking a chance and reading Cole’s Salvation. If you loved it, please consider leaving a review.

  Meet the Author


  Author of the Panthera Security series, the Steel Daggers MC series and the All For Love series, Elisa Leigh writes steamy love stories about men who know exactly what they want from their lady love, that being everything and forever.

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  Forever Alpha Beauties (Reader Group)

  Twitter & Instagram: @eleighauthor

  You can follow her on Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub to stay up to date on upcoming releases.

re Books


  Panthera Security

  Finally, Our Forever

  Keeping Our Forever

  Fighting Our Forever

  Book 4 Cash Owens (TBD)

  Book 5 Adam Kingston (TBD)

  Steel Daggers MC

  His Sweet Treat

  Thanking Her Hero

  Their Holly Bell

  Saving His Princess

  Hacked By Love

  Book 6 (Coming 2019)

  All For Love with MK Moore

  All For Erica at Christmas

  All For Gemma (TBD 2018)

  Holding On

  Holding Onto Kinsley

  Holding Onto Becca (Coming 2019)

  Clearwater Curves Novella Series

  (Created with M.K. Moore, C.M. Steele, and KL Fast)

  Sweet Curves

  Kennison Ranch

  Roped Into Love

  Lassoing Her Heart (Coming Soon)




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