Irresistible Invitation: Love comes after Hate

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Irresistible Invitation: Love comes after Hate Page 47

by S. S. Sahoo

  “What are these things?” he questioned and I shrugged “My game, my rules”

  “Whatever! Just ask your questions and finish this all,” he said and turned around but then stopped when I opened my mouth “The interesting part of this game is the fewer clothes I have on me the fewer is your winning chances,” I said and like a bolt of electricity he turned around with widened eyes.

  “Wh- What did you just say?” he asked even though he heard me.

  “You heard it. The game is simple. I will ask you questions and you will answer, the wrong answer will make me strip something from my body but at the same time, a right answer will make me put the thing back on me. So, in simple terms the lesser the clothes I will have on me... You lose,” I smirked when he gave me a disbelief look.

  “What type of game is this?” he breathed out looking out of breath all of sudden.

  “The usual, haven’t you played this type of game before?” I questioned and he narrowed his eyes at me “Oh you have played this type of game beforehand?” he cross-questioned me.

  “Of course!” I shrugged my shoulders at him.

  “With whom? with that Emm-”

  “Stop thinking it that level huh! Of course, I have played this type of game beforehand but only with girls and it was keeping money or belongings instead of stripping clothes,” I answered checking my nails.

  “So why are yo- I mean yo- Why you play- str- wi-th I mean befo- me,” he kept on stuttering like an old record.

  “Are you done?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Shall we play or are you afraid?” I questioned mocking him in the process.

  “Afraid?” he questioned back.

  “Afraid that you will lose of course!” I shrugged my shoulders and wiggled my eyebrows at him.

  “Who do you think I am?” he asked as he took a step forward but I held my hand out for him to stop.

  “Whoever you are! Just tell me will if you are in,” I said and he adjusted his suit before nodding reluctantly.

  “Good!” I smirked at him.

  “Take a seat,” I gestured the couch and he looked down before walking to it and taking a seat on it.

  “You remember the rul-”

  “I bloody remember! Now start the game,” he snapped at me. I raised my eyebrows at him and on his behavior before dragging the chair from the dining table before him.

  Taking a seat on the chair, I made sure that every move of mine should look sexy. I can’t forget what he told me last night Don’t touch me... I’ll make sure his body crave for me and only me.

  “So let’s start with an easy question,” I smiled at him to which he rolled his eyes at me.

  “I have seen you watching football most of the time so, Who won the Best Footballer 2016 in the World?” I asked and he scoffed at me “Cristiano Ronaldo,” he answered and I clapped a little “Right answer,”

  “Who is the UN secretary general?”

  “Antonio Guterres,” he answered correctly without any hesitation.

  “Mostly which gases found of the planet Jupiter?”

  “Simple Hydrogen and Helium,” he answered looking proud when I smiled at him for answering the correct answer.

  “To the next one, Who is the founder of the social networking service Twitter?” at this question I saw he looked little nervous.

  I knew he had no knowledge about social media sites because he used none but then he answered “Mark Zuckerberg,” he said and I exhaled out air as I shifted on my position keeping my hands on my knees I smiled at him “He is the founder of Facebook, Mr. Sullivan. So, congratulations for your first wrong answer,” I smirked when I raised my hand to strip something from my body and I watched as the color drained from his face. Probably he thought I would strip my clothes off. But then I removed my earrings as I kept it before him on the coffee table which was the only thing that separated us.


  “Who discovered first the blood circulation?”

  “How in the world will I know-”

  “Ah! ah! This is against the rules. You can’t speak anything else than the answer,” I reminded him and he made up a face but then I removed my heels slowly “Rules are Rules” I smiled at him when I noticed his eyes trained on my moves.

  “Who invented contact lenses?”

  “Your father!” he replied more like snapped angrily but to my benefit going against the rules.

  “No, he didn’t! Minus point!” I glared at him and said in a mocking tone as I removed the bracelet and watch from my wrist.

  “Next... Who...” the game continued with him answering questions correct which made me put the things back on me that I had removed earlier but then he would answer and some he couldn’t answer because even I didn’t know the answer of who invented a pencil.

  “What is the name of the first Romanian fiction film?” I questioned and he averted his gaze away from my face.

  “I guess you don’t know that!” I said and unhooked the first button just below my already plunging neck which enabled more skin to flash.

  As I looked back at Zachary he was looking back at me or should I say on my...

  “Who is the President of France?” I questioned

  “Emmanuel Macron,” he answered correctly which made me undo my move by hooking the first button back on. He looked disappointed all of a sudden as he shifted on his position and looked at me.

  “Who is the president of America?” I asked and he opened his mouth to answer “D- Barack Obama,” he answered and that literally brought a smile on my face.


  “Wrong! It’s Donald Trump. In which year do you live?” I asked sounding irritated but I unhooked the hook once again and I watched as he moved forward in his place. His eyes still on my bosom.

  “So what is the capital of-”

  “Fuck it!” he stood up from his place and I smirked in triumphant “and you lose” I whispered.

  I watched as he huffed out air, his chest rumbling and his hands balled into fists. His eyes color had changed by the time he took long strides to reach me and pulling me by my arms he pulled me up. Instead of brown eyes what I witnessed was deep brown eyes with dilated pupils which only indicated lust. He pulled me to him and angled his face as if he was going to kiss me but before he could I put my palm on his mouth which caught him off guard because he looked at me with questioning yet desire filled eyes.

  “You can’t touch me!” I reminded him.

  He pulled my hand off his mouth and held my head “I can do whatever I want,” forcibly he tried to kiss me but then I turned my head and tried to push him off me.

  “Stop resisting me god damn it!” he said frustrated which made me want to laugh on his face.

  “I am just following your wishe-wishes. You told me not to touch you yes-” he cut me off as he got hold of my hand and folded it backward pulling me close to him.

  “Forget that I ever uttered that stupid thing,” he said and once again tried to kiss me only for me to turn my head blocking his kiss. But then his lips ended on my cheek that made the things even worse. I had never really imagined that I would have to handle him in this condition. To make things worse than it already was he started placing wet kisses all over my face and then on my neck which made my knee go jelly.

  This is not good...

  I will literally give up to him.

  But I can’t.

  Not until I hear what I wanted to hear.

  “Zachary! Za-Zachary! Zac!” I snapped at him when he continued ignoring my pleas to stop.

  But I don’t really want him to stop...

  But then...I can’t let him touch me until I hear it again.

  But like a magic, it worked. He stopped his assaults and looked at me.

  Hmm... I guess it worked.

  “What did you just say?” he asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

  “I said sto-”

  “No! Not that what did you just say now?” he questioned and trying to recall w
hat I actually said the name left my mouth even before I realized it “Zac?” I said slowly and watched as his eyes dilated and contracted but then a different emotion appeared on his face and before I could question what’s wrong his lips were on mine.

  Disabling me from moving from my place he held my hands firmly on my back as he ravished my lips as he kissed me passionately and wildly not even letting me speak, completely ignoring my pleas. As much as I hate to confess it but I was starting to give in to his kisses and affection. So badly, that at one point I stopped resisting and let him do whatever he wanted but then as if someone threw a bucket full of water on me I opened my eyes once again resisting to him when he pulled away. Both of us were breathless as we panted and breathed in desperately for air.

  “Today, you are mine!” he said all of a sudden and before I could open my mouth he let go of my hand and in a swift moment carried me up in bridal style.

  “Zachary! Zachary!” I gasped in shock and held his collar scared for my life.

  “Put me down! Zachary! Put me down” I yelled when he took long strides towards his room and the next thing I knew was me being thrown on something soft like feather and I bounced on it due to the effect of my fall but before I could throw a fit or yell at him for throwing me he was already hovering over me.

  “Zachary! You jerk! Get off!” I pushed on his chest while he pulled me to him by my waist and sat on top of me.

  “What the hell are you doing? Ah!” I complained when he started stripping himself.

  “Playing my own stripping game, cause I can’t make love you while I am dressed. I need to be naked and I need to strip yo-”

  “Stop! Stop!” I put my hands on my ears stopping myself from hearing whatever he was saying.

  Damn my love hormones!

  Damn my love for him!

  My heartbeat speeds up on every single comment he makes.

  Damn! that butterflies on my stomach.

  Damn you Cupid!

  I am just fed up with my heart for reacting to every single thing he does. Every single little thing of him makes me want to want him and love him more.

  “Zachary get off!” I tried to put on a serious face as I warned him to get off but to my shock, all he did was remove his suit and then unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt allowing me to see his well-defined sculpted chest.

  “Oh wo- No! Juliette! get a hold on yourself!” mentally scolding myself I tried to push him once again.

  “Stop resisting. I know you want me else you wouldn’t have played that stupid game with me. This is all your fault!” he said as he continued unbuttoning his shirt until his navel but then his hands directly went down and lifted my left leg up in the air by holding it just below my knees as he adjusted himself and pulled me more to him as I continued wiggling and resisting him.

  He landed on top of me and as I was wiggling he seemed like he lost his balance and he tumbled on me.

  “Z-achary!” I breathed out because of his weight on me.

  But that didn’t stop him. Raising my leg in the air he positioned himself on me and his lips ended up on the valley on my breast taking the air out of my lungs out of shock.

  “Zachary!” I snapped at him for his irresistible assaults.

  As he continued to kiss I took in deep breath in and out before applying all my force and finally I succeeded in pushing him away from but only for a little moment because he got his balance but before he could do any assault on me I was rolled down from the bed and was already on my heels running out the room.

  “Juliette!” came his angry voice as he was already before me trying o stop me. I ran back to the room where we just played the game and ran towards the couch.

  “Stop! Juliette!” he called as he ran after me.

  “The tables have turned hu? Today you are running after me!” I mocked him when he tried to get a hold on me but I douched his touch and ran circling the couch.

  “But unlike you, I won’t end up in a damn fountain!” he replied and I glared at him but then he continued “I will definitely end up in my bed,” he smirked and lunged at me but I crouched down avoiding him and again running on my heels.

  “In your dreams!” I threw the pillow on him that I took from the couch.

  “Oh yeah? Come here!” he yelled.

  “No! Not until you tell me what I have been waiting f-” I ran towards the same bedroom and before he could enter I closed the door on his face, locking it in the process.

  “Open the damn door Juliette!” he banged on the door.

  “No! You stay there! You deserve that!” I said and put my ear on the door wanting to hear what he was doing.

  “You will regret this! Juliette!” I heard him yell and I laughed at it when my eyes fell on the glass window. Without realizing what I was doing I was already running towards its direction when Zachary reached on the other side of the glass window at the same time as me.

  We both got hold of the open window’s door and pulled it while I tried to lock the window whilst on the other hand he tried to pull it open. Waves of laughter erupted out of my mouth and I could hear him laugh when we fought and continued our assaults of pulling the door open.

  “You think you’re smart?” I tried to close the glass window but he had more power than me for which he was easily pulling it open towards his direction.

  “Let go!” because I was laughing it was becoming harder for me to close it when an idea formed in my mind.

  “Ow!” I winced and in a moment he let go of the door and hurriedly I slammed it closed and locked it from inside.

  “Juliette!” he looked worried for a moment but then he understood and he kept his hand on his waist looking at me with a neutral expression.

  “Sly Vixen!” I heard him and I threw my head back laughing harder.

  “Oh really? Admit your defeat already!” I mocked him.

  “Not until I make you scream my name,” he smirked and I gasped but then blushed as I racked a hand on my hair.

  “You forgot something!” he said and I raised my eyebrows at him confused.

  “This is my house! So,” he took a step back and from the drawer took something out which made me gasp in shock.

  “I have the keys!” he showed me the spare keys as he walked turned around to walk towards the door probably to open it but I stopped him as I called him.

  “Look, Zachary, I don’t want it!” I yelled as I stood near the window and glanced outside. He returned back to me on the other side of the window.

  “What do you mean?” he asked in a low tone. All of a sudden the liveliness in him disappearing and a dark aura engulfed him. His eyes turned void of any emotions when I said that.

  “I mean I don’t want to do it with you!”

  “What? Then with wh-” before his face could contour into anger I stopped him “No, I mean I can’t-do it with you until you give me what I want,” I said and creasing his forehead he shifted on his position before replying “And what is that?” he asked slowly.


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