Prodigal Wolf

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Prodigal Wolf Page 8

by L E Franks

  “Legacy? You mean children? No. Not likely, given that I don’t like women, especially ones like her,” he jerked his head in the direction of Francesca, “or had you forgotten that I’m gay, just like you forgot leadership of the pack was my birthright?” From the corner of his eye he could see Angelo approaching.

  “You weren’t ready. It was too soon for you to bury yourself in the pack.” Charles spoke hurriedly, his words tumbling out quicker the closer Angelo came. “Your father insisted that you go to school in California, we wanted you to have a chance to finish your education, make friends, bond with your extended family there just like he did.”

  “Well, congratulations. I did all that and I discovered that I’m better off without the responsibility and I have no family to miss. I have my own business, my own home. I don’t need to bow and scrape to some Alpha every three seconds.”

  Angelo was in his space and leaned in close, whispering in his ear. “Is that all I am to you? Some Alpha?” Carlo could feel the tension flowing off Angelo in waves. The wolf in him wanted to smooth away the stress but the Alpha, and the leader inside wouldn’t bend and allow it.

  Carlo tensed before backing slightly away from the man. “Angelo,” Carlo gritted out.

  Angelo considered them both a moment before speaking. “You two will never get anywhere if you insist of rehashing history… Charles, can you give us a moment?” The older man nodded his head in respect and backed away, leaving them alone in the middle of the room.

  Carlo felt like he was on display, a piece of performance art. “Another ambush, Angelo? You’re getting predictable.”

  “You could have saved yourself the trouble if you’d come to the compound when I asked.”

  Carlo leaned in close, his voice a hushed whisper. “You’ve never asked me for a fucking thing in your life—it’s always a demand...”

  “Dammit Carlo, I never...”

  “Yes! You NEVER ask. You just take! You took my place. You took my father... you...”

  “I never took your place with your father—everything he did, every thought he had was for you... I was only following the orders of my Alpha, something you might consider.”

  “You,” the word was spoken loud enough for everyone, including the waiters upstairs to hear—he lowered his voice to a whisper, his lips were at Angelo’s ear, almost touching his skin, “are not my Alpha. You’re not even my family anymore. My father is dead. My aunt is dead. We have nothing between us!”

  Angelo gripped Carlo’s arm and held him close, “We have everything between us.” The words were hissed in near silence, sending a wave of intensity through Carlo. Angelo leaned back, famous calm evaporated, eyes furious. “It’s my fault. I thought you needed space. That you would grow up and get over your hurt feelings and step up to your responsibilities like a man. Apparently I was wrong. So, as your Alpha, it’s time for me to step in and see that you do.”

  “Nice threat but, it won’t work.” Carlo snarled as he spun on his heel and stalked over to the bar. “Do you have tequila?” he asked, ignoring the men standing a foot away, staring.

  “I’ve seen the chef with a bottle of Patron Silver in his office.”

  “Fine. Bring me the bottle.” Carlo slid a c-note across the bar top to a look of surprise on the man’s face. Sweet Tequila. Carlos could already feel the tension in his body ease.. With a satisfied smirk he watched the man scurry away.

  “Impressive scene.” The man had a steely gaze, silver irises with a dark blue ring around them. For a moment Carlo lost himself in their mesmerizing intensity, finding them oddly familiar.


  “Angelo. I’ve never seen anyone get him to lose control like that. Quite an achievement.”

  “Daniel, don’t be an ass,” admonished the younger man at his side with a gentle slap. He reached around with his hand. “Joshua Richards, pleased to meet you. This is my husband, Daniel. Apparently I can’t take him anywhere!”

  “Carlo Montefiori. How are you connected with...?” Carlo waved his hand at the room-at-large. He noticed that Angelo and Charles had retreated to the fireplace with Charles’ wife and Francesca. Francesca had her arms folded across her chest, glowering at whatever Angelo was saying.

  “Oh, I’m not connected at all, it’s Daniel who’s the wolf-emeritus. I’m just here to soak up a little sunshine and southern hospitality. ”

  “How are you enjoying them then?”

  “Fine, but the entertainment is winning hands down. I had no idea that we were walking into a soap opera. I mean when the Alpha called Danny and asked for his help I just assumed it was going to be another dry business meeting, not Peyton Place!”

  “Josh!” Daniel Richards was trying to maintain a stern visage, though it slipped every time he looked at his partner. “My apologies, Alpha, usually he has better control of his mouth...”

  “I have excellent control of my mouth” Joshua smirked. “I never, ever bite. Well, hardly ever.”

  Carlo’s half smile faded as he addressed the older man. “I’m no Alpha. And while I’m glad someone is enjoying this, it’s a command performance—one I hope never to repeat.”

  “I think you’ll find that a title doesn’t make the Alpha, you’re either born one, or you’re not. I’ve met many over the years, and you my friend, are a born Alpha.”

  “What about Angelo?” As Carlo’s bottle had arrived, he carefully swirled the clear liquid in his tumbler while listening.

  “Him, too. That’s the rub isn’t it? Two born leaders. One large pack. One dead Alpha with two orphaned Alphas left in his wake. One underage, one promised to Uncle Sam. Quite the problem. Charles was beside himself with grief and worry.”

  The image of Charles struggling to compensate for the unexpected death of the Pack Alpha made him uncomfortable in the wake of their argument.

  “So... who are you?”

  “Daniel Richards. I was your father’s best friend in college. I joined his pack as enforcer and legal counsel. I knew you as a baby. You were only about five when I met Joshua and ‘retired’ from pack life.”

  “Why would you leave my father?” The idea shook Carlo. He had a vague memory of a tall man in his father’s office all the time. It could be Daniel. His father had commanded great love and loyalty. He’d never heard of anyone leaving the pack under his leadership.

  “Ah, well your father agreed with me that bringing Joshua to live at the compound would be risky, no matter what he said; there wouldn’t be any guarantee of his safety when I was away. Back then, I spent a great deal of my time traveling between packs and negotiating contracts for his various businesses. That’s how I met Joshua in New York while he was finishing up his degree.”

  “Love at first sight, can you imagine those eyes on you?” Joshua leaned in, sighing as Daniel kissed the top of his head.

  “Yes, something like that. But twenty years ago, being gay, much less mating with a human, was taboo. So you can imagine that your father had only one choice.”

  “He banished you???” Carlo was horrified at the thought. Joshua leaned back in and patted his arm.

  “No, no. Your father was a great leader and a better friend to Daniel. He flew up to New York to meet me. He wanted to make sure that I understood what I was getting into. That I had... full disclosure? He broke some rules or something like that—telling me all about the pack and Daniel’s role and the risk he was taking being with me.”

  “Sounds kinda harsh...” Carlo frowned.

  “Not really,” Daniel interrupted. “He had to be sure that we both understood the ramifications of our decision. He let me relocate to New York, working on the pack business remotely—excusing me from most pack activity. Officially I’m still a member of your pack, just not an active member.”

  “What about Joshua? Is he a pack member?”

  “No, not officially of course.” Joshua smiled. “It’s okay. Really. We’ve been partners years longer than we’ve been married.” The idea that they were
separated in pack status—even though it seemed inconsequential to their lives, bothered Carlo. It seemed wrong. You always acknowledged pack mates. Always.

  “Angelo should have taken care of this for you immediately. My apologies Joshua. Daniel.” He bowed his head to them both, grabbed his bottle—leaving the empty glass and stalked off to find the restroom, not seeing the gentle smiles directed at his back.

  ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈

  “Carlo... it’s time. Everyone’s seated for dinner.” The voice rumbled around the hard tiled room.

  “Not everyone,” he muttered. The glass bottle clinked against porcelain.

  “No, not everyone. You’re right Carlo.” Sebastian didn’t need to yell to be heard. The room’s acoustics emphasized every sound. “I am not seated for dinner. Why, you ask? I’ll tell you. I’ve been demoted from enforcer to babysitter. Thank you for that.”

  “Fuck you Seb. Fuck you and the evil Beta you rode in on.” The bottle rattled again, liquid sloshing until finally it was dropped to the tile, spinning lazily.

  “Tsk tsk. Francesca would have your balls. If you even had a pair big enough to say that to her face.”

  “I’m not afraid of the bitch.”

  “Well, you should be. She’s Angelo’s man and she hates your guts right now. You’re making the Alpha look like a cabron and by extension, her, so suck it up. Three courses, dessert and I won’t let them sit you next to the mean lady. Afterwards, if you’re good, I’ll take you out for an ice cream.”

  Carlo pushed the stall door open with his toe. Sebastian was leaning against the wall, smirk firmly in place. “Fine. I’m out of tequila, anyway... and it better be good ice cream.” Finally rising, he pushed out of the stall.

  Sebastian slung his arm around Carlo and pulled him in tight. “Anything for you Chavea!”

  “Ass!” Carlo muttered to himself, letting the enforcer guide him out.

  Carlo found himself seated between Daniel’s husband, Joshua, and his father’s Beta, Charles. Sebastian had taken the other seat next to Charles before greeting Giorgio on his right. Angelo was seated directly across from Carlo, seated between a scowling Francesca and Charles’ wife, Sofia. Bella Tabriza sat between Daniel and Joshua completing the tableau. With the exception of Francesca, the table seemed a sea of contentment.

  Joshua leaned into him and whispered, “Are you okay? You missed the conniption fit by Frankenstein’s monster.”

  “What?” Carlo was completely thrown by the human.

  “Angelo’s Beta. She’s a real piece of work. She threw a hissy fit when you left the room. Charles finally took her into a corner for a lesson on Beta decorum, she’s been pouting ever since. Danny says she’s been giving Angelo a lot of grief these days about the pack structure, and by pack structure I mean you—I think it’s one of the reasons they were all called in.”

  Carlo glanced over at Charles who appeared to be deep in conversation with Sebastian over the lobster bisque. There was absolutely no chance in hell that he wasn’t listening in on every single word uttered by he and Joshua.

  Bella Tabrizi chose that moment to lean over Joshua’s arm. “Carlo, dear.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Tabrizi?” Carlo struggled to remain polite. Bella Tabrizi had made his life hell for as long as he could remember. Using the absence of his mother, the Alpha-Mate, as an excuse, Bella delighted in meddling in their household every time his father’s back was turned. It became worse after his father’s death and then intolerable once Angelo left on his tour of duty. Bella took her roll as a Pack Elder to mean she was free to oversee every aspect of his life, especially second-guessing every decision he made as Alpha. Their disagreements became epic battles of will, leaving all parties bloodied, with plenty of collateral damage throughout the pack. Carlo carefully schooled his features to hide his feelings, grateful for the alcohol still buzzing through his system as he prepared for her assault.

  “We haven’t seen you in ages, what have you been doing all alone on the island?”

  Carlo fought to keep from rolling his eyes. She was one of the main reason’s he’d been forced to go to California. Hadn’t seen me in ages, fucking bitch? “I’m not actually alone and I’ve been busy with my internet business.”

  “I didn’t realize the pack had ventured into that sort of business.”

  “As far as I know it hasn’t.” Carlo calmly replied, dipping his spoon into the cooling bisque.

  “I don’t understand dear, I didn’t realize they allowed that sort of thing.”

  “What sort of thing?” Carlo found the more soup he could keep in his mouth, the less he’d be caught speaking. Joshua started to snicker beside him.

  “Well dear, I believe the pack has to approve all outside ventures and I don’t recall giving any permission for such a business on the island. Did you Giorgio?” The last was practically shouted across the table to the pack lawyer Giorgio D’Amico. Everyone stopped to listen.

  “What is it Bella?” Giorgio looked up from his conversation with Charles and Sebastian.

  “Did you know that Carlo was running an unapproved business outside of pack regulations?” Gone were the sweet little old lady tones, her demeanor sharp and petulant. This time Carlo rolled his eyes and Girogio responded sharply, trying to head off her questions.

  “Bella, that’s an archaic code. It hasn’t been enforced for the last thirty years.”

  “Well, that’s obviously a mistake if it allows our pack members to wander off willy-nilly and shirk their responsibilities to the pack. He’s twenty-five and unmated. As Pack Alpha he should already be married with cubs on the way. I believe that’s in the code somewhere too!” This time her glares were sent around the table, but lingering on both Carlo and Angelo.

  “Bella,” Charles began, “this really isn’t pertinent to our discussions tonight.”

  “Horsepucky! We’re here because we have an out-of-control wolf and an Alpha who refuses to do his duty and restore order in this pack!”

  “The reason we are here tonight is that we have a legal and fiduciary responsibility to comply with the terms of our late Alpha’s will with regards to his only child, Carlo Montefiori. And those terms require the presence of the elders, otherwise we could eliminate the need for all... this.” Angelo waved his hand around.

  Carlo sucked in a breath, holding it until Joshua laid a hand on his arm.

  “Now, if you will be so kind…” Angelo continued, “as you know, Carlo turns twenty-five tomorrow. That means that all the trusts, according to the terms and conditions of the will, have matured and it’s time to officially sign them over and arrange for Carlo to assume the position of Pack Alpha, effective immediately.”

  There was a gasp from Francesca—her face a sickly white, drowned out by the fuss Bella was making, pounding her hand on the table, and the attempts by Charles and Sebastian to bring order. Daniel was whispering to Joshua behind Bella’s back.

  Angelo just sat in his chair staring straight into Carlo’s eyes, face cast in stone.

  “No.” Carlo stood, silence falling. “No, no, no, no, no.” He kept shaking his head, backing away from the table.

  He reached the door with one final outburst of, “I’m sorry. But, no,” before fleeing into the night.

  ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈

  Bella didn’t bother with the pretense, her claws were out and ready for blood. “I think you can all see that this is a terrible mistake. I think there must be a way around this will. What could Constantine have been thinking? I think this is ridiculous! You can’t seriously be considering honoring these terms?”

  “I think, Bella, that Constantine was thinking that his own flesh and blood would take over a pack that has been led by the Montefiore Clan for over a thousand years!” Charles snarled at her. She sniffed and waved at the air in front of her dismissively.

  “Angelo might not bear the name, but I always assumed he was Con’s bastard—anyone can see the family resemblance...”

  “He was not my father!!!” Angelo
slammed his hands down against the table top, rattling glasses.

  “I’m on your side!” Bella protested.

  “I don’t have a side! Or rather, my side is with Carlo. This has always been the plan. Long before Con died this was the plan—right Charles?” Angelo swung his head towards the old Beta.

  “This was indeed the plan. Constantine was afraid he wouldn’t live to see Carlo’s majority, and sadly he was right. When Angelica sent Angelo to us, he was happy, he hoped that Carlo would have an older protector, one of the family. He was concerned that if he died before Carlo was old enough to take over the pack, that Carlo would be put in danger from the other packs. Carlo is the true heir.”

  Giorgio piped in. “The conditions in the will were necessary in case the current leadership was reluctant when it came time to turn over the pack... no offense Alpha.”


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