Flip the Field: A BWWM Love At First Kiss College Romance

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Flip the Field: A BWWM Love At First Kiss College Romance Page 3

by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

  She reached over and touched my arm. “Relax,” She squeezed my forearm, and I dropped one of my hands.

  “It’s insured, right?” I tried to lighten the tension.

  “Yeah, but still don’t hit anything, okay?” She smiled and my world came into focus. Everything good in my brain started and ended with her smile. We stopped at a red light and I lost track of time watching her.

  The car behind me honked and I jumped. The light had turned green. I pushed the gas and glided through the streets.

  Rocky Cove was a beach town five miles from campus. I’d lived on the Gulf Coast of Florida all my life and I’d visited the Atlantic Coast many times. I was curious if it was different up north.

  “So, studying?” I asked again.

  “Oh, good. Just getting organized, really.” She turned in the seat to face me. “What’s your major?”

  “English.” I peeked at her, but then thought it better to keep my eyes on the road. The V-neck t-shirt showed off her tits and her skintight jeans were molded to her strong thighs. She had a black sweater draped over her lap. “You?”

  “Business major,” She faced forward. “Why English?”

  “I like to read.” I turned right at the next light. “You spend a lot of time in Rocky Cove?”

  “Not really,” She shrugged. “It’s close, but it’s really just a laid-back fishing town.”

  “I picture it like in The Perfect Storm,” I nudged her arm. “You seen it?”

  “It is kind of like that,” She played with the seam of her jeans. “You seen Mystic River?” She pointed to a sign that indicated the highway. “Outside of Boston. You should check it out while you’re here.”

  “That was a good movie, too,” I nodded.

  “Yeah, it was,” She smiled.

  “What’s that smile about?” Her smile made me smile.

  “Nothing,” She covered her mouth.

  “Tell me,” I grabbed her arm.

  “I know the movie was sad and dark, but it was romantic, too.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “I loved the interaction between Sean Penn and Laura Linney’s character. Like he screwed up, but for the right reasons. And she was so down for him. It was romantic.”

  “That’s what you’re looking for, someone to kill for you?” Her arm flexed under my hand. I didn’t want to let go. “You think you could forgive someone so easily?”

  “Me?” She pointed to herself. “I don’t know. I would like to think so. People in love forgive a lot. Let things slide with each other they wouldn’t necessarily let slide for a friend or a casual acquaintance.”


  “What’s so interesting?” She took her arm back. “You don’t believe in unconditional love?”

  “I do,” I hesitated. “In theory.”

  “In theory,” She laughed.

  “Yeah, in theory,” I shrugged. “I’ve never been in love.”

  “Never?” Her eyes grew wide.

  “I’m twenty-one and a guy,” We pulled up to another red light.

  “Not hard to believe. Just sounds crazy when you say it out loud.” She nodded. “I’ve never been in love either. I think my expectations are too high.”

  “Yeah, no pressure.” I huffed under my breath.

  She looked at me, but didn’t say anything. We turned left onto the road parallel to the beach.

  “Wow,” The waves were high and crashed onto the beach. Amerie rolled the window down and inhaled. “I forget how beautiful it is out here.”

  The sun reflected off the blue water. It was impressive. We pulled off onto a small street that led down toward the public beach and found a parking spot.

  The breeze blew off the ocean and filled my nose with salt water. People peppered the sand, but few were in the water. It wasn’t too crowded.

  Amerie stepped out of the car and crossed around the front, her eyes glued to the water. Her hair blew in her face and she gathered it in her hands. I pulled her sweater from the crook of her elbow as she secured her hair with an elastic band into a ponytail.

  I held her sweater up and helped her put it on.

  “Thank you.”

  I stepped in front of her and straightened her collar. I couldn’t stop touching her. We were drawn to each other –– she felt it, too. She stepped closer and put her hands on my waist.

  I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her to me. Our lips sealed together, and the rest of the world gradually fell away. The wind and the waves continued in the background, but they were muffled. Her lips on mine took over my senses. The way they tasted and felt. The sounds as she moaned low in her throat while her nails gripped my sides. She even smelled good. A mixture of the beach, pine, and flowers.

  I tilted her head and deepened the kiss. I reached behind her, never letting our lips separate. I’d remembered the feel of the top of her ass in my hand and ventured there again.

  “They’re kissing. They’re kissing.”

  Amerie pulled away. I turned and glared at the stupid brats who’d chanted at us as they ran away. I stepped toward them, ready to teach them a lesson in how not to ruin the moment, but Amerie grabbed my hand and giggled.

  There was that smile again. It made me forget my own name.

  “Come on,” She shielded her eyes from the sun. “Let’s get something to eat.”

  We walked along the boardwalk. I took her hand and our fingers interlaced like we’d been holding hands for a hundred years. She appeared perfectly relaxed. On the outside, so did I. My insides were a twisted mess. My brain and my cock were having a tug of war. My heart stood in the middle, confused about who to root for. We walked in silence. The smell of boiled seafood hit us both at the same time. We groaned and followed it to a spot a few feet farther down on the beach side of the boardwalk.

  “Sit anywhere you like, hon.” The waitress waved at me with a pitcher of beer in one hand and mugs in the other. Amerie weaved her way through the restaurant to a small square table close to the water.

  I held her chair out.

  “Thank you.” She sat down.

  I sat across from her. With the sun to her back, she looked like an angel.

  Not the type who played with devils like me.

  Chapter Six


  Brady Hale captured my attention and stole my breath. I tried to remain calm, while my heart beat against my ribs. I had kissed him when we got out of the car mainly to anchor me to something, but it only heightened everything. The sky was bluer, the waves louder, the air sweeter.

  I sat across from him in the perfect setting and couldn’t stop looking at him. He picked up his menu. His lip curled up and his eyes narrowed as he read.

  “What looks good?” he asked.

  When I didn’t answer, he lifted his head. He had a scar over his left eye and the cutest dimple in his left cheek.

  How did I miss that dimple?

  “You okay?” He tilted his head.

  I blinked and picked up the menu to hide my face.

  He pulled it down.

  “What were you thinking about?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” I shook my head. His head tilted the other way. The scar became more pronounced when he scrunched his face. “How did you get that scar?”

  “What scar?”

  I reached out and slid my finger across it.

  He grinned and leaned back with his arms crossed on the table.

  “I was playing hide and seek with my cousins,” He took my hand and rubbed his thumb across my palm. “I was running to get back to base. My cousin Todd was about to catch me, so I dove and,” he knocked on the table. I jumped. “Smacked my head right into the trunk of a tree.”


  “Yeah,” He grinned. “Got eight stitches.” He laughed and leaned back. “It was a good day.”

  “A good day.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded, but didn’t elaborate. “Okay, now you tell me.”

  “Tell you wha

  “Anything?” The waitress returned and we ordered.

  When she left, he leaned back. “Come on. Tell me something about you no one else knows.”

  “I’m an open book,” I held my hands out.

  “Not even close to being true,” He chuckled.

  “Okay,” I leaned forward. He leaned too. “I’ve never been to a Thackeray College football game.” I sat back.

  He rolled his eyes and leaned back.

  “What? It’s true.” I giggled like a school girl teasing a crush. I almost didn’t recognize myself. But being with Brady was so easy, it scared me. “Okay, I…”

  He squeezed my hand to encourage me to continue.

  “When I do something that people think is out of character, it’s more likely fully in my character and I’ve only just gotten the courage to do whatever it is I’m doing.” I peeked up into his eyes. He nodded and pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

  He did understand. I blinked and smiled at him.

  The waitress brought our food and we ate, watched the water, and talked about school, classes, and teachers.

  It wasn’t until we finished dinner that our bubble burst for good.

  “Oh, shit.” Brady frowned and dropped my hand.

  “Big Brady!” Matthews yelled from across the open deck. I turned to see them –– four of Brady’s teammates and two other girls I didn’t know. They were holding hands and giggling. I turned back to Brady.

  “I didn’t invite them,” he whispered, stood up, and then helped me up. “I wanted you all to myself.” He didn’t talk much, but when he did, his words hit the mark.

  I had two seconds to enjoy it before Matthews hugged me from behind. “Amerie.”

  The other guys greeted Brady. He shook hands and hugged them. They introduced the girls, but I didn’t catch their names. They weren’t there to socialize with me, anyway. They were obviously enamored with Brady.

  They batted their eyelashes and flipped their hair at him. They were the type that no red-blooded American male could resist, but Brady paid them no attention. Also gone was the easygoing, laid-back guy who’d been with me on our date. He had returned to his usual brooding, blank face. Maybe this was the mask, and the Brady on our date was the real him.

  I grabbed his hand and squeezed. He squeezed back, then released my hand and draped his arm over my shoulder.

  “Let’s get a drink,” Matthews headed for the bar. “Lemon drop shots?” he asked the group and the girls clapped their hands together and squealed. I shivered. Brady laughed and kissed the side of my face.

  “Did you enjoy your date?” Matthews asked as we joined him at the bar.

  “Yeah.” Brady sat on a bar stool and pulled me between his legs. The sun had started to set. The waves had receded a bit. The breeze had died down, but it was chilly. I welcomed his warmth. “Up until a few minutes ago.”

  I patted Brady on the thigh. He squeezed me tighter.

  The shots were passed out. We each took one. Matthews made a toast. “To the Bears, may we not hibernate this summer. And, to friends. Old,” He clinked glasses with the other two guys. “And new.” He clinked glasses with Brady. We downed our shots. It was sweet and sour and tickled the back of my throat.

  “So, Amerie,” Matthews scooted closer with one of the girls tucked up into his side. “You going to give our boy Brady a chance or what?”

  I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth, but he kept going.

  “I know you don’t date white guys, but I’d venture to say Brady’s blacker than you, so he qualifies as a good match.” Matthews and the girl giggled and turned away. My face grew hot. Matthews’ comment returned me to the little girl who was too black for one set of friends and too white-acting for the other.

  I pushed Brady’s arms off me and weaved my way back through the restaurant. We were in an outdoor bar, but I still needed some air.

  “Hey, Amerie,” Matthews shouted after me. “What did I say?” I didn’t wait to hear it explained to him.

  “Amerie,” Brady called. I stopped but didn’t turn around. He circled around me. “Hey, he’s just being an ass,” He cupped my face. “You okay?”

  “I’ve been hearing that shit my whole life and I’m so sick of it,” I inhaled to get my heart to calm down. “So fucking stupid.” I stepped back toward the group and Brady wrapped an arm around my waist, turned me around, and pulled me to him.

  “I know,” Brady whispered in my ear.

  “I just hate having to defend myself for being me.” I clung to his side.

  He kissed the side of my head. I leaned back and was met with the relaxed version of Brady Hale. I liked that side of him.

  I blinked. “I’m okay if you want to go back and hang with them. I’ll drive myself home.”

  “Amerie!” Matthews yelled again.

  I turned my head, but Brady held my face. I stared into his eyes.

  “Listen to me,” He rubbed his thumb across my cheek. I shuddered. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you.”

  I bit my lip and peeked over my shoulder. When I turned back to him, he smiled. “Amerie, there’s no need to keep looking over your shoulder. I’ve got your back.”

  He leaned down and kissed me, and I was right where I wanted to be, too.

  Chapter Seven


  Amerie and I spent as much time together as our schedules allowed. When we weren’t together, we were texting and sending each other funny memes and gifs.

  I tried to keep it light and easy to pretend I wasn’t falling for her.

  Wednesday nights, after practice, we’d meet in the dining hall and have dinner together. Sometimes with her friends and sometimes with my teammates, but when we were together, it felt like we were the only two people in the room.

  Tonight, I spotted her across the dining hall, huddled with April, Jacquie, and Dax Williams. I’d met Dax a couple of times; he was one of those guys who knew everyone on campus.

  “Four a.m,” He shook his head. “I’ll be there.” He hugged Amerie and then spotted me. He held his hands up.

  “Your man’s mean mugging me,” He stepped back. “I better go.” Dax winked at me.

  “He always looks like that,” Amerie giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck as Dax left. She pulled me close and kissed me. It was small peck, but her body pressed against me more than made up for the chaste kiss.

  “Except when I’m looking at you.” I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek. “What’s happening at four a.m.?”

  I sat down and pulled Amerie in my lap.

  “The Leonid Meteor shower is a once in our lifetime occurrence,” She held her hand out. “It will be visible over Maine between four-thirty and five a.m.” She bounced on my lap like a kid. I willed my cock to stay calm. Just the thought of her turned me on. I respected Amerie, but that hadn’t stopped me from having some epic jerk off sessions with the thought of her lips on —


  I shook the dirty thoughts out of my head. “Meteor,” That’s what we were talking about, right? “What about it?”

  “Do you want to go?”

  “Uhm, yeah,” I shrugged. “Sounds good.”

  She stood up. “Let’s grab dinner to go and take a nap.” She pulled me up. “I’ll be at your door at four a.m., April.” She pointed at her friend. April rolled her eyes. “You better be up.”

  “I’ll be up.” April shooed us away.

  Amerie and I grabbed some sandwiches and walked outside into the cold. On a daily basis, November in Maine surpassed the coldest weather I had ever experienced. I’d gone from Florida to Arizona, and now I’d landed here. I was going to freeze my balls off.

  Amerie had bought me a proper hat and gloves. She said I wouldn’t survive the winter without them, and she liked having me around. I jammed them on as we hustled back to her place. We ate dinner on her couch, then relaxed. Amerie had her iPad out going over some schoolwork, while I stu
died my playbook. Around nine p.m., Amerie yawned.

  I joined her. We both looked up and laughed.

  “You look tired,” She slid across the couch next to me. “Maybe we should take a nap. Might make it easier to wake up so early.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I hadn’t stayed the night with Amerie yet. I was ready to lounge back on the couch when Amerie reached a hand out. Without a word, I took it and followed her into her room. She pulled her sweater over her head. She wore a long sleeve t-shirt and black leggings.

  “I’ll be back.” She disappeared into the bathroom. I pulled off my sweater and slid my jeans off, leaving on the thermal pants I’d worn underneath. I pulled off my socks. My cock hardened at the thought of sliding into her bed. I reminded it to chill. We were taking a nap. When the bathroom door opened, I was still arguing with myself. Amerie had taken off her leggings. She’d removed her bra, too. I could see her nipples through the long sleeve t-shirt as the light from the bathroom illuminated her body.

  She shut off the bathroom light, pushed her hair behind her ears, and walked toward me. She pinched the thermal pants and they snapped against my leg.

  “Sexy.” She giggled. I grunted and grabbed her, throwing her onto the bed, and she squealed as I tickled her. “Stop, no.”

  “Say you’re sorry for making fun of me.”

  “Okay,” She pushed at my arms. “I’m sorry.”

  I lifted my hand and she flinched. Gently, I ran my hand through her hair. She groaned and leaned up and kissed me. I rolled her onto her back and kissed her. I cupped her tits and pressed my tongue in her mouth. She maneuvered under me and spread her legs. Her body beneath mine fit better than the damn long johns. I caressed her cheek and continued kissing her. She moaned as I touched her all over, up and down her body.

  My cock stiffened and I knew she felt it. She wrapped her legs around my waist and rocked into me. I reached down and snaked my hands under her t-shirt and between those beautiful thighs. My hand slid up and touched her pussy with the lightest of touches. Her legs spread further and I groaned as her folds opened and I felt her wet warmth.


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