A Leap of Faith For Christmas

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A Leap of Faith For Christmas Page 10

by Angela Lain

  Melody accepted the decision and ushered Ada and Jasper to their seats, plonking Cody in his high chair so his father could help him eat.

  Ada had said little, but she was obviously shaken.

  April leaned down to murmur in Harley’s ear. “Tell Ada you are fine. She looks about ready to faint.”

  Harley opened his eyes and regarded her, “But I feel dread…”

  “No! Don’t scare her. Tell her you are a bit cold, or sore, or something.”

  He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “I feel a whole lot better now I am getting warm.” He opened his eyes and looked over to Ada. “Don’t you worry, I’ll be fine in a short while.”

  April leaned over him, she was kneeling at his side, her back to those at the table. “You are a good liar. You could charm the birds from the trees.” She brushed her lips across his brow, and murmured softly, “Now close your eyes and rest, we will have you up eating your lunch in no time.”

  He met her eyes, and raised his hand to stroke her face. “With your help, I have no doubt I can do anything you want.”

  She left his side to gather salve and bandages to deal with his injured hand. When she had finished she slipped her hand beneath the covers and laid it on his chest to see if he had warmed. He moved his undamaged hand beneath the covers to pin hers against him.

  “Careful, if those town biddies could see you now, you would be in real trouble. You will have to marry me after all this.” His words were very soft, for her ears only.

  “Marry you? Are you insane?” April murmured back. “Only a few days ago you called me all sorts of rude names and couldn’t wait to be rid of me.”

  “As you did me. But you know it’s not true, I know it’s not true. We just… have strong opinions on things. But we fit, April. Tell me, what did you think in that moment when you stepped off the stage and saw me, the man you thought Melody was here to marry?”

  April considered for a second. She had forgotten that first moment. Since learning of the deception, and the events since, she had not thought of that first moment. The truth was she’d taken one look and had felt envy. She had liked what she saw.

  “I thought… I thought you were handsome.”

  “If you had stepped off the stage, as a mail-order bride, would you have married me there and then?”

  “I… um… Yes.”

  He raised his bandaged hand to stroke her face again with his fingertips, and murmured so softly that she had to lean closer to hear.

  “What did you say?”

  “I think you might be gullible.” His fingers tangled in the hair at her nape and he pulled her face down to brush his lips across hers. It was only the slightest brush, but it sent a thrill through April. Obviously he felt it too, because he stilled his fingers. “Oh my! Why have I not done that before?”

  “Harley!” she murmured.

  “So what about it? I know things are different now, but I think, or… maybe I know… I am just a little… in love? Or maybe even at lot in love?”

  “Harley!” She couldn’t seem to say anything else at this second. He loved her? She had truly thought he saw her as no more than a nuisance. “I… I love you too.”

  “Good, then we settle this. Marry me.”

  “I… don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes.”

  She looked into those brown eyes and took that leap.


  He brushed another soft kiss across her lips, just as Ada remarked.

  “What are you two whispering about so furtively?”

  Harley wasted no time.

  “April has just agreed to marry me.”

  Melody’s squeak of excitement and Jaspers grunt of approval were eclipsed by Ada’s forthright statement.

  “About time too!”


  Two hours later Harley made it to sit at the table and eat his Christmas lunch with April, while Jasper and Ada played checkers in front of the fire.

  “So when is the wedding?” Ada demanded.

  “If I can stand, tomorrow would suit me,” Harley returned. “Do we need a lot of fuss?”

  “No,” April confirmed. “I came here as an uncalled for mail-order bride. I wouldn’t expect any other sort of wedding. Those women expect to step off the train and marry immediately, no fuss, no big service. That will be enough for me.”

  “Really?” Harley regarded her fondly.

  “Yes, Harley. To stand with you and make my vows is all that matters. It will be… perfect.”

  “Hmmp,” Ada’s chuckle interrupted their conversation. “You, my girl, need to be a bit more assertive. Don’t give him an inch, keep him in his place and it will be better for everyone.”

  “Ada, I don’t…” April began.

  Harley burst out laughing, “Oh, Ada, you know me too well. And believe me, April is never likely to be browbeaten by anyone. She is right. This will be perfect.”

  And it was.


  Christmas Eve 1873

  The snow drifted lazily through the darkness as the church bell called people to the Christmas Eve worship.

  The Kendrick sleigh had pride of place at the church gate, the space reserved for them by considerate town’s folk.

  Harley knew Ada would be awaiting them in their seats, transported here by other good friends. Jasper walked slowly ahead of him, Cody in one arm and Melody supported on the other as she carefully stepped towards the church. The baby was due any day, but she had been adamant that she would attend tonight.

  They reached the tree by the entrance and April stopped to look up at it.

  Small lanterns adorned the tree amongst the ribbons and trinkets people had wound through the branches.

  “It’s even prettier than last year,” she murmured.

  Harley looked down at her on his left arm. “So are you,” he told her softly. Her eyes glowed up at him and she smiled gently.

  “I am not pretty, merely passable, but I’m glad you think I am.”

  “Not pretty, beautiful,” he insisted. “But of course, Amber is the fairest of them all.” He turned his eyes to his baby daughter, nestled on his right arm, and brushed a kiss on her brow. He looked up at the tree. “Do you remember last year well?”

  “Oh I do. I sang, I cried. I was so afraid I would have to leave. I thought you didn’t want me here, I thought as soon as Christmas had passed you would send me away. And then…”

  “Then that danged fool horse fell on me and messed up Christmas dinner, and for some strange reason you decided you loved me.”

  “I think I loved you the day I stepped off the stage, when I thought you were there for Melody. I was so jealous.”

  “You were?”

  “I was,” she confirmed.

  “And now? You really are happy?”

  “Harley, I am happier than I ever thought I could be. Come, let us go inside and praise the Lord.”

  They stepped into the church to celebrate their first Christmas as a complete family.

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  About the Author

  My name is Angela and I live in the countryside in Norfolk, UK, with my husband (who is an engineer and always busy) and my horse. My two children have left home, but I help my daughter with her horses and her whippets. I tend both house and garden, rather reluctantly, and I write and read.

  For years I had woven stories in my head, when travelling and watching the world go by, when lying in bed trying to sleep, or just when I was transported by a place or an event. The result was several handwritten manuscripts, hard labour over a typewriter and eventually a single romance novel accepted and published back in 1990. Then I gave up for a time. Now the revolution has happened. Computers. The internet. Self-publishing. I felt able to inflict my creations on the wo
rld once again.

  I write both historical and contemporary romance, although I prefer the historical; I enjoy the research. I have written some sweet stories, but most (as one of my lovely reviewers said) are a little bit naughty, I don’t leave at the bedroom door, but sex is part of the characters’ lives, not the main purpose.

  I like a bit of adventure, excitement and danger. My characters have been involved on the Oregon Trail, in Indian raids in the west, and in the Crimean war. They have been variously stranded in snow storms, caught in tornadoes, kidnapped by ruffians and trapped in cellars. Generally the heroes are tough and noble, and the heroines are feisty and independent. One thing they always get is their happy ending. I don’t like a book without a happy ending, so I really cannot write one.

  If you have enjoyed my story it would be much appreciated if you could leave a review.

  Other Books by this Author

  Historical western romance and adventure


  VENGENCE – Book 2.





  Historical romance - England and America.

  The Buckingham-Brown Series-Chronological order.

  RIDE A WILD TRAIL Lance and Kit - 1839-1853

  AFTER THE RAIN Rupert and Juliette - 1853

  MORE REBEL THAN LADY Susannah and Flynn-1854-1856

  SAVING SOPHIE Sophie and Joshua - 1857

  NOT QUITE A GENTLEMAN Carel and Constance - 1848-54, 1858

  FOUNTAINS CUCKOO Eleanor and Lucien - 1854-1859

  ANGEL’S HERO Elizabeth and Garrett – 1860

  VENTURE WEST Alexander, Eddie and Louisa -1868

  Companion book

  COME HOME TO MY HEART Frances and Leo- 1851-1856

  Contemporary Romance








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