When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance Page 4

by A. R. Breck

  "I'm Callie." I reach out and shake his hand.

  "Callie, let me grab my wife, Shaya. She is the one in charge here." He walks to the back room and returns a moment later with a petite woman with short blonde hair and pixie like features.

  "Hi. Callie? My name is Shaya. Nice to meet you. Do you have a few minutes to sit down?" Shaya asks. She has a soft, kind voice and I immediately know she is someone I would get along with.

  "Yes, of course. Lead the way."

  We go sit at a nearby table and she hands me an application. "Why don't you fill this out and I will go get us a cup of coffee. Sound good?" Shaya asks.

  "That sounds great. Thank you."

  While she is getting us both a cup of coffee, I speed through the employment application. The only other job I have had was at a retail store off of Pacific Highway back in California. I worked there for over a year though, and I'm sure if Shaya needs a reference, I can get her a solid one.

  "Alright, here you go." She says, handing me a cup of coffee. "So, Callie. Tell me a little about yourself and why you would like to work here."

  "Okay. I'm Callie, and I just moved here from California. I'm seventeen years old and go to school at Middle Park High. I am mostly looking for some evening shifts and occasional weekends, but I can also pick up other shifts if needed from time to time, as long as they aren't during school hours. I worked at a clothing store back in California for over a year, so I have customer service experience. And I love coffee." I say with a smile.

  Shaya chuckles, "Well, there is that. What made you move out to Colorado?"

  I swallow, "Um, my Mom actually passed away this last year. I'm spending my senior year with my Aunt." I look down at the table, not wanting to see the sympathy that I know is swimming in her eyes.

  "Oh honey, I am sorry to hear that. Must be pretty hard on you." I nod. "Well, I think we could figure something out to get you on the schedule. We are a bit short staffed for the evening shifts. I think that we could get you on starting next Monday, maybe starting with three days a week and every other weekend? We're pretty flexible here, so you can always add or cut back on hours if you need to because of school or sports or whatever.

  "Anything would work for me. Seriously, thank you so much." I say with a genuine smile.


  "No, thank you. We have been feeling pretty swamped lately and only have two other staff members who work here besides Ethan and myself, but they are both part-time. So, we could really use the extra hands."

  We go over some additional paperwork and do a walkthrough of the store. "Your first shift will be on Monday after school, say 3:00 p.m.? Elaine will be training you. She is a college student that has day-time classes and works a few afternoons a week. My phone number is listed in the back though, should you need anything." Shaya says as she is walking me back out to the front.

  We say our goodbyes and I walk back to my car with a pep in my step. One more step closer to getting myself back home. Once I'm in my car I do a little happy dance.

  As I head back to Aunt Jenna's house, I turn on some Kendrick Lamar and sing the whole way back.

  When I get inside, the warm smell of roasted chicken and herbs greets me. I'm taking off my shoes when Aunt Jenna walks in from the other room. "Callie! How was your first day at school, dear?" She comes and gives me a warm hug.

  "It was pretty good actually. Met a few people."

  "Oh, that's great! I would love to hear about it. Just give me a minute, dinner should be just about ready." She says as she puts on her oven mitts to take out the chicken.

  "Okay." I take my backpack and go set it in my room and go to the bathroom. When I go back to the kitchen, Aunt Jenna is just finishing up setting the food down on the table.

  "Alright, Callie. Come tell me about your day." Aunt Jenna says.

  I give her a rundown of my day, telling her how it started with running into my teacher, and ending with running into my teacher. I leave out how good looking he is. I also tell her about Mr. Lennington and how much of a hard-ass he seems like he is going to be. I finish off by telling her about Leah and Mya, and how they would like to come over on Friday before going to a party.

  "What kind of a party?" She questions, eyes narrowed.

  "Um, a high school party?" I laugh.

  "Will there be drugs or drinking involved?" Her eyes narrow even further. I think if she narrows them even further, her eyes are going to be closed.

  "I don't know. I've never been to a party in Colorado. Probably, though. But honestly, you don't have to worry about me. I have been to plenty of these kinds of parties back home with no issues. I know how to take care of myself."

  "You know, I have never had children of my own. So, this is all new to me. I am going to want you home at a certain time and I want you to call me if you have any problems or need me for any reason." Her eyes have gone from narrowed to wide-eyed.

  "Okay, but there is something else I wanted to tell you." I give her a small smirk.

  "Oh no, I am almost afraid to hear it."

  I laugh. "It's nothing like that. I found a job today! Down at that little coffee shop downtown. The one with the tiny library in it. Do you know of it?"

  "Oh! Honey, that's great! Though, you really don't need to get a job right now. I am hear to help you out if you need it, and you should really be focusing on school." Aunt Jenna says. She takes a bite and swallows. "But, I understand your want to be independent, as long as you don't overwork yourself. School comes first." She points her fork at me.

  "No worries. I think I will only be working a few afternoons a week. I think it will be fine. But thanks for looking out."

  She clears her throat before putting her silverware down. I put mine down as well, knowing she probably wants my full attention. "You know, Callie. I have to say… this is the first time since you arrived that I see a genuine smile on your face. I was worried that you would be walking around with that dark cloud hanging over for you for the remainder of the year. I'm glad that that seems to have passed, at least for the moment." She says with a small smile.

  "Thanks. I know it is helpful that I met a couple people today that I seem to get along with. And getting a job always helps things too."'

  "Well that's good dear, if you need anything, please don't be afraid to ask."

  "I will. Do you need help cleaning up at all?"

  "No, no. Go ahead and do your homework, or relax, or whatever it is you need to do. You have had a long day. I will just take care of this and then I am going to watch my show before I turn in for the night." She grabs her dishes and goes to the sink to clean up.

  "Okay, if you're sure. Have a good night, Aunt Jenna." I say, emptying my trash in the bin and giving her my dishes.

  "Goodnight, dear."

  Once I get to my room, I put on some sweat pants and a comfortable t-shirt that used to be my mom's. I feel like I'm closer to her when I wear it. I can almost imagine that she is with me here, wrapping me up in her arms and hugging me. Although the smell is long gone, it's worn and comfortable, and I love wearing it.

  Laying down in bed, I pull out my cell phone and decide to text Mya and Leah.

  Callie: I guess the party for Friday is a yes.

  Mya: Hell yeah!


  Leah: Did you get a job?

  Callie: Yep.

  Leah: Nice! Where at?

  Callie: Coffee shop downtown. Looks pretty low-key.

  Mya: Yes, I love that place. We will have to come get some free coffee when you're working.

  Callie: Haha, nice try.

  Mya: Well, I'm off to finish the homework for Mr. Lennington's class. Shoot me now! ☹

  Leah: I have to go get mine done too. See you tomorrow, Callie.

  Callie: See you guys tomorrow.

  Putting my alarm on and grabbing my headphones, I put on a playlist of the Postal Service and work on my homework for a little while. Once I have done as much as my brain will allow, I fall onto my
bed and let my head sink into my fluffy new pillow as my thoughts drift to Mr. Cooper and his deep chocolate eyes.

  And dream about him, too.


  The next day I get up and get ready for the day before heading out to school. Sparking up a cigarette, I puff it down in record time. Today I am wearing leggings with an off-the-shoulder sweater. I don't own any jeans. Some people think that's crazy, but I'm always a comfort over anything else type of person.

  I've also decided to pull out my well-worn combat boots and topped my today's look off with a top knot and decided that was as good as it was going to get today.

  Once I get to school, I stub my cigarette out and head into school. I see less curious looks today, which I am grateful for. I am hoping by next week, I will no longer be the new kid and will instead just be another student.

  After stopping at my locker, I walk to first period math and sit down at the same desk I was at yesterday, waiting for Leah and Mya to walk in. I sigh as I sit down, hoping the Mr. Lennington is in a good mood today. I am really not in the mood for his asshole mood today. It doesn't help that he is my first class of the day and I have barely even woken up yet.

  "Hey, girl." Leah says.

  "Hey, what's up?"

  "I feel like I was up all night doing these math problems and it was only night one! This semester with Mr. Lennington is going to suck ass." Mya says with a groan.

  "My eyeballs feel like they are going to fall out of my eye sockets this morning." Leah rubs her eyes, looking exhausted.

  "Honestly, I flew through it. Not sure if I got the problems right though." I shrug, laughing.

  "So, we were thinking that we could meet up Saturday afternoon and go look for dresses for homecoming? I know a few cute shops that have the best dresses. And they aren't overly priced either." Mya asks.

  "Yeah, that works. I don't have to work until Monday after school. I really hope that I can go with someone though. I don't want to be that lame person that doesn't have a date to the dance. Do you guys even have a date to the dance yet?"

  "Nope." Mya says.

  "Me neither. But that's okay. We have gone alone before and usually picked up a cute guy by the end of the night." Leah starts to laugh.

  I chuckle. "I hope I do. I don't want to be the third wheel or anything."

  Mr. Lennington chooses that moment to walk into the classroom and begin his lecture. His tone is sharp, not a good sign for the day. I take out my notebook and take as many notes as I can. I'm sure this is the only way I am going to be able to get through his class without failing.

  Although, I can't help that every few minutes, my thoughts stray to Mr. Cooper.

  When the bell rings, I look down at my notes and see that I ended up barely taking any.


  I close my notebook with a groan and grab my things, more than ready to head to Mr. Cooper's class and listen to the timbre of his voice for the next hour. I am so single-focused that I barely register saying goodbye to Leah and Mya.

  "Meet us at lunch, Callie!" They both say.

  I wave to them absentmindedly. Flying to my locker, I hurry and swap out my books and am one of the first ones to get to class. Surprisingly, Mr. Cooper is already in the classroom. I slam to a stop, not wanting to look too over eager to be getting to class.

  Damn, Callie. Quit looking like a loon.

  I'm sure my hair is windblown right now, and I can feel heat slowly creep up my cheeks. "Mr. Cooper…"

  "Callie." He clears his throat. "You're early." His voice is husky, and as his eyes rove up and down by body, lingering on my exposed shoulder. I feel heat flow pool in my lower belly. He is looking at me like he wants to trail his fingers across every inch of my body.

  Is that how a teacher is supposed to look at their students?

  "I know, I'm sorry. I was just… right by your classroom. And I thought I would… get a head start for the day?" I realize that I just phrased that as a question, and not a statement. I internally give myself a slap to the head.

  Stupid, Callie. Stupid.

  He chuckles, and goose bumps break out across my skin. "Go right ahead." I walk towards my desk and when I turn around, I see his eyes glancing away from my ass.

  Holy shit, Mr. Cooper was just checking out my ass!

  My face heats up, flaming fire engine red.

  Sitting down, I watch as other students start trickling in. Taking out my notebook and textbook, I try to not focus on anything related to my sexy as hell teacher.

  "Good morning, Sunshine." Brock says as he enters the classroom.

  "Morning, Brock." I smile at him.

  "How's it going? Did you find that job you were looking for?" Woops, totally forgot to text him with the number he gave me yesterday

  "Yes, I did, actually. The coffee shop downtown hired me. Sorry I didn't text you, things got pretty busy after school."

  "No worries. And hell yeah, I love that place." He gives me a fist bump. "So, you know there is this party Friday, right? You planning to be there?" He wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

  I laugh. "Stop, weirdo. And yes, I might swing by there for a little bit."

  "Cool, well maybe –"

  "Mr. Hanson. If you are done, I would like to start today's lesson." Mr. Cooper barks, snapping me out of our conversation. I look up at him, noticing his icy glare aimed at Brock.

  "Jeez, what crawled up his ass?" Brock mumbles.

  "What was that, Brock?" Mr. Cooper's voice is glacial at this point and his scowl isn't much better. I want to shrink under that angry gaze on his face, feeling like he might lash that anger my way at any moment.

  Seriously, what is wrong with him?

  "Nothing. I didn't say anything." Brock's voice is more hesitant this time around.

  "As I was saying, I have an extra credit project available for those who are interested. It will actually be a group project and we will be meeting after school on Tuesdays. Anyone who is interested can stay after school today and get a little more information on the topic, and we will figure out some basic information for what we are planning to do."

  "Now, on to today's lesson, we are going to continue on from yesterday. Everyone, please turn to Chapter Five." He opens up his book and drawls on about the 1930's and I get to a point where I just zone out and focus on the way his full lips move over his straight, white teeth. He runs his hand through his beard as he talks, and eventually sits down in a stool in front of the class. This movement showcases his strong thighs through his dress pants as he sits with his legs ever so slightly spread. I zone in on the bulge that sits between his legs and feel my mouth begin to pool with saliva.

  Holy shit, this man is a God.

  I inwardly groan. It has been way too long since I have gotten laid. Maybe fooling around with Brock this Friday might be just what I need to get over this infatuation that I have with Mr. Cooper. Except, when I look up at Mr. Cooper and notice how handsome he is, it is really hard to imagine sleeping with anyone and not being able to imagine my history teacher.

  By the time the second period bell rings, I look down at my notebook and notice that I have barely taken any notes. Again. "Shit." I say to myself. I don't even remember what today's lesson was about. I really need to do good this year so that I can graduate on time. Promising myself I am going to focus more tomorrow, I pack up my things and get ready to go to third period.

  "Callie, stay behind a second, would you?" Mr. Cooper asks, not even glancing up at me.

  "Uhh, yeah. Okay, sure." I sit back down in my desk as my palms begin to sweat. Wiping them constantly on my leggings, I think what he could possibly want. Did he notice me staring today? Does he know that I wasn't paying attention to today's lesson?

  "Callie, see you later. Let's chat about Friday, yeah?" Brock snaps me out of my questioning thoughts and back to the present.

  "Yeah, no problem. See ya." I give a small wave, thoughts not anywhere near Brock or the party going on this Friday.

  Mr. C
ooper waits until Brock has been out of the classroom for a moment before standing up from behind his desk and going to close the door. He reaches up to rub the back of his neck while looking extremely uncomfortable and says, "So, you and Brock, huh?"

  "We're just friends. Why?" I squint my eyes at him. Where is he going with this?

  "I've just heard a lot about him is all. You should be careful, I wouldn't want to see you taking advantage of you or anything." He seems to be pulling these words from behind gritted teeth. What the hell isn't he saying?

  "You ask all of your students who they are dating?"

  Anger burns in his eyes. "No."

  Irritation flows through me and I stand up, grabbing my things. "Well I can assure you, Mr. Cooper, that I can and have been look after myself for a while now. I'm not a child, and I'm not going to be taken advantage of." I huff, walking towards the door.

  "Callie, stop." I keep going. "I said stop!" he barges in front of me and grabs onto my arms. "You're new here. A lot of these guys are looking for one thing, and one thing only. I don't want you to be caught up in shit you shouldn't be caught up in. Plus, I hear a lot of stuff about these parties. They can get pretty wild sometimes. The location is pretty dangerous, lots of steep cliffs and it's secluded in the woods. You never know what could happen." He looks concerned, but also a little irritated at himself for talking about this with me in the first place.

  "At least take down my phone number in case something happens." He reaches out and slowly slides my phone from between my fingers, and again it feels like a zap of electricity when our hands touch. He types in his phone number and hands it back to me. "I just don't want anything to happen to you." He says again, looking pained.

  I look up into his eyes and realize that he is a lot closer than I realized. We are so close we are basically sharing the same air. I think he realizes it the same time as I do because his eyes widen slightly. He puts his arms on the wall on either side of me, caging me in. I automatically lick my lips, and his eyes darken. He looks like he is holding himself back from leaning in and kissing me, but God I want him to so bad.


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