When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance Page 15

by A. R. Breck

  I roll my eyes and let out a groan from deep inside my soul. "Everyone thinks he's hot. You guys must not know what hot is, because he's disgusting. He's a slob. Live with him for two weeks, and I guarantee you will think differently about him." I wrinkle my nose in disgust, memories of our childhood hitting me like a slap in the face.

  "I don't care about that stuff. Come on now, you know me! I will clean up for him, and then we can get dirty together." She lets out an evil laugh, making me smirk at her despite my revulsion to this conversation.

  "Whatever. Let's go shopping! I have to get something for Alec."

  Rolling her eyes, she reverses out of my driveway and makes her way to the mall. "How are you two lovebirds anyway? I haven't seen you at all before first period. You barely let me speak a word about him in school."

  "Well, duh. I can't even think about what would happen if someone overheard us." I shiver at the thought. "Things are great though. We have this pull between us. It's unexplainable. All I know is, the connection we have is one that I have never had with anyone else in my life. I think - I think I'm falling for him." I bury my head in my hands. This is the first time I've admitted my feelings out loud.

  "Why are you hiding? Did you not know you were in love? Because let me tell you girl, you are a totally different person from when you first arrived here. When you first got here you were all bitchy and depressed. Now, though? Now you look like you are in love. You look happy, and free. I've got to say, I'm a little jealous."

  "I feel different."

  "Good, different?"

  "Yeah. Good, different." I say softly, looking out the window as the mountains fly by. I've found peace out here that I didn't think I would ever be able to find again. It's like the mountains have replaced the ocean. Don't get me wrong, the ocean has always been my first love. Pac is something that will always give me comfort, but now I find myself being able to just look outside and see the mountain tops - the fresh, crisp air, and I almost feel like a new person.

  "Good. Because I think so, too." Mya says before turning up the radio, and we jam to Coldplay the rest of the way to the mall.

  When we arrive, we decide to walk around for a bit. Mya goes in a few stores and picks out a nice new sweater for her mom and some hiking boots for her dad. After a while of looking around, I still can't seem to find anything that peaks my interest for a gift for Alec. We decide to take a break and go grab some lunch.

  "Come on, Callie. You seriously have no idea what he would like? There has to be something. I don't want to be walking around here all day." Mya grumbles, taking a sip of her soup.

  I finish my bite of chicken wild rice soup, hissing when my tongue gets burnt. I immediately grab my water bottle and take a sip, trying to relieve the pain. "I know, I know. I just - what do you get someone when they already have everything they need?" It makes me feel like a child, not having the amount of money I wish I had so that I could spoil Alec the way I feel he has been spoiling me these last couple of months.

  I continue to sit there and pout for the remainder of my meal, and when I've pretty much given up hope of getting Alec a gift at all, I see a jewelry store as I'm throwing away my garbage, and a thought comes to mind. I remember Alec complaining the other week that his watch finally broke. I know that he uses his watch throughout the day when he is grading papers and going over the class lessons, so without a watch right now I know he has been stressed.

  With a new excitement building in me, I look back at Mya and wave with my hands dramatically in the direction of the jewelry store. "I've got it! I'm going there!" I say, pretty much shaking with a newfound energy.

  "Alright, alright. Let's go then." Mya says, gathering her things and following me to the store.

  When we get inside the store and start looking around, I'm even more pleasantly surprised to see such a wide variety of men's watches, ranging from dirt cheap to holy shit, there are watches that expensive? I find one that I think fits Alec to a T; gunmetal gray mixed with black tones. It is completely manly and completely suited for Alec. It's at the top of my budget, and now I have maybe a penny to my name, but I know it will be worth it to see the look on Alec's face.

  With all of our shopping done, Mya brings me back home. We make plans to get together after Christmas. There is a party on New Year’s Eve, but I already have plans to sleep at Alec's house, so I won't be going. Shoving my gift into my purse so I'm not questioned about it, I wave goodbye to Mya and go spend the rest of the day with Mack.


  I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing in my ear. Reaching over, I grab it and answer it without looking who it is. "Hello?" I rasp.

  "Merry Christmas, baby." Comes a husky voice from the other end.

  My eyes immediately pop open. Sitting up in bed, I rub my eyes. "Morning, Alec. Merry Christmas." I say softly.

  "How is my girl doing?" He asks.

  "I'm fine. Missing you, though. Me and my brother have been busy. Doing outdoorsy things. I'm exhausted." I laugh.

  "I miss you too. It's good that your brother is there though. Sounds like he is keeping you busy." He has a smile in his voice.


  "Well, I just wanted to call and be the first to tell you Merry Christmas. Do you have any big plans?"

  "No. Aunt Jenna is going to church this morning, and then we're just planning to cook a nice dinner here, open presents, and binge on Christmas movies. What about you?"

  "That sounds perfect. We're doing pretty much the same. There is some caroling event that my mom wants to go to, but otherwise we're just hanging out around the house. My dad has put me to work since I got home. Working on the farm." He sighs like he is irritated by that fact, but you can hear the love projecting from his voice. He is lucky his family is so close.

  "I wish I could see you there, working on the farm. You should take some pictures of it for me. I would love to see where you grew up."

  Alec chuckles. "I'll try and take a couple pictures before I head home. I'll see you in a few days, okay? Have a good day today. Text me tonight before you go to bed."

  "I will. Lo- Have a good day. Merry Christmas." I hang up before he can reply. I slap myself in the forehead. Callie, you idiot. Saying I love you for the first time, over the phone? On Christmas? I'm glad he's far away, at least now he can't see the embarrassment bleeding from every single inch of me. I fall back onto my bed and groan.

  Please God, please let him not have heard me almost utter the L word. Fucking hell.

  I lay there for about ten more minutes, giving myself a pity party. But then my need for coffee takes priority. Hauling myself out of bed, I shuffle out to the kitchen, seeing that Aunt Jenna is already gone for church. Grabbing myself a cup of coffee, I trudge over to the living room and plop down at the end of the couch, pushing a sleeping Mack's feet out of the way. He starts grumbling and kicking me with his feet, which makes me push back even harder. We end up in some sort of sibling, laughing but irritated war, and one where he always wins.

  I end up on the floor, turning on Charlie Brown Christmas, sitting in front of the Christmas tree. "Merry Christmas, Callie. Haven't you learned that I always win the foot war?" He laughs sleepily.

  "Shut up, asshole." I grumble, only half angry.

  "Hey, now. You can't be angry on Christmas. I forbid it."

  "I can be sad though, right?" Because at this exact moment, it hits me that I won't have my mom here for my very first Christmas, ever. And it really, really hurts. It feels like someone has reached inside of my soul and torn off a part of it. Every time it feels like the wound is healing over, something happens and the scab is ripped open once again.

  I hear shuffling behind me and then a pair of strong arms wrapping around me, giving me a big squeeze. I choke out a sob, feeling complete despair. "I don't even know where this is coming from. I've been happy lately, but all of the sudden I think about mom, and all of the memories we would have during the holidays. If I knew last year it would have been he
r last one, I would have made it more special, you know?" I ask, hiccupping, snot running down my nose in a very disgusting manner. I grab the sleeve of the sweatshirt I'm wearing and try to wipe some of it away.

  Mack gets up and goes to the bathroom, grabbing me a few Kleenexes before coming back and giving me another hug. "You have always been the most hideous crier, Callie." He chuckles. "But, it's okay for you to be feeling like this. If any of us would have known last year would have been her last Christmas, we all would have done something spectacular for her. But most of the time, no one knows that it is going to be their last holiday, or their last vacation, or their last day on Earth, for that matter. All we can do is cherish the memories that we did have, and try to live on positively in her honor. Make her proud."

  I blow my nose, finally starting to get a handle on myself. "I know. It's just hard, you know? I miss my mom." More rivers of tears start tracking down my face.

  He gives me a tight squeeze and sniffles a little himself. "I know, Callie. I know. I miss her too. She was the best." We hug like that for some time, allowing ourselves a few minutes of grieving over the only one who has always taken care of us.

  After a moment, Mack gets up and goes to the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee. "Alright, enough with this sad talk. Let's be happy today and have a good time with Aunt Jenna, alright? We should show her that we are thankful for everything she does."

  After blowing my nose one more time, I say, "That sounds like a great idea. What do you have in mind?"

  "Let's whip her up a good breakfast. So when she gets back from church, everything will be already made and ready to go for her. That will be one less thing that she will have to take care of today." He is already moving to the cupboards, taking out the necessary pots and pans.

  "Sweet." I agree.

  And that is how we spend the rest of our Christmas morning, reliving good memories of our childhood, while making new memories in our adulthood.

  * * * *

  "Alright, let’s go open presents!" Aunt Jenna says, just having finished up cleaning the kitchen from our dinner. We just had a delicious ham dinner that she made for us, and me and Mack both gained about five pounds from all the food we have eaten today.

  We all hobble over to the Christmas tree, and Aunt Jenna each hands us a handful of presents. "Aunt Jenna, you didn't need to get us all of this stuff." Mack huffs out.

  "Of course, I did, dear. Now quit complaining and open them up!" Aunt Jenna claps her hands together, her excitement palpable.

  I open up my gifts from Aunt Jenna and am very pleased with her choices. I got some jewelry, new headphones, and some clothes. Mack got clothes, a wetsuit for when he is surfing, and a few other gadgets. Aunt Jenna then comes out with two identical gifts and hands one to both me and Mack. "Now, this one is special, so I wanted you to both open them at the same time."

  Feeling hesitant, I look over at Mack. He gives me a reassuring smile, and together we open our gift. Almost instantly, tears start flowing down my face for the second time today. "Aunt Jenna!" I'm speechless. It's a photo album with photos dedicated to me and my mom. As I look through the photos, I cry out every single ounce of sadness in me. Looking over at Mack, he's not in a much better spot then I am having received what looks like to be an identical album with him and mom as well. Aunt Jenna is crying too, wiping her face with the corner of a tissue.

  I set my photo album down and go give Aunt Jenna a huge hug. "I can't tell you how much that gift means to me, Aunt Jenna. It's hands-down the best gift I've ever received."

  She gives me a loving squeeze back. "You are very welcome, my dear."

  Mack comes over and gives Aunt Jenna a hug too, clearing his throat to get rid of the emotion in his voice, I'm sure. "Thanks, Aunt Jenna. This is awesome."

  We finish going through gifts after that. Me and Mack exchange, each of us getting each other a gift card to our favorite clothing stores. I give Aunt Jenna her gift from me and Mack - a certificate to the local spa. "Now you can go and have a day of relaxation!" I laugh. Aunt Jenna gives us both a big hug for that one, very excited to treat herself to a massage and spa day.

  The rest of the evening goes the same, lots of laughter and smiling. We watch a slew of cheesy Christmas movies and eat Christmas cookies and sweets until our teeth hurt.

  * * * *

  "Have a good time, Callie. Be smart, and call me if you need anything." Aunt Jenna says with a wave on her way out the door.

  "Will do! Have a good night!" I shout from my bathroom, doing the finishing touches on my makeup for the evening.

  Winter break is nearly over. Mack left for back to school yesterday. Apparently, there was a huge New Year's Eve party tonight at one of his buddy's fraternities or something, I didn't really pay attention. Alec finally got home this morning, and my plan is to head over there shortly. I will admit that I am dolling myself a little bit more than usual this evening.

  Aunt Jenna is going to one of her girlfriend's house to watch the ball drop with a group of her friends. She thinks that I will be spending the night with Mya and Leah, and they both know to cover for me if need be.

  The moment that she is out the door, I hurry and finish getting my makeup ready and then rush into my bedroom to get dressed. I put on my matching bra and panty set - a little number that has black lace and a gold fabric underneath. It is probably the sexiest lingerie that I own, and it amazingly makes my average B cup boobs turn into what looks to be like a C cup. Over this I'm throwing on an oversized sweater dress that hits mid-thigh, and combining it with some light gray over the knee boots.

  I go to the bathroom and give myself a once over. My outfit looks good with my smoky eye look this evening. I did a nude lip because I don't want to look like I'm overdoing it. And finally, I put some large, loose curls in my long hair, letting them fall down to my lower back. Feeling confident that I look pretty damn good this evening, I grab my purse, Alec's gift, and my coat, and I'm out the door.

  Driving to Alec's house doesn't take more than fifteen minutes, but it is much more of a pain to drive around in these mountains now that there is snow on the ground. I was afraid of tumbling over a cliff when there was no snow. Now, though? Now I feel like my hands have no circulation in them by the time my drive is over from how hard I gripped the steering wheel. Mya tells me that I will get used to the roads here, but I'm not sure I can ever be comfortable enough to whip it around these corners like I see some of the other drives do.

  Pulling into his driveway, I see that he left the outside light on. Grabbing my things, I walk up to his front door and hesitantly knock. Are we at the point in our relationship where I should just walk in? A moment later, the door opens to a smiling Alec. He reaches down and lifts me off my feet, giving me a kiss that touches every single fiber of my being. Melting into his mouth, I drop my things and wrap my arms around his neck, showing him my love with a single kiss.

  With another peck, he releases me and gently places me on the ground. Bending down and grabbing my things for me – swoon - he ushers me into his house. "How are you doing, babe?"

  Taking off my coat, I hang it up on the hook near the front door. "I'm doing good now. I feel like you have been gone for ages." I turn around and look at him, and see his jaw practically hanging to the floor.

  He groans. "Callie, are you trying to kill me?" He comes up to me and puts his hands on my bare legs, letting out another moan when he feels how smooth they are. "Fucking Christ, Callie."

  Giving him a sly smile, I say, "We've got all night, mister. Behave yourself for a while." Patting him on the chest, I back up and grab my gift before walking into the living room to sit down in front of the fire place. "Come open up the gift I got you." I pat the spot next to me.

  "Callie, I thought I said no gifts. You should have saved your money, babe."

  "I wanted to. Now please, come open." I give him puppy dog eyes and he immediately relents, walking over to me and sitting next to me.

  I hand it to him w
ith a kiss, and when he opens it, his eyes go wide. "Callie! This watch is expensive! How did you pay for this?"

  I put my hands atop of his. "You know the job I work at to make money? That's how I purchased it. I wanted to get this for you. Please, just keep it."

  His face turns into one of gratitude. "This is great. Thank you, babe. It's perfect, and you know I have needed one. I've been going out of my mind having to click on my phone or look for a clock every hour." He leans forward and gives me a kiss, which heats up pretty quickly. Wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, he grabs hold and kisses me with such passion and heat; I can feel the wetness start to seep into my panties.

  He breaks the kiss and stands up. "I've actually got something for you, too." He looks at me sheepishly.

  I gasp. "You were going to give me shit for getting you something, when you got me something anyway?"

  "You need to be saving up your money. I want to spend money on you, to take care of you. You don't need to worry about getting me anything; I already have everything I could ever ask for. I just saw this and thought that I had to get it for you. So here, open." He hands me a small box, and I tentatively reach out and take it.

  Slowly opening it, I instantly tear up when I see the most beautiful necklace that I have ever seen. It looks like a small heart shaped locket, but when I open it up, I see two different colored stones. I notice my birthstone, the amethyst, nestled next to another stone. I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "Is - is this your birthstone?" I ask.

  He nods his head yes.

  I look back down at the necklace, which has turned completely blurry from the flood of tears in my eyes. "This is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen." The unique design of the heart is amazing. It's not like an ordinary locket. The small designs flowing throughout the heart are phenomenal. The details and the tiny colored stones make it more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a work of art.

  I look up at him again, lip trembling, not sure what to say.


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