When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance Page 22

by A. R. Breck

  "It's too late for sweets for me, dear. I did save some soup for you in the crockpot, if you're hungry."

  "Starving, actually." I go to the kitchen, grabbing myself a bowl and scooping up some of Aunt Jenna's homemade Chicken Wild Rice Soup. Delicious.

  I sit down at the table and Aunt Jenna takes the seat next to me. "What are you doing up so late, anyway? You are usually in bed by now."

  "Well, you know, I don't have much time left with you. I will take every second I can get."

  I stop eating; spoon left hanging midair as I stare at her and see the sadness in her eyes. We have grown close over the last year, closer than I ever thought we would be become. I imagine it will be hard for her, having to go back to being an empty nester after dealing with me and my crazy self.

  "You're going to miss me, Aunt Jenna?"

  Her eyes water up a bit. "Of course I am, Callie. I never had children of my own, and you made it so that I was able to experience a bit of that, and I couldn't be happier. You brought a lot of joy into my life, not to mention, a lot of stress." I grimace at that, but she only chuckles. "It was all worth it to me, honestly. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my time when you're gone. I might have to adopt a dog, or something."

  My ears perk up at that. "That sounds like a great idea. Mom never wanted to get another dog after Sally died, but I've always wanted one." Sally was our beloved Maltese we had when I was a child. My mom was heartbroken when she died.

  "Yes, well, maybe when you come back to visit me on winter break, there will be a little furry friend for you to play with." She winks.

  "Sounds like a plan to me."

  I finish off my bowl of soup, cleaning up my mess before me and Aunt Jenna move over to the living room and turn on some TV.

  "So, did you get your cap and gown ordered?" She asks a while later.

  I turn to her. "Yeah, should be ready for pick up this weekend."

  We watch some Netflix together before heading off to bed. Laying in bed, I think about graduation. It's coming up fast. I really wish that Alec could be there at the ceremony. And I really, really wish that my Mom could have been alive to see me graduate. But what I have learned over this past year is that she is here, in some way. She is watching over me and I know she would be proud of me. Sometimes, I feel like I can even sense that she is with me; whether I am at home, school, work, wherever. I can almost feel her with me.

  I am excited that Mack is supposed to make it down for the ceremony. I haven't seen him since Christmas time. He wasn't able to make it down during Spring Break, which was fine. I was not mentally in a good place at that time anyway. We made some plans for when he gets here, which will be good because now he will be able to experience the summer activities as well as the winter activities.

  At the moment that I am halfway between awake and dreamland, one thought floats through my mind before I finally drift off.

  Only 82 days left.


  "Well? How does it look?" Leah asks, hands on her hips as she looks at our new setup.

  We moved into our apartment a few days ago, spending about ten hours a day unpacking and decorating our small three-bedroom apartment. Once we graduated, the rest of June and July was spent hanging out, going to a few parties, and packing for our move.

  Graduation went well. My brother came to visit and we went hiking a lot. I opened up to him about what happened. I didn't tell him it was a teacher, but just that he was some guy at the school. Mack was pissed, to say the least. But in the end, he just comforted me while I cried on his shoulder. Mya flirted with him constantly, even in front of Lane. I'll just say it was a drama filled weekend.

  Aunt Jenna drove down to Boulder, as well as Mya and Leah's parents to help us get settled in our new apartment. When they left, it was a huge tear fest for everyone involved. But once we ushered our parental units out the door, we slammed it with a bang and cranked up the music, dancing to music as we finally enjoyed our first place.

  Lane ended up going to a local community college, while Sawyer is going to University of Colorado, same as us. He is staying in a fraternity, which Leah is excited about, but I'm just rolling my eyes at the thought of all the bros and beer I'm going to be around for the next few years.

  Much to my surprise, Brock caught up with me at the end of the graduation ceremony. He wanted to make sure we were still friends, and apologized for the weirdness between us during the year. He and Melanie are still dating, and word is that they moved to Washington and are going to college out there.

  And tomorrow is my birthday. To say I'm anxious is putting it lightly. That note that was on my windshield has been looked at and dissected from every angle. The paper is fraying at the edges and well worn, folded up and put in my underwear drawer. I really hope that I'm not getting my hopes up thinking that he is going to show up on my birthday. In reality, he might not. This whole thing could have been a sick joke from another student, just trying to get a crack at me. All the scenarios are driving me crazy.

  "Callie?" Leah says, snapping me out of my daydreaming.

  "Huh? What? Oh, yes. That looks good. Wait." I lean forward and readjust a picture. "Now it's good."

  "So, what do you guys want to do tonight?" Mya asks, coming out of the bathroom, just have taken a shower.

  "I think we should go out to eat at that little restaurant down the road." Leah says, plopping down on the couch and heaving a sigh. We have seriously been working non-stop, so I don't blame her. She looks up at me. "What do you think, Callie?"

  I shrug. "Sure, doesn't matter to me." I lift up my shirt and take a sniff and then wrinkle my nose in disgust. "I just need to shower first. Gross."

  "Sick. Go shower, nasty." Mya plugs her nose like she can smell me from across the room.

  I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. But then I end up cussing and having to rush anyway, because of course, Mya used up all the hot water.

  * * * *

  "To a new year!" Leah toasts, and we three clink our glasses together.

  We got to the restaurant around five, and have been sitting here for hours, just hanging around, gossiping and talking about our plans for the next few weeks. The start of classes is coming up fast, and we still have a few things to do like go and get our textbooks and badges to get into the many different buildings.

  "So, what are our plans for tomorrow? Mya asks, nibbling on the few stray fries on her plate.

  "Well, considering it's your birthday, I think we need to find a party or something." Leah tells me.

  I roll my eyes. "Frat party? Ugh."

  "We don't have to go if you don't want to, but it might be fun." Mya shrugs.

  "Whatever, I don't really care. But if shit gets boring, we're getting the hell out of there." I point my finger at the both of them.

  "Woohoo!" Mya says, getting that party gleam in her eyes already.

  "I'm going to text Sawyer and see if he knows of any parties going on tomorrow night." Leah says, pulling out her phone.

  "I'm going to the bathroom quick, and then we can head out." I say, getting out of the booth and following the sign to the bathroom. As I turn the corner, I feel a sense that someone is watching me. It's sudden and sharp, so much that I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise instantly. I look around nervously, and glance back at our booth and see that Mya and Leah are both immersed in their phones.

  Not seeing anyone blatantly looking at me, I hurry into the bathroom to go pee. The feeling of being watched was so strong, I'm almost positive someone was staring at me. I shiver, creeped out with place all of the sudden.

  I'm suddenly ready to get the hell out of here.

  * * * *

  "Wake up bitch, it's your birthday!" I jerk around and my eyes snap open.

  "The fuck!" I groan, watching as both Mya and Leah bounce around in my bed.

  "No grumpiness today. Only happy, Callie. Come on, get up." Mya spanks my butt and then walks off to the kitchen wit
h Leah in tow, laughing her ass off.

  "Bitches." I mumble, stretching like a cat before sitting up and throwing my hair up into a bun. Maybe I wanted to actually, you know, sleep in on my birthday. Nope, not possible when I'm living with these two. They both wake up with the sun, and apparently, they think everyone else needs to be awake with them.

  I stand up and throw on a hoodie before walking out to the kitchen. "You both have better have a nice, hot cup of coffee ready for me." I yell.

  When I get out to the kitchen, I see breakfast is already made and a massive mug of coffee is sitting at the counter. "I knew I loved you guys for a reason." I say, making a beeline for the cup of coffee. "You guys didn't need to do all of this though; you already got me a sweet present." They bought me a spa package, and the three of us went to the salon and got full on makeovers, massages, pedicures, manicures, facials, and our hair done. It was a great day, and I could do it every weekend of my life.

  "Of course, we did. It's your birthday, which makes you Queen B for the day." Leah says, dishing up her own breakfast.

  I get a bing on my phone, and look down and see a text from Mack.

  Mack: Happy Birthday, Sis! Check your mailbox. My gift should be arriving today!

  My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline. Wow, Mack never gets me birthday gifts. I mean, yeah, we got each other Christmas gifts this year, but birthday gifts? We usually don't even give each other a Happy Birthday until a few days later.

  Now that my curiosity is through the roof, I just have to go and check our mailbox. I take a sip of my coffee before sliding on my sandals. "I'll be right back. Mack is supposed to have a present delivered today. I want to see if it's here yet."

  "Okay, hurry up before your food gets cold." Leah says.

  I walk down to the mailbox, checking the mail and seeing that it's empty. Hmm, must be arriving later then. Walking back upstairs, I stop at the sight of a small note taped to our front door. Walking up to it, I tear it off and read it-

  7479 Minnehaha Lane

  Boulder, Colorado 80301

  An address? Why is there an address taped to our door?


  Without even thinking twice, I blow through the door and into my room. I hear both Mya and Leah asking what's wrong, but I can't even worry about that right now. Digging into my underwear drawer, I pull out the worn, barely readable note and open it up to compare the two.

  It’s definitely the same writing.

  What does this mean?

  Grabbing my phone, I pull up the address. Its close and it's… a house? I thought it would be like a restaurant or a coffee shop or something, not a house.

  Hope bubbles up inside of me. I know I shouldn't be even thinking that it's a possibility that I will be going to see Alec, but I can't help but feel the pull inside of me. The empty hole inside where my heart once resided is waking from its sleep, rattling around in my chest, eager to come to life again.

  My mind is made up before I even have to think about my options. I pull on some clothes and go brush my teeth, wincing at what the girls are going to think when I tell them my plans have changed.

  Walking out into the kitchen, I see them both just hanging around on their phones, but they look up when I walk into the room. "Where are you going?" Mya asks.

  "So," I sigh, not sure how to even begin. "When we were at school, I received this cryptic note on my car which was basically a countdown to my birthday. This morning when I went to go and check the mail, I saw another note with an address on it. An address in Boulder." They both look at me like I am an absolute nut job. "I'm going to go check it out."

  "No, you are not!" Leah screeches. "It could be a serial killer!" She throws her hands in the air in emphasis.

  "It's not. I think its Alec."

  Both Mya and Leah get a sad look, but Leah is not deterred. "You don't know that it is Alec though. It could be anyone! You could be walking into some creepy dungeon layer with BDSM and some stalker named Bernard!"

  I laugh. "It's not some creepy stalker named Bernard, I promise. It's Alec, I just know it. I have to go and see." I grab my purse from the couch and throw my shoes on. "I'm sorry that I'm ditching out right now, but I do still want to go out tonight. You guys don't hate me?" I bite my lip, anticipating their wrath and then feeling a heavy dose of guilt.

  When they both come up to me and wrap their arms around me, I sag my shoulders in relief. "We could never be upset with you. It's your birthday, and you have been miserable without Alec. Go and get your man." Mya says, ushering me to the door. "But if you don't call us - not text - call us by lunch time, I'm calling the police to report a kidnapping." She smiles evilly, and I roll my eyes, knowing that she will, without a doubt, call the police if I don't call by lunch time.

  "Yes, Mother." I roll my eyes and give them both a hug before going out the door.

  And hopefully finding my way back to my heart.

  * * * *

  I pull up to the address listed on the note, glancing down to make sure I have the right address. Yep, it's right. Does Alec live here? It's a modest, two-story home in the middle of the suburbs. Not like his last home, which was much more secluded in the woods and had a cabin-feel. This one looks more like a family home.

  Nerves settle into my belly, big fluttering butterflies with their wings flapping in every direction. I settle a hand over my stomach, trying to calm the nerves and settle my anxiety.

  I flip the visor down, checking my makeup. Unfortunately, I didn't put anything on this morning, but at least I showered last night so I don't have raccoon eyes. Smoothing a hand through my top knot, I grab my purse and flip the visor back up, and then hop out of my car.

  On wobbly legs, I walk up the driveway and ring the doorbell, wringing my hands together as my heart starts to race. As I hear footsteps approaching the door, I almost think about making a run for it. Maybe I'm not ready to confront him after all?

  Before I have a chance to decide what I should do, the door opens. And my heart stops.

  Alec, my heart sighs.

  "Callie." Alec says in relief.

  "Alec." I whisper, voice shaking.

  "Will you come in?"

  I nod my head yes, walking past him as he opens the door up wider. I take a quick glance around the place, noticing the warm decor with neutral colors and a homey feel. I look up at Alec, only to find that he is already staring at me, giving me such a deep stare that it reaches every inch of my being.

  "Happy Birthday, Callie."

  "Thank you."

  "Would you like to come in and sit down? We can talk." He starts walking over to his living room, and I have no choice but to follow.

  Sitting down, I make sure to leave at least two cushions in between us. He notices this, which I can tell by the small frown that flits across his face. "How have you been?" He asks.

  "Why am I here, Alec?"

  He sighs, and for a moment he looks much older than his twenty-seven years. He looks up at me, and pure sorrow gazes back at me. "I miss you, Callie. I'm here in Boulder for you."

  "You bought this home?" I ask, wide eyed.

  He nods his head. "I knew you were coming to school here, and I wanted to be close to you."

  "You left me." I say on a whisper.

  He reaches forward and grabs my hand, looking at me right in the eye. "Callie, I had to. I had to leave, otherwise people were going to start asking questions. Things were getting too risky. If I would have stayed, we would have gotten caught and then I would have gone to prison. Is that what you want?"

  I frown. "No, of course not."

  "I know that would have happened. That's why I left. That's the only reason why I left. Because I knew a few months without you is better than a lifetime without you. So, I had to go. I knew it might take some serious groveling to get you back, but it's worth it if my end result is being with you."

  My heart thumps - then thumps again. Hope and love swirl in my mind and in my heart. I want so badly to give in, to fall i
nto Alec's arms and let him take away my pain. There is only one thing that is stopping me.

  Everyone leaves.

  "How do I know you won't pull something like this again?"

  "Because, I would never let anything come between us again. You will have to be pried from my arms if anyone thinks I am ever letter you go anywhere. I am here to stay, Callie. I left because I had to, not because I wanted to. Now that we can finally be together, with no one to tell us otherwise, I am ready to spend the rest of my days with you. I want to wake up every day with you and go to sleep every night with you. I want to kiss you when you’re sad and I want to be the one to make you laugh. I want to see your belly grow big with our child." He looks pained at this. "It hurts me knowing that we already a baby, and if I never would have taken you on that trip." His voice cuts off, the pain coming from deep within him. "We could have a baby right now." His eyes water and it cuts me right down the middle.

  "It just wasn't meant to be, Alec. I've come to terms with it." I look at him sadly and squeeze his hand, wanting to give him strength after all the times he has given me strength.

  "I know, I know. I just - I want a family with you. But more than anything, I just want you. I love you, Callie. I love you so fucking much." Love shines in his eyes, and it's this that makes me cave.

  "I love you too, Alec." I sink into his arms, loving the feel of his body curling around me and giving me the love and comfort that I so desperately need.

  He cups his hands around my cheeks, pulling our faces so close that are noses touch. "Forever, Callie." He rasps.


  He pulls me forward gently, connecting our lips in a hesitant yet intimate embrace. We sigh simultaneously, feeling like we're coming home after a long time away. Which I guess in a way we are.

  I hope that this will be it. I hope that I have finally found my forever home with Alec.

  And finally, I hope that this is finally the time when he stays.


  Five Years Later

  "Good morning, baby." I hear from next to me in a quiet, husky voice.


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