Gang Raped Virgin

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by Paul Gable

  Gang Raped Virgin

  Paul Gable

  Series: Bondage House (Book 8136)


  Publisher: Greenleaf Classics; 1st edition (1982)

  Chapter 1

  “Hey, babe, what’s a nice chick like you doin’ down here?”

  “Ignore him,” Julie Watkins whispered, leaning toward her friend. She kept her eyes on the three shabbily dressed studs standing in front of them on the boardwalk.

  “I told you we should have come down here to Venice,” Janet Dennis whispered back, rubbing her fingers briskly over her upper arms. The young blonde teenager felt, a little nervous as she studied the men who had approached her and her girlfriend in front of the recreational pavilion. They looked as if they might be members of some biker club, perhaps one of those involved in all that terrible violence going on down here in this beach community. She remembered reading about the shootings, the rapes, the reports of all sorts of crimes taking place in Venice. Why had she agreed, then, to come down here with her girlfriend?

  “Hey, man, don’tcha like us? Man, you’re sure fine, really fine,” the tall bearded stud said, his voice becoming thick. There was something in his eyes, something that both attracted and repulsed Janet. She couldn’t stare at him. Her fingers were trembling, turning icy while her flesh started to crawl. Why didn’t they leave, turn their backs and just walk away from these horrible men?

  “No, it’s not that,” Julie countered, smiling bravely after casting a glance at her friend. “It’s just that… well, you surprised us by coming up so fast.”

  What was her friend doing? Janet looked at the attractive tall brunette with rounded eyes. It was getting dark. The wind was picking up from the southwest, blowing long bands of reddening clouds over the rolling surf and over the wide stretch of white sand. The small crowd that had been down here this cool September day was already thinning, few of them glancing at this group in front of the pavilion.

  “We can get to know you two pretty fast,” the tall bearded stud said, rubbing his dirty fingers over the sides of his Levi’s.

  Janet swallowed hard. She could well guess what the young man meant. Even though her mother had done her best to keep her ignorant of the facts of life, Janet had learned enough from her girlfriends at school. In bathrooms or in the cafeteria she had heard about how guys were built, about how a guy’s cock was soft and small until it got excited. And then, wow, it could be over six inches long, maybe even ten! And then all that white hot stuff shot out of the tip, filling a girl up, maybe even getting her pregnant!

  Janet remembered how she felt when her girlfriends told her about sex, about fucking! She sat there like the rest of them, turning shades of pink and giggling nervously, wondering if someone was listening to them who shouldn’t. And all the while she had this hot feeling between her legs. When she moved, there was that soft, subtle rub of her cuntlips against one another and against her stiff clit that took her breath away. She had glanced at the other girls, wondering if they felt the same way. No, she didn’t have the courage to ask her friends, not even Julie who was so daring, so forward. Julie Watkins was going to get herself in trouble some day with the fast life she was leading! Those stories about her and her boyfriend Hank and what they did behind the house one summer night spread like wildfire through the school.

  “I don’t know… you guys got any stuff around?” Julie asked, sucking in her lower lip and biting down. She looked just like an impish elf, brushing her long brown hair back over her shoulders.


  Janet felt the wind picking up, stinging her face as the three studs looked at one another, their lips curling up into cynical smirks. Janet didn’t like the way this was turning out. Julie had suggested shooting down to Venice after school. They had just started classes this past Monday and already school was turning out to be a drag. Julie was able to drive her mother’s car on Tuesdays and Fridays, and her mother wouldn’t be home until eight tonight. That left the girls five whole hours to drive around. As usual Janet left the destination up to her friend who seemed to know more about all the “in” spots.

  “Come on, Janet, you can’t live like a mole all the time. We don’t want any… hard stuff. Just, well, you know, some pot or something,” Julie said, straightening her back and tilting her head in an attempt to look older than she was.

  “I want to go home,” Janet whispered, pulling Julie to one side while keeping her eyes on the three men.

  “Yeah, we got some stuff. But not here. The cops are around too much, you know. If you wanna come with us, we’ll have us a little party.”

  Janet shuddered. Didn’t Julie understand what these guys were after? Didn’t she knew they wanted to… to fuck them? She could see it in their eyes, hear it in their voices! But her friend kept going on, talking with them, laughing easily and freely while the sky grew darker. Already the streetlights were turning on, casting their strange white glare on the boardwalk while residents were scurrying home.

  “We got some money. We’ll pay, don’t worry about that,” Julie said, straightening her dress.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” Janet whispered again, tugging her friend away.

  “Hey, little lady, come on, we ain’t gonna hurt you. Yeah, we could use some extra bucks for tonight. It’s the weekend and all that. Come on, it’s just a short walk from here down by the canals.”

  “Okay,” Julie said, giving her friend a superior look, then moving away.

  I should stay right here until she comes back, Janet thought as she joined Julie and followed the three men down Ocean Front Walk. It was madness, insanity to go with the strange men… and on a drug-buying deal to boot! Of course she wasn’t horrified at the thought of Julie buying weed. The stuff was sold at school almost as freely as milk at the cafeteria lunch line. She had tried it a couple of times at Julie’s, although Janet wasn’t sure whether she liked it or not.

  “Don’t be such a prude,” Julie said, pinching Janet’s arm as they turned east on Venice Boulevard and crossed Pacific Avenue. “You said you wanted to have a little fun.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t think, I mean, I didn’t know you were gonna be down here picking up guys… guys like that.”

  Janet looked around her, God, it was getting darker, more creepy. A few cars zoomed up and down the boulevard as they reached a small bridge. To the right she saw a long waterway wending its way toward the marina. Tumble-down homes and apartment buildings clung precariously to the grass-covered banks. A sour, pungent odor seemed to hang over the area, a smell far from, pleasant that grew stronger as the party descended rickety wooden stairs to a cement walkway.

  “Careful here,” one, of the men warned. “Lots of cracks. Fuckin’ city don’t fix nothin’.”

  Janet picked her way carefully in the semi-darkness. A few lights in the homes were the only indication of life in the area. More than once Janet thought about turning around and going back to the car. She drew closer to Julie, wishing time would pass quickly so she could be back home in her boring community. This was the kind of excitement she didn’t need.

  “Here we are.”

  They stopped at the corner of two adjoining waterways.

  “Don’t worry,” Julie reassured her.

  Janet smiled weakly, bugging her thin shoulders as they stepped into a one-story wood house on the canals. It was damp inside, reeking of a mixture of odors. Janet wrinkled up her nose as she walked in. Someone turned on a dim light that barely illuminated the place.

  “Name’s Jack,” the tall dark-headed, bearded stud said, closing the door behind them and locking it. Yes, he locked it! Janet was sure! She had heard the snap of the bolt even if Julie hadn’t. Should she say something? “That there’s Bill a
nd Greig.”

  “Get the stuff, man. The girls gotta go,” Greig, a tall wiry blond said, wiping his nose with the back of one hand.

  Janet moved behind her girlfriend protectively, watching the way Jack moved. He seemed cocky, self-confident, even… yes, she had to admit it to herself, even sexy! In a moment he was back with a small plastic packet filled with marijuana.

  “You girls wanna try it first?” he asked, holding the packet out.


  “Sure, come on,” Julie countered.

  Jack had everybody sitting in a circle in spite of Janet’s attempts to get her and Julie out of there as quickly as possible. Opening the packet and pulling some papers from his pocket, he rolled several wrinkled, hand-rolled cigarettes. Janet held her breath. She guessed it was good grass from the way the guys were smiling at Jack. There was the sound of a match striking, the familiar smell of burning marijuana. They were passing it around. Janet took only a little, handing the smoldering thing to Jack again. He took advantage of the moment to brush her palm with his fingers. The sensation was electric, thrillingly hot.

  “Wow, this is good stuff, you know, Janet?”

  Her friend was looking bleary-eyed. Janet didn’t like this, didn’t like it at all. She could feel the men closing in on them. Janet scooted back slowly toward the door. If Julie weren’t going to get out of here, then she was going to leave. She had enough money for a cab.

  “Hey, where you goin’?” Jack asked, handing the stub of the joint to Greig. He was starting to get up, stretching out one hand toward her.

  Julie was swaying back and forth, mumbling something incoherent. Already Greig was making his move, rubbing her back with one hand while fondling her ass with the other hand.

  “I… uhhh… don’t want any more.” Janet’s voice sounded funny.

  Janet got to her feet, feeling the room sway a little. Yes, she was high, but not as high as her friend. God, what was that guy doing to Julie? He was feeling her up and down, nuzzling her neck, moving his hands around her ass. And Julie was laughing, throwing her head back and laughing while he touched her all over! It was more than Janet could stand. She felt real panic as she backed up, one hand stretched behind her, feeling for the bolt.

  “That’s cool. That’s okay. You just sit there and wait ’til your friend gets through,” Jack said, taking Janet’s hand and pulling her away from the door.

  Janet resisted, tugging back. “No, please, I don’t feel so good. I need some fresh air and…”

  “You just wanna get away.”

  He smiled, his lips parting and revealing a row of white, square-cut teeth. He was laughing at her, laughing at her weakness, at her vulnerability. The more she trembled in front of him, the more he was enjoying it. In the background she could hear Julie laughing, her laughter interspersed with moans that indicated something more than just pot smoking was going on.

  “Come on. Why don’tcha be more friendly like your pal over there?” Jack said, his fingers tightening around Janet’s wrist until they hurt.

  “Please, leave… me… alone!”

  Janet twisted around, trying to break his grip. But Jack was strong. IHe sneered at her while pulling her toward him. She could smell him, smell the dirt and grease on his clothes, on his body. Wrinkling her nose, she tried to pull back once more. When she found she couldn’t, Janet panicked and thrust one knee toward his groin.


  Jack had seen her move just in time to move, her knee catching the side of his body.

  “So, gettin’ rough, huh? Man, I can get rough… real rough, you know?”

  The smile left, quickly replaced by a savage look that made Janet tremble. She felt her knees buckling, bending, as she sank to the floor. He was twisting her wrist around harder, his fingers tightening. She could feel the bones cracking, the pain radiating up her arm to her shoulder. Tears sprang to her eyes as Jack kept twisting her arm around. At the last moment he gave her wrist a sharp jerk that sent her to the floor. “Oh, let me go!”

  “No way, baby, not now,” Jack said.

  The other two men had turned around to see what was going on. Julie was out like a light. Her dress was hiked up to her waist, her panties pulled down to her knees. Greig and Bill had been feeling her up. Bill had opened his Levi’s and pulled out his dick intending to fuck the unconscious brunette when he heard Janet cry out.

  “Hey, what’s the matter, buddy, the bitch givin’ you same trouble?”

  “Naw, just a little feisty, that’s all.”

  Janet felt a shock of horror shoot through her like a lightning bolt. She was in trouble, deep trouble! And there was no one around who would help her.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked in a small voice, tears in her eyes.

  “What I usually get from the chicks I know around here,” Jack laughed.

  “No, no, you’re crazy, no!” Janet gasped, still tugging her arm, trying to get free. Her knees scraped along the dirty wooden floor. “My mother’ll call the police when she finds out and they’ll…”

  “Cut it out!” Jack snapped. “You keep talkin’ like that and you’ll never see your old lady again, unnerstan’?”

  “No, no, I’ll scream!” she threatened, terror blotting out her common sense. She felt her skin tighten around her eyes, felt tingles rushing up and down her spine while her legs cramped.

  “And who’s gonna hear you, the dogs around here, the illegals who live next door? They’re so fuckin’ scared of the cops they don’t even come out at night, ‘less they have to. They ain’t gonna help, believe me, baby.”

  “No, help, help!”

  Jack muttered something, bending down and slipping his free hand wound her opening mouth. His coarse palm pressed tightly against her lips.

  “Get up.”

  He jerked her to her feet, wrapping one hand around her waist and shoving her back. Janet struggled, her knees bumping hard against his. He was twisting her head, shoving it against the wall behind her. Some of the guys were saying something about fucking her, about them all wanting to fuck her! Janet screamed against the filthy hand covering her mouth, struggling to get her arms free, to hurt him. If only she could hurt him, drive him away so she could get to the door and escape!


  And then suddenly that arm was gone from around her waist. What was he doing? She felt him fumbling, then heard the sound of jingling. Glancing down, the girl was able to see that Jack and tugged off his trousers. He was naked from the waist down, something very long and dark pink sticking out from between his thighs. His cock! Yes, that’s what it was! It was his dick, that thing she and her girlfriends had laughed and giggled about over lunch. There was nothing funny about it now! He was going to rape her, going to stick that thing into her virgin cunt! And she had always thought it would be a man she loved who would break her cherry who would make love to her so passionately that she wouldn’t feel that notorious pain she’d heard so much about.

  Again Janet tried jerking her knee up, tried kicking him in the groin. But Jack was pressing too hard against her, shoving his dick against her dress, moaning into her ear while dry-fucking her.

  “Come on, Jack, com’n fuck the little bitch. That’s what her fuckin’ friend came here for, betcha. But she’s out, man. Ain’t no fun fuckin’ some corpse. You got a live one, buddy,” Greig called out.

  Janet cried out once more. Jack grabbed a handful of her long blonde hair, pulling down so hard he nearly tore it from the roots. She choked and gagged, hating his hot, pungent smell. That awful hand stayed over her mouth.

  God, good God, don’t let it happen. Please don’t!

  But even as she prayed, Janet knew it would do no good. The men were going to go through with it no matter what, going to fuck her and do something perhaps much worse. She would become yet another statistic in the increasing crime rate of Venice.

  “Yeah, baby, yeah, we’re gonna have ourselves a lotta fun… a lotta fun,” Jack whispered, c
lamping his hand even more tightly over her mouth.

  Chapter 2

  “And baby, when I get through with you, you ain’t gonna be able to piss for a week,” he hissed, feeling her up and down.

  Janet cringed, more tears flooding into her eyes and rolling down her flushed cheeks.

  “Yeah, you’re gonna be fucked, really fucked. Girls around here come knockin’ on the door in the middle of the night for my dick. You got yourself a real gift, know that? Man, you’re gonna be cock crazy, thinkin’ nothin’ else except cock… inches of dickmeat, baby, cockmeat goin’ into your cunt, spreadin’ you apart, reachin’ down into you, unnerstand?”

  The words burned shamefully into Janet’s ears. She hated him, wished she could jab her knee into his balls, and crush them. Instead all she could do was stand there, pinned to the wall by this hideous man while he pressed his filthy cock against her and whispered all those terrible things into her ear!

  “Maybe I oughtta make you suck it first. Lots of chicks turn onto that, you know suckin’ dick? Take it in your mouth and move that tongue around it nice and slow while you suck real hard.”

  “Yeah, suck dick,” Greig whispered, rubbing his long, thin cock.

  “Greig over there digs it, digs watchin’ chicks goin’ down on him, movin’ their fingers around his balls while they suck him off. Most guys dig it, you know, suckin’ cock like that. You wanna do it, baby? You wanna get that dick in your mouth and go down on it, gimme good head, baby? Swing on a dick?”

  Stick that thing in her mouth? Janet had heard of girls who did it. They said it wasn’t so bad and it was even kind of a turn-on. And they didn’t have to worry about getting knocked up if the guy popped off between their lips. Still, the thought of putting a man’s cock in her mouth wasn’t terribly exciting to Janet.

  She tried jerking her head away from Jack. He tugged on her hair hard, making her sob out in pain. Her toes fanned out until they cramped when Jack shoved up against her, digging the head of his dick hard against her thighs. She wasn’t going to scream again, wasn’t going to make him angry. God only knows what he was capable of! He and the others might enjoy really hurting her, killing her and Julie even!


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