The Rancher’s Reunion Bride

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The Rancher’s Reunion Bride Page 3

by Maya Stirling

  But now, Zach's demeanor was totally different. Gabe had been completely taken aback by Zach's obvious delight and acceptance at seeing him talking with Lauren. For her part, Lauren had looked like she'd expected fireworks between Gabe and her father. And, she had looked as perplexed as Gabe when they hadn't exploded.

  Gabe thought about Lauren. Sitting that close to her on the sofa had been a genuine delight, one he'd savored for every sweet second. She was undeniably beautiful. In the soft light of the parlor, he'd hardly been able to take his eyes off her pretty features. And up close, her scent, citrus and sweet, had intoxicated him. Gabe knew he'd probably made a fool of himself, looking at Lauren like that. For a brief moment, when she'd caught him gazing at her, he'd chided himself for behaving like a smitten schoolboy. But, thinking on it now, he wasn't about to apologize for finding her attractive. Nor was he going to pretend to himself that his thundering heart and pounding pulse had been caused by anything other than the fact that he was, once again, with Lauren Munro.

  Dragging himself back to the present, he told himself he'd achieved what he'd set out to do at the Munro ranch. His sister, Victoria had spoken with Gabe briefly before he'd left, and she had assured him that everything would work out fine. Victoria had always been the one with the most faith in the future, Gabe had reflected. Of the four Baxter siblings, she and Gabe shared the strongest faith. Their parents had brought them all up to be devout. That had been crucial in seeing them all through the hard times soon after they'd started up the ranch. His father had needed all the help he could get building the spread. Having three sons had helped, along with a team of ranch hands, of course. Now that it was established as a going concern, Gabe was determined not to throw it all away.

  Riding past the town's only saloon, Gabe's attention was caught by the sound of familiar voices. Twisting in the saddle, he turned and saw two figures emerging from the saloon. Recognizing one of them instantly made his blood freeze. Kyle Baxter, Gabe's youngest brother, had his arm around the shoulder of another man, roughly the same age as Kyle's twenty-four years. Nick Murray mumbled something, no doubt intended to be funny, and Kyle threw his head back and hollered with laughter. Gabe felt his jaw tighten and dragged in a breath. He guided his horse quickly toward the saloon.

  Gabe leaped down from his horse and strode up onto the boardwalk in front of the saloon. From inside the saloon he could hear the usual sounds of raucous bedlam. Gabe frowned. None of the Baxter men were the type to frequent the saloon. Which made the sight of his brother standing there all the more perplexing.

  Hearing Gabe's heavy footsteps, Kyle lifted his head slowly. His eyes widened when his gaze settled upon Gabe's advancing figure. Immediately, Kyle wrenched his arm away from Nick's shoulder.

  Kyle straightened and ran a hand through his dark hair. Every woman in town was of the opinion that Kyle's dark good looks were typical of all three Baxter brothers. "Gabe! What are you doing in town?"

  Gabe tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. "Why wouldn't I be in town?" Gabe examined Nick Murray and caught the scent of alcohol drifting on the air. Murray's eyes were soft with the effects of liquor. Glancing at Kyle, Gabe was relieved to see no sign of a similar look in his brother's concerned gaze. But, it didn't do any harm to check, Gabe told himself.

  He advanced on Kyle and leaned close. "Have you been drinking?" he demanded.

  Kyle's eyes widened and he shook his head emphatically. "No. Promise I haven't, Gabe," Kyle pleaded. Gabe grunted. Kyle knew the Baxter household frowned on drinking. In fact, this was the first time Gabe had ever seen a Baxter anywhere near the saloon. That alone made the situation serious enough to warrant action.

  Gabe scowled at Nick Murray who seemed to be trying to bring his senses back to reality. "You been getting my younger brother to drinking, Murray?" Gabe barked.

  Murray took a step back and swallowed nervously. He glanced at Kyle and then looked fervently at Gabe. "I ain't been buying Kyle drink if that's what you're asking," Murray said. "He was just keeping me company. He was drinking root beer." Gabe examined Murray. The man was a head shorter than Kyle. Murray's frame was squat and his belly hung over the front of his jeans. Murray wore an ill-fitting shirt. His dark hair looked like it hadn't been washed in a while. All in all, Murray had the appearance of a man unused to the outdoor life.

  "Really," Gabe drawled disbelievingly. "Sure it wasn't sarsaparilla Kyle was drinking?" Gabe furrowed his brows. "Because I suppose you're going to tell me you were just trying to look after my brother's best interests by taking him into that place," he said jabbing a finger in the direction of the saloon.

  Murray's face paled visibly. "I didn't mean no harm, Gabe," he pleaded.

  Gabe shook his head and sighed. "I'm sure you didn't," he replied sarcastically. He glared at Kyle. "You should know better," he stated. Gabe could already see Kyle's former resistance beginning to weaken. A lifetime of following Gabe's instructions was kicking in.

  Gabe didn't like having to call his brother out on his questionable conduct. However, he knew he had to do something to make sure this didn't happen again. "Wait until pa hears about this," Gabe said to Kyle.

  Kyle frowned. "Pa's a long way away," he responded. There was a hint of defiance in Kyle's voice again.

  "Yeah? But you know I still write to him and ma. He wants to know what's going on while he and ma are gone," Gabe replied. "I'll be sure to tell him," Gabe added, making sure his voice contained a hint of menace. "He ain't gonna be pleased."

  "You still take orders from your parents and your brother, Kyle?" Murray snapped.

  Maybe the man thought he was being smart, Gabe told himself. It was time to show Murray how things worked with the Baxter family. "You got a home to go to, Murray?" Gabe asked sharply.

  "You know where I live, Gabe," Murray replied abruptly. Maybe he knew what was coming next, Gabe thought.

  "I forgot. You live in that place next to the hotel, don't you?" Gabe said. "The little place down the alley."

  Murray's features darkened momentarily. His gaze became steady and cold. He knew that Gabe was trying to remind him of something important. Murray had no family and had come to town a few months ago. Since arriving, he and Kyle had struck up a friendship. One that had found no favor with Gabe. He'd heard some things about Murray that caused him to worry the man might be a bad influence on Kyle. Gabe's brother had always been too eager to listen to others who spun tales of life away from town. Maybe Murray had been filling Kyle's head with nonsense, Gabe told himself.

  Gabe stood tall and gazed down at Murray. "It's barely afternoon, Murray. I think you should be getting back home. You look like you need to rest a while."

  Gabe saw Murray's jaw tighten. For a moment, the man looked like he was going to come back with a sharp reply of his own. But, one look at Gabe's determined expression seemed enough to change his mind.

  Murray looked at Kyle. "I'll see you around, later in the week," he said.

  Gabe shook his head. "Maybe leave that for a while longer than a week, Murray," Gabe said. "My brother's going to be busy for the next few days." Gabe flipped his thumb. "Now, git," he ordered.

  Murray peered at Gabe one last time and nodded. He walked away and headed across Main Street, narrowly avoiding being run over by a passing rider.

  Gabe turned to face Kyle. "What were you thinking?" he demanded quietly.

  Kyle frowned. "It was Murray's idea."

  Gabe sighed. "I suppose that's meant to excuse things?" he asked. "The fact that you set foot in that place is bad enough." Gabe glanced at the staggering figure of Murray who had now reached the other boardwalk. "I don't want you hanging around with him."

  "You can't stop me," Kyle snapped.

  "Yeah? I think I can," Gabe retorted. "Don't forget who's in charge."

  "Not for much longer," Kyle replied abruptly.

  Gabe frowned. "What are you talking about?"

  Kyle dragged in a deep breath and straightened his shoulders, as if he was ab
out to make an important announcement. Gabe took a guess at what Kyle might be about to say and prepared a reply of his own. He'd had this same conversation with Kyle plenty of times before. "Is this about you leaving the ranch?" Gabe asked sharply.

  Kyle blinked and took a step back on his heels. "You can't stop me."

  Gabe sighed heavily. "We're not having this conversation here," he stated. "Not on Main Street."

  "This is as good a place as any," Kyle replied. He lifted his chin defiantly and seemed about to continue when Gabe heard a voice calling out his and Kyle's names.

  "Gabe and Kyle Baxter. What a pleasure to see you both," came the female voice. The sweet, familiar tones floated on the warm afternoon air.

  Gabe turned and saw his sister-in-law, Grace Munro, standing right alongside his shoulder. Grace was married to his brother-in-law Josh Munro. Gabe had been so intent on his conversation with Kyle that he hadn't seen her approaching along the boardwalk. "Grace. How nice to see you," Gabe said politely.

  Grace, as delicately pretty as ever, and dressed in a dark green gown with matching bonnet, smiled at Kyle. "And you, Kyle. What are you doing in town today?"

  Gabe drew in a sharp breath and cupped Grace's elbow in his hand. He started to lead her away from the saloon. Kyle followed alongside. "I was just seeing a friend," Kyle explained hesitantly. He gave Gabe a conspiratorial look, suggesting that it might be best not to mention Murray or the saloon.

  Grace smiled warmly, as if completely unaware of what the Baxter brothers were determined to keep from her. But Gabe knew Grace Munro well enough to know that she probably wasn't that easily fooled. She'd most likely seen Murray skulking away from himself and Kyle. She was probably just being polite and diplomatic, not mentioning the saloon incident.

  "I was up at the ranch, earlier," Gabe said, eager to change the subject.

  Grace's brows shot up in a line. "Did you meet Lauren and her father?"

  Gabe nodded. "I sure did," he said, forcing himself to smile. Gabe saw Kyle's brows furrow, but his brother said nothing.

  "They're just passing through on the way to California," Grace explained.

  "So I heard," Gabe replied.

  Grace paused a long moment and then glanced at Gabe. "It's a pity Lauren won't be staying for longer, isn't it?" she said. There was a teasing quality to her voice that instantly had Gabe on the defensive.

  "Sure. I guess so," he said casually. Grace knew all about what had happened between Gabe and Lauren. Maybe there had been talk about it between the womenfolk up at the ranch. They were always planning ways to make weddings happen. That was just the way they were, Gabe told himself resignedly.

  They all walked in silence for a short while, just enjoying the sunshine and the warm spring air. Gabe was relieved that talk of Lauren had stopped for the moment. Kyle, on the other hand, looked more than slightly interested. He'd seemed taken aback by the news that Gabe had been at the Munro ranch.

  Changing the subject, Gabe asked: "How are things on the ranch?"

  Grace shrugged. "You know Josh and Wyatt. They're always busy. Working hard is the Munro way. Always has been and always will be. Josh always says that ranch work has been the making of him as a man. It made him grow up and see the true value of what God has given him."

  Gabe nodded, recalling his many conversations with his brother-in-law. There had been times when Gabe would have welcomed Josh's help around the Baxter spread.

  Grace frowned. "Although, Josh was telling me they're short of ranch hands at the moment," she continued. "Him and Wyatt are getting ready to take some cattle to market, and they need all the help they can get."

  Gabe glanced across at Kyle. His brother looked only casually interested. Somewhere in depths of Gabe's mind an idea stirred. It floated into his awareness as he walked alongside Grace and Kyle. Gabe played with the idea, seeing how it could be useful to him, and to Kyle. In fact to the whole Baxter family, especially given the content of his parents' letter. Now that marriage and the ranch were so intimately tied together, it was essential that Kyle not only remain on the ranch, but that he discover just what it meant to work a family ranch. Gabe smiled to himself, realizing that meeting Grace today might well have been an answer to his prayer. If he was to keep Kyle from making a huge mistake and making sure that the Baxter family stayed together on the ranch, then maybe Grace had handed him the perfect solution to his problem.

  Gabe halted. Grace and Kyle stopped and looked at Gabe. "Grace. I have a favor to ask you," Gabe said. Grace smiled at Gabe and Kyle frowned. Maybe this was going to work out, Gabe told himself.


  "Is that Gabe and Kyle with Grace?" Wyatt said to Victoria.

  Rising from the seat on the porch at the front of the Munro ranch house, Lauren shielded her eyes from the bright sun and peered at the carriage and two riders heading toward the yard. She glanced down at Victoria and Wyatt. "It looks like it," she replied, puzzled why Gabe would be returning to the ranch so soon after leaving.

  Wyatt slid his arm off Victoria's shoulders where it had been resting for the last fifteen minutes. Lauren, Victoria and Wyatt had been relaxing for a brief time after lunch. Wyatt was due to return to work soon. Even though there was plenty to do, Wyatt never missed a chance to come back to the ranch and see Victoria. He and Victoria stood. Wyatt was tall and lean, his physique shaped by ranch work. Lauren followed them out onto the yard, ready to welcome the carriage and riders.

  The front door to the ranch house flew open and young Ryan emerged. "Is ma back?" he asked.

  Wyatt nodded and smiled at Ryan. "She sure is. And it looks like she found some folks to bring to the ranch." Wyatt laughed quietly. "And here was me thinking she just went into town to do some shopping," he joked.

  Lauren thought it was wonderful how Ryan regarded Grace as his real mother, even though he had been adopted by Josh under tragic circumstances after the sudden death of Ryan's real father. Josh had promised to look after Ryan in the event of anything happening to Ryan's real father. It had been a promise Josh had never believed he'd have to honor. But, to his credit, when the time had come, Josh had not only honored that promise, but had found a wife for himself and a mother for Ryan. The Munro household was one of the happiest Lauren had ever seen. Two happy marriages and a family united in love. All under one roof. Lauren glanced at Wyatt and Victoria. He'd slid his arm around her waist and looked like just about the most contented man Lauren had ever met. She wondered when Victoria and Wyatt would be starting a family of their own.

  Dragging her attention back to Grace and the Baxter brothers, Lauren watched as the carriage slid to a halt. The riders drew up alongside the hitching rail in front of the house. Gabe and Kyle dismounted. Immediately, Lauren could see a hint of awkwardness between Gabe and Kyle. She wondered what had brought them back to the Munro spread.

  Ryan ran to the carriage and claimed a hug from Grace. Resting her arm on Ryan's shoulders, Grace watched as Gabe and Kyle advanced toward Wyatt and Victoria.

  "What brings you back so soon?" Wyatt asked Gabe.

  Gabe settled his hand on Kyle's shoulder and grinned. "Got something I'd like to talk to you about, Wyatt," he announced.

  Lauren's curiosity was immediately awakened, but before she could ask anything, Grace called out to her and Victoria. "Can you help us with these bags?" Grace asked, moving to the back of the carriage. There was a stack of brown paper bags and a couple of intriguing looking boxes on the board behind the seat. Lauren went to Grace. As she passed Gabe she saw his gaze follow her every step of the way. All of a sudden, Gabe Baxter looked very distracted, Lauren told herself. She wrapped her arms around her middle, feeling suddenly self-conscious about the intensity of Gabe's attention.


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