Daring Provocation (Shadow Veil Academy Book 3)

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Daring Provocation (Shadow Veil Academy Book 3) Page 14

by Heather Renee

  He yanked her back to him. “Lyssa has business to attend to. She won’t be assisting with your little group any longer.”

  “Excuse me?” I snarled.

  He moved Lyssa behind him and lowered his head to mine. “My daughter is coming with me. Now go away.”

  “Listen here, Dick. Your daughter is a grown-ass woman and can decide for herself. If you’d take five minutes to really appreciate the amazing person she has become, then you’d know that. But no, you’re too busy with your head shoved up your ass to realize all you’ve done is make her hate you.”

  Enzo hissed, and Lyssa’s eyes widened in fear as Dick’s hand raised to strike me. My body was ready for the hit. I wanted him to do it in order for me to retaliate without recourse, but it never happened.

  His hand froze mid-air and Headmaster Stone appeared. “Richard, what do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m teaching this worthless girl a lesson in manners. I don’t know what you’re teaching them at Shadow Veil, but this is unacceptable. Lyssa will not be going back to that decrepit place you call a school.”

  Headmaster Stone moved until he was right in Dick’s face. “I’m teaching my students everything they need to know in order to keep pompous supernaturals like yourself from ruining their lives. Lyssa has already been offered a job at the school, because she has excelled so much. Just because your child wants more than what you’ve offered, doesn’t mean she is unworthy of your love. You’d do well to learn that, because while your resources are helpful, they are not necessary.”

  Dick was outnumbered by a powerful sorcerer, dragon, and elf; plus, we were beginning to draw the attention of the others. Something told me that was the last thing he wanted, so he turned to Lyssa. “Is this what you want? To be one of them, working in the trenches instead of with me at the office?”

  For the first time that I’d seen, she met his eyes and didn’t waver. “Yes.”

  He straightened his shirt and leaned in to whisper, but loud enough for the three of us to hear as well. “You’re going to regret this. I won’t take you back for the embarrassment you’ve caused me. Good luck being a nobody.”

  She didn’t even flinch until he was several feet away. It was then that I saw how much he had truly hurt her. Moving toward my friend, I wrapped my arms around her, but it wasn’t what she needed. Though, I didn’t realize that until she didn’t hug me back and things became weird as I stepped back.

  “Let’s go to that meeting,” she said as if nothing life-changing had just happened.

  “Umm, I’m really sorry, Lyssa. There isn’t a meeting. I just wanted to get his hands off you,” I said, wondering if I’d just ruined things for her instead of making them better.

  “Thank you, and I appreciate what the three of you did, but if I’m not needed, I’d like some time alone.”

  Headmaster Stone nodded. “Take whatever time you need.”

  When Lyssa passed by me, she paused and my whole body tensed, waiting for what she had to say. “I really do appreciate you sticking up for me. I’ve never had anyone in my life not be afraid of my father, and to know he would rather disown me than let me be my own person is something I should have realized long ago.”

  I smiled. “Good thing I’m kind of a badass then, huh?”

  “I’ll let you think whatever you want.” She winked and then continued on.

  Relief rushed into me that I hadn’t just done something completely catastrophic.

  “Raegan, that really wasn’t good for the situation,” Headmaster Stone said as soon as Lyssa was gone.

  Apparently, I wasn’t out of the woods with any repercussions.

  “Why? He was manhandling her, and anyone could clearly see she wasn’t happy,” I said standing by my decision.

  “Yes, I realize that, and I hadn’t known how controlling Richard had gotten until I saw him with Lyssa last night. I intended on doing something about it myself, but not until after we were done here.”

  Shit. I wanted to apologize, but I didn’t because I also believed the sooner Dick was out of Lyssa’s life, the better. Though, I wished maybe I’d have known more about what he was offering before I did.

  “What are we losing by him walking?” Enzo asked.

  Alistair shrugged. “Maybe nothing, but what he had been working on could be a game changer. He brought in vests that are magic-proof like the bullet-proof ones the humans use. He’s already handed them out, but if he demands them back, then there isn’t much I can do about it.”

  Double shit. I might have saved Lyssa for the moment, but how many lives did I put at risk by doing so?

  “Uhhh, we might have an even bigger problem,” Enzo said.

  Turning to where he stared, I saw Meme laying into Dick.

  He was yelling. She was yelling. People were staring.

  It was bad. So, so bad.

  We walked closer, and I could barely understand a word they said, because they kept talking over each other and then, suddenly, there was silence. Each glaring at the other, both seeming to refuse to back down. We stopped moving, not wanting to intrude and ruin whatever Meme was doing, but it was damn hard, because if he harmed her, I wanted to be near enough to kill him on the spot.

  Finally, Meme leaned in closer. “Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes, but just remember, I won’t forget this.”

  She smirked. “Neither will I.”

  Dick stormed off, and Amalia turned toward us and waved. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “It’s going. What was that all about?” I asked.

  “Not much. Just two old friends catching up. I’ve been around a while, and I know a lot of things about a lot of people. Richard was smart enough to see what that could mean for him if he raised a finger at my granddaughter again or anyone she cares about again.”

  “Did you blackmail him, Meme?” I laughed.

  Her hand went to her chest innocently. “That would be unladylike. Of course, I did.”

  “So, he’s going to leave the vests for everyone to use?” Headmaster Stone asked.

  “He most certainly is. The only thing he’s taking with him when he leaves is the tiny bit of pride I left him with.”

  I seriously had the best grandma in all the worlds.

  “Well, now that’s over. We have a hundred people to get settled and then a meeting to attend. Let’s get moving,” Headmaster Stone said, and we all got to work.

  Meme directed Enzo and me to the tents where we could help people find beds. We weren’t entirely sure how long we’d be here before Malina finally decided to show up, but it was supposed to be within the next three days.

  The temperature was dropping, but the oversized canvas tents slept eighteen people, and each one had a small stove tucked into the back. Between that and the body heat, people should sleep just fine.

  When we were done, Enzo took my hand and led me to the tree line. “Are you doing okay?”

  “I sure am. How come?” I didn’t think I’d been putting off any warning signs that I was about to lose my shit, but lately, it seemed Enzo was more aware of me than I was.

  “Well, we went from celebrating an engagement to challenging a powerful elf to helping close to a hundred people find beds. Kind of one extreme to the next, and I feel like an idiot for proposing to you when we have so much chaos going on around us.”

  I laughed, and by the pinched look on his face, I knew that hadn’t been what he expected, but it was just our life. Nothing had been normal since we met, so why should his proposal be?

  “Enzo, everything about what you did earlier was perfect. I don’t need extravagant gestures, large diamonds, or anything else some people deem necessary for such celebrations. I just need you and your love. Most of all, I had needed to hear those words more than I realized.”

  His hands rubbed over his face. “I didn’t even get you a ring yet. What kind of husband am I going to be?”

  Pulling his hands away, I made sure to have his full attention before I
spoke. “The kind that knows his wife. The kind that understands love is more important than material things. The kind that is perfect for me.”

  His lips pressed to mine, and things quickly escalated from frantic to passionate. We weren’t far enough into the trees that nobody would see us, but neither of us seemed to care. It wasn’t like we were going to get naked. At least I didn’t think so…

  Many minutes later, a throat cleared from behind us, and we pulled apart only enough to glance at the new arrival.

  Phox stood there, hand on her hip and not looking at all pleased with us. “What do you two think you’re doing?”

  “Making out.” I shrugged, because my give-a-damn was still broken even if I wasn’t mad at her anymore.

  “I see. Well, your presence is requested, so quit dry-humping each other in public and head back to the pack house.”

  Enzo lowered his head, obviously not comfortable with the conversation, but I didn’t care. Enzo was mine, and if people objected to a little PDA, then they could kiss my ass. If we didn’t have moments like these, the hard ones would be too unbearable and none of us would survive.

  Phox still stood there, glaring at us until we finally moved. Instead of disappearing like she normally did, she followed us the entire way back to the house, as if we were children being escorted to the principal’s office. Ridiculous, but true.

  When we arrived back at the house, there was a large gathering of people, none of whom looked pleased. My stomach tightened as I wondered just what bomb we were going to be dealing with next.

  Chapter 19

  Phox went straight to the back of the room, leaving us front and center as a majority of the group we walked into turned to stare. Why they did so, I had no idea, but I was certain we were about to find out.

  “They shouldn’t be here. We can’t trust them,” a lanky man from the center said with disdain.

  “Uh, excuse me?” I replied, really confused about what the hell was happening.

  The same man pointed a finger at me and then Enzo. “You’re her daughter, and he worked for the sorceress. You shouldn’t be allowed here. You’re both going to get us all killed. You’re the reason she broke free. The council should have disposed of you when they had the chance.”

  Enzo snarled and moved next to me. “You mean that the council should have killed an innocent child before she was even able to defend herself? You’re a disgrace to the shifter race if that’s the way you feel. Raegan is no different than any of you.”

  “And what about you?” someone else called from further back.

  “If you have a problem with my being here, then take it up with someone who gives a shit. I’m not going anywhere, and if you really knew a damn thing about me, you’d realize how lucky you are that’s the case.” Enzo shook next to me, his rage barely contained as sparks fell from his clenched fists.

  Jones stepped forward. “I declared my territory a neutral zone until Malina is dealt with, and I will not tolerate hate in my home. Everyone needs to understand we are working toward the same thing, even if we come from different backgrounds. So, before we judge, how about you ask Enzo why he worked for Malina? Or ask Raegan who actually raised her?

  “Did you all forget she is the granddaughter to Amalia? For those of you who knew Lara, do you for one second think she could have raised a daughter that would turn against the many for personal gain? I know Lara wasn’t around for a long time before she died, but I trust Amalia, and if she accepts them, then so do I. Anyone who has a problem with that can leave.”

  Silence descended upon the room, and I held my breath as I waited for more hate to be thrown our way. I understood why they were afraid. Technically, I was Malina’s daughter, but Lara had raised me, and she was one hell of a mother. It took me a while, but I had finally learned that blood didn’t define who I was. Only I could do that. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t make a difference to some, and I wasn’t going to hold that against them.

  The older gentleman who first began yelling at us left the room, but nobody else. He didn’t go out the front door, so I didn’t think he went far, but I also didn’t really care.

  Amalia stood up on a chair. I hadn’t even realized she was hiding back there and was surprised we hadn’t heard her yet. “I have always led our people with respect and love. I have always done what was right for the greater good as opposed to what was best for my family. However, like Jones said, I won’t tolerate hate, either. I won’t make a big deal of it, because as far as I can see, what’s done is done, but the next time someone accuses Raegan or Enzo of being untrustworthy, then you will know my wrath.”

  Heads nodded in agreement, and I was glad to see the problem we walked in on was not going to be another battle we had to face.

  Enzo held my hand in his as we moved further into the room. My Meme waved us over, but I stayed just a little bit further back, reverting to the times when all I wanted to be was invisible.

  “Now that Alistair and his people are here, it’s time for us to ready for battle. If anyone needs anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. We don’t know when Malina will arrive—” Jones was cut off as Phox stepped next to him.

  “Actually, we do,” she said confidently.

  “Who are you?” a female from the front called out.

  “My name is Phox, and I’m a dragon seer. Certain decisions hadn’t been made yet, so I couldn’t tell you exactly when or how, but as long as nothing veers off course in the near future, I can now tell you that Malina and damn near two hundred supernaturals will be in this very swamp within the next forty-eight hours.”

  “If you’re a seer, then tell us what we need to do to win,” the same woman said.

  Phox rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t work like that. If I tell you what needs to be done and even one person changes course because of the information I’ve given, then I could damn you all. Yes, I realize that’s unfair, blah, blah, blah, but you just have to deal with it. At least you have a two-day heads up instead of nothing at all.”

  A grin appeared on my face as I realized how right Phox was, and I wished I had been able to put it together sooner. I had been childish and unfair, but when she’d kept me from going to Enzo, she’d become enemy number one. In my twisted thought process, everything was her fault even though he hadn’t been hurt, but thankfully, I’d realized that was completely wrong.

  Voices began to rise, as to be expected when someone refused to give important information, but Amalia quieted them all down with a snap of her fingers. “Silence.” Then, she nodded to Jones to continue.

  “Two days is more than enough time to strengthen our defenses, and thank you to Phox for giving us that invaluable information. For those of you living in the city, I advise you to go home and gather whatever you might need. Anyone who shows back up tomorrow will be counted on for the battle.

  “If you choose not to come back, we understand, and it won’t be held against you. This will not be easy, and we will lose loved ones, but the risk of loss is greater if we do nothing. If anyone has any major concerns, come see me, Amalia, or any of the other race leaders.”

  When the meeting was dismissed, Lyssa and Gemma joined us. “That guy was lucky I didn’t stab him. If Talon hadn’t been next to me, I certainly would have,” Gemma said.

  Enzo glanced around. “Where is Talon now?”

  “He and Marek left to go check out a few things around the territory. Said they’d be back soon. Peyton and Finley are out scouting for weaknesses in the area as per Emmett’s request, and I said we’d meet them after we were done here.”

  I hadn’t seen Emmett in a while but was glad to hear he was settling in already and not wrapped up in any drama. There seemed to be too many damn alpha-type men around New Orleans.

  “Well, I’d like to gather our team and make sure we’re all on the same page. Should we bring in Marek and Amalia?” Enzo asked, but I shook my head.

  “They have enough going on right now, and it’s why we trained for the l
ast month. I know it doesn’t seem like a long time, but really, we’ve been growing together and toward this moment for the last two years,” I said, doing my best to keep the nerves out of my voice.

  Did I fully believe we were as ready as we could be for this battle? Yes, I truly did, but I also knew shit happened, and like Jones had said earlier, we would lose loved ones. It was a thought that had been nagging at me for weeks now, and I wasn’t ready to face that, no matter how battle-ready we were.

  “It’s almost dinner time. Why don’t we grab food to go and eat somewhere where we don’t feel like everyone hates us?” Gemma suggested, and I couldn’t agree more.

  While it seemed Jones’s little speech helped some, as people left the room, they gave our group a wide berth, and I hated that there was doubt in their eyes as to the reasons we were in New Orleans.

  Before we could funnel out of the main living area, Amalia stopped us. “Where are you kids going?”

  “Not sure yet. Probably to one of our rooms after we grab some dinner,” I replied. “Did you need our help with something?”

  Her head shook. “Just making sure you weren’t running for the swamps after Daryll made his stink. Don’t worry, he’ll be dealt with later. I also wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t letting what he said go. He’s allowed to have his own opinions, but he will also listen to the truth before he goes spewing lies about my family.”

  Wrapping an arm around her, I pulled her into my side. “And that’s why you’re the best.”

  “I have my own tent set up out back. There was no way I was staying in a pack house.” She shuddered, as if the thought truly repulsed her. “Why don’t you and whoever else you want to invite come join me for some sandwiches and a few cold beers?”

  Glancing around at the others, I knew by the gleam in their eyes that hanging out with Meme was more appealing than anything else. I couldn’t blame them; she was one entertaining old lady who I never planned to cross, because she was also scary as shit.

  “That would be perfect. We’ll follow you,” I said.


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