A Love Unbroken: A Regency Romance (Landon House Book 3)

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A Love Unbroken: A Regency Romance (Landon House Book 3) Page 15

by Rose Pearson

  “I – I do, Father,” Selina replied, her voice a little thin, such was her surprise at hearing that Lord Barrington had been so eager. “You do not think to refuse him, I hope?”

  The Duke laughed loudly and slapped his knee, making Selina smile with relief.

  “Refuse an Earl?” he asked, as chuckles still escaped from him. “A gentleman who is more than suitable for my daughter and who, according to Lady Hayward, has been most attentive to you?” He shook his head as the carriage door was opened. “No, my dear Selina. I shall not refuse him. I only hope that he will continue to prove himself worthy.”

  “I have no doubt that he will, Father,” Selina replied, her whole being flooded once more with happiness and relief. “Thank you.”

  “Lady Selina.”

  Selina felt herself stiffen at once as she heard the voice of Lord Havers near her. She did not turn around but rather remained precisely where she was, waiting for the moment to pass. Would Lord Havers insist on coming to speak to her? Would he insist on dancing with her, as he had already said he would do? Part of her struggled with the idea of being in his company for so long but, of course, she knew that she had no other choice. If the plan was to go ahead, then she had to make a show of being unwilling to dance with him whilst evidently being aware that she had no other choice.

  “Lady Hayward.”

  The tightness in her frame did not leave her as Selina turned her head to see Lord Havers bowing towards Lady Hayward. He had chosen his moment well, for she stood in a small group of gentlemen and ladies, who were all conversing with each other. To refuse him a dance now would mean making her dislike of the gentleman obvious and to do such a thing would, she was sure, only bring trouble and difficulty for Lady Amelia.

  “You do recall our introduction, I hope?” Lord Havers continued, as Selina narrowed her eyes just a fraction. “I had hoped to peruse your dance card, Lady Selina.”

  Hearing the small murmur of conversation from the others within the group, Selina let out a slow breath and lifted her chin.

  “I do believe you will already be aware of my answer, Lord Havers,” she said, speaking so quietly that she was sure he would have to strain to hear her. “Why you should ask me such a thing again, I cannot imagine.”

  “Because I simply must be permitted to dance with you, Lady Selina,” he replied, with another sharp inclination of his head. “Pray do not make me beg, Lady Selina, although I shall do such a thing if it is required. You will find me quite determined.”

  “Lord Havers, good evening!”” came the voice of one of the young ladies in the group, who had clearly been listening to what was said, given the sharp look in her eye. “Are you seeking a dance partner for this evening?” She gestured to the others who stood nearby. “I am sure that you will find many a willing young lady here.”

  Lord Havers chuckled and bowed again.

  “Miss Lindale, you are very kind,” he said, with a smile that did not reach his eyes. “I shall be certain to ask as many as wish it from me, once I have chosen a dance from Lady Selina’s card.”

  Selina closed her eyes for a moment, her lips pulling flat as Lord Havers grinned back at her, very aware of the situation he had put her in. With great reluctance, she handed him her dance card and he practically snatched it from her fingers, before hurriedly writing his name in not one but two spaces. With a triumphant look, he handed it back to her and Selina took it from him, hiding her satisfaction. Thankfully, Lord Barrington had written his name down for the waltz, which meant that Lord Havers had been required to choose from some of the others – although Selina was certain that he would have taken the waltz, had he been able to.

  “And the first of our dances is to be in only a moment!” Lord Havers exclaimed, looking delightedly at her. “The cotillion. Now, if you will excuse me for a moment, Lady Selina, I must go and ask Miss Lindale for her dance card, which I am sure she will give me without any sort of reluctance.”

  Selina remained silent until he had made his way past her, before turning to glance at Lady Hayward.

  “The cotillion and then the country dance,” she said, slowly. “I cannot tell which one he means to –”

  “We did not expect him to pick two dances,” Lady Hayward murmured, as Selina shook her head. “The cotillion is a very busy dance indeed. I am sure that Lord Barrington will be stepping out to dance it also.”

  Selina swallowed hard and nodded, feeling a small swirl of fear begin to wrap itself around her heart. They had not expected Lord Havers to write his name down for two of her dances and, thus, she was now uncertain as to which one he intended to bear her away from once it had come to an end.

  “There is no time for me to speak to Lord Barrington,” she said, realizing that the cotillion was only minutes away. “What shall we do, Lady Hayward?”

  Lady Hayward smiled gently.

  “Lord Barrington has been near to you this entire evening,” she said, quietly. “Can you not see him?”

  Startled, Selina looked all about her but saw nothing but strangers and acquaintances, only to suddenly catch sight of his familiar face looking directly back at her. He was standing with Lady Amelia and their mother, with Lord Banfield just to Lady Amelia’s left. With a questioning look on his face, his brow began to lower and Selina gave him a sharp nod, praying that he understood.

  “I think it will be this dance,” she said hurriedly, as the dancers from the previous dance began to make their way back from the floor. “At present, there is nowhere for me to go to escape him. I have no other choice but to dance with him. However, for the second dance which is some time away, I might choose to avoid him – and therefore, the dance – entirely.”

  Lady Hayward’s eyes lit.

  “Indeed, that is true,” she said, reaching out to press Selina’s hand. “It would be easy enough to slip away for the country dance. Lord Havers cannot risk you doing so.”

  “Therefore, it will be this one,” Selina replied, just as Lord Havers turned back towards her. “It is, as you have said, a very busy dance indeed.”

  Lady Hayward squeezed her fingers again and then let Selina’s hand go.

  “Be careful,” she said, urgently. “Be on your guard.”

  Nodding, Selina looked up to see Lord Havers grinning broadly at her, although the darkness in his eyes frightened her somewhat.

  “The dance is about to begin, Lady Selina,” he said, as Selina steeled herself inwardly. “Shall we step out onto the floor?”

  “If I must,” Selina replied, not wanting to pretend that she was quite content with the situation at present but making her dislike quite clear.

  She ignored the offer of his arm and walked out onto the dance floor, with Lord Havers quickly falling into step with her. Rather than allowing her to remain near to Lady Hayward, however, he led the way across the room to the opposite side of the dance floor, where they joined other couples ready to form a set. The dance was, as Selina had expected, very busy indeed and, after only a few moments, she could not see Lady Hayward at all, such were the number of couples lining up to dance.

  “I do hope that you enjoy this dance, Lady Selina,” Lord Havers said, as the music began and he bowed towards her. “I am certain that I shall.”

  She did not reply but instead kept her face turned just a little away from him, although she did drop into a very quick curtsey, as was expected. The ladies stepped forward and Selina calmly began to dance the required steps, but inwardly, her heart was beating at a furious pace as she felt her anticipation and nervousness begin to rise steadily within her. Lord Havers watched her with a sharp eye, a small smile on his lips throughout the entirety of the dance, and Selina felt her stomach twist. She could give him no awareness that she knew of what he planned. She had to act accordingly, when he made his move, had to make every appearance of fright and dismay. Only then would he believe himself to be fully in control.

  The music finally, blessedly, came to an end and Selina curtsied towards Lord Havers a
gain, knowing that she would have to take his arm this time. He, in due course, offered it to her and, after a momentary hesitation, she took it.

  “Now, Lady Selina,” he said, as they began to meander slowly back through the crowd. “I have an acquaintance whom I am sure you are aware of.” Selina kept her mouth firmly closed, although she noted that he was beginning to veer to the right, away from where Lady Hayward was waiting. “Lord Telford?” Lord Havers continued, quickly. “He was greatly displeased to learn that you were the one who spoke to Lord Barrington about his involvement in a particular situation with Barrington’s sister.” Her stomach still twisting in a tight knot, Selina kept her gaze straight ahead and still chose to say nothing. “Lord Telford and I have gained a good deal of coin from Lord Barrington and, given his interest in you, I believe that he might be willing to give us a little more, should something similar happen to you.” Selina’s skin crawled and she attempted to remove her hand from his arm, only for Lord Havers to reach across and grasp it with his own. “Now, if you struggle and attempt to go anywhere other than remaining by my side, Lady Selina,” Lord Havers continued, his voice now low and grating hard across her skin, “I shall bend my head and kiss you in the most improper manner. And then what will become of your reputation?”


  She hoped that her hesitant word sounded convincing. Her breathing was coming quick and fast as Selina forced herself to remain precisely where she was, even though everything within her was crying out to step away from him, to run away from this situation. Praying silently that she would have enough strength to continue and fixing her mind solely upon Lord Barrington, Selina walked alongside Lord Havers and allowed him to lead her forward.

  “Now, we are to walk together to another small room and there, Lady Selina, you will wait until Lord Barrington is brought to you,” Lord Havers continued. “Your reputation will be sullied enough in the ton’s eyes to find you in a room alone with a gentleman – and Lord Barrington will know that also. He will pay whatever is demanded. I have no doubt about that.”

  “You are despicable.”

  Selina’s whispered words only caused Lord Havers to laugh cruelly, as though he found her quite ridiculous. Biting her lip, Selina steadied her breathing as best she could and reminded herself that, as she had been dancing, all manner of things had been occurring. Lord Banfield would have fetched her father. Lady Hayward, Lady Amelia and Lady Barrington would have waited together to watch her dance, to make certain of where she was, and Lord Barrington himself would now be following her, albeit at a distance. She had no need to worry. Everything would be just as they had planned.

  “Through here, if you please.” Selina caught her breath as he gestured to a door which led them away from the ballroom. Looking all about her, she let out a quiet yelp of pain as Lord Havers pushed her bodily through the door, before grasping her arm in a tight grip. “And then through here,” he said, pushing open a door and thrusting her inside.

  Selina stumbled in, with Lord Havers letting out a cry of laughter, which faded away in an instant as the door behind him was shut tight, closing them into the room, and none other than Selina’s father rose from his chair, his eyes wide with horror.

  “Father!” Selina went to him at once, wanting to reassure him that she was not injured. “You were summoned, then?”

  “I was,” the Duke replied, although his eyes remained fixed on Lord Havers who was now beginning to back away towards the door. He turned, only for Lady Hayward and Lady Barrington to move to stand in front of it, barring his way. He could not leave now, other than by physically moving both ladies aside, which Selina knew he would not do.

  “Explain to me what has just occurred, Selina!” the Duke exclaimed, putting one hand out to her. “Why did this gentleman thrust you into this room in such a fashion? I thought that–”

  “Lord Havers and Lord Telford have been determined to do to me what they did to Lady Amelia, Father,” Selina explained, as the Duke’s face slowly infused with color. “Lord Havers told me so explicitly.”

  The Duke drew in a long breath, his shoulders lifting.

  “Is that so, Lord Havers?” he bellowed, as the gentleman shrank back, no trace of his arrogant nature present any longer. “You thought to shame my daughter in order to force money from me?”

  Selina turned to face Lord Havers, her confidence beginning to overflow now that she was quite safe with her father, Lady Hayward, and Lady Barrington.

  “I believe, Lord Havers, that you are the one who now finds himself trapped,” she said, lifting her chin. “Now be seated. Lord Telford is due to arrive at any moment and I am sure that both you and he will be required to give a long and detailed explanation to my father, the Duke of Landon.”

  She glanced up at her father and saw the glimmer of anger in his eye, wondering if he knew that she had arranged this precisely so that he would be able to bring his judgement down upon these two gentlemen.

  Lord Havers said nothing, but sat down heavily, before putting his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees, as though he wanted to hide himself away before them all. Selina let out her breath slowly, feeling a great sense of relief rush through her. All they required now was Lord Telford’s presence and, thereafter, this matter would come to a swift and decisive end.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Lord Barrington.”

  Charles, who had, before returning to the ballroom himself, made certain that Lady Selina had been brought to the green room by Lord Havers, turned his head to look directly into the eyes of Lord Telford.

  “I have nothing to say to you, Telford,” he stated, before making to leave. “Good evening.”

  The gentleman reached to grasp Charles’ arm, and it was all Charles could do not to physically push him away.

  “I would not walk away from me, Lord Barrington, if I were you” Lord Telford said, with a grim smile. “Not when Lady Selina is, at present, in much the same situation as your sister recently was.”

  Charles felt his stomach twist, a sense of victory already rising up within him as he forced a dark frown to furrow his forehead.

  “What do you mean, Telford?”

  Lord Telford chuckled.

  “You have not heard of the bet, then?” he said, airily. “Lord Donaldson, it seems, has been slighted by Lady Selina and, as such, has begged for someone to slight her in much the same way – a way guaranteed to see her rejected by much of society.” He shrugged one shoulder. “It seemed the perfect opportunity to not only win the bet, but also to make certain that you increased your payment to us significantly.”

  Setting his jaw, Charles glared at the man.

  “And why should I do such a thing?”

  “Come now!” Lord Telford laughed, folding his arms across his chest. “You are not going to deny that you care for Lady Selina, I hope?” His laugh came again and Charles’ gritted his teeth, truly irritated by the man’s demeanor. “I know that you will do whatever you can to save her reputation. And, in which case, I must ask you to join me at this very moment in order to rescue her from Lord Havers.”

  “I swear, Telford, if you have placed one finger upon her, then –”

  “I have no time for your threats,” Lord Telford replied, with a weary look. “Do hurry up, Barrington. I am sure that she is eagerly waiting for you.”

  Charles glanced all around him and then followed the gentleman. Lord Donaldson, he hoped, had already been informed by Lord Telford that he had managed to succeed and that, therefore, Lord Donaldson himself would be present in the room. Recalling just in time that he was not meant to know where Lord Telford was leading him, Charles hung back rather than striding forward, glaring at the gentleman as he held back a door for him.

  “Just to your left, Lord Barrington,” Lord Telford said, with a half bow as though he were a servant. “There you will find –”

  “Lead on, Lord Telford,” Charles interrupted, darkly. “If you believe that I am about to step inside whil
st you remain out here, you are sorely mistaken. There are things I wish to say to both yourself and to Lord Havers, for I can assure you that I have no intention of paying anything more.”

  This seemed to shock Lord Telford somewhat, for the smile slipped from his face and he hesitated where he stood. And then, after a moment, he shrugged and stepped forward.

  “Very well,” he said, airily. “If you believe that Lady Selina is not present, then you are quite wrong, Lord Barrington.”

  He pushed the door open and stepped inside, with Charles following quickly so that the gentleman could not escape.

  One step into the room, Lord Telford came to a dead stop, his hand still on the door handle. Charles, unwilling to wait for fear that Lord Telford would turn and attempt to flee, pushed the gentleman bodily into the room, before pushing the door shut and standing against it so that no-one could escape. With great satisfaction, he looked about the room and took in the scene before him. Lord Havers, hunched on a chair, his head in his hands, Lord Donaldson was standing by Lord Banfield, with both Lady Hayward and his mother sitting quietly together just behind him. The Duke of Landon was on his feet, his face red with anger and his hands clenched into fists. Lady Selina was standing by the Duke’s side, with a small smile on her face as she met Charles’ eyes. And Amelia, who was a little pale, sat close to where Lady Selina stood, her hands in her lap but with a look of great relief etched across her face.

  “It seems that we have managed to achieve our aim,” Charles said, his voice filling the room. “You see, Lord Telford, Lord Donaldson has not been slighted by Lady Selina, as you might have believed. In fact, he is very eager to make certain that both you and Lord Havers are no longer permitted to do anything such as this again!”

  Lord Telford half turned, only for a quiet groan to come from Lord Havers. He, at least, appeared to realize that there was nothing more they could do.


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