Semiramis The Vessel

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Semiramis The Vessel Page 15

by Maya Daniels

  “We are safe here.” As soon as Tara’s words are out, it’s as though a weight has been lifted.

  The woman who was hit with the water lifts her head to look at us.

  “Try and eat that,” Alexia smirks at her, and I chuckle.

  “We have to leave now. I just wanted to help,” Tara tells Alexia.

  “Your job is done. Now you can go and forget about these nut-jobs, huh? Not that I blame you.” Alexia tries to lighten the mood as always.

  “No. We helped you because I felt it that it was important for you to reach the temple. I know you are important for my path, too. I can’t explain why, but it was stronger than me. My job is waiting for me at the gate,” Tara says.

  I look at Alexia and realize she has not connected the dots on this yet. I do hope it won’t bring more sorrow for her. I reach out and pull her to my chest while she’s looking, puzzled, back at Tara.

  “She is a guide for the souls; that is why she is guarded by a Traveler. She was there for Meda and Faith, not for us,” I tell her and tighten my arms around her.

  “What?” Alexia says faintly. “They were still there? You can’t take them! Leave them alone. I swear I’ll do anything you want, just let them be.” Her voice becomes frantic, breaking with each word. “I’ll let you have and guard the tablets of destiny if you let them come back.”

  Gasps of outrage leave everyone’s lips but Alexia is so frantic in her hope that she can convince Tara to bring back her sisters, she ignores it all. The next second, she is snatched from my arms, and it takes me a moment to understand what is happening. Inanna is standing tall like the goddess she is, holding Alexia by the throat about couple of feet of the ground shaking her like she weighs nothing.

  “You insolent child. How dare you? You think all this is a joke? You want to know real sacrifice? The one you should make, not someone else’s for you? Let’s see if you will feel entitled to offer the destiny of humankind on a whim! And you couldn’t keep quiet? You altered the journey again!” Inanna’s voice booms with so much power I stumble on my feet.

  “Inanna, she doesn’t…” My words are cut off. She is not looking at me, no. She is still staring at Alexia’s face.

  “If you don’t sacrifice for what you love, what you love becomes a sacrifice!”

  As soon as the booming words were spoken with so much power, Remi, Philip, Daisy, Jezzinta and I are sucked into a portal. My eyes widen. The ruby around my neck starts pulsing like it wants to escape from around my neck and becomes so hot I feel it will burn a hole in my chest. The next second, a sonic boom and blinding light bursts from Alexia and slams into Inanna, and I can’t see them anymore.



  I know I’m not thinking straight. There is nothing I can do, however, to stop myself from trying anything and everything to convince the guide to bring my sisters back. Everything else seems trivial and unimportant; tablets and humankind included. Selfish? Fuck yeah, it’s selfish. Do you think I care at the moment? Hell, no!

  What I didn’t expect was Inanna’s reaction to it. Not that I blame her. She started all this a long time ago, waiting for the right moment, and here I am messing up her plans with things I want. My eyes widen when she grabs me by the throat and shakes me like a dog would a toy. Having the air cut off from my starving lungs does bring me a new perspective. It snaps me out of my frantic thoughts, but it does nothing to help me breathe. Dark spots dance in front of my eyes and my heart stops completely when I hear her words.

  Her face is a mask of rage, bright flames dancing in her eyes as she stares at me. Her lips are compressed into a white thin line as her hand tightens around my neck. Lucifer tries to say something but she cuts him off, not looking away. The next second a shadowy dome starts closing around him, pulling Remi, Philip, Daisy and Jezzinta there, too. Something in me snaps. I can feel it as if a bone was bent past its limits and breaks with an audible crack. Is it possible to literally hear your heart break? Right now I must say, yes. Yes, it is.

  Power churns inside me like a volcano. First bubbling, then erupting with one task only: to destroy something. It bursts out of me and slams into Inanna, throwing her a few feet away from me. I have no idea what it is but I don’t question it. In the middle of this craziness, I look at her on the ground and can’t help thinking that finally she looks like she can’t do everything gracefully. She’s sprawled, with her hair disheveled and a mask of shock on her face.

  “What did you do to them?” I can’t even recognize my own voice.

  She is not saying anything, still looking at me with her lips parted, blinking as if she doesn’t recognize me. I haven’t been able recognize myself for a long time now, so see if I give a fuck at the moment. Taking a step towards her, I repeat the question.

  “I didn’t do anything to them.” She shakes her head as if trying to wake up from a daze and starts getting to her feet.

  Snapping my head around, I look at the guide and the Traveler, who stand there as if being quiet will make us forget them being here. Tara lifts both hands in surrender, shaking her head, and Maika steps protectively in front of her.

  “We had nothing to do with it either, Semiramis. Do not try to hurt her; only one will be left standing between us if you try.” Maika’s deep voice carries so much conviction that I don’t doubt the truth of his words.

  The sound of a creaking door stops whatever it was that I was going to say and I look behind them towards the temple. Inanna steps next to me, but I can’t take my eyes off of the door. The path leading up to it is paved with white stones with golden veins running through them, sparkling in the sun. Various flowers and shrubs line it on either side, their leaves and blooms bending towards it, looking as if they are hugging it. The colors are so vibrant that you would think they were painted and not real. About twenty feet away, large steps lead up towards a white temple that is taking up the entire view. Looking at it, I feel like someone has pushed me into one of the stories from The Arabian Nights. Tall white columns hold a smooth wall reaching up towards the skies that’s topped with jewel-covered domes with pointed tops. Windows can be seen sprinkled through the walls and silky curtains sway through them, making me think we are being watched.

  My eyes go back to the tall, wooden, slightly-open, double doors engraved with gruesome scenes of battles as well as lovers in erotic embrace. I’m not sure which I find more fascinating—the doors or the temple.

  “The goddess will see you now,” the voice calling out from the doors snaps me out of my train of thought.

  “I’m not going anywhere until my companions are returned,” I call back to the tall man standing there, dressed in only a white sheet wrapped around his waist.

  “They will meet you inside,” he answers, sweeping his hand inwards, inviting us in.

  I’m torn. I know we must go on with this stupid journey, but Tara is standing right here. She can bring Meda and Faith back. Well, I think she can. I look at her again, ready to try and talk her into it.

  “I can’t do what you are asking. If I could, I would and damn the consequences. I feel your grief like it’s my own, but there is nothing I can do to help you,” she says sadly, shaking her head. She takes a deep breath as if the weight of the world is on her shoulders. “I can, however, send them your love and tell them that you will miss them very much. Don’t grieve, Alexia. You will meet again one day when the time is right. The fates work in mysterious ways. They will always live through you, if you remember them.”

  Tears fall from my eyes at her words, and with a heavy heart, I nod mutely at her.

  “Thank you, Tara. Please tell them I do love them, with everything in me. I need time to accept what they did, but I understand it and I’m grateful for it. I just miss them so much already.” I choke out the words and feel Inanna’s arms wrapping around my shoulders.

  I bury my head in her neck and sob in earnest, clutching her like a lifeline. I know why she was angry, and I guess we will eventually talk about
what happened, but I’m grateful she is setting it aside for now. Steeling my heart for whatever is to come, I manage to squeeze words out through my trembling lips between sobs.

  “You think he is telling the truth? They will meet us inside?” I ask her.

  “Only one way to find out,” she says, releasing me.

  Tara surprises me by stepping up to me and wrapping her arms around me. She squeezes tightly, and automatically, I wrap her up in a hug. Looking down at the shorter woman, I wonder why she felt the need to hug me. Maybe she feels bad for my losing Meda and Faith. Releasing her and taking her by the shoulders, I hold her at arm’s length. It feels nice nevertheless.

  “Thank you, I think I needed that,” I tell her, looking at her covering since I can’t see any other part of her but her hands from her vail. “But what was that for?”

  “For letting me experience what sisterly love is like. It’s a lonely path to be a guide, and you have given me the greatest gift. I must leave now, but I wish you all the best on your journey. Until we meet again, Semiramis,” she says, bowing her head.

  “I know we just met, but call me Al. Thank you for everything and please look after my sisters, no matter where they are.” I squeeze her shoulders.

  “Thank you, Al. I promise I will. If you need me any time, just whisper my true name and I will come.” She pulls me down and whispers her true name so only I can hear.

  Goosebumps cover me as if by knowing her true name, I am tied to her somehow, but I don’t have time to ask any questions. As soon as she pulls back, Maika places his hand on her shoulder, and they are both gone like they were never there. Before they disappeared, the Traveler nodded his head as if he approved of what Tara did. I nodded back, still bewildered from the whole thing.

  “We better go before we insult Ishtar.” Inanna jerks me out of my maunderings.

  Nodding, I start walking, and she matches me step for step. Walking up the giant stairs towards the door, I wonder why they must make their temples like it’s a competition of who will make it bigger or more beautiful. After getting to know some of the gods and goddesses, I can bet that it’s exactly that: one trying to outdo another.

  The man is still standing at the slightly parted doors like a statue. As we near him, I see the scenes on the doors are alive. They move around like watching a movie. As we get closer, I can hear calls for battle and screams of pain as well as the moaning ecstasy of lovers wrapped around each other. My heart picks up a beat. A feeling of anticipation washes over me as if I’ve been waiting for this my entire life. What the fuck? I bet it’s Ishtar trying to screw with my brain. They all have their own ways of messing people up. I take a deep breath and picture my grandmother’s face. She is what will keep me grounded through this.

  “Lead the way, buddy,” I tell the handsome man who’s leering at me and Inanna.

  “I am a priest, I am not ‘buddy,’” he sniffs arrogantly at me.

  “Yeah, yeah and I’m the vessel. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s go.” I wave my hand at him and Inanna chuckles.

  “Only you, Alexia. Only you.” She shakes her head and, without waiting, walks pass the priest into the temple.

  I look at her retreating back for a moment and then shrug my shoulders and follow her in. I can’t help what comes out of my mouth, and with all the cluster-fucks that have been happening, I most definitely will not apologize for any of it.



  My heart is beating a thunderous rhythm in my chest. A battle roar is building in my throat, and I do not wish to stop it. If Inanna has hurt Alexia, I shall end the goddess once and for all. I will follow Alexia wherever she goes, even if it ends my existence. It’s a sobering thought, though one I have no desire to rectify. It has come down to very simple terms. She is part of me—a part I do not wish to live without. I place my hands on the barrier around us and, summoning as much strength as I can, I push. My muscles are straining, my arms shaking from the effort, but it does not give.

  “I thought we can’t open portals in Ishtar’s realm,” Remi’s voice floats around me, and I stop pushing on the barrier.

  Looking around, I realize we are in some sort of a fog. So, not a different realm, then. We have not been sent somewhere, we are cloaked. Maybe Inanna is trying to get Alexia to snap out of her grief. If that is the case, I must admit, albeit begrudgingly, she may be onto something. I still wish to see Alexia to assure myself that she is okay. I am a master of playing games, but not with Alexia. Not anymore. How things change when you let your heart start making decisions.

  “We cannot. We are cloaked, but I was not sure we could even do that,” I tell her, turning back towards the barrier to start pushing on it again.

  “Still, I didn’t think we could either. Did Inanna do this? I hope she doesn’t kill the sap,” Jezzinta is saying from somewhere behind me.

  “Yes, she did,” I answer her angrily.

  “As a matter a fact, she did not. I did.” A voice comes floating to my ears and I slowly turn towards it.

  Everyone comes closer, standing ready to fight if need be. The witches raise their hands up, pushing Philip behind them to protect him from whoever spoke. I am not worried. I know who it is.

  Ishtar steps out so we can see her. She has not changed at all from the last time I saw her. Her dark hair floats around her bare shoulders in spirals. Rows upon rows of gems cover her chest all the way to her belly. Golden silk is wrapped around her waist, floating to her feet. It’s shimmery and leaves very little to the imagination. Bangles adorn her wrists and squeeze her upper arms. The headdress of the red sun sits squarely on her head, horns pointing skywards framing it. Her beautiful face looks serene; she is a goddess, after all. I used to think she was beyond beautiful and irresistible. Now I notice my mind is comparing her with Alexia, and the witch is winning big time. Her face floats through my mind like a beacon of light.

  Everyone else drops to their knees in front of Ishtar, including the human. I widen my stance and cross my arms over my chest. When her eyes land on me, she smiles like she knows something I don’t. My heart thumps painfully.

  “Lucifer! How very lovely to see you. It has been too long, lover,” she purrs and I cringe.

  “Ah, fuck!” Remi sounds defeated and my stomach drops to my feet.

  “Ishtar!” I greet her calmly while my mind starts spinning with all the things that can and will go wrong in this realm soon enough.

  “You picked a bad time, since my consort is here, but I’m sure he will not mind sharing. It’s not like we haven’t shared before. Especially after what we heard about Lilith and her sacrifice, you must be very lonely indeed.” Swinging her hips, she walks towards me and places her hands over my crossed arms.

  “Oh, Alexia will just love this shit after everything she’s gone through,” Jezzinta mumbles angrily and Remi hums affirmatively. This could turn out very badly, I fear.

  “It has been centuries, yes!” I point out, hoping that will help a little from what will no doubt be coming my way. “But I am not here to talk about old times. Remove the barrier before Inanna hurts Alexia.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. The witch is holding her own,” she says, squinting at me as if trying to read my thoughts.

  She turns around with a swoosh of her hair and twinkling of gems, and she starts walking away. Everyone stands up and the witches are glaring at me—the human, too. I see it from the corners of my eyes, but I ignore them. My mind is creating all sorts of scenarios where what little headway I have made to get Alexia to let down her guard crumbles at my feet. It makes me lightheaded.

  “Oh, Alexia is going to love this shit,” Jezzinta repeats herself.

  “I can’t wait to see how you get your ass out of this one, Lucifer,” Remi says, still glaring.

  “I have done nothing!” I tell them through clenched jaws.

  “Let’s hope she sees it that way when she hears Ishtar. You should’ve said something so she’s not caught of
f guard. That’s the only thing you did wrong,” Daisy tells me with a sigh. “After all the revelations about Enlil and Derik, this will be a cherry on top of a cake.”

  “I have done nothing!!” I repeat as if by saying it, it’ll make it go away.

  I screwed up. I know that now. I do not know what I was thinking. If I pretend it never happened, will that make it so? It is not like I have betrayed Alexia. I do not even know which lifetime she was living the last time I was in this realm. But knowing we were coming here and not saying anything, even when I knew I should, makes me look guilty, as if I am hiding some secret from her.

  “Fuck!” I roar, grabbing my hair with both hands.

  “Yeah, now you know what we are talking about,” Remi nods her head. “I don’t envy you, but I’ll tell you this much. If she doesn’t want anything to do with you because you lied…”

  “I did not lie!” I snap at her, and she narrows her eyes at me.

  “You may have not lied, but not telling her is worse than lying. I’m with her. I will not say a word on your behalf. And just so you know, you’re an asshole!” Petting me none too gently on my arm, she walks after Ishtar, leaving me staring at her with a gaping hole in my chest.

  “I’m with Remi on this one. I was hoping you wouldn’t turn out to be an asshole after everything you know about her.” Jezzinta grabs Daisy and they follow Remi.

  I stand still, feeling lost. What would I say to Alexia? She only just started returning my affection without my forcing her to admit it to herself. I start chewing on the inside of my mouth. Everything in me wishes to run to Alexia’s side, and at the same time I’m dreading it and wish to turn around, go to my realm and stay hidden there to lick my wounds. And there will be wounds, I can feel it.

  “I have no idea how you feel, my man, but I feel sorry for you. From what I know about Al so far, I can tell you right now that you’re screwed.” Philip’s voice snaps me out of my misery and I look at him.


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