To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4)

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To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4) Page 4

by J Bree

  I hear the distinct sound of his teeth grinding together and grin at myself like a smug-ass bitch. Grovel, Crawford, grovel.

  “The plant knows about Avery. Knows our connection. I don’t know why he hasn’t said anything yet, but if it gets back to the Jackal-”

  I cut him off. “You think I didn’t know already? You think I didn’t have a plan in place for that guy? Come on, Crow. I didn't become the Wolf because I’m some naive piece of ass, twirling my hair and hoping for the best.”

  He sighs at me. “I think I liked it better when you were afraid of me.”

  I snort at him. “That was before I knew you’re just like every other dick out there: arrogant and self-serving. The guy will be dead by dawn. Pleasure doing business with you.”

  I hang up before he gets the chance to reply. Blaise raises an eyebrow at me from the driver’s seat of his newest toy and I shrug at him. When picking out the new car, purely for shits and giggles because the Maserati is still in perfect condition, he chose possibly the flashiest car possible. The Cadillac is white and I swear to god, it has diamonds in the dashboard. When I raise an eyebrow at him, he smirks and pets it lovingly.

  “I thought the theme of our little family was diamonds? I love nothing more than matching shit.”

  The snark in his tone is at a whole new high, and I settle back in my seat to ignore his bullshit. “How can you afford this now? Did you lie to Ash about what your expenses are? Avery will make you wish you were dead if she finds out.”

  He shrugs and smirks at me. “After I bought out my contract I released my new album. I thought you would have heard it by now. Ash asked me about it over dinner the other night, didn’t you hear him?”

  I stare at him, then pull out my phone to look it up. I’ve been listening to the songs on repeat for over a year so it’s not like it’ll be anything new for me, but I feel like this is something I should have known. Plus I’d like to see how well it’s doing.

  Blaise chuckles at the look on my face. “Star, I’m not pissy you didn’t know, you’ve been a little busy keeping us all alive. Besides, I’m taking this as proof you’re definitely not stalking me. It’s been out for weeks.”

  I still feel bad but I try to joke my way out of the feeling. “I have it on tap now, I don’t need to keep up with what you’re doing.”

  His chuckle turns into a laugh and he runs a colorful hand through his hair, tugging on it a little. Fuck, it looks like he’s been rolling around in his sheets for a few hours, not driving me to the middle of fucking no where with a gagged man in the back.


  I wasn’t lying to the Crow; the plant disappeared because I made him disappear. I’ve had too many close calls involving Avery lately so there was no way I was leaving her fate in Atticus Crawford’s fumbling hands. Although now he knows I’m out of the house and dealing with his problem, I’m sure he’ll be at the Ranch to try to force Avery to talk to him. Ash and Harley had happily stayed behind, having a knife throwing lesson from Illi, so if he does show up he’ll be lucky to leave with his jugular in tact.

  Which is how I have the rock god to myself… well, kind of. If you ignore the grunting and groaning in the back every time Blaise hits a pothole.

  “Now you’ve asked I’ll let you know; the record is doing well. I got rid of most of the band, they were all brought in by the label, so it’s just me and Finn now. You’ll have to meet him soon. Once this fucking war is over, I mean. He’s probably a little too delicate for this kind of thing.”

  I hum under my breath at him, and grab his hand. He’s probably a little too delicate for this too, a little too naive and green, but he loves his family. He’s utterly unflinching when shit hits the fan. He belongs with us.

  “Take the next left, then follow the road to the end.” I murmur, and Blaise pulls off of the highway. We’re a good three hours away from the Ranch now, out in the backwoods of Cali, but the little cabin is well known to me and has everything I’ll need for the job ahead of me.

  I leave nothing behind.

  “Is there anything left behind after you melt the bodies? Anything that could identify the dead guy?” Blaise murmurs.

  I shrug. “No. The acid breaks down everything, but the Bear is the one with the access to the acid, and he’s chosen the Jackal so we’re not using acid today.”

  The guy in the back makes a sort of gurgling, squealing sound and I snort at him. “If you’re lucky, I’ll kill you before I throw you in the pens.”

  Blaise’s hands spasm on the steering wheel. “Pens? Fuck, Star, where the hell are you taking me?”

  I smirk at him. “Worried, Morrison? I’ll keep you safe from the little piggies, don’t worry.”

  Blaise scowls at me. “Pigs? What the fuck?”

  “They leave nothing behind. I know the guy who owns the place, he owes me quite a few favors.”

  Blaise gives me a sidelong look. “Is there anyone in Mounts Bay who doesn’t owe you favors?”

  I shrug. “Clean people don’t, but they’re few and far between in my world.”

  * * *

  One of the perks of having the guys around while I’m on a job is that I no longer have to lug around dead bodies or writhing victims, and my bad leg has never gone this long without a flare up before.

  Once Blaise has the guy out of the trunk and slumped in one of the empty pig pens, I nod at Brian to get him to leave. He clicks his tongue and jeers at the pigs as he walks away, happy enough to turn a blind eye and owe me one less favor.

  Blaise wipes his forehead with the back of his hand and grunts at me, “How the fuck do you normally move them? You’re fucking tiny.”

  I scoff at him and shrug. “Perseverance. You might want to go back to the car for this, it’s not going to be pretty.”

  The guy starts grunting and squealing behind the gag again but we ignore him completely.

  “I told you I’d come to work with you today, I’m prepared to get my hands dirty, Star.” Blaise says, and rocks back on his heels a little. He watches me carefully but I just shrug. If he’s really that keen on it then I guess we’re doing this.

  I slide my knife out of my pocket and cut the guy’s gag off. He dry retches as he spits it out and coughs before a stream of begging starts up. “Don’t kill me! I’m useful to you, I can tell you things! I know about the Jackal’s plans. I know who the other spies are, just don’t fucking kill me.”

  I crouch down into his face, trying not to grimace at the stink of him. Fear turns sweat into a foul smelling thing and he’s dripping with it under the hot summer sun. I tilt my head and look at him assentingly. “Convince me. Tell me something that makes it worth my while to keep you breathing. I mean, I’ve already driven all the way out here, I may as well finish the job.”

  His eyes dart up to Blaise then back to me as he gulps, his voice shaking as he replies. “The Jackal is putting spies in your school. He’s cleared the board and put in his own men to get close to you. He still wants you bad, kid, and he’s desperate to kill your men and get you back. He’s fucking crazy, I took the spy position to get away from him. Look, I don’t want to go back to him. I’ll patch over! I’ll join the Crow, just don’t kill me.”

  I hum at him. “Anything else? Because I already knew all of that.”

  His voice raises and he practically squeals, more shrill than the pigs themselves. “He’s looking into the O’Cronins. Trying to find something about them, something to catch the kid out. Morrisons too. He’s working with Beaumont, but I think he’s planning on killing him too.”

  Nothing new or useful.

  And fuck, I wish it were going to be that easy. I wish I could just sit back and wait for them to kill each other. “I knew all of that, too. I’ve gotta tell you, you’re not making a good case for yourself.”

  “He has a meeting with the Devil! He’s meeting with Morningstar about you and your people. He’ll be out of the state for a few weeks, he’s gone to plead his case. The Devil said no to killing t
he O’Cronin boy but the Jackal now wants him to come kill all of the other members of the Twelve who’ve sided with you.”

  Ok. That’s new.

  I don’t let that show on my face though, and when I raise an eyebrow the guy starts sobbing and wailing. That’s all he’s got and I’m still going to take him out.

  Letting people live nearly cost me Harley last year.

  I’ll never make that mistake again.

  I grab my bag and start to dig around for my plastic jumpsuit. I don’t really want to strip down to my underwear and slitting throats is messy work. Blaise watches me grab it out and sighs, tugging at my elbow until I step away.

  I misread him completely.

  “It’s the way things work in the Bay, just go back to the car and forget we were ever here.” I mumble, but he grabs the ghost gun Illi got him last year and rummages around in my bag until he finds my silencer.

  How the hell he knew I have one in there is beyond me because I’m too damn busy gaping at him as he screws it on.

  “You’re going to shoot him? I didn’t think-” he cuts me off.

  “I told you, I’m all in. You’re mine; my girlfriend and my family, so this is our gang life, or whatever. Consider this my blood in.”

  Then he shoots the guy, his hand steady and effective as it only takes one bullet. I’m fucking impressed.

  I don’t wait around to talk about it, I just flick the gates open and let the pigs in to start their work. Blaise grimaces and climbs the fence to get away from them and I laugh at him. Happy to shoot a guy but a total fucking wuss about farm animals? He’s as bad as Avery.

  I scramble over the fence and he helps me down on the other side, mindful of my leg. I smile up at him, completely unaffected but the crunching and munching going on behind us.

  Why the hell should I care about a spy meeting his fate?

  Blaise tucks me under his arm and tips his head at Brian as we get back to the Cadillac. The cheeky fucker helps me climb up into the car and snarks something about getting me a step ladder. I do my best to ignore his jabs because I’m not about to let him rile me up.

  Once we’re back on the highway he slips a hand between my thighs and strokes my pussy through my booty shorts. My thighs tense and trap his hand there, the little grin he shoots me is nothing short of devious.

  “Want to fuck in the car on the way back?”

  Uh, yeah. I do.

  Chapter Five

  On the morning we’re due to head back to Hannaford, I startle awake in our bed. The room is still dark and it takes my mind a second to catch up to my body, because Harley’s dick is rock hard between my thighs and one of his hands is clamped over my mouth while the other is toying with my pussy. I choke back the moan clawing up my throat because I can hear Blaise’s soft snores and the small sliver of light from the morning sun is bright across Ash’s sleeping back.

  Harley feels me jolt awake and kisses my throat, whispering against my skin, “I’m being selfish this morning. I need you for myself, babe, just for now.”

  I shiver and nod, all-fucking-in.

  I’m not sure how the fuck he’s planning on doing this without waking the others but his fingers are magic and my eyes slip shut as he works me over. I’ve been sleeping in panties, more from habit than anything else, but the lace Ash picks out always errs on the scandalous side and Harley rips the crotch out without any real effort then he plunges his fingers into my pussy, grinding the heel of his palm into my clit until I’m struggling to stay silent even with his hand still firmly covering my mouth.

  He waits until I’m right on the edge of coming before he pulls away, tugging my leg up and back until it’s resting on his and he has a little room. Then he lines his dick up, rubbing it against my wet pussy lips, and bites my shoulder as he pushes in. I definitely make some fucking noise at that.

  His hips pump into me, a slow and smooth rocking motion that winds me the hell up until I’m shaking. His hand manages to smother the sobs wrenching out of my chest a little so they sound like little gasps instead but I feel desperate and mindless.

  “Shh, if you’re too loud I’ll have to share you.” Harley murmurs into my skin, but I’m too far gone to listen and his dick feels that fucking good buried inside me.

  It’s too much for me to take and my heart stutters in my chest as I come. Ash’s eyes snap open as the little gasp that wrenches out of my throat, and I moan softly behind Harley’s hand. He doesn’t notice Ash has woken up and his hips are relentless as he pumps into me.

  I can feel my body stoking higher and higher until I think I’m going to come again when Ash slides closer and tugs my shirt out of the way so he can pinch one of my nipples. I try to hold Ash’s eyes with my own as I come again, clenching around Harley until he grunts and moves to hold both of my hips. I lean forward to give him some room to move and Ash catches my chin in his hand, kissing me firmly until I’m moaning into his lips.

  I break away to try to catch my breath and Ash slides a hand around my throat until his thumb can trace over my pulse. I stare into his eyes and the look he gives me is pure, dark lust. Watching Harley fuck me has once again snapped the tight hold he has on himself around me.

  He squeezes at my throat, just enough that I have to tip my head back to breathe.“Turn over.”

  Harley huffs and grumbles under his breath but he helps move me around until I’m facing him, holding my hip with one hand as he pushes back in. He cups my cheek with his free hand and kisses me, dragging his teeth over my bottom lip until I’m boneless. He knows just how to touch me to make me feel both owned and fucking worshiped.

  I’m lost in Harley’s lips so I miss when Ash shifts closer and palms my ass, kneading my curves and spreading them until I gasp into Harley’s kiss. He bites my lip and then moves to lick and suck his way down my throat, marking me up so there isn’t going to be a single doubt in the other students minds of what we’ve spent the summer doing together when we get back to school. Ash tugs at my hair to pull my head back and sticks two fingers in my mouth. I suck on them and wish it was his dick. I’m not ashamed to say I whine a little when he pulls them out.

  Just as Harley’s kisses get to my collarbone and nips me there, Ash’s finger presses against my ass and I just about die.

  “Tell me to stop, Mounty.” Ash murmurs, but I can’t. I physically cannot force the words out of myself and he kisses the back of my neck sweetly, whispering “Good girl.”

  Then he pushes his finger into my ass and sweet merciful lord I did not expect to like it this much. A gasp rips out of my throat and I clutch at Harley’s shoulders while my brain whites out a little.

  Ash huffs out a laugh and bites down on my shoulder again, adding another finger and alternating the pumps with the drag of Harley’s dick inside me until I’m always filled with one of them. Ok, maybe his dick would be fucking amazing. Maybe being truly shared will be the best fucking feeling and I’ll refuse to leave this bed.

  It takes seconds before I’m coming again, a freaking record, and Harley groans as he comes too. I’m too blissed out to get pissy at Ash’s smug laugh. He pulls his fingers out and then rubs his dick between my ass cheeks. My eyes might go a little crazy at that. It feels amazing, much better than I ever thought it would, but there’s no fucking way he’s going to stick his monster cock up my ass.

  Harley grunts when I clench around his softening dick, pulling out and snapping at Ash, “You stick anything else in her, you fucking better have lube.”

  He kisses me sweetly and rolls out of the bed for the shower. I pout for a half second and then Ash turns me around, stripping my shirt off and shoving his boxers down his legs.

  “Feeling brave yet, Mounty?” He smirks, and I scoff at him.

  “Wasn’t that brave enough for you?” My voice sounds weirdly breathless.

  He nods and takes my hand, wrapping it the thick length of him. “You’re right, that was very brave. If you’d given me a little warning I would have had lube and we could
have both fucked you at the same time.”

  I get a full-body shiver at that and his eyes go all molten. What the fuck are these guys doing to me? I’ve gone from terrified of their dicks to fucking melting at the thoughts of gangbangs. Jesus take the wheel.

  Then I remember I have a handful of Ash’s dick and wriggle down the bed to suck him off because that’s something I can get behind. Yes fucking please.

  * * *

  Ash insists on joining me for a shower afterwards and I struggle so freaking bad to focus on washing myself with him naked around me. I wonder idly if this feeling will ever wear off but I kind of enjoy how much they affect me. It’s also nice to know they’re just as affected by me.

  When we’re done I throw on some yoga pants and one of Ash’s v neck shirts, the perks of having boyfriends is having full access to their clothes in my humble opinion, and then head back into our room to pack the last of my bags. Blaise is awake finally, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and frowning around the room.

  “Why does it smell like sex in here? What the fuck did I miss now?” He snarls, and I pretend I don’t hear him as I start shoving the last of my clothes back into my duffle bag.

  Ash saunters out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, smug-as-fuck, and says, “Maybe you should drink and smoke a little less before bed so when Arbour decides to wake the Mounty up with his dick you can join in too.”

  Blaise’s arm drops and he levels a vicious glare at his best friend. “What. The. Fuck?! I thought we agreed to not be exclusionary dicks about this?”

  Ash shrugs and drops his towel. I look back at my clothes because we have no time for round two… or three, whatever, who’s counting?

  “So don’t be a dick. I wasn’t an asshole about you guys fucking in the Cadillac without me even after I had to get in there and smell it right after.”


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