Shady Oaks Series: Out of Darkness

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Shady Oaks Series: Out of Darkness Page 6

by Michelle Areaux

  Pausing, Liam glanced at me to make sure I was still listening. His eyes were full of wonder and concern as he drank in my expression. A tear rolled down my cheek as I listened to Liam’s story. Nodding my head, I let him know I was still listening and was here for him. As crazy as all of this sounded, it also made more sense to me than anything else in my life ever had. This explained so much that had happened in my life. This proved that I wasn’t crazy and hadn’t made up the entire story of seeing Liam saving me; twice. However, I also was madly aware that this information was something I would have to keep to myself. Another thought occured to me as I replayed the moments in my head. Shady Oaks was full of secrets...secrets that were hidden away from the rest of the world. I couldn’t help but wonder, if Liam was a supernatural being, who else was lurking amongst the rest of the humans, hiding out and blending in with the rest of us?

  “If you are some type of angel, do you have wings?” I asked, my morbid curiosity spilling from my lips.

  Hiding a smirk, Liam smiled. “Not all angels have wings. At least not in the sense you are thinking,” he said. “I have smaller wings, they are barely noticeable when they do emerge, but they aren’t white or angelic like most people believe them to be. Since I am more of a dark angel, a transportation of death, my feathers are black, almost like coal. They only ignite when I am extremely angry or need to take a soul to the afterlife.”

  I allowed his words to sink in. To register in my mind as reality. Even though it all sounded like make believe, I still wanted to learn more about Liam and his world.

  “Are there more like you?” I asked, allowing my own curiosity to get the best of me.

  Shaking his head, Liam allowed a slight smirk to spread across his lips. “Nora, there are creatures that exist in this town that you know nothing about. Otherworldly creatures that lurk in the shadows, some are good while others are monsters that would make the most vile villains seem harmless. Parts of this town possess powers and secrets hidden in plain sight. Some of the kids we go to school with have powers that are unimaginable.”

  “Like who?” I asked, fascinated by his revelation.

  “It’s not my place to tell you,” he said.

  Anger washed over me. He was starting to give me answers and now he was playing coy? I tried to think back to everyone I knew. Who had I seen Liam talking to? He was new, and rarely talked to anyone...except--Sylar!

  “What about Sylar?” I quickly asked. “I saw you talking with him the day they found our principal murdered. You all looked like you were having a fight. He is the only other person I have ever seen you talk to here.”

  Liam tried to hide the astonishment on his face as I figured out who among us was like him.

  “I don’t know…” he said, trying to fight the urge to give me an answer.

  His silence and tension told me my theory was correct. Wow, a boy who I had known from my art class was like Liam. “Is he an angel too?”

  Shaking his head no, Liam seemed to be pained. “Nora, I am not supposed to speak of any of this with you. But, since you made the discovery on your own, I guess I can answer. Yes, Sylar is a supernatural being. However, he isn’t light, or angelic. He is a death angel. His role on earth is to come and help death take the souls of those that are meant to leave this earth. While my role is to take the souls to the afterlife, his job is to end their lives first.”

  “That is scary and exciting,” I admitted. “Is he dangerous?”

  “No, he is not a danger to anyone unless your time on this earth is meant to be over. He just assists death. You must not tell anyone else that you know about me, or Sylar, or them,” Liam stated, his voice dropping to a whisper.

  “Why?” I asked, pushing the limits.

  “Your knowledge of our world could put you in grave danger. If they want you to know who and what exists in this town, they will show themselves to you. Just trust me,” he added, ending the conversation.

  Realizing I shouldn’t push my luck, I decided to let go of the notion that I lived in a world where myths, legends, and the paranormal weren’t just stories, but were reality. Maybe fairy tale’s weren’t fiction after all?

  Trying to make light of the situation, I smirked at Liam. “So, should I also expect to see zombies rising at midnight. Like maybe something from The Walking Dead or an Zombie Apocalypse movie?” I kidded, hoping he appreciates my humor, and also hoping I was wrong about the zombies.

  Huffing, Liam turned and looked at me. The pained expression painted on his face told me that I shouldn’t joke. Even though I had trouble accepting the fact that what Liam was telling me was true, an inner voice was also telling me to listen to him- carefully.

  “Nora, I know you think this all sounds messed up,” he began as he crossed his arms across his chest. “Believe me when I say that I am not trying to hurt you. My only purpose in telling you all of this is to protect you.”

  I knew in my heart this wasn’t just some dumb joke he was playing on me. Like he was messing with my mind or something. This information could shatter both of our worlds if we weren't careful.

  I placed my hand on Liam’s face and caressed his cheek. This must be hard to share and I wanted him to know I understood. “Go on,” I pleaded. “I am sorry I made a joke. I will listen.”

  Sighing, Liam took in another deep breath before continuing. “The first time I saw you, you were just a little baby. Your parents had taken you on a vacation in Hawaii. While your dad had taken a business call, your mom hadn’t seen him walk away. She was tanning on a lounge chair next to a large swimming pool. Families were everywhere as music blared and the waves from the beach crashed against the shore. It was so loud that no one heard you when you crawled to the side of the pool and fell into the deep end. You just floated down to the bottom. With your green eyes wide open, you just stared at me as I took your hand and brought you back to the surface. You were so close to death in that moment. Your lungs were full of water and your heart was slowing, preparing to stop beating just seconds before I helped you break the surface. When your mom looked up, she saw you floating on the surface of the water. Her screams alerted those in the pool to your little body and they pulled you out and after performing CPR on you, you began to cough and spit out the water from your lungs. Because you were not dead, I was able to get away with saving you that time. I guess that was the first time I broke the rules of my punishment. That mistake on my part caused me to give up more of my soul. It was worth it though, to save you I would have done anything.

  I had vowed to protect the innocent since I had failed them before. You were just a baby, an innocent soul who didn’t deserve to die because of your parents’ negligence. I began to watch you as you grew.”

  Shaking his head, Liam slightly smiled as he began to remember me from my past. “You were such a stubborn child. Always doing something for a thrill, pushing the limits to see how far you could push yourself. Anyway, on the night of your mother’s death, I was supposed to bring you to heaven, to allow you to die in my arms like I had done countless times before with others. I would have to give you up because that was what my job was. I didn’t get to make decisions. I only took orders. But I couldn’t. I took one look at you and my body froze. My mind reeled at how beautiful you were and how much I wanted to keep you all for myself. I knew thinking that was wrong. I knew that I was breaking some unspoken rule, but never in my life had I wanted or needed anything as bad as I needed you in that moment. You were so innocent and sad that you trapped my heart with only one look. I thought of every possibility I could to hide you or take you away from that mess before anyone else could catch me. Instead, I broke the rules that had been placed on me decades ago and saved you. Because of that, I am now condemned to spend eternity on earth until I am granted the right to pass on and die as I should have seventy-five years ago, in that wreck. Because I went against their demands, I have been punished to roam the earth until they feel I can move on to heaven. I am trying to find redemption and save mys
elf from eternal damnation, but I am also trying to have you in my life too. Because, now that I know you, I can’t live without you.”

  He finished speaking and his blue eyes seemed almost crystal clear. His body was tense and unsure. Not knowing what else to do, I leaned in and placed my head on his shoulder. I allowed my fingers to trace around his jaw and feel the slight stubble on his soft skin as I stared up at him. Moving my face toward his, I allowed my lips to lightly brush his before I crashed into his mouth. Sparks flew all around me as all of my fears and demons and worries seemed to be obliterated by his touch. Never in my life had I needed a touch or feeling as much as I needed Liam’s. Somehow his words, his closeness, and his touch had awakened something in me that had been dark for so long. One look into his eyes and my frozen heart had thawed and for the first time in a very, very long time, I felt something other than pain. Maybe even happiness.

  Surprised by my quick movement, Liam’s hands rushed to the side of my face as he pulled me closer to him. His lips danced with mine as we found a tune together.

  Pushing back, we both gasped for air as we sat silently watching one another.

  “Wow,” he mused with a slight smirk on his face. “I thought you hated me,” he said through a smile.

  Lacing our fingers together, I looked down at our joined hands and I couldn’t control the smile that appeared.

  “I think that is the first time I have ever seen you smile,” I said as I watched his face glow. “I didn’t hate you, I just didn’t understand you,” I explained.

  “I haven’t had anything to smile about, until you,” Liam said, as he took hold of my hand again and brought me close to him. “I have loved you all our lives and now I am willing to risk everything to finally have you. I am tired of watching you be so sad. I can make you happy, I can give you a life you deserve and want.”

  As he enveloped me in a hug, I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him for dear life. Being in his arms was like coming home for the first time. I hadn’t felt safe or cared for since before my mother died and now, in just a matter of seconds, I was granted that amazing feeling again. Liam was my saving grace and I knew no matter what happened now, I couldn’t lose him.


  “You kissed him!” Ronnie practically screamed as she bounced on my bed.

  “Yes,” I yelled back, as I threw one of my pillows at her. I laughed at her reaction. “It was amazing.”

  Placing her hand on my forehead, Ronnie acted as if she were checking my temperature. “Are you ok? I mean, where is my angry best friend, Nora?” she asked as she teased me.

  “Stop!” I scolded her as I pouted my lips and pretended to be upset. “Seriously though, he is wonderful. He makes me feel happy and safe like I did when my mom was still alive.”

  “That is great,” Ronnie said. “He is gorgeous and I can tell he really likes you. All he does is stare at you with those intense eyes,” Ronnie added.

  “Yeah, I really like him too,” I confessed. “He is so different from anyone else I have ever met.”

  “What is he like?” she asked, as she leaned forward, ready to hear my juicy gossip and stories.

  Laughing, I playfully pushed her back. “He is quiet,” I began. “Liam is sweet and kind.”

  “I get that, I mean, the boy never talks,” Ronnie sighed. “Other than being brooding and insanely gorgeous, what else do you know about him?”

  “I guess I know that he and I both like rock music and hate most people,” I laughed.

  Rolling her eyes, Ronnie waved her hand at me. “You are such a freak,” she joked.

  It had been three days since Liam confessed his secret to me and three days since we had first kissed. Knowing I should probably keep Liam a secret, I couldn’t help but tell Ronnie how I was feeling. I considered telling her just how different Liam really was but I decided not to. I was afraid that Ronnie would think I was crazy for real this time. I mean, how do you tell your best friend that the guy you are seriously interested in might just be some condemned angel that saved you from dying years ago? I don’t think she would understand. Besides, it is kind of fun having Liam as my own little secret.

  Messing with my ankle bracelet, Ronnie looked down and spotted the hideous accessory I had been wearing for the last few weeks. “When do you get rid of that thing?” she asked.

  “I have one more week left, as long as I stay out of trouble that is,” I joked, trying to make light of the situation. In theory, it wasn’t the worst possible sentence I could have been dealt, but I would be happy when I didn’t have to wear it anymore.

  “That’s good. Maybe we will have a party,” Ronnie giggled. “You know, a Nora is finally free, party.”

  Laughing, I threw my head back and allowed my long locks to dance around my shoulders. “Maybe, that might be fun. You know how much I love to party.”

  “Hey, I don’t want any dangerous adventures if we do have a party. I’m talking about cake and ice-cream and a few cute boys,” Ronnie laughed. “The last thing we need to do at your freedom party is get you in trouble again.”

  Smiling my infamous dangerous smile, I tried to hold in my own laughter. “You never know with me.”

  Ronnie smacked my arm playfully as she bounced back to sit next to me again. “Hey, now that he is your boy toy, maybe you can get him to help hunt down the killer,” she said. As her own words registered in her mind, her smile faded.

  Changing the subject, Ronnie gained a serious look on her beautiful face. Her eyes dimmed and I knew she was about to bring up something sad. “It is really terrible about what happened at school,” she began.

  “Yes, I still can’t believe we have a murderer running through our town,” I stated, as I felt chills run down my spine. The thought alone made me feel uneasy.

  “It scares me. I mean, our small town has never had anything like this before. What if it is someone we know?” she asked, her voice breaking as her fear began to take over. “I’m even afraid to be driving alone.”

  “Hopefully whoever it was, is long gone by now,” I said, as I tried to ease her worries. A pain of guilt came over me as I realized I had been so wrapped up in my own worries with Liam, that I had forgotten that a man had been killed. Not just any man, but our school principal. All of our lives had been transformed because of his death. We were still out of school while the police led their investigation and people around town were frantic and eyeing each other suspiciously.

  “Maybe you are right,” Ronnie began. She glanced around my room and then began staring out my bedroom window. “I just wonder why our principal was the one to get murdered. Why at our school? Do you think this is a message someone is trying to send to our school?”

  Thinking this over, I sat quietly for a moment. I watched as my step-mom drove up our long driveway and parked her car where my mom’s car should have been parked. Anger shot through me and was then suddenly replaced with a wave of sadness. “I don’t know if this is a message or warning. What I do know is, everything is going to change and we just need to be prepared.”

  The last thing I wanted to tell Ronnie was that I had been in that school the night of the murder. I, especially couldn’t tell her that I had also seen Liam that night too. I had heard voices, rough voices that seemed more like they came from an animal growling than a human talking. I couldn’t say any of that though. Honestly, I wasn’t sure myself what I had heard exactly. All I knew was that the person or thing that was in our school that night, knew we were there too.

  Turning back to face me, Ronnie just shook her head in agreement. We sat a while longer in silence, holding onto one another for support and guidance in how to deal with a murder in our small town. I wish I believed my own words I had spoken to Ronnie. In the back of my mind, I feared that someone or something had left a message to our town or possibly, someone in our town. What that message was, I was unsure. The only thing I was certain of was that my life had changed and nothing would ever be the same again.

nbsp; CHAPTER 9

  A full week had gone by since the murder and my enlightening conversation with Liam. We were allowed to return to school, however police officers were scattered throughout the school, always on high alert. I had found myself replaying Liam’s conversation in my mind like a song stuck on repeat. His words had shattered me. Breaking through my exterior walls, Liam had found a way to confide in me and get me to share a part of myself no one had ever witnessed before.

  I met Liam after school on Monday. He had texted me on Thursday and demanded that I meet him on Monday after our first day back at school since the murder. To say I was thrilled and intrigued by his proposal was an understatement. Since our kiss and his confession to me, we hadn’t spoken or even texted one another. I wasn’t sure where we stood, but I hoped today I would find out. But first, I had one other important thing to do.

  I had taken a quick detour to meet my probation officer to get my ankle bracelet removed. I had texted my dad in hopes that he would meet me there too, but in true fashion, he never showed. He did, however, send me a congratulations text.

  Feeling relieved to have the bracelet gone, I almost skipped to the bench in the park where Liam and I had agreed to meet. Throughout the last week, our school had been on serious lock-down. Police officers and reporters were everywhere you turned and Liam and I had barely spoken to one another. I had tried to lay low, and from watching Liam, he had been too. He stayed close to the walls when walking down the halls, had made sure to sit in the back of each class, and ate alone at lunch outside behind one of the large oak trees in the courtyard. His behavior was strange, but not strange for Liam. I guess.


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