Marked by Destiny

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Marked by Destiny Page 7

by C.M. Owens

  “So, being descended from the original Camilla, our mother only had use for the daughter that carried both Solarian and Lunarian powers?” Angelica asked once he was done explaining.

  “Exactly. There is only one born per generation, until the time the prophecy has come, and then a set of twin girls will be born to a couple with a descendant in your family who has both sets of powers. Since neither you, nor Anna have shown you are like her, with both sets of powers, protecting you both became difficult and one day, my mate stepped in at the wrong time when Camilla was going after you. Your mother lost her temper and ended up killing my mate.” He told her while tears streaked down his cheeks as he remembered what happened to her.

  “I had no idea!” Angelica exclaimed in shock. “How could you stay with our family if my mother killed her? I don’t understand how you could put yourself through that torture day after day.”

  “It’s because someone had to protect you. There was a trial convened and your mother was sentenced to being imprisoned at the mansion because your family is so high level in the council. She has been serving her sentence there ever since. I also stay to ensure she doesn’t try to escape her punishment.” Jerome admitted.

  “Isn’t it harder to keep yourself from going insane living with the woman who murdered your mate?” Angelica asked as carefully as she could.

  “Yes, it is. Seeing you grow up healthy and safe makes it worth it. Plus, your father is a great man. It’s not his fault fate chose such a horrible woman for him to be mated to.” Jerome told her with great compassion in his voice, which earned even more respect from her than she’d ever thought possible.

  “Thank you for everything.” Angelica breathed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart, as tears streamed down her cheeks. She’d forgotten her original question in the midst of Jerome sharing his story with her, but as he continued, it was apparent he hadn’t.

  “At the trial, the Daniels family fought hard to have your mother punished much more severely. They wanted her either in a maximum security prison or put to death for what she had done. Everyone there knew about the prophecy and it was her line that would either tear apart or bring peace to our people. Knowing how cruel Camilla was, they wanted her out of the picture so she couldn’t influence either Anna or you, if either of you happen to give birth to the twins in the prophecy. Of course, the council voted otherwise. Since then, the families have been at war.” Jerome told her in a solemn voice.

  “So it doesn’t matter if Thomas and I are mated? There’s nothing we can do to bring peace between our families?” Angelica asked with sorrow in her voice.

  “No dear child. With your mother’s propensity to hold a grudge, there will be no peace between your families, as long as she’s alive.” He told her, understanding her predicament more than she would ever know.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Unable to face her mother that evening after everything Jerome had told her, Angelica stayed in her room, lying on her bed and thought about everything she had learned. She mourned the woman she couldn’t even remember, but who had died to protect her.

  She was considering calling Thomas on their private phone lines just as there was a knock on her bedroom door.

  “Who is it?” She called out, not ready to move from her spot on the bed.

  “Are you alright my dear?” Her father’s voice called out with concern.

  She jumped up, went over to the door and opened it.

  “Yeah Dad, I’m just exhausted. It’s been a busy day.” Angelica told him as much of the truth as she dared. The last thing she wanted was for Jerome to be in trouble with her father for telling her what was going on between them and Thomas’ parents.

  “Jerome told me he told you everything. May I come in so we can talk?” Marcus told her with an understanding look on his face.

  She moved out of the doorway to allow him entry into her room then closed the door behind him. She went over and sat down on the bed, drawing her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them.

  “I didn’t want him to get into trouble for telling me.” She told him, her voice and face both showing her intense worry.

  “I was not happy about it, but he’s not in trouble. I’m sure he had his reasons for telling you, just as I had my reasons for not wanting you to know.” He told her with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “I needed to know Dad.” Angelica said in a soft voice. “I just wish I could remember her.”

  “Remember who my dear?” Marcus asked with a look of confusion.

  “Jerome’s mate, the woman mother killed when she tried to protect me. I don’t remember her at all.” She told him, a tear rolling down her face. She felt so guilty for the woman’s death, even though she’d been so young and unable to prevent it.

  “She was a wonderful woman. She didn’t deserve what happened to her.” Marcus said and Angelica picked up on the profound sadness in her father when he thought of Jerome’s mate.

  “Why didn’t you stop it from happening?” Angelica asked him in a harsh voice.

  “I wasn’t home to stop it. I was at a council meeting, unfortunately. By the time I arrived home, it was too late. All I could do was prevent Jerome from killing your mother for what she had done.” He said, letting tears slide down his face at the memories that were flooding through his mind.

  “I’m sorry Dad, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I’m sure you would have done everything you could to save her if you’d have been here.” Angelica said and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. They sat like that for a few minutes, mourning the loss of a good woman before Marcus pulled back and looked at her.

  “So, Jerome also tells me you found the perfect dress for prom.” He said, putting on a large smile for her.

  “Yes, I did!” Angelica said with excitement. She was ready to change the subject to something more positive as well.

  “Will you show me?” He asked her, hope filling his voice.

  “Of course.” She said as she bounced off the bed and ran over to her closet, where the garment bag was hanging. She pulled it out and headed into the bathroom to change. If she was going to show her father, she wanted him to see the dress on her.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, her father’s eyes lit up at the sight of her.

  “My dear, beautiful daughter, you look exquisite. You have wonderful taste and Thomas would be a fool if he didn’t want your mating ceremony to happen right then and there with you wearing that dress.” He told her, standing up and walking over to her.

  Angelica blushed, an unusual occurrence, and looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

  “You’re just saying that because you’re my dad.” She said.

  He put his finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his so she’d look at him.

  “No, my dear, I am not. You are a vision in this dress. You have excellent taste. I am sure this dance will be a magical night for you and your friends.” He told her with a smile.

  “Aw, Dad.” Angelica said, tears filling her eyes at his words.

  “Go change out of the dress so it doesn’t get damaged before your big night and then we’ll go down to the kitchen and get you something to eat. It’s not good to skip dinner, although I understand why you did.” Marcus told her, cupping her cheek with his hand. Angelica nodded and went back into the bathroom to change back into her sweats. She carefully hung the dress back up and returned it to the closet in its garment bag, before joining her father in heading down to the kitchen.


  The next day, Angelica waited until lunch to fill Thomas in on everything she’d learned from Jerome.

  “So, all of this is because of something your mother did?” Thomas asked her as gently as he could.

  “Yeah, I knew she was cold, but I never knew she had such evil inside of her. I’ve always known she preferred Anna over me and I never knew why. Although it doesn’t make sense because Anna is a Solarian only, she doesn’t have both sets of power
s.” She told him, misery in her voice for all of the pain and suffering her mother had caused over the years.

  “Your mother isn’t someone you’ll ever understand unless you’re like her.” Thomas told her as he held her in his arms and wished things could be different for them.

  “What if I am like her?” Angelica worried.

  “You are nothing like her Angie. Not even a little bit. You are kind, loving, compassionate, thoughtful, and you respect all life, which are all things it’s becoming obvious your mother doesn’t have even the tiniest bit of inside of her. Don’t ever think you’re like her because that is not who you are.” Thomas told her fiercely.

  Angelica remained quiet for a few minutes mulling over his words as she cuddled closer to him.

  “What does this mean for us though? Will we always have to hide from her after we’re mated? I don’t want to live that way, but I can’t stand the thought of being without you.” She asked him, fear in her voice.

  “Don’t worry, we will figure all of it out, together. We won’t let your mother keep us apart. I can’t live without you either.” He said before he leaned down, and kissed her gently for the first time.

  Angelica melted at the first touch of his lips to hers and then her heart raced. She felt like she was floating in heaven. He cupped his hand behind her head as he tipped his head to deepen the kiss. She prayed the moment would never end because it was so magical for her.

  After a couple of minutes, they broke apart and grinned widely at each other. They looked up in surprise when they heard cheering around their table. Their friends were standing around them grinning and cheering loudly. Angelica dipped her head in embarrassment because their loud cheering was drawing attention from everyone in the cafeteria.

  “It’s about time.” Alex said as he clapped Thomas on the back.

  “Whatever, man.” Thomas said with a grin on his face.

  Their friends joined them at the table and they all chatted happily, finalizing their plans for prom this coming weekend. Angelica was thankful they’d joined them and put an end to the painful discussion she and Thomas had been having. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, she focused on enjoying the rest of lunch and her wonderful friends.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Prom finally rolled around and Angelica was a nervous wreck. Tracy and Amy were coming to pick her up in a little while and all she could do was pace her bedroom. She worried Thomas would hate her dress and that the pair of shoes she’d decided on, out of the three she’d bought, were the wrong ones.

  Her greatest fear however was her mother figuring out they were all lying to her about who she was going to the prom with. It didn’t matter how much Marcus and Jerome tried to reassure her, nothing helped ease her terror.

  Jerome had already moved everything she’d planned on taking to Amy’s house, to get ready for the dance, down into the entry hall so when her friends arrived, it would be quick to load the car up and for the girls to get out of there before Camilla could create a problem.

  When Tracy pulled up, Marcus knocked on Angelica’s door to let her know her friends had arrived as Jerome went and loaded her things into the car without hesitation. Giving her father a tight hug, she flew down the stairs and out the front door as fast as she could.

  Jumping in the car through the door Jerome held open for her, he closed it behind her with a broad smile. She grinned like a fool back at him as Tracy pulled away from the house. She saw her mother come flying out of the house just as they were reaching the end of the driveway and the look on her face was furious.

  Tracy turned out of the drive and it took everything Angelica had to keep herself from shaking with the fear that was coursing its way through her body.

  “Relax everything is going to be perfect tonight. Alex told me Thomas bought a tux for tonight. Bought, not rented. His family must be loaded.” Amy gushed, doing her best to distract Angelica from her fears.

  Angelica nodded her head and tried to keep up with the conversation her friends were having, but it was no use. Even knowing her mother was confined to the house didn’t stop her from being terrified of what her mother would do if she found out Angelica’s true date to prom was the son of her enemies.

  When they got to Amy’s house, the three girls climbed out of the car, got all of Angelica’s things and headed straight up to her friend’s bedroom. Amy’s mother brought in snacks and joined in on the pre-dance preparations.

  It took several hours but all three girls were dressed, with their hair and makeup done, and ready to go.

  Angelica had opted to have her hair hang long and loose down her back, with curls and crystal beaded accents that caught the glint of the lights and sparkled, running through it. Her makeup was done to perfection and, as she gazed at her image in the mirror, she was in awe of her reflection.

  She looked over at how beautiful her two friends were and hoped each girl would find someone who would appreciate each of them for the beautiful hearts they had, not just their physical beauty.

  Amy’s mother called up the stairs for them to come down so she could take pictures of them before they left for the dance. All three had butterflies in their stomachs from nerves. It was a huge night for them. As they descended the stairs, they were very careful not to trip on the train to Angelica’s dress. Tracy and Amy had each opted for shorter length dresses so they didn’t have to worry.

  They were made to pose for picture after picture by her friend’s mother, and soon got tired of smiling and having a flash go off and blind them.

  “Mom, please, that’s enough or we’ll be blind before we get to the dance!” Amy exclaimed, making Angelica and Tracy laugh, even though they agreed.

  “Just a few more please?” Her mom pleaded.

  “Nope, we’re ready to get going. We’re already late.” She said, walking over and giving her mother a tight hug.

  Just then they heard the honk of a horn outside and looked at each other in confusion. The plan had been for Tracy to drive them in her car, yet as they looked out of the front door, there was a huge black limo sitting out in front of Amy’s house, with a chauffeur standing there waiting on them.

  “What the…?” All three girls started to ask at the same time.

  “Angelica, your father arranged this for all of you. He called me this morning to let me know it would be coming to pick you up so I wouldn’t be upset by it. He told me you should arrive in something worthy of how beautiful you and your friends are on such a beautiful evening. Isn’t he sweet?” Amy’s mother gushed and Angelica’s eyes almost popped out of her head in surprise.

  “Your dad is the greatest Angie.” Amy gushed.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty great.” Tracy said, a huge smile lighting her face.

  “Well, shall we go?” Angelica asked, silently agreeing with her friends about her father. She was definitely going to have to thank him for this later.

  The girls exited Amy’s house in a fit of giggles and excitement, ready to have a great time. Even Angelica’s worries had fled her mind.


  Thomas was a nervous wreck as he stood, waiting for Angelica to arrive. They were running late and it made him worry she’d changed her mind on meeting him there, thinking it was too dangerous. This was going to be a huge night for them, in more ways than even Angelica knew, unless she decided not to come.

  Alex tried several times to reassure him they were girls so of course they were running late, but Thomas could not get rid of the nagging doubt that had him in a tight grip. It didn’t let go until the limo had pulled up and he saw her emerge from it, looking like the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen in his life.

  He froze, admiring her radiance with awe. He couldn’t believe she was destined to be his mate, looking at how beautiful she was in that moment. Alex had to give him a slight shove to get him moving forward to meet her on the sidewalk.

  “You are beyond beautiful.” Thomas breathed when he was face to face with her.

Really? You like it?” Angelica asked and he could hear how nervous she was in her voice.

  “How could I not? Your beauty is radiant. I am the luckiest guy alive.” He said as he held up the box that held the corsage he’d bought for her. It was a simple white rose which went beautifully with her champagne pink gown. He was thankful he’d decided to go with a wrist corsage so it didn’t damage her delicate gown if he’d have had to pin it on for her.

  Seeing the broad smile on her face, he lifted the corsage out of the box and set the box aside on the roof of the limo, before stretching the elastic band and sliding it over her hand to settle on her slender wrist.

  “It’s beautiful.” Angelica said before looking up and meeting his gaze.

  “Not as beautiful as you are.” He said, making her smile widen.

  “Oh come on before I lose my dinner.” Alex said dramatically.

  Laughing happily, Angelica took the arm Thomas offered her and together, the group walked into the prom where they enjoyed their night to the fullest with lots of laughter and dancing. The night was magical all around for all of them and Angelica was so thankful everything had worked out for them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Angelica could not believe how smooth everything went and how simply wonderful the evening was. She danced in the arms of her mate and felt like she was dancing on clouds. Everything was perfect. Thomas was the perfect gentleman, getting her glasses of punch whenever she was thirsty, sitting with her and letting her rest when her feet were tired from dancing, and worrying about whether or not she was enjoying herself.

  After the prom king and queen were announced, they decided they’d get out of there. There wasn’t much of the dance left and they wanted to spend some time alone together, before she had to be home.

  Holding hands, they left the prom and as they exited the building, Angelica was stunned to see who was waiting outside for them.

  “What’s going on?” Angelica asked Thomas as she stared at the faces of Jerome, Marcus and Marie who were standing in front of the limo that had brought her and her friends to the dance, with huge smiles on their faces.

  “Angelica, I’ve already told you, you’ve had my heart and soul since we first met in that field years ago, as young children. There has not been anyone else for me, ever. I couldn’t even look at another girl without thinking of you. I couldn’t stand to ever be without you in my life. You are the only one for me and it would be my great honor if you would agree to be my mate forever. Will you have me as your mate?” Thomas asked her as he stared deeply into her eyes.


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