Marked by Destiny

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Marked by Destiny Page 9

by C.M. Owens

  “Camilla showed up. She stabbed Marcus in the heart and he fell into the fire she’d encircled the clearing with, before she made herself known. I don’t know what happened to Jerome, he was dealing with her and told us to run, so I grabbed Angelica and got her out of there and brought her back here to safety, to make a long story short.” Thomas spoke so quickly his parents weren’t sure they’d heard him correctly.

  “Camilla isn’t allowed to leave their house son. She couldn’t have shown up.” Jacob argued.

  “Well, you might as well charge her with contempt if you can catch her, because not only did she show up in the park, but she murdered her own mate right in front of us.” Thomas argued as he continued to worry over Angelica.

  “Jerome is dead, my father is dead and all of it is my fault.” Angelica sobbed out.

  “What do you mean my dear?” Marie asked her gently.

  “She killed Jerome as we were leaving. He’s gone. She killed my father too. Why?” Angelica asked as her tears began flowing harder again. Her misery was like a heavy cloud hanging in the room with them and Thomas had no clue how to help her feel better.

  Jacob burst into action. He tore out of the room as if there were rabid dogs on his heels. He knew he had to get Camilla, before she got away. They’d gone easy on her years ago when she’d murdered Jerome’s mate, but now, if Angelica was to be believed, she’d committed two more murders tonight.

  “Go, help your father. I’ll take care of Angelica.” Marie told him in a sad but firm voice.

  “But Mom…” Thomas began to object, but she waved him off.

  “There’s nothing you can do to ease her grief right now son. You need to go help your father bring her to justice for her crimes. I promise you, once the shock wears off, she’ll be alright. It will just take time for her to mourn. That’s when she’ll need you the most. Right now, you hovering and worrying is only making things worse for her.” Marie told him. “Now go.”

  Thomas looked at Angelica with a desperate look on his face, before he turned and hurried out of the room after his father. It broke his heart to see her so grief stricken and he would give anything to take her suffering from her. He wished he could take her pain away and erase the awful events of this night so she could be at peace, but deep down, he knew he couldn’t and the peace he wished for her was a long time in coming.

  When Thomas entered his father’s study, his father was on the phone issuing orders to his men. As the leader of their race, it was up to him to protect everyone, their kind and humans alike, from rogues like Camilla, who had no conscience whatsoever.

  Slamming down the phone, Jacob turned and headed toward the door where Thomas was standing.

  “I’m coming with you.” Thomas stated fiercely when Jacob looked at his son. Jacob did not argue and simply nodded his head.

  “I am sorry about all of this. The night of your mating ceremony should not have been darkened by all of this. I promise you Camilla will pay for her crimes.” Jacob told him, placing a hand on Thomas’ shoulder before heading out of the room.

  “I can’t believe she killed her own mate. I didn’t think that was possible because the bond is supposed to be too strong for that to happen.” Thomas said his own grief in his voice. He hadn’t known either Marcus or Jerome long, but he liked both men and had looked forward to getting to know each of them better.

  “Things like this are not supposed to happen with the mating bond in place. I have never had anything against Marcus, even after everything Camilla has done. He had no choice, because fate brought them together, he had to do his best to protect her. He knew what she’d done was wrong and didn’t condone it. He’s spent all of these years since helping to keep her under control so no one else got hurt.” Jacob informed Thomas as they exited the house.

  There was a car waiting out front for them and they climbed in without another word. Thomas was thinking over everything that had happened that night. He knew he had no time to mourn in this moment, mourning was for later, now was for taking care of business.

  “I have a question. When Jerome told us to run, he told us we were more important to the future of our race than either of us knew. What did he mean by that?” Thomas asked, the memory nagging at him.

  “There are much more important things to worry about at this time son. You will find out when you are meant to and not before. Put it out of your mind now and focus on the mission at hand.” Jacob told him in a commanding voice. Thomas was irritated by the lack of answers, but it seemed to be the normal routine anytime he asked any questions.

  Not saying anything else, Thomas sat back against the seat and closed his eyes. He tried using the mating bond to reach Angelica so he could let her know how much he loved her and that they weren’t going to rest until Camilla paid for what she’d done. He knew when the connection was made because her pain ripped through his chest like the blade that had pierced the heart of her father. It was so intense it brought tears to his eyes. He took a moment to let her pain pour over him so he could, hopefully, ease some of her suffering.

  “Focus on the mission son. Your mother will take good care of your mate. Together, as a family, we will pull through this, just like we always do.” Jacob said in a stern voice. Nodding his head, Thomas broke the connection with Angelica and wiped the tears from his eyes. He knew his father was right, but he still felt horrible for everything that had occurred.

  “Have you heard anything? Do they know where she is?” Thomas asked as he returned his focus to what was ahead of them.

  “No. I sent a team out right away, but when they arrived on the scene there were humans everywhere. There was only one male body found at the scene when the fire was contained, but that still doesn’t mean either of them made it out of there alive. I will keep eyes and ears out for word of an injured male, in the hopes one of them survived, but I don’t hold out much hope.” Jacob told his son, showing sadness for the first time since Thomas burst into the house with Angelica in his arms.

  Thomas nodded his head and hoped one of them had made it out alive. Knowing that would help Angelica more than anything else in the world would, including him.

  “What about Camilla?” Thomas asked, fury in his voice for the woman who’d caused so much pain and anguish.

  “There was only the one body found so I’m assuming she escaped from the scene. We have a team intercepting the body so the humans don’t get their hands on it and learn too much. It’s our job to figure out how Camilla got away, where she’s going and catch her before anyone else is harmed.” Jacob informed Thomas.

  “I have no problem with that, none at all. She will pay for her crimes if it’s the last thing I do in my life.” Thomas vowed. His father nodded his head in response, pride and respect written all over his face at the man his son was becoming. Thomas just wished the pride and respect he saw in that moment helped him feel better over the events which had taken place, but they did nothing to calm him. Only Angelica’s peace could do that now.

  Chapter Nineteen

  After Thomas walked out of the room to go help his father in hunting down Camilla, Marie lifted Angelica up, slid her body under and cradled Angelica’s head to her chest. She was pretty sure Angelica had never had anyone comfort her, like a real mother should, and that made her even sadder as she stroked the girl’s beautiful hair back on her head.

  “Shhh, I know it hurts and nothing can take away your pain right now, but I promise you, it will get better over time.” Marie crooned in a soft and soothing voice.

  “How can it get better? I’ve lost my whole family in one night. Everything I’ve ever known is just gone.” Angelica sobbed, agony, like she’d never felt before, making her feel like she was going to die at any moment.

  “You have not lost your whole family. Your sister and her mate are still alive and well and you have us. We’ll always be your family too.” Marie pointed out in her calm voice.

  “I don’t even know where Anna lives now. My mother wouldn’t
let me have that information.” Angelica told her, as even more sobs wracking her body. “I don’t even know if she knows what happened tonight.”

  “We’ll find her and make sure she knows. Jacob has many contacts and will be able to get in touch with her. I am sure of that, so you try to relax now and not worry.” Marie told her with confidence, which helped Angelica feel a little better.

  They didn’t talk for a while, but Angelica’s tears still flowed and memories of her father and Jerome flooded her mind, making her grief unbearable. Through it all, Marie held tight to Angelica and let her cry it all out. Angelica was thankful for her new mother-in-law for being there for her and trying her best to help her through this.

  Before she knew it though, she’d cried herself to sleep, exhaustion taking over her body. Marie continued to stroke her hair and back in a soothing manner, even after she knew the young girl had crashed hard.

  She became a bit worried for the girl in her arms when her body started shaking and shivering. Calling over a passing maid, she ordered for a fire to be built in the enormous fireplace in front of them and a warm quilt be brought to wrap around Angelica. The maid nodded with a sad look on her face, as she hurried off to handle Marie’s wishes.

  It was a matter of minutes before the maid returned with the quilt and the butler had a fire started in the fireplace. Even their staff had heard about the tragedy that had happened this evening and were eager to help Angelica, in any way they could. Marie was very grateful to them and vowed to let them know her gratitude at the first chance she got. When the two helping asked if there was anything else she needed, she shook her head and let them get back to their normal duties.

  Marie knew when Thomas opened the connection between them and syphoned off some of Angelica’s grief, because that was when the girl in her arms finally settled into a more peaceful, calming sleep. She was thankful for her son’s thoughtfulness, even when he was in the midst of hunting down the murderer who had caused all of this grief. Once Angelica relaxed, her shaking and shivering stopped and after a while, Marie fell asleep too with her still wrapped tightly in her arms.


  Thomas and Jacob searched everywhere they could think of for Camilla. They started at the park and worked their way out. Wishing they had one of their kind who was a tracker to help them, they kept searching. The two men weren’t giving up, because they knew it was only a matter of time before Camilla came after Angelica.

  “We’ve got to find her Dad.” Thomas said, urgency filling his voice.

  “We will son, but Camilla is very good at this. We may not find her until she’s ready to be found.” Jacob warned his son, fury in his voice.

  “That’s not good enough. I can’t let her harm Angelica any more than she already has. If she’s out there loose, I’ll never feel like she’s safe.” Thomas told his father with all of the vehemence of a mated man.

  “We will never give up searching for her to bring her to justice. I can promise you that son. I will put my best people on it as soon as we return home. We’ve been out here searching all night and we both need rest at this point. You’ll be no good to Angelica if you’re exhausted and ready to drop. She’s going to need you to be strong so you can help her through this.” Jacob pointed out. Thomas simply nodded his head. He couldn’t argue with his father’s logic because, even though he wanted to keep searching, he needed to get back to Angelica more.

  “I know we won’t, but I have this sinking feeling she’s going to cause a lot more problems before we get our hands on her. I don’t want to live in fear that she’ll harm Angelica or cause her more pain than she’s already going through. She is the most important person in my life.” Thomas told his father.

  “Of course she is son, she is your mate. We will keep her safe. I don’t think it’s wise for the two of you to go back to school though. Camilla will look for you both there, if she’s really out to harm either of you. I will make arrangements for a tutor to keep you both on track with your classes. Also, Angelica will probably not be able to handle the whispers and innuendo that will surround the both of you, especially her, if you went back there.” Jacob said, worried Thomas would be upset by his decision to keep them from the normal routine they were used to.

  “As much as I’ll miss my friends, I have to say, her safety and peace of mind are more important to me. There are two of her friends that are human, who she is going to want to spend time with. They’ll help her through this.” Thomas told his father, sad she wouldn’t be able to return to her old life.

  “We will find a way for that to happen. She is going to need everyone who loves her to get through this tragedy.” Jacob said sadly.

  “Ok, there’s something that’s been bugging me about what happened after the ceremony and I’m hoping you can, and will, answer it for me.” Thomas said, unable to bear the discussion of Angelica’s pain and really wanting the answer to his question.

  “If I can answer it, I will do my best.” Jacob responded cautiously.

  “Neither Marcus nor Jerome used their powers against Camilla when she attacked, why?” Thomas asked, trying to make sense of it in his mind.

  “Camilla has a very unique power. There are very few of us who possess this particular power and it makes her extremely dangerous. We bound her Solarian and Lunarian powers when she was sentenced for murdering Jerome’s mate, but there was nothing we could do to bind this power.” Jacob began and Thomas looked at him with confusion.

  “What power is it? I know each of us has an extra power, different for each of us, that emerges with time.” Thomas asked when Jacob paused.

  “Yes, we do. Camilla’s extra power happens to be the ability to syphon off the powers from others and use them herself. It’s how she can get around being bound and why we had to imprison her in her home to keep her away from others of our kind. When she syphons them off, the original owner of the powers is unable to use them until they return, which could be a matter of moments or years. Both Marcus and Jerome knew this so they didn’t attack her using them. Their powers would have only made her stronger.” Jacob said and Thomas could sense how distraught his father was over the deaths of two great men.

  “Angelica used her powers on Camilla, after her mother stabbed Marcus in the heart with the dagger. I wonder if she syphoned any of her powers.” Thomas said thoughtfully.

  “We’ll have to wait and see. I doubt that Angelica even knew her mother had this power and with her grieving, we may not know for a while, if we ever do.” Jacob said just as the car pulled up to the house.

  “I’m in no rush to find out just yet. Her mental and emotional health is much more important to me than whether she has her powers or not. We’ve got to get her through this.” Thomas said as they exited the vehicle and headed inside. Jacob nodded his head in agreement, but his son wasn’t paying any attention whatsoever. Thomas was eager to see how Angelica was doing.

  Chapter Twenty

  Nothing major happened over the following days, weeks, months or years after the night of their mating ceremony and the tragedy that followed. It took a while, but Angelica finally got back to her usual self, only more jaded than she’d been before everything had happened.

  True to his word, Jacob hired a tutor, who completed their high school educations with them and they were able to walk across the stage with their old friends at their graduations, with lots of security around in case Camilla decided to make an unexpected appearance.

  Their lives fell into a normal routine of Thomas going to work with his father and learning how to lead their race once the time came for Jacob to retire, or when he passed away. The council was dead set on having Thomas replace his father, which Angelica was thrilled with because she felt nobody deserved it more than he did. It was a huge honor to be chosen for such a high position.

  Angelica did her very best to not to think too much about what happened after their mating ceremony. It has been two and a half years since her mother murdered her father, but the
wounds were still raw for her. The fact she and Thomas would not be able to have children of their own hurt her more than she was willing to admit to anyone, especially Thomas, who seemed to accept it with a sadness he didn’t talk about either.

  Helping Marie plan charity events and other things kept Angelica busy most of the time. She truly enjoyed the time she spent with Thomas’ mother and was grateful his parents had accepted her so easily after she and Thomas had been so afraid their mating would be rejected by them, as it had been by her mother. Anna would stop by for a visit from time to time and Angelica loved the time they spent together. Her sister was the only person she had left from her family and she meant the world to her.

  She was going about her usual morning routine when her first bout of sickness hit. She ran for the nearest bathroom and barely made it before her breakfast came rushing out.

  Angelica didn’t know how long she stayed there on the bathroom floor and had lost track of how many times she’d thrown up when Marie came looking for her and found her there.

  “Oh dear, what’s wrong honey?” Marie rushed over, worry written all over her face.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been sick for a little while now and I have no idea why. I was feeling fine earlier.” Angelica said as her stomach heaved again.

  “Come on, let’s get you to bed. You’re going to rest for today.” Marie said as she helped Angelica to her feet. As much as she wanted to argue with her mother-in-law, she knew she would be of no help today, with as awful as she was feeling.

  Marie helped Angelica get back to the room she shared with Thomas, when they stayed with her in-laws, and change into a pair of soft comfy pajamas, before tucking her into the large bed. She called for a maid to bring in some saltine crackers and chicken broth for Angelica, as well as some ginger ale.

  “You don’t have to fuss over me.” Angelica told her.

  “It’s alright, I want to take care of you dear. You’re my daughter now and it’s what mothers do.” She said as she answered the door when the maid arrived with the food and drink. The maid entered and set the tray carefully across Angelica’s lap.


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