Too Bad... It's Complicated

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Too Bad... It's Complicated Page 5

by Vikes, Emma

  It didn’t take long for me to get up from my seat and stand behind her. I couldn’t help it. It felt like something I had to do. “This actually smells great, Brit.”

  She looked up at me and smiled. Then she put chocolate syrup on my face.

  My eyes widened, and I pushed away from her. She was laughing as she turned to face me. "You totally brought that upon yourself."

  I chuckled and then grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close to me and then reaching behind for the leftover batter. I placed my entire hand in it, and wiped whatever content I had on my hand on her face. She screamed in delight and tried to wiggle away from my grasp, but I held onto her waist tightly.

  We were pressed against each other, my face covered with chocolate syrup and hers with waffle batter. I dipped my head and pressed my lips against hers, tasting the batter on her lips. I slid my tongue inside her mouth, tasting her even more. I pushed her against the counter, and I felt her run her hand through my hair.

  When I pulled away, she said, “We really should stop having sex in my kitchen.”

  I chuckled. “We’ll think about that some other time.”

  Chapter 6


  “Wait a minute, hold up,” Lauren said, her hand in the air as she tried to stop me from packing my clothes. She had this look on her face, the disbelief so clear that it made me wonder why she didn’t believe this was actually happening. “Not to burst your bubble, Brit, but Patrick’s the one that suggested this?”

  I understood what she meant. Patrick never bent the rules. “I asked him that yesterday. He told me he was willing to bend the rules for me.”

  Lauren whistled slowly. “This is serious.”

  I looked at my best friend and sat beside her on the bed. I couldn’t contain the smile that broke out. “I know, Laur. Can you believe it? My childhood crush. I always thought that this wasn't possible, but we're bending the rules."

  Lauren smiled at me, but I could see her smile faltering as she reached to take my hand. "Brit, I'm happy for you. But…"

  “Don’t tell me that you’re not buying this, Lauren,” I said, crossing my arms and staring at her in confusion. “You know Patrick better than I do. He’s Alex’s best friend. He’s nothing like Morgan Steelman.”

  Lauren slowly nodded her head and smiled at me apologetically. “Yeah, I’m sorry. It’s just that I worry about you, Brit. I don’t want you risking heartbreak that you can’t bear. I know that you were hurt over Morgan’s cheating -”

  I raised a hand and shook my head. “No, I was hurt because he just wanted me for my last name and not who I am. And that is what makes this thing with Patrick different. Dad has been like a father to him since he married Lara. As well as how much Lara has been a mother to me. Maybe we never really grew up together and only lived together for two years, but Patrick is a Baldwin just as much as I am, even though it’s only on paper. Besides, Dad is making him co-CEO of Stocks.”

  I guess this was one of the reasons that I was willing to take this risk. It was the fact that I didn’t have anything to worry about with Patrick. It wasn’t just the sincerity in his eyes that made me say yes and try this out, it was the fact that there was nothing to lose if I did. Dad would never disown me, no matter how scandalous this affair would be.

  “Alright, I get you, girl. This is a dream come true. I won’t try to ruin it for you by spouting out nonsense that will just bring you anxiety.”

  I grinned at her and gave her a hug. “Great! Now, when people ask you where I went…”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “I’ll tell them that you went to Massachusetts early because Morgan Steelman broke your heart and you wanted to run away from the pain and memories that New York brought you of your love affair with him.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “It wasn’t an affair.”

  Lauren snorted. “Oh yeah, he was the one who had an affair with another girl.” We heard someone come in and Alex’s and Patrick’s voices floated from the entrance and to my room. Lauren glanced at me and chuckled. “He already knows your passcode.”

  The boys entered the room. Patrick headed to where I was stood and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my head. Alex whistled lowly. "This is actually real, and he wasn't making shit up. Unbelievable."

  Patrick let go of me and grabbed a pillow and hit his best friend straight in the face. “Why can’t you just be thrilled that your ship is sailing?”

  I couldn’t help but snort. “Of course, you’re the fangirl between the two of you. Why does that not surprise me?”

  Alex rolled his eyes and then sat next to Lauren on my bed as Patrick helped me close my suitcase. I sat on it so that he could zip it up. Obviously, I’d packed way too many clothes when I could have always bought myself more later.

  Patrick turned to Alex once we’d managed to zip it up. “Alex, when people ask you where I went, what are you gonna say?”

  I loved how Patrick’s tone sounded like a father asking his son something. It was the kind of friendship they had. Alex was playful and all over the place while Patrick was calmer and collected. They were yin and yang. For Lauren and I, we were the exact same person just split into two people.

  Alex huffed. We all knew he hated it when Patrick spoke to him as if he were a child. “I’ll tell them that you went on a vacation because you were so thrilled with Mr. Baldwin’s announcement and you thought that since you were gonna be co-CEO of Stocks, you deserved to have a break from work.”

  Patrick glared at him. “You’re making me sound like a douche.”

  “You kind of are,” Alex replied, which earned him a whack on the head from his girlfriend. He snorted and then said, “Fine. I’ll tell them that you’re on a vacation because you just want a break from work and that the place, you’re at is confidential.”

  Lauren raised a hand to get our attention. “But people will know that Britney is in Cambridge and if they see you there, Pat…”

  I shook my head. Patrick and I had discussed this yesterday before he’d left my place to get ready for the dinner we had with our parents. People only followed us when we were in New York or at the Hamptons. They didn't give a damn about what we did in other places. Our celebrity status was only in New York. Of course, there was the discussion that America knew my dad but, then again, we were rarely shown in the media, so we were certain that people wouldn’t put two and two together that quickly.

  Lauren and Alex drove us to the airport separately. We weren’t celebrities or anything, but we didn’t want to risk someone knowing us and sending a tip to New York’s gossip sites. We were only safe once we had manned the plane and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Patrick was settled in his seat. I sat beside him, and he turned his body to face me, a lazy smile on his face as he interlaced our hands together.

  “You ready for this, babe?”

  My heart melted at the term of endearment. I'd always dreamed of him calling me babe or baby, and now it was coming true. Last night, I couldn't stop thinking about how all of this was happening. It felt like a whirlwind. It was so out of the blue and so fast but, then again, we'd tried to keep our feelings for each other as dormant as we could until we couldn't. We'd suppressed our desire, and we had the right to be selfish even just for a little while.

  I really wanted this to work out.

  Fifty Shades of Grey was the movie being played. Oh god, was the universe trying to remind me that our morning sex had been cut short because Lauren had come over? I couldn't stop watching the movie, and I couldn't stop my brain from replacing Christian and Anna with Patrick and me. I wasn't into BDSM, but maybe Patrick and I could explore that side of sex to spice things up? But I wasn't really into pain for pleasure. Maybe I would think about it first before I opened it up to him.

  But fuck, watching Christian and Anna fuck each other made me wet.

  I grabbed Patrick's hand, and he turned to look at me, surprised. I leaned close to his ear and whispered. "Follow me after 2 minutes in
to the restroom. Knock three times, so I'll know it's you. I fucking need you right now."

  I got up from my seat and headed to the end of the hallway and to the restroom. I locked the door and waited for Patrick to arrive. Public sex wasn't something that I’d ever thought I'd try but goddamn it, watching Christian and Anna had made me want to have sex at that very moment, and I had my partner with me so…why not?

  I heard three knocks, and I immediately opened the door and grabbed Patrick. "What the fuck is going on, Brit?"

  I didn't answer him. Instead, I crashed my mouth against his, uncaring that our teeth clashed. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, battling his own for dominance. I felt him hoist me up onto the sink. It wasn't the most comfortable position because the faucet was digging into my back, but I couldn’t care less. All I wanted was to have Patrick inside of me, and if meant that I had to have him in an uncomfortable situation and position, I didn't fucking mind.

  He removed my panties and spread my legs apart, ready to satisfy me with foreplay, but I shook my head. "No. I just want you right now, Patrick. No foreplay. Just you, please."

  Patrick didn't need to be told twice. I didn't even hear him pull down his zipper but he was already ramming himself inside of me, and I had to stifle my moans as his dick filled my aching vagina. I wanted to scream and let the entire plane know that Patrick Cunningham was satisfying me at this very moment, but we’d made such a big effort to get onto the plane together inconspicuously that it would most probably blow our cover and let the entire world know that Christopher Baldwin's daughter and step-son were fucking each other in a public place.

  My nails dug into Patrick's back as his mouth covered mine, both of us trying our best to make sure the other one didn’t make a noise until after we’d reached our climax. I shivered as I rode mine, my head on his shoulder and his buried in my neck. I bit his shoulder to prevent myself from screaming, and he didn't even wince.

  He pulled out of me and exhaled loudly. He ran a hand through his hair. I was dizzy with pleasure as I hopped off the sink. “Fuck, that was spontaneous.”

  I patted his shoulder. “I’d always wondered what the thrill of fucking in public places was all about. Now I know.”

  Patrick chuckled and kissed me lightly on the lips. “I don’t think we should do this again though. This was pretty risky, Brit. I don’t want people sending tips to your father.”

  “Then why’d you follow me?”

  He shrugged. “I wasn’t going to let Christian be the only one satisfied during this ride.”

  I watched as he ducked out of the restroom. I bit my lip, trying to contain my smile.

  Patrick Cunningham truly was the guy of my dreams.

  Chapter 7


  Britney was asleep beside me when I heard my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I glanced at Britney and she was fast asleep. I got off the bed and grabbed my phone and immediately answered the call. “Hello?”

  “How’s Massachusetts?” Of course, my mother knew even if I hadn’t told her. I had agreed with what she wanted me to do, except that I was doing it on my own terms. She didn’t know that I had feelings for Britney, that I had another agenda up my sleeve other than the fact that I was as power-hungry as she was.

  “I see you’ve already found out about us.”

  She laughed airily. “Oh, of course, I did, son. And you have no idea how proud I am of what you’re doing. We’re one step closer to claiming what’s meant to be yours.”

  I wanted to correct her. A part of me still wasn’t in complete agreement with what she wanted. The company was Britney’s birthright, stealing it from her by making her fall in love with me - even if my mother believed that she already was - was such a sinister thing to do. But I couldn’t voice my thoughts to her for fear of how she would react. Gone was the mother that had been by my side for the past eleven years, she had turned back into her old ways, to the traitorous, power-hungry woman she turned into the moment my father had left us and that version of her was scary and unreasonable.

  “Well, is she still asleep? Make sure you make her breakfast in bed. Ask her out on a date and plan for it to be so romantic that it takes her breath away. The more she thinks you truly are what she deems you to be, the faster she’ll crash and burn for you. I do want to ask for updates but I trust that you’re able to pull this off.”

  I hated how she made this seem like such a mission. I hated how she viewed Britney as a target and not her step-daughter. The more I pursued what my mother wanted me to do and the more I spent time with Britney, the more I realized how wrong this all was. Just as she hung up, I felt arms wrap around my waist and Britney kissed my shoulder. “Who was that?”

  “My mother.”

  I felt the tension in her arms and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I turned around and kissed the top of her head. “She was just asking where I was. I told her I took a vacation and that it would be a while till I came back. She wasn’t too thrilled that I took a vacation.”

  Britney pouted. “Sometimes I think your mother wants you to become a robot and just work and work.”

  She had no idea.

  “I’m going to make breakfast,” she announced and then broke away from me. I grabbed her hand before she could move further into the kitchen.

  “Nope. I’ll whip up a good breakfast for you. Besides, you don’t know your way around this place yet. I’ll have to give you a house tour.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her suggestively and she laughed as I pulled her into the kitchen.

  “Your father was thoughtful enough to get you this place,” Britney commented as she sat on the stool by the counter, watching as I began to pull out food from the fridge.

  I rolled my eyes and then shrugged. “He had this place because it was suitable for him to have sex with girls when he had business meetings here. I had to change the bed when I moved here for college and my Master’s. I couldn’t digest the fact that I would be sleeping on the same bed my father had had sex on.”

  Britney narrowed her eyes at me and placed her hands on the counter, leaning her body closer to my side of the kitchen. “Was the bed we had sex on last night the same bed you had sex on with the other girls you went to university with?”

  I paused mixing the batter for the pancakes, taken aback by her question. I stuttered as I tried to formulate a response and she laughed heartily at me. “It’s okay, love. You caught me that time with Morgan. It’s not like we weren’t with anyone before anything happened between the two of us.”

  “So, what’s the plan for today?” I asked as I continued to mix the batter. I set it down on the counter and grabbed a pan and then sprayed it with oil and then placed it on the stove and turned back to face Britney as I waited for the pan to heat.

  “You know, nothing’s sexier than a guy who knows his way around a kitchen,” Britney said, staring at me with a seductive smile on her face.

  My eyes narrowed. I knew that look. “Didn’t we agree that we weren’t going to have sex in the kitchen anymore?”

  Britney rolled her eyes and stood up, walking over to me and then placing a hand on my neck. She leaned closer and I could smell her scent - jasmine and citrus – which intoxicated me. “I thought we only agreed not at my apartment kitchen and not this one? Or the one at yours. Or any other kitchens we end up at.”

  I reached for the stove and turned it off. Breakfast could wait till later. My mouth collided with hers, our tongues immediately battling each other’s until I gained dominance. “We were never really specific on that but I rather we have sex somewhere other than the kitchen.”

  “I never said you were the boss in this affair,” Britney murmured as my mouth sucked on her collarbone. I bit her gently and she gasped at the sudden move. Her nails were digging into my shoulder as I hoisted her onto the counter, spreading her legs apart to make room for me in between.

  Just as she was about to kiss me again, I pulled away and smiled at her. “As much as I would love to fuck you at this m
oment, we need to eat first.”

  Britney pouted and laid her head on my shoulder. “But I like that idea of fucking better.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I pulled away from her and turned the stove back on again. “Don’t you think we’re fucking each other way too much?”

  It wasn’t that I was complaining. To be honest, I didn’t mind. But I didn’t want what we had to simply focus on sex. I wanted this to be real, even if some of my intentions weren’t genuine. I liked the time that I had spent with Britney in the two years that we’d lived under the same roof together. I liked getting to know things about her that I found amusing. At that time, I had gotten to know her the way a person would get to know someone he’d just met to form a friendship with them, which wasn’t exactly the bond that we formed but it was almost it. There was nothing intimate about the knowledge that I had of her and I wanted to get to know her to that extent.

  “I’ve never met a guy who complained about having too much sex,” Britney said and I glanced at her. She was sitting with her legs crossed on the counter and I couldn’t help but admire her toned legs. She noticed me checking her out and she smirked. “And with the way that you’re staring at me, I don’t think that you’re having an issue with all the sex we’re having.”

  I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her as I poured the batter into the pan and waited until it was solid enough to flip the pancake to cook it on the other side. “That’s not what I mean, Britney. It’s just that since we’ve gotten together in this way, maybe we should do more ‘couple’ things than just have sex with each other.”


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