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Fate and Fury

Page 15

by Quinn Loftis

  Alina glanced over at Vasile. He stared at her intently, and his eyes had rarely left her since she had denied him.

  “We have been together a long, long time,” Alina told her as she continued to meet her mates’ eyes. “And have learned other ways to deal with disagreements.”

  “Is he angry?”

  Alina chuckled quietly and turned back to Jen. “Vasile loses control when he is furious and that is when others think they should fear him.” She shook her head. “But, it’s when his wolf is contained and he is controlled that we should be frightened.”

  Jen glanced around Alina to see Vasile, her eyes dropped instantly and she looked back at Alina with a raised brow. “So what you’re saying is he’s biding his time. Like a hunter, he’s waiting for the perfect moment to strike.”

  Alina nodded. “Yes, and Vasile is a very, very patient hunter.”

  The air was thick with anger, hurt, desire and need as it grew later into the night. Costin sat with his back against a tree so that Sally was in his direct line of sight. She was so tired, so emotionally and physically drained. It was driving Costin crazy that she wouldn’t lay down and rest. He settled slightly after she finally fell asleep. He watched the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed and matched his breathing to hers. He wouldn’t last much longer like this. His mate bond was not complete, they had only completed the Blood Rites, and his ability to keep the darkness at bay was not as strong as the mated males. He didn’t know how Drake was doing it, although he noticed that Peri kept a very close eye on him. He focused his attention on Sally again and gave into the urge to look into her mind while she slept. Her shields would not be strong and he would be able to slip in easily. He couldn’t touch her while she was awake, couldn’t hold her, or kiss her. But, while she slept, he could enter her mind and there, all bets were off.

  Sally felt him as he used their bond to ease into her thoughts. She knew subconsciously that he was doing it because she was asleep and her shields were down. She should try at least to keep him out, but when his arms came around her waist from behind, her resolve came crashing down. His hands slipped under her shirt to her stomach and he growled at the skin on skin contact. Sally’s head fell back on his chest and Costin leaned his face down to her neck, kissing her softly and then nipping the mark he had left on her.

  “This isn’t real,” she whispered, breathlessly as Costin’s hands ran across her rib cage down her sides to her hips and back up again.

  “Are you sure?” He asked her coyly.

  Sally shuttered as his warm breath caressed her cool skin.

  “I’m dreaming and you’re using our bond to do this.”

  “What am I doing Sally mine?” Costin’s lips moved against her ear as he spoke and when he tugged on her ear with his teeth she nearly crumbled to the ground.

  “Costin,” she whispered desperately as her breathing grew unsteady and her heart raced. Costin was relentless and continued his assault on her senses, touching, tasting, and scenting her.

  “What am I doing Sally?” He whispered again. Sally’s only response was a sultry moan.


  Sally heard her name and it wasn’t Costin’s voice calling to her. She felt consciousness pulling at her and she didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to leave Costin’s arms, or lips for that matter.

  “Sally!” the voice was more insistent this time. Sally tried to push it away with her hand, or at least she thought she did.

  “Stop that,” the voice growled. “Wake up.”

  Sally’s eyes fluttered open and she saw Jen, Jacque, Crina, and Elle leaning over her.

  “What?” She asked groggily. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, where would you like us to start, with the heavy breathing, the sensual moans or the near orgasmic way you called out your mate’s name?”

  Sally felt the blood rushing to her face as she remembered what she had been dreaming about.

  “I didn’t know you had it in you Sal. I mean seriously, it was completely shameless.”

  Sally groaned as she covered her burning face.

  “It’s okay Sally. It isn’t your fault that your mate took advantage of you while you were sleeping,” Jacque piped in.

  Sally’s head came up at Jacque’s words and she leaned around the girls. Her eyes found him immediately. The flames from the fire reflected in his eyes and danced around the hazel iris. With a wicked gleam and slight grin he mouthed, “Your move.”

  Sally threw herself back on her pallet while the girls still watched. She closed her eyes canceling out their curious stares as she muttered, “Check mate.”

  Chapter 13

  “How did we get here? I’ve asked myself that question many times over the past several days. It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos of our wants, desires, and forgets that there are consequences to each of our choices. I sit with my best warriors realizing the path that we are on and have no idea how to jump off. I ask myself again, how did we get here? I know the answer, but I am not ready to face my own selfishness.”

  ~ Ainsel, King of the Pixies

  Ainsel stood staring through the trees towards the last known location of the veil to the underworld. The location Mona had showed him. He had agreed to help Mona stop the Warlock King from going back on his word, and the longer he stood there staring, the more foolish he realized his agreement had been.

  Dae, the captain of his warriors, asked, “Are you well my king?”

  “I am as well as can be expected in times such as these, Dae.” Ainsel’s face was grim, his lips drawn tight under the tension.

  “You are only doing what is necessary to care for your own.”

  Ainsel looked at Dae. He was not only a warrior, but also a friend. “At what price? Are the lives of others worth less than ours? At some point we have to ask ourselves if doing what is necessary, is right, and if it is not then is it truly necessary?”


  “You really weren’t expecting him to help were you?” Lilly ask Cyn as they stood in the human realm, just beyond the Veil to the Elves.

  “The Elves are a secretive race and do not give their loyalties lightly. They have never before entered into the affairs of the other supernaturals,”

  “That is not a true statement,” Thalion interrupted Cyn as he crossed through the Veil. Following closely behind him, more male elves emerged, all as tall and muscular as the one before. There were twenty elves standing behind Thalion when the parade finally ended.

  Cyn watched Thalion calmly, though inside she was feeling emotions that she had buried, and for good reason.

  She dropped his gaze and turned back to Lilly. “To answer your question simply, no I did not expect him to leave his realm to assist us.”

  “As interesting and no doubt romantic as I’m sure the story is, we need to be moving,” Cypher interrupted as he took Lilly’s hand and pulled her back to his side.

  Thalion nodded his agreement, and then motioned for one of the elves behind him to step forward. The elf held out a beautiful bow with intricate designs carved into the wood. He also pulled a leather quiver of arrows from his shoulder and handed them to Cyn.

  “As you know, we have our own magic. The arrows will continue to appear as they are needed.”

  “There isn’t any way you could make that happen with chocolate is there?” Lilly asked, only half joking.

  Thalion’s head tilted as he looked at Lilly, and she felt like a bug on a microscope under his scrutiny.

  “Okay, apparently the definition of supernatural is one without a sense of humor,” she muttered.

  Another of the elves stepped forward and gave Cypher a bow as well and a quiver of arrows.

  “We will need to move quickly to track the beast. We had to use a vehicle to get here from where we encountered him,” Cypher explained.

  “We won’t need to travel all that way again,” Thalion informed him. “We can bring the beast to us, especially if he knows your scent alre

  “How?” Lilly asked.

  “I imagine Cyn explained that their sense of smell is beyond what you could comprehend, and once they start a hunt, they never abandon it. If he smells any of your blood, he will come.”

  “She decided to explain that part when the giant lizard started chasing us for the second time.” Lilly’s eyes narrowed at Cyn, who gave her customary shrug.

  “I take it you are going to want some blood?” Cypher asked Thalion.

  “That would be best. Draheim never stop hunting their prey once they have targeted it. As long as he thinks you are in his territory, he will come for you.”

  Lilly let out an exasperated laugh. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

  Cypher pulled a sheathed dagger from his thigh and cut a slash across his palm. He rubbed it on several trees and plants in a large circle. Once he was satisfied that it was enough, he went over to Lilly and eyed her grimly. “This won’t be pleasant, but it’s necessary.”

  “Necessary rarely equals pleasant. Let’s just get it over with.” She held her hand out to him and he sliced the blade across her palm as quickly as possible. She winced and gritted her teeth against the pain. She chose different trees to place her blood in the opposite direction of Cypher so that they could cover more ground. Cyn followed behind Lilly also placing her blood on different trees and plants.

  “So, what now?” Lilly asked.

  Thalion leaned back against a tree, with his eyes steady on the sky. “Now, we wait.”

  Two hours and twenty games of tick tack toe later, Lilly’s head tilted back to the sky at the unmistakable whoosh of giant wings on the wind. She rose to her feet and, like the others, waited for the beast to come into sight. Despite the danger they knew was flying above them, none of them could deny the magnificence of the draheim.

  It made two large swooping circles, drifting lower with each one. Its head was pointed down as its large, snake like eyes searched for its prey. On the third swoop, it seemed to pause in midair, its great wings flapping, holding itself in place. The beast’s eyes narrowed as he stared straight at where they were standing.

  “How is it that there aren’t humans freaking out all over the place over a great big dragon being in the sky?” Lilly asked as they continued to watch the hovering beast.

  “The draheim are magical creatures. They can only be seen by those who believe there is such a thing,” Thalion explained.

  “Thalion, I noticed a small clearing about two miles east of here. I think it would be wise to lead the draheim there before we take it out.” Cypher’s eyes never left the sky as he spoke.

  “Agreed.” It was the last word said before the draheim took a nose dive straight for them.

  Cypher grabbed Lilly and threw her over his shoulder in one fluid motion as he took off.

  “Here we go again,” Lilly yelped and grabbed onto his waist to steady herself.

  The elves and Cyn were running alongside Cypher, having no trouble keeping up with the warlock.

  The loud swooshing of wings caused Lilly’s head to snap up. Her pulse raced as she looked into the eyes of one very ticked off dragon.

  “If you don’t mind, could you go a little faster please?” She tried to yell as she bounced against Cypher’s back.

  “WHAT?” She heard him yell back.

  “FASTER! RUN FASTER!” She screamed.

  She felt Cypher pick up his speed and still the draheim seemed to be gaining on them.

  Lilly swatted her arms at the hulking beast. “Shew, shew , go on, nothing tasty here to eat.”

  Well, that didn’t work nearly as well as it does on the neighbor’s cat, Lilly thought. Her only consolation was that the creature had to stay just above the tree line. Its monstrous body wouldn’t fit in between the trees. Suddenly a ferocious roar filled the air.

  “MOVE!” Thalion yelled. The group began weaving in and out and around trees. Like a synchronized team, they moved with such fluidity that an onlooker would have thought them performing a well-rehearsed routine.

  “WHY ARE WE WEAVING?” Lilly hollered. The answer came without anyone speaking. A blaze of heat hit Lilly’s face as she watched the dragon rear its head back and blast fire from its mouth.

  “Are you freaking kidding?” She yelled, this time to no one in particular. “It’s not enough that it’s a huge, flying, nearly impossible to kill dragon. No, it just had to have the added bonus of breathing fire!”

  “Well, it is a dragon after all,” Cypher, grunted. Lilly felt herself being lifted from over Cypher’s shoulder as he put her on her feet and she saw that they had reached the clearing. Cypher pushed her back into the cover of the trees and pointed at her.


  She crossed her arms across her chest as she glared at him. “I’m going to let that one slide since there is a gigantic freaking, fire breathing dragon flying behind you. Cypher swung around to see the beast diving into the clearing.

  Cyn and the elves had all raised their bows as they stood as a united front against the draheim. Before any of them could get a shot off, the dragon roared more fire at them. They dove in different directions barely avoiding the blaze. Cyn was motioning with her hands and her mouth was moving as she faced the now burning trees and foliage. Lilly watched in awe as a light shot forth from Cyn’s hands. The light wrapped around the fire, enclosing it in a shimmering cocoon. Immediately, the fire began to shrink until it was gone. The dragon’s head whipped around to Cyn and Lilly almost laughed at the comical expression on its face. She was sure that the beast would have yelled, “And who the hell are you?” if it had the ability to speak. The draheim landed and the ground shook under its great weight. The elves had spanned out and were re-notching their bows. But, before they could loose the arrows, the dragon turned abruptly, using his long powerful tail to knock them off their feet.

  Lilly covered her mouth as she gasped. “Ouch, that has got to hurt.”

  Cypher avoided the tail and finally fired an arrow. Lilly held her breath as she watched the arrow sore up, up and hit the dragon, only to fall uselessly to the ground.

  Cypher looked at the arrow he had shot, that now lay on the ground. Before he had time to digest this information, he heard Lilly’s voice as she yelled, “Incoming!” He turned just in time to see the destructive tail headed his way. He lunged upward with his powerful legs and tucked into a roll as he cleared the tail and landed on the ground, rolling up as the motion carried him. He ran over to where Thalion stood aiming his bow at the neck of the draheim.

  “I shot him and the arrow bounced off,” Cypher told the elf.

  “You have to aim for its neck. It’s the only place where the protective scales can be penetrated.”

  Cypher growled. “You didn’t think to tell me that before we were dodging his fire and tail?”

  Thalion shrugged. “You’re a warlock; you should know these things.” He let the arrow loose and it flew with exact precision to the weakest scales of the neck. The arrow looked so small and insignificant when it pierced the tough skin, but the shudder that ran through the beast revealed the power behind the weapon. It roared in anger, stomping its feet, causing the elves to dodge left and right. Cyn narrowly missed being squished like a bug as she rolled under the dragon. The arrows began to fly in rapid succession as they took advantage of the distraction caused by Thalion’s shot. Fire flew from the beast’s great mouth and its body swayed with every arrow that pierced its neck. Cyn managed to run out from under its belly and began sending out more light that was magical to put out the flames before they could spread into the surrounding forest.

  As more arrows penetrated the draheim’s neck, it began to stumble, roaring, and thrashing wildly. Blood began to spurt from the wounds, showering down upon warlock, elf, and Fae alike. Lilly watched the beast weaken and part of her ached at the thought of the life leaving another living being. She unconsciously stepped out of the cover of the forest, wishing there was some way that they could spar
e the dragon, but knew it wasn’t possible. The draheim didn’t belong in this world, and, according to Cyn, it had been twisted into something evil. Evil could not be spared. It would spread like the fire that spewed from the jaws of the animal and burn down everything in its path. She hadn’t realized how far she had ventured from the trees until suddenly, a pair of glowing snake-like eyes had zeroed in on her. Lilly stopped in her tracks as the breath in her lungs became difficult to expel. She watched helplessly as, in an obvious last ditch effort, the huge draheim lunged for her, expelling flames from its mouth. Lilly’s blood was pounding in her head, muffling her hearing. She heard, no felt, the beast’s roar cascade over her. It fell before flames could engulf her and its jaws could snap onto her body. The monster hit the ground with a heavy blow, shaking the earth. The draheim let loose one more ear piercing roar, which joined with the wicked flames, before it came to rumbling halt a few feet in front of Lilly. Lilly’s eyes widened as she watched the flames rolling towards her. In her mind, she was yelling at herself to move her damn feet, but she just stood there. She closed her eyes as she felt the heat of the flames on her face, her hair blowing back from the force. She was sure that she would be fried to a crisp at any moment. All she could think was that she hoped that Jacque was all right, and that she would live a long, happy life. She waited, frozen in place.

  After a few moments, when nothing happened, she finally opened her eyes. She could see Cypher running for her. The other elves surrounded the great beast, ensuring that it was no longer a threat. Lilly noticed that the beast still drew breath. She saw the flames flickering out, being held in midair just a few inches from her face. Protecting her from the flames was a bright shield of light. Lilly’s face broke into a huge smile as she turned her head to see Cyn aiming her hand at her. She gave Cyn a slight nod of thanks just as strong, massive arms wrapped around her, pulling her up until her feet no longer touched the ground. She pulled her arms out from the hold and wrapped them around Cypher’s neck.


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