Wild Heart

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Wild Heart Page 6

by Tripp Ellis

  She was an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert all rolled into one. The thrill of anticipation filled me. I wanted to savor every moment, but at the same time, I couldn't wait until there was nothing between us.

  "Hey, before this goes too far, I want you to know that I'm not like the girls you’re probably used to."

  “You're definitely unique," I said, nibbling on her ear.

  "I'm having a lot of fun with you. I don't want to stop what we're doing. But I'm not gonna sleep with you tonight."

  I grinned. "So you're gonna make me work for it?"

  She laughed. "Yeah, a little. If I give it away free, it's not gonna have any value."

  "Oh, I'm sure there's plenty of value there," I said.

  "Play your cards right, and you might find out."

  "I'm a really good card player. Did I mention that?"

  "I can tell." She paused. "You’re not mad, are you?"

  My face scrunched up. "No. I'm not mad. Why would I be? We’ll hook up if and when the time is right."

  "Believe me, I want to. And the time is right. I'm just not the kind of girl that can jump in the sack right away. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the wait until marriage type, but I'm not some floozy either."

  "Hey, I'm good with whatever. I'm just enjoying myself."

  "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I just don't want you to enjoy yourself too much and get past the point of no return if you know what I mean."

  I laughed. "I appreciate your concern."

  “I don’t want you to build up pressure that you can’t release.”

  “You’re so thoughtful,” I snarked.

  "It doesn't mean we can't still fool around." She had a hopeful look in her eyes.

  "We can still fool around," I said. “It doesn’t have to go anywhere.”

  She smiled. "Good. You're a good kisser. I like kissing you."

  "You’re not too bad yourself."

  She arched a disappointed eyebrow at me. "Not too bad?"

  "Yeah. Kissing you does not suck."

  "Well, I was kind of hoping for something more like phenomenal, amazing, wonderful… Those kinds of adjectives."

  "Those would all be appropriate."

  “I guess, in that case, you can keep kissing me."

  I was happy to accept her invitation. Our lips collided again, and we devoured each other. We fooled around for a while, and I tried to temper my enthusiasm, keeping in mind that this would most likely require a cold shower afterward.

  It was getting late anyway, and the party was dying down. I'm sure all the guest staterooms were full with the kind of action that I wasn't getting. But I wasn't disappointed. It was actually kind of intriguing. It left a little mystery to things. And the anticipation of pleasure is half the fun.

  Phoebe snuggled up to me, and before I dozed off, she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear. "Thanks for understanding. I think you're great."

  I dozed off, and all too soon, the morning sun blasted through the windows, beaming shafts of light into the stateroom, painting the deck with brilliant amber swaths.

  My phone buzzed in my cargo shorts on the deck beside my bed. Phoebe's warm body was draped around mine. She rolled aside and stirred as I dug the phone from my pocket and swiped the screen.

  Denise’s sweet voice filtered into my ear. "Hey, I didn't wake you up, did I?"

  My voice scratched, “No. Whatever gave you that idea?"

  "I know JD had a show last night, and you guys are always pretty wrecked the day after a show. Did you have fun?"

  "You could say that."

  "Is there a hot little number next to you right now?"

  "Why? Jealous?"

  She hesitated for a moment. "I'm not gonna answer that."

  I chuckled. "What's going on?"

  "Kinley Collins. She called the station. Said she's a friend of Nina Harlow's. Said she heard about her death on the news and wanted to find out more information. Said she's pretty sure she knows who killed Nina."

  That got my attention. “Sounds like somebody we should talk to."

  "That's why I'm calling. I'm going to text you her contact information and address."

  "Thank you.”

  “I was able to pull the phone records for Nina Harlow and Sebastian Simonton. I'll sift through them and make a list of recent contacts and see if anything stands out."

  "I'll say it again, you're the best."

  "Yes, I am,” Denise said in singsong before she hung up.

  A moment later, a text buzzed through with Kinley Collins’s number. I gave her a quick call. It went straight to voicemail, and I left a message identifying myself as a deputy sheriff.

  I climbed out of bed and set my phone on the nightstand, then stumbled into the en suite. I took a shower, toweled off, then stepped back into the compartment.

  Phoebe had my phone to her ear. She handed it to me. "It’s some girl calling for you."

  I gave her a quizzical look. "You answered my phone?"

  "I thought it might be important. Sorry."

  I took the phone from her and held it to my ear. "Hello?"

  “Deputy Wild, this is Kinley Collins returning your call."

  "Yes, thanks for calling me back. You called the station about Nina Harlow. I'm so sorry for your loss."

  "Thank you."

  "You mentioned to one of the deputies that you have information we should consider. Do you have a moment to speak today?"

  "I'm booked on a photoshoot all day, but you can stop by the set.”

  "That sounds great. I take it you’re a model?”

  She seemed amused by the question. "I prefer the term on-camera personality."

  "On-camera personality it is.”

  "I'll text you the address. Maybe you could show up around lunch?”

  “Sounds perfect."

  "I'll see you then, Deputy."

  She ended the call, and I set the phone back on the nightstand, then moved to the dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers, shorts, and a T-shirt.

  "I hope you don't think I was invading your privacy,” Phoebe said. “I just heard you on the phone earlier. It sounded like urgent police business.”

  "Not a problem. Thank you."

  I tossed the towel aside, and Phoebe's sleepy eyes perked up. She watched me get dressed, biting her bottom lip with hungry eyes.

  "You want breakfast?" I asked.

  She nodded. "Yes, Daddy."

  I chuckled. "How do you like your eggs?"


  "Scrambled eggs, coming right up."

  I left the stateroom, spiraled downstairs, and made my way to the galley. As usual, the place was a wreck. There were empty beer bottles and glasses everywhere. I peered into the salon, and there were people crashed on the settee, the sofa, and on the deck. It was too early for most people to even consider waking after a night like that.

  I put on a pot of coffee, sizzled bacon in a pan, and whipped up some scrambled eggs. I was surprised that the aroma didn’t draw the party zombies.

  I dished up two plates and carried them on a tray with orange juice and coffee up to my stateroom.

  Phoebe had fallen back asleep and had pulled the pillow over her head.

  "Wake up, sleepyhead," I said.

  She pulled the pillow aside and peeled her eyes open. “That's pretty impressive. I didn't even put out, and I'm still getting breakfast in bed."

  "I'm a generous guy. What can I say?”

  She smiled. “I can only imagine what will happen when you finally put it inside me."

  I swallowed hard. The captain definitely perked up on that statement.


  I took Buddy for a walk. It was a beautiful morning—clear blue sky, cool breeze, amber rays glistening across the water. This truly was paradise.

  When I returned to the Avventura, I banged on the hatch to JD's VIP stateroom, trying to roust him out of bed. The day was quickly evaporating, and we had a lot to accomplish.

bsp; I had searched the Internet on my phone, hoping to learn more about Kinley Collins. She was definitely someone Jack would want to meet.

  A groan emanated from the stateroom, indicating JD was still alive.

  I banged on the door again.

  "I'm up," he grunted.

  He fumbled around inside the compartment for a minute, then pulled open the hatch, looking like he'd been hit by a Mack truck. His hair was tousled, and his eyes were puffy and red.

  I chuckled. "Have a good time last night?"

  With a mischievous grin, he nodded to the queen berth. Two naked hotties stirred, and that was all the answer I needed.

  Jack stumbled out of the VIP stateroom and listed toward the galley. His face crinkled upon arrival. "Where's breakfast?"

  "You missed it."

  He shot me a sour look, then pulled open the refrigerator and surveyed the contents. His frown deepened. "We're out of eggs! And there's only a squirt of orange juice left."

  "We're out of a lot of things."

  He closed the door, pulled open the freezer, and grabbed the last breakfast taco. He peeled it from the wrapper, put it on a plate, and stuffed it into the microwave.

  “There was a full gallon of orange juice in there last night,” he said.

  “I guess somebody likes screwdrivers."

  The bell dinged, and JD pulled the breakfast taco from the microwave. He gobbled it down, then stumbled back to his stateroom and took a shower. When he emerged, he had a little more life in his eyes.

  Signs of life were beginning to appear as the drunken revelers stirred. We rousted the strangers and sent them on their way. There were plenty of nooks and crannies aboard the boat for a drunk to crawl into and pass out during the night. It was a cruel morning for many.

  By this point in time, the guys in the band had each staked a claim to the below deck guest rooms. We left them undisturbed.

  Phoebe had gone back to sleep after breakfast, trying to steal a few extra minutes of shut-eye. I kissed her on the cheek and told her to lock up if she was the last one to leave the boat. I had her number in my phone and told her I would call her later.

  She gave a sleepy response and pulled the pillow back over her head.

  JD and I left the boat and ambled down the dock to the parking lot.

  "Don't forget, we told Teagan we’d take her to the range today," JD said. "Though I'm not particularly in the mood for loud noises right now."

  I laughed. He looked like his head was still pounding. “I’ll text her and see if she still wants to go today.”

  After I tapped out a message to Teagan, I showed JD a picture of Kinley Collins on my phone. I had pulled it from the Internet. "This ought to brighten your day."

  Jack's eyes perked up as he surveyed the gorgeous blonde. Her svelte body arched in a provocative pose. She wore skimpy lingerie that left little to the imagination. "One of Nina Harlow's friends?"

  I nodded.

  "She looks suspicious," JD joked. "She may be hiding something. I think she'll require a rigorous interrogation. Possibly a strip search.”

  We hopped into the Porsche and zipped across the island to the marina at Pelican Point. Kinley’s photoshoot was aboard a 145’ Valenti named Daydreams. It was the epitome of style and sophistication—elegant windswept lines and graceful curves. The interior styling was created by the famed Italian designer D’Agostino.

  Camera flashes spilled from the salon as we stood on the dock, marveling at the massive vessel. JD’s face scrunched, and he shook his head dismissively. As nice as it was, the boat didn’t hold a candle to the Avventura. Even if it did, Jack would never admit it. We’d already overspent our boat allowance, and I certainly didn’t need him getting any ideas about an upgrade.

  We crossed the passerelle and stepped to the aft deck. There was a U-shaped settee and an alfresco dining area that offered a panoramic view.

  An assistant saw us through the glass and pulled open the sliding salon door. The slender, snooty man barked, “This is a private shoot.”

  JD rolled his eyes and flashed his VIP pass.

  The snooty man’s lip curled, and a subtle groan escaped his smug face.

  “We’ve got an appointment with Kinley,” I said.


  Kinley posed in front of the camera, her stunning body on full display. And I do mean full display. Her sultry pose changed subtly with each flash. Her eyes smoldered into the camera, and her plump lips softly puckered.

  Her gaze was electrifying.

  Kinley’s platinum blonde hair fell to her mid-back, and her lightly tanned skin had no blemishes or imperfections. A makeup artist would dart into frame occasionally to adjust a stray hair or powder her nose—not that she needed it. She was a goddess, casting spells of desire on all who witnessed her beauty.

  Kinley had failed to mention that she would be totally nude—which certainly didn’t draw any protest from us. We stood on the sidelines, watching the photographer snap photos of the scorching vixen. We tried to keep our tongues in our mouths. Kinley could certainly perk you up better than any cup of coffee. She arched her body for the lens, accentuating her glorious curves.

  I could see the wheels turning in JD's mind.

  After a few minutes, the photographer shouted, “Okay. Take five while I review the images."

  He handed the camera to the snooty assistant, who popped out the flashcard and downloaded it onto a laptop.

  The makeup artist rushed to Kinley and helped her put on a luxurious robe. She tied it at the waist and sauntered toward us. Kinley extended her hand, and we shook. "Deputy Wild?"

  "Yes. And this is Deputy Jack Donovan."

  "Thanks for coming. I'm so devastated about Nina. She was my best friend."

  We offered our condolences, and Kinley led us forward to a guest stateroom that she had been using as a dressing area. Inside the compartment, there was a clothes rack with an array of bikinis and lingerie items, though they didn't seem to be getting much use.

  “Is this your boat?”

  “No, I’m renting it for the day.”

  "What is the shoot for?” JD asked.

  "My personal website," Kinley said. "I'm always doing photoshoots to create new content for subscribers."

  "I would imagine you have a lot of subscribers," JD said.

  A slight smirk tugged at her full lips. "I do. And I like to keep them happy. At last count I had 9,633. At $4.99 a month, it's not a bad living. I'm going to do something special when I get to 10,000."

  "That's impressive," I said.

  "I have over 1 million followers on Instabook. My social media presence basically funnels them into my private website."

  "You know, we have a very nice boat that I think you might be interested in for photoshoots,” JD said. “Much nicer than this.”

  Kinley arched a curious eyebrow. "Really? What is your location fee?"

  "We could offer you a package deal," JD said. "Tyson and I are both photographers."

  Her eyes narrowed with skepticism. "Real photographers? Or guys with cameras, looking to fill their spank banks?”

  JD smiled. "Do either of us look like we need a spank bank?”

  Kinley’s eyes flicked between the two of us. She looked me up and down. "Well, he certainly doesn't."

  JD frowned at her.

  I tried to stifle a grin. "You mentioned you may have a lead about Nina's death," I said, trying to steer the conversation back on track.

  It was hard to concentrate on anything but Kinley, especially with the way the robe was falling open and failing to cover her pert bosom. I'm sure she was used to the gravitational pull of her assets.

  "Shane Brown," Kinley said. "That's who you need to be looking at. He killed her. I know it."

  "Who is Shane Brown?" I asked.

  "Nina's ex-boyfriend. I knew he was bad news from the moment they met. I warned her, but she wouldn't listen. They dated off and on for about a year, and it was always tumultuous. He was verbally and physica
lly abusive with her. They’d break up, then he'd pull her back in. He’s a classic narcissist, and I just don't understand how Nina couldn’t see through his BS. He'd love bomb her, tell her she was the greatest thing in the world, profess his undying love, then he’d turn manipulative and berate her. He tried to separate her from family and friends. Classic stuff. He tried to create a wedge between us. He lied to Nina and told her that I came on to him." Her face twisted in disgust. "Sorry, but I wouldn't screw him if he was the last man on the planet."

  Kinley certainly wasn't hurting for options.

  "What was the current status of their relationship?" I asked.

  "She had broken up with him a year ago. He flipped out and harassed her incessantly. She got a restraining order against him, and I think it just recently expired a few months ago."

  “Do you know if Nina had been in contact with Shane recently?"

  Kinley sighed. "I don't know. She didn’t say anything. But she might not have wanted to upset me. She knew how I felt about that guy.”

  "I take it that you were able to convince her that you didn't hook up with Shane?"

  "Yes. And it was pretty obvious to her when she actually thought about it and was able to break free of his spell."

  “What about Sebastian Simonton?” I asked.


  "I liked Sebastian," Kinley said. "I thought they were good together. He was a little younger than she was, and I don't think he was looking for anything serious, but they were having fun."

  "You think Shane followed them out to Eel Reef, boarded their boat, and shot both of them in a jealous rage?" I asked.

  "That's exactly what I think happened. I mean, it's pretty obvious to me."

  "And how was your current relationship with Nina?"

  Her pretty face crinkled. "What do you mean?"

  "Were you getting along?"

  "Yes. I told you we were besties. We’d put all that nonsense behind us. We were like sisters." Her eyes misted. She wiped them delicately so as not to smear her mascara.

  "Did Nina ever talk to you about her clients?"

  "Never any details. Patient confidentiality, that kind of thing. But sometimes she would talk in general terms."


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