A Great Discovery

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A Great Discovery Page 1

by Nicholas Ton


  Nicholas Ton

  Copyright 2012 by Nicholas Ton

  I looked at the scientist and he said “This was one small mission for man and a revolution for mankind.”

  The scene faded and I woke up with a shake.

  A man woke me up and said “It’s time for liftoff Johnny.”

  That was Alan a member of my astronaut team, He was big, had a good build, he looked serious but he’s not, and he is an adrenaline freak, he couldn’t live without it.

  I was in the station’s housing area.

  Alan walked out and threw me an energy bar and said “You need energy for this, get ready.”

  I got up and ate the bar quickly. I ran after Alan so we could get into our gear together. Alan was ahead but I was able to catch up.

  I said to him “Remember this is just a quick trip to a small unidentified planet don’t get too crazy on this trip.”

  They walk over to the dressing room and put on their equipment and walk to the control room. The other two men in my group were there. One of the men was Mark, a dark Hispanic, and the other person was Max, a blond that was a downer.

  They were all my assistants Alan, Mark, and Max were there to help, me other than that there isn’t much more I know about them.

  After we all got dressed, we all left the room and started walking towards the master command center.

  When we got there, we saw the technician and another man standing next to him.

  The technician saw us and said “This project is private, the public doesn’t know about it. It shouldn’t take that long to get to the planet it’s a little bit farther than the moon is. Maybe one day is enough to get to the un-charted planet.”

  I asked “What will happen when people start to look for us? What will you tell them?”

  The technician said “Don’t worry I’ll make up an excuse like you’re on a vacation break or something.”

  I looked at my assistants and made a questioning eye. They all nodded to me so I knew that they agreed that it was ok to do this mission.

  The technician said “Ok go to the ship and I’ll do the countdown for you guys. Hurry up before people in here start suspecting something.”

  My group and I started walking out towards the small ship.

  We got out of the building and saw the ladder, we started sprinted towards the ladder.

  When we made it to the ladder I heard yelling.

  I looked towards the glass window and saw the president of NASA. The technician was trying to activate the countdown while the other man was holding off the president. The short puny man was good considering he was against an ex-lineman for the Texans. We started climbing up the ladder quickly. Halfway up the ladder I heard the countdown start from twenty five, so we climbed even quicker. I heard a slam on the window and saw that the puny man was knocked out. The president picked up the technician and threw him to the side trying to turn off the countdown. We got to the top of the ladder. The countdown was on four.

  I made it through and I turned around. Alan made it through also, and so did Max, but the countdown finished when Mark was just getting on the platform. The Rocket starts blasting off. Mark sprinted towards the door while it was still open.

  I yelled at Mark “Come on you can make it!”

  The ship started going up and Mark sprints towards the rocket and jumps, but was barely on. Only his fingers hung on the ledge of the door. Alan and I picked up Mark and when we got him up, he was safe and then we fell back.

  I said “Close that door Max, Alan and the rest of us are going to get the route set and try to program it to autopilot so we don’t have to do as much work.”

  We all started ran over to the cockpit and then Max started putting in codes into the door’s key pad.

  I looked out the windows and saw that we had a long way to go until we got to the cockpit. We had to hurry or we would crash into anything. We climbed up the ladder quickly. After about five minutes we made it to the cockpit. We got to the cockpit and a plane zipped right by, with one of it’s the wings so close to hitting us. Alan was so scared he fell down. If it hit, not only would we have died but the passengers in that plane too. Mark finally helped him back up. I went to the captain’s seat and started locking in the coordinates. Alan got into the co-captains seat. Mark got to the back seat and buckled up and just sat there.

  I said “I’m locking in the coordinates. When I’m done with it, we’ll then be able to turn it on auto pilot.”

  After several minutes of coding the coordinates, it was finally all in. I flipped a switch and then autopilot turned on.

  I got up then said “Alan and Mark, take over I’m going to sleep for now, wake me when we’re there.”

  I walked to the sleeping area while Alan and Mark took over.

  Max was somewhere but for now I wanted to go to sleep. I found my room and open the door. I took off my suit and then I turned off the light, got into bed and pulled the blanket over me. I had no dreams it was just a big abyss of blackness.

  I was woken up by Alan, again.

  Alan said “How can you sleep for so long? Well we made to the planet already. The planet looks like a civilized alien planet, so we should take pre-cautions in here. We landed in some kind of landing zone. What do you want to do now?”

  I said “Let’s go see if they’re friendly.”

  I got up, put on my suit, my helmet and I said “Get into your gear and we’ll go visit them.”

  I went over to the cockpit and there was Alan, Mark, Max, and I.

  We headed down towards the exit of the shuttle.

  Once we got to the exit, we saw that there were aliens that were blue, big headed, short, and in clothes.

  The world outside was so amazing, it’s what Earth should be like in hundreds of years.

  They just looked at us and walked around us. Alan made a peace sign with his hands to see if they would respond.

  A large alien came over with many others. All of the aliens came with a staff that had electrified tips. I counted all the aliens, there were five of them, the one big one and the four small ones.

  The big one said in a deep gruff voice “Come with us, we must inspect you to see what you are.”

  So they understand English I thought to myself. Alan, Mark, and Max were wowed by these aliens. We followed the aliens to see what they would do. They led us to a floating shuttle that looked like a limo and we got in.

  We floated through the city and I saw a courthouse and we were heading that way. Once we got to the courthouse, they parked the shuttle and the big alien told us to get out.

  We got out of the shuttle and the aliens followed with their staffs. We were taken into the building.

  When they went in, they saw the judge, two foot tall alien with a giant robe, the judge immediately yelled “GUILTY! What are those beasts, we must all execute them right away!”

  The judge ran away, we all panicking from the situation.

  The big alien said “We must think about this I’ll take you to the castle where the king of this planet is and ask him what to do.”

  That was a big relief but there was still panic in us. We got back to the shuttle again and got in.

  The aliens follow us in the shuttle, they started going to the castle.

  The big alien said “Go to light speed because the castle is way too far away.”

  The view started getting blurry and everyone was pressed against their seats. After only a few seconds they were at a giant castle that looked like it was made of blue crystals. They hit the brake and all of us except the aliens flung to the front. They rode to the gate and he stopped because of a guard.

  The guard questioningly yelled “What are you doing
here, state your business!?”

  The driver said “We have found a major discovery another being of life. Now let us in so we can show the king these things.”

  The big alien opened the window in the back, the guard saw us and he let us in. We got out of the shuttle, once the driver parked it

  We were escorted to the king’s throne room which wasn’t far away.

  The king stared at us for a long time when we got there until I asked “Why is this planet so hi-tech while it has a resemblance of Earth?”

  The king answered “We were once a race that was very poor but when someone with high intellect came and made a device that could see very far away, he had saw Earth and transformed our planet into yours. Except that we added some of our own technology of course. You are interesting but we cannot risk anything, you will be sentenced to death, take them away guards.”

  I questioningly yelled “But why are you destroying something that had basically created your world, without us you would still be poor, fighting for everything, and not being civilized?!”

  The big alien smacked me in the back and I fell down. Alan ran up to me trying to make sure I was all right but all I had to do was open my eyes and he could tell that I was all right.

  The aliens picked me back up and guided us to the stairs leading to a dark dungeon.

  I counted the aliens, there were still five of them, the big one and the four small ones.

  I eyed my crew to attack and before the aliens knew anything, Mark punched one and the rest of us started to punch, kick, and tackle them also. One of them hit Alan with the staff and Alan started getting

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