Keras: Guardians of Hades Series Book 7

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Keras: Guardians of Hades Series Book 7 Page 28

by Heaton, Felicity

  Maybe she could indulge a little fantasy after all.

  She began at his left shoulder, carefully uncoupling the pauldron, growing aware of Keras’s gaze as it followed her every move. She took her time about removing his armour, each piece she set aside cranking the heat inside her up another degree.

  When his chest was bare, she feathered her fingers over it, tracing the peaks and valleys of his muscles, turning that heat up further. She bit her lip as she followed the line between his pectorals, easing her fingers downwards towards his stomach. He tensed when she reached it, his muscles flexing in a beautiful symphony of strength that had her belly quivering.

  Flooded her with an urge to push him onto his back and mount him.

  Rather than giving in to that need, she stroked her fingers lower and circled his navel.

  “Enyo,” he husked, his voice thick with desire.

  She glanced up at him as she followed the trail of crisp black hair that led downwards, a shiver wracking her as his hungry emerald gaze locked with hers. How many centuries had she ached for him to look at her like this? How many years had she silently begged him to show her that he felt something for her that matched how she felt about him?

  The way he looked at her, somewhere between a man starved and a man deeply in love, etched itself on her memory.

  Set fire to her body.

  She teased the waist of his trousers.

  He obediently shifted to the edge of the bed and stood for her, and she didn’t keep him waiting, couldn’t stop herself from following him and tackling the first plate of armour that protected his hips. His rough breaths filled her ears as she freed him of the rest of his armour, quickened as she finally reached for the button of his tight black trousers, the only thing that stood between her and finally having him naked.

  His entire body tensed again as she made contact, her fingers brushing his skin above the waist of his trousers. She moaned as she drank her fill of him, was sure she would never tire of looking at him or knowing that he was hers now.

  Hers forever.

  He could be possessive, and so could she. She didn’t want other females looking at him, wanted to claw their eyes out so they couldn’t feast on his beauty, imagining him with them.

  He belonged to her.

  She pushed his trousers down and bit her lower lip.

  Every inch of him.

  His long cock bobbed as she stared at it, as heat flooded between her thighs and made her want to rub them together.

  “Enyo,” he murmured, more of a groan this time, one that made her feel she was torturing him by staring at him and doing nothing.

  Maybe she was.

  It felt like torture to her too.

  She eased her hands up his thighs, through the light dusting of hair that covered them, and curled them around just below his backside, luring him towards her. He came willingly, the feel of his gaze on her intensifying as she kept hers rooted on his erection.

  She had never done this act, had only slept with one man other than Keras, centuries before she had met him when her brother had cajoled her into it. She hadn’t enjoyed it, had thought her brother had blown the pleasure of being intimate with another way out of proportion.

  But making love with Keras had made her realise that her brother was right about some things.

  The pleasure of being with Keras was mind-blowing and addictive, and she wanted to feel it again.

  Wanted to give him all the pleasure he could handle.

  Starting with this.

  She stroked her tongue up the length of him, from root to blunt tip, and he groaned as his head fell back. His hands fisted at his sides as she licked him again, tasting his flesh. He was warm and like silk beneath her hand as she brought it into play, as she explored him, but he was like steel too, so hard it seemed impossible. Was it because he was enjoying this?

  Enyo wrapped her lips around the crown and Keras’s hips bucked forwards as a breathless moan left him, answering her question. He was enjoying this, and she had only just started. What kind of reactions could she expect from him? When he had delved between her thighs, she had lost her mind, and control of her body. She had never felt so wanton and wild, lost in feeling and consumed by a desperate need for more.

  Could she make Keras feel that?

  Determination to find out filled her.

  She feathered her fingers along the veined length of him as she explored the crown with her tongue, found several spots that had him shuddering and easing his hips forwards. When she curled her hand around him and sucked him, he grunted and his hand came down on her head. His fingers twined in her hair, gripping her gently as she sucked him again, as she swirled her tongue around him and stroked him with her hand.


  Her name had never sounded so wicked. He whispered it breathlessly, a plea and a demand rolled into one.

  He liked this.

  She smiled against his cock and began moving her mouth on him as well as her hand. His fingers tightened in her hair and his hips began to move, shifting forwards slightly each time she took him into her mouth, as if he ached to go deeper. She dropped her hand lower and took him deeper, savoured his groan as she moved her mouth on him, as the blunt tip brushed the back of her mouth on each downward glide.

  He clutched her head and thrust into her, his breaths coming faster still, his buttocks tensing beneath her hand as she palmed his backside.

  A grunt left him, followed by another, the masculine sound teasing her ears and causing another flood of heat between her thighs. She ached for him there, her mind racing forwards to imagine him inside her, filling and stretching her.

  He gripped her hair and pulled out of her, and she frowned up at him, wanting him back in her mouth again.

  His dark emerald eyes seared her, his dilated pupils devouring his irises as he gazed down at her.

  Gods, he looked delicious like that, towering over her, his hand in her hair and every muscle on his body tensed.

  His gaze lowered to her breasts.

  Darkened further.

  Filled her with a sense that this time wasn’t going to be slow either.

  Mostly because she didn’t want slow anymore. She ached for him, couldn’t stop her fingers from gliding up and down his rigid length to tease him, or her mind from imagining him sliding it inside her. She burned with need.

  His gaze lifted and collided with hers, and she was sure he must have read her mind.

  She moaned as he took hold of her shoulders and twisted her away from him on the bed, as he pushed her forwards and she fell to her hands and knees on the mattress.

  A fantasy she’d had sprung to the front of her mind, had her pulse rushing as she recalled how one of her daydreams about her removing Keras’s armour had ended like this.

  He skimmed his hands up her bare thighs, pushed them under the small skirt she wore beneath the slats of her armour. Those slats were cold as they hit her back, but she didn’t notice as he palmed her bottom, as he cupped and squeezed it. Her breath sawed from her lips, anticipation rolling through her as he slipped his fingers into the waist of her underwear and tugged it down to her knees.

  Cold air kissed her bare skin and she shook as he gripped her buttocks, as he pressed his thumbs in and spread her, exposing her to his searing gaze.

  She shivered as he stroked his thumbs downwards, teasing her plush petals, easing them between her folds. A moan fell from her lips as he caressed the pad of his thumb over her most sensitive flesh. She couldn’t stop herself from lifting her hips, from spreading her knees a little to tempt him.

  He groaned and removed one hand from her, kept teasing her nub with the other, quickening her blood as ripples of pleasure flowed through her. She trembled as the blunt crown of his length brushed her, as it pierced her and she fought the temptation to ease back onto him.

  He stood behind her, his cock poised to enter her, remained still so long she wanted to curse him.

  His hands caressed her th
ighs, folded around the front of them and drew her back. Her breath left her on a stuttering sigh as he filled her, slowly at first, and became a moan as he drove deep into her, as deep as she could take him.

  Keras gripped her thighs, his thumbs digging into her buttocks as he withdrew and filled her again, as he set a maddening pace that had her breasts swinging with each thrust. She fisted the silk bedclothes as he drove into her, his body striking her hard with each meeting of their hips, sending waves of tingles shooting outwards from her sensitive flesh whenever he brushed it.

  He dropped his right hand to the front of her hip as he leaned over her, as he pulled her up to him with his left hand. He seized her jaw and turned her head towards him, and a cry burst from her lips as he covered her mouth and his fingers found her nub, stroked and teased it as he took her.

  The same wild, desperate feeling she had experienced in her first time with him flooded her, stole control and pushed her over the edge. She pressed back against him, worked her hips and goaded him, tightening her body around his cock as he filled her. He growled and gripped her harder, gave her what she craved as he pounded into her, his rough breaths like music to her ears as they joined hers.

  His fingers squeezed her bead.

  Her entire body seized, a cry lodging in her throat, and a blinding wave of heat surged through her. Stars winked across her eyes as every inch of her trembled, as her core quivered and Keras kept thrusting and teasing her. Her mind emptied, ears ringing, and she sank forwards, her cheek hitting the silk sheets, her body completely at his mercy as bliss swept through her.

  The tight ache began to build again as he stroked her flesh, had her coming through the haze of one release and craving another, the satisfaction she had experienced dissipating as her body and mind realised she could have another release if he kept going.

  “More,” she uttered, and it came out as a demand.

  Keras grunted and gripped her harder, thrust deeper and faster, his hips pistoning as his breaths washed across her bare back. He squeezed and stroked her, growled as he took her, as she clenched him and reached for a second release.

  It came upon her in another blinding flash as Keras shoved deep into her and spilled himself, his seed pulsing into her in waves that pushed her over the edge with him.

  She sank deeper into the mattress as he held her hips, as he pressed his throbbing length into her and kept her on him.

  A sigh escaped her as she drifted, sleep trying to roll up on her as she slowly relaxed, as warmth curled through her and melted her muscles and liquefied her bones.

  Keras eased out of her and flopped onto his back beside her, his breath leaving him in a rush.

  He tugged her to him and kissed her, a soft and slow one that was filled with love.

  Enyo shuffled so her breasts pressed against his bare chest and kissed him, savouring each one, aware that at any moment they might be called into action, might have to fight for their lives.

  Keras gathered her closer.

  Warmth turned to the first flicker of heat in her veins.

  She was sure they should be meeting with the others, that they should be planning everything and discussing strategies.

  But she couldn’t bring herself to leave this bubble just yet, craved a little more time alone with Keras.

  He rolled her beneath him and pressed his hips to her thigh, his semi-erect cock telling her that he wasn’t ready to face the others yet either.

  They would have a strategy meeting.

  After their next climax.

  Chapter 25

  Enyo didn’t miss the way Keras’s fingers stroked the band she had woven for him, one that circled his wrist still, as he talked tactics with his family in the middle of his library. His brothers had all removed their limiters, something they were able to do now they were back in the Underworld where their powers wouldn’t negatively affect anything, but Keras had chosen to keep his on, and she understood why.

  He was afraid of what would happen if he felt the full strength of his power.

  He feared it would be too much for him to handle.

  She inched closer to him as he studied a map of the realms of the Underworld that had been spread across the large table in the centre of the room, a need to reassure him filling her. He was stronger now, his dependence on the pills slowly waning. Over the last few days, she hadn’t seen him struggling once, not as he had before. Back in the mortal world, he had still experienced bad episodes that had left him shaking and weak. Since entering the Underworld again, he had been growing stronger, even looked more like his old self.

  When she lifted her hand and touched the bracelet, he paused halfway through saying something and looked at her.


  There was gratitude in that smile.

  Together with love.

  He slipped his hand into hers and held it.

  “That’s still weird,” Valen muttered as his golden eyes fixed on their joined hands. He slid a look at his brother Ares. “You don’t think that’s weird?”

  “What?” Ares blinked himself back to the room, his hands pausing on Megan’s stomach where she stood in front of him with her back to his chest. Ares had been stroking it for the last ten minutes, falling into a sort of trance as he had stared at her baby bump.

  Valen huffed. “No one listens to me anymore.”

  Daimon boxed him on his arm. “Come on, grumpy pants. We were listening… you just weren’t saying anything interesting.”

  Valen glared at Daimon as amusement filled his pale blue eyes.

  Keras sighed.

  As usual, it was enough to stop his brothers from bickering.

  She had studied that power of his over the last few days they had all been together in his home, trying to learn whether it worked every time, or whether there were specific circumstances in which a sigh from him would have his brothers falling back in line.

  So far, she was leaning towards the power of his sigh being infallible.

  Calistos paced back into view, stepping out from behind Marek, Caterina, Eva and Cassandra where they formed a group between Daimon and Ares.

  Keras’s youngest brother hadn’t stopped moving since coming around yesterday, was eager to get out there and had made several suggestions for Keras’s plan, mostly focused on drawing the enemy out.

  “Relax, kid.” Valen reached for him.

  A mistake.

  Cal turned on him and he went flying, shot past Enyo as she swayed right, towards Keras, to avoid being struck by him and grunted as he hit the pale green wall of the library.

  Eva hit Cal with a barrage of insults in Italian and hurried to Valen, who tried to brush her off and then reluctantly accepted her help when she started swearing at him instead. Eva pulled him back onto his feet and checked him over.

  “Calistos,” Keras said.

  It was enough to have Cal backing down, the storm that had been building in his eyes abating.

  He ran a shaky hand over his blond ponytail. “I need her back. I need to do something. I’m losing my fucking mind. I need her back, Keras.”

  Keras released her hand and went to his brother, gripped his shoulder and nodded as he looked down into Cal’s eyes. “I know. We know. Father will tell us as soon as he knows where the gate has moved to and we can go there. We will get her back.”

  Cal nodded, and then looked at Cassandra. “You sure you can’t feel her?”

  Cassandra’s blue eyes shone with concern, and Enyo had the feeling it wasn’t only for her ward, Marinda. The sorceress was worried about Calistos too, clearly felt bad that she couldn’t do anything to ease his pain and help him find his love.

  “I tried,” Cass said, her voice whisper soft.

  It wasn’t enough for Cal.

  He took a hard step towards her. “Try again.”

  And then another.

  Wind whipped around him as his face darkened, and Marek and Esher lunged for the map as it fluttered, placing their hands on it to stop it from
flying away.

  “Try again. Try harder!” Cal barked and Cass raised her hands in front of herself.

  The blast of wind that Cal had aimed at her deflected off a barrier that shimmered before her, splitting into two. It struck the wall to his left near the fireplace, causing books to explode from the shelves.

  And the other half came at Enyo.

  Keras stepped in front of her and took the hit, gave a muffled grunt as the blast knocked him back into Enyo despite him bracing himself.

  He growled at Cal. “Watch your temper.”

  His youngest brother instantly backed off, the darkness lifting from his face as his wide eyes shot to Keras. He looked as if he wanted to apologise and then his face crumpled and he pivoted on his heel and started pacing again.

  “You alright, baby?” Daimon came up behind Cass and then rounded her, looked her over with concern in his pale eyes as his white eyebrows furrowed.

  She nodded. Her face fell. “I tried my hardest.”

  “I know.” He stroked her arm. “Cal is just frustrated. He knows you did your best.”

  “I need her back too.” Cass issued everyone a black look, one Enyo supposed was meant to make them all look away, because she didn’t want to look weak in front of them.

  None of them did.

  She glared at everyone but stepped up to Daimon anyway, let him wrap his arms around her and hold her as she rested her head on his shoulder, her long fall of black hair and her black corset and leathers making her blend with him as she angled her head away from him.

  Daimon caressed the line of her spine, tiny frost flowers blooming on his black leather gloves as he held her and glared at Cal as he came into view, pacing towards the other end of the room.

  “Are you all right?” Enyo whispered, and Keras looked over his shoulder at her and nodded.

  He moved back to stand beside her and reached for her hand.


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