You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 9 Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh


  Train your mind in such a way; that whenever it fantasized; it was only a river of altruistically ameliorating goodness; effulgently basking in the amazingly panoramic colors of living kind,

  Train your hands in such a way; that whenever they rose; it was only for invincibly defending every fraternity of humanity; and even after they sunk an infinite feet beneath their morbid graves,

  Train your lips in such a way; that whenever they handsomely stretched; it was only for disseminating a wave of eternally fructifying happiness; in every dolorously usurped ingredient of the tyrannized atmosphere,

  Train your feet in such a way; that whenever they traversed; it was only for pulverizing even the most infinitesimal trace of parasitic diabolism; with the

  scepter of blazingly unparalleled righteousness,

  Train your stomach in such a way; that whenever it growled; it was only for consuming  the propitiously plentiful fruits of everlastingly proliferating mother

  nature; without shedding a droplet of cannibalistically macabre blood,

  Train your eyes in such a way; that whenever they opened; it was only for sighting God’s incredulously eclectic beauty of creation; gregariously empathizing with every symbiotically breathing living being; celestially alike,

  Train your fingers in such a way; that whenever they wrote; it was only the message or irrefutably unconquerable truth; the message of priceless togetherness which touched the hearts of one and all alike,

  Train your tongue in such a way; that whenever it unfurled; it was only for singing in holistic synergy with the countless tunes of the timelessly blessing atmosphere; mollifying even the most traumatized of agony with unbelievably ecstatic melody,

  Train your shoulders in such a way; that whenever they hoisted; it was only for mitigating boundless devastated urchins from the corpses of hedonistic slavery; to the paradise of compassionately unceasing oneness,

  Train your conscience in such a way; that whenever it whispered; it was only for immortalizing the heaven of truth; without the tiniest innuendo of devilishly

  decrepit guilt,

  Train your eyelashes in such a way; that whenever they winked; it was only for cavorting with their innocuously pristine counterparts; in perfect tandem

  with the vivaciously shimmering rays of the Omnipotently orange Sun,

  Train your shadow in such a way; that whenever it wafted; it was only for providing unsurpassably bounteous reprieve to the drearily lambasted traveler; for magically restoring the equanimity of lugubriously estranged mankind,

  Train your eyebrows in such a way; that whenever they danced; it was only for profoundly enlightening several besieged with gorily cancerous disease; amuse

  the tawdrily fretting corridors of monotony to the most unprecedented limits,

  Train your ears in such a way; that whenever they sprang; it was only for imbibing the tunes of brilliantly victorious unity; synergistically assimilating every speck of coalescing consanguinity on this earth around,

  Train your bones in such a way; that whenever they itched; it was only for endlessly preserving the majestically unfathomable treasures of Lord’s creation; for bonding into a mountain of insuperably philanthropic friendship,

  Train your soul in such a way; that whenever it yearned; it was only for being insurmountably magnetized by the exhilaration of sacrosanct existence; culminating into a wind of eternal freshness even after veritable death,

  Train your throat in such a way; that whenever it wailed; it was only for beautifully slurping the mists of tantalizing sensuousness; which would keep it magnificently young even as its burial in the dastardly grave,

  Train your nostrils in such a way; that whenever they exhaled; it was only for perpetuating a sky of unflinchingly patriotic camaraderie; in every speck of

  ghastily barren space on this lecherously deteriorating globe,

  But leave the emollient beats of your passionate heart perpetually free; for if you trained them they would learn to manipulate and cheat; while freedom would

  allow them to spread love; love and only immortal love; as fathomlessly as the Creator had created them to be


  Something as sweet as hot chocolate; delectable crusts of cherry pudding strewn bountifully on shoots of fresh green grass,

  Something as mystical as the densely foliated jungles; wild outgrowths of rampant creepers scintillating under the tenacious beams of pearly moonlight,

  Something as gentle as the cascading waterfall; bursting into a billion droplets of tantalizing froth after nimbly clashing against the cold chain of rocks,

  Something as turbulent as the fulminating volcano; sprouting into infinite shades of emerald light,

  Wait! Wait! Wait!. You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there neatly trapped in your heart! 


  Something as soft as pure velvet strings dangling merrily in the air; a couch embedded profusely with mesmerizing fluff,

  Something as tangy as vivacious ocean salt; the poignant granules of silver sands found in abundance on the silken shores,

  Something as opulent as the entire dungeon inundated with shimmering pearls; radiating austerely in the eerie blanket of darkness,

  Something as flamboyant as the blistering Sun; blazing its way ferociously through the dolorous doom hovering in every remotely obsolete corner of the earth,

  Wait! Wait! Wait! You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there passionately wandering in your heart! 


  Something as colorful as the resplendent rainbow; casting its astoundingly spell binding spell in the colossal sky,

  Something as animatedly boisterous as pelting globules of rain; thunderclouds in space engulfed with streaks of crimson lightening,

  Something as effusive as a river of sparkling tears gushing down rubicund cheek; basking in the glory of inner most emotions encompassing nostalgic childhood,

  Something as invincible as the wall of immortal love; perpetually safe against any hostile attack ever conceivable in this world,

  Wait! Wait! Wait! You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there swelling cyclonically in your heart! 


  Something faster than the speed of light; traversing across the globe like infinite bullets whizzing past at a time,

  Something more seductive than the most ravishing of fruit; more delicious crusts of honey to gulp and consume,

  Something as aromatic as the scarletly robust rose; profusely disseminating its scent with overwhelming equanimity in the dolorously dull wind drifting around,

  Something larger than any dimension; richer than any individual; stronger than any evil towering till the cosmos; as sacred as God who evolved the first human;

  unsolicitedly harboring all the love that was ever prevalent in this Universe,

  Wait! Wait! Wait! You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there naturally and blissfully proliferating every second in your heart!



  Lets pay a deaf ear to the monotonous society; sing and dance in the aisles of incomprehensible desire,

  Lets clamber up the remote hills entirely sequestered from this world; taste the fruits of nature with untamed relish,

  Lets swim uninhibitedly in the swirling oceans abreast the dolphins; shrugging off all norms of this mercenary planet,

  Lets clear a path of our own through the dense forests; bid adieu forever to this pompously civilized society,

  Lets roll in the slippery mud with rampant frenzy; bond our hearts for centuries unfathomable; oblivious from the beats of this spurious township,

  Lets speak to our hearts content in the most thunderous of our rustic voices; not perturbed the slightest by the globe's sanctimoniously sophisticated sounds,

  Lets gallivant like dreamy philanderers
through the glamorous farm fields; leaving the vain adornment and bombastic décor of the city entirely to its own,

  Lets stare at each other for hours immemorial; not floundering the tiniest by manipulative citizens collecting currency coins below,

  Lets sob effusively in the realms of unsurpassable ecstasy; sharing our joy and wholesomely untouched by the orthodox bickering of this narrow minded society,

  Lets perpetually entwine our fingers with each other; stand audaciously to confront the most mightiest challenge of dispersed humanity,

  Lets kiss passionately till times greater than infinity; as the conventional world looked dumbfounded and abused us for violating their baseless string of hollow ethics,

  Lets stay awake all night admiring the resplendent blanket of stars with our breaths descending compassionately on each other; and the society fast asleep adhering to its worthless set of norms,

  Lets keep tirelessly laughing till our jaws ached; enjoying each moment of life bestowed upon us by Almighty lord; while the world outside frantically searched for more avenues of growth and greedy popularity,

  Lets walk on our heads upside down relishing the cool air wildly slap past our naked chests; far apart from the society which thought boundless times; even before

  walking on solid foot,

  Lets tear apart food with our immaculate fingers; sip water from the springs with rejuvenated gusto; while the world outside wasted countless hours; lost in a myriad of shimmering forks and spoons,

  Lets splash our bodies with garishly striped gypsy paint; while the society sighed in exasperation to find the pretentious cotton of their choice,

  Lets suckle our thumbs like new born infants; nostalgically reminiscing memories of our innocent childhood; while the world whispered drearily trying to incessantly replicate Royal tunes,

  Lets perch like the boisterous sparrows on escalating treetops; profoundly fantasize about the creation of this mesmerizing Universe; while the society glued itself to insurmountably boring politics on giant television,

  Lets sleep by the river side with the waves gently lapping to our toes; while the world stuffed itself under an armory of sheep skin and obnoxiously bulky quilts,

  Most importantly lets love each other; locked immortally in the boundaries of invincible romance; no matter what the extraneous world said or did; no matter how brutally we were whipped for not following rules of the society; no matter how pathetically the entire planet ended with man gobbling man on the pretext of religion and entity .


  Although I hoisted my hands to emboss the scriptures of tomorrow; incorrigibly taking a pledge to pen down all the mesmerizing beauty of this Universe,

  However all I ended up doing was; inundating infinite sheets of paper with her irrefutably sacrosanct name .

  Although I opened my lips to sing the most enchanting song on this planet; emulate the mesmerizing nightingale to evolve a river of melodious tunes,

  However all I  ended up doing was; chanting her virtues till times immemorial; falling in an unrelenting reverie on the ground; with volcano's of her voluptuous grace fulminating at the back of my mind .

  Although I pulled my eyes open to wander in boundless directions in this world; explore the most enigmatically swirling fantasies rising handsomely towards the sky,

  However all I ended up doing was; riveting them on her dwelling; profusely admiring her sleeping like an celestially innocuous angel under the blanket of resplendently twinkling stars .

  Although I opened my mouth to relish the festoon of succulent cherries strewn majestically in the fields; languish in the aisles of untamed desire; after

  sipping sparkling stream water,

  However all I ended up doing was; chewing my own fingers in profuse anticipation; as I anxiously waited for her stupendously royal shadow to sweep past the

  contours of my face .

  Although I alighted my foot from domains of insurmountable laziness; to trespass through each cranny of this fathomless globe; lead my life to most excitingly unprecedented limits,

  However all I ended up doing was; incessantly circle around her house all night and day; trying my best to annihilate even the slightest insinuation of evil lingering in vicinity .

  Although I unleashed my ears to hear the fathomless myriad of sounds hovering nimbly in the atmosphere; decipher the intriguing puzzles of mother nature,

  However all I ended up doing was; target all my senses profoundly to the cadence of her voice; wholesomely dedicate each  birth of mine to every word she uttered .

  Although I unveiled my mind to tackle the most mystical battles offered by pragmatic life; coin solutions to the inexorably inexplicable problems loitering around,

  However all I ended up doing was; dreaming about her euphorically boisterous countenance till decades unfathomable; entwine myself in mind; body and soul

  with her immortal spirit .

  Although I ripped apart my heart; trying to share all its philanthropic goodness with each organism created in harmonious unison by the Almighty Creator,

  However all I ended up doing was; incarcerate her divinely image in for times beyond existence in each of its thunderous beat .

  And although I unfurled my breath in passionate exultation to lead each instant of destined life; persevere to the most astronomical heights; to achieve the ambitions of my holistic survival,

  However all I ended up doing was; surrendering in wholesome entirety to her impeccably heavenly feet; remaining her slave; her admirer; her lover; for countless more births yet to come .



  Both of us were born only to play with each other, uninhibitedly philander in the aisles of timeless beauty and insatiable desire; behind the honey soaked meadows of the eternal hills,

  Both of us were born only to discover each other; unrelentingly bond ourselves in the mists of untamed sensuousness; as tumblers of torrentially golden rain pelted mystically from the fathomless sky,

  Both of us were born only to caress each other; intransigently envelop our nimbly shivering bodies with the winds of perennially augmenting passion; seductively arouse the most morbidly deadened pores of my crimson skin,

  Both of us were born only to admire each other; stoop down in due adulation of God’s most ravishingly blessed creation; perpetually surging ahead in life under the carpet of golden sunshine,

  Both of us were born only to share with each other; amicably exploring all the versatility hidden in our benign souls; ubiquitously disseminating the same to even the most obliviously remote corner of this gigantic Universe,

  Both of us were born only to wink at each other; mischievously reminisce the most gloriously cherished memories of our blissful childhood; timelessly gallivant through the aisles of innocently unlimited fantasy,

  Both of us were born only to surge forward with each other; triumphantly conquer every obstacle that came our way; to escalate to the summits of philanthropically benevolent success,

  Both of us were born only to feed each other; synergistically replenishing our diminutive conscience’s; with the fruits of irrefutable truth and heavenly timelessness,

  Both of us were born only to support each other; impregnably unite in the waves of unassailable solidarity; to scrap even the tiniest trace of invidiously evil from the trajectory of this fathomless earth,

  Both of us were born only to inspire each other; spawn a civilization of celestial goodness on every step that we tread; diffuse our unsurpassable repertoire of

  humanity; to all those disparagingly depraved of jubilant happiness,

  Both of us were born only to glorify each other; weave an entrenchment of exotically voluptuous beauty; on even the most infinitesimally disappearing speck of solitude; that confronted us in our ebullient way,

  Both of us were born only to defend each other; stand as an invincibly towering fortress in the face of even the most devastatingly crippling disaster; to
sequester all innocent humanity from the hands of the vicious devil,

  Both of us were born only to listen to each other; bask full throttle in the glory of melodiously enchanting sound; innocuously assimilate even the most minutest cadence of euphoria; from the ingratiatingly Omnipotent atmosphere,


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